New Raglak FF - Mareez E Ishq

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Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago


My name is Ragini Laksh Maheshwari. Following my daadimaa's materialist ideas I became Maalkin after my marriage. I owned the riches  of my in laws by tricking my father in law to sign property papers. I was thinking my powerful position could earn me their respect and love. But I was wrong and I quickly realized it.
After that, I got kidnapped by an evil stranger, then returned and tried hard to make my husband Laksh and his parents pleased with me. It never worked. My husband jailed me.
I deserved that punishment but the worst part of it came after I left jail and came home to my husband.
My name is Laksh Maheshwari. At first, I hated the simple girl I had to marry for no reason at all.
But after she gave my hatred reasons  and we fought,  I was left with a love so big in my heart that it burned both of us like hot coals burn the skin...
Following the ideas of my wicked mind, I tried hard to make her suffer and turn as evil as she once was just so I could stop loving her. But things did not go as planned...
"You're only mine, Ragini. For life."
"You're sick, Laksh! I've told you many times that I want nothing to do with you."
"And I've told you hundreds of times that yes, I'm sick, you and your love are my healing. Deal with it."

             This teaser is now complete.

Hello everyone! This is my first time writing a Raglak FF. I hope the teaser got you excited for it! Since the forum isn't very active, I will be posting it on Wattpad. 

Here is the link :

The first chapter is already uploaded. Please do check it out & comment ❤❤

Thank you.