A different perspective on today's episode: 18th September

tk2015 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

I guess I'm among the very small minority who viewed today's episode from a very different viewpoint.

Firstly, I hate to keep feeling this almost each episode but did the wedding have to be ruined? Could they not have let the three be in peace for one day? Could Hanita not have been beaming during their bl**dy wedding ceremony?

The episode began with Minnie doing the ghatbandan, smiling through her tears as she has been for a year now, I suppose. Babes looked back, but her Hanuman uncle didn't spare her a glance.

HS was hurt, deeply, and was feeling insecure about his relationship with his Veer Balika. Minnie started taking steps backwards as Hanita started going forward with their wedding, the pheras.

She remembered almost her entire journey with her uncle, all those points where she finally had someone to trust, to fall back on, to get loved by.

She walked back, away from her parents as she felt like a third wheel. Not just because of Kammo's words, but HS' actions too. HS might have brought Minnie the lehenga, asked her to do greh pravesh with her mother, but now he was contradicting his words with his actions. Due to his hurt, he was ignoring his Queen Victoria, hurting his child in the process.

Except during the Imarti track, when has Minnie put HS over her Babes? During the entire wedding track, it was all about Babes, Babes, Babes. HS himself said Babes should be indulged and given the wheel for her to truly leave behind her past and recover from the hurt she has felt. From where will the thought enter Minnie's head that she isn't meeting HS' expectations from her?

Now due to one CD misunderstanding, he blames Minnie? When Minnie stumbled and Bobby caught her, she spoke of trust. How she trusts Bobby, Mickey and Preet because trust is very important.

She was rambling, because HS did not trust her. He of all people doubted her due to one CD (in her mind). The one person who has stuck by her through thick and thin and vice versa was raising his finger on her and her intentions.

Minnie did not run off to her grandparents because she was worried about them, she ran off to them because she felt utterly and truly alone. They were absolutely cr*p to Babita, but they had a separate equation with Minnie, one nobody can deny.

She was self-victimising, yes. But she has depression. She has HUGE insecurities regarding a father, because of how her biological one treated her. She was fed lies all her life and her world came crashing down on her with one truth. What if she made the same mistake again?

She wants her Babes to be happy. That is her sole motivation in life at this point and she now feels (overthinking, most likely) herself to be the hindering factor in her mother's life. She is bound to walk away, to leave her alone. She didn't leave her Hanuman uncle, she left both of them to ensure they stay happy because that thought has now taken up residence in her mind.

She doesn't yet realise where HS' feelings, hurt and insecurities are stemming from. The father daughter duo have a long way to go before truly understanding each other but they WILL bridge this gap.

Ultimately, with how mature Minnie acts, she has fooled not just her mother, but also her father now. She is barely 17, she can not be expected to understand every small intricate emotion of HS just because she has been his rock whenever he has showed his hurt to her, whether it be regarding Imarti or his mother.

I understand that she was super rude to HS right before the appendicitis track. But she had a sh*t load of qualms about love, which he helped dissipate. After which she proved her worth to him in gold. She was by his side when he needed her to be. She proved herself to be someone he could lean on for support.

Not only was she left behind to collect the grains her mother was leaving behind (a little extra imo), she was also excluded from the entire greh pravesh. Something HS had explicitly expressed wanting her to be a part of. This is just going to make matters worse on both ends.

I'm not saying HS was/is wrong. He wasn't. He is absolutely justified to feel hurt after what he feels was a rejection from his Veer Balika regarding his father status. But Minnie isn't in the wrong either.

As for the precap, I'll hold back on forming any opinion, as always. The CVs don't show us enough of the story in precaps for me to sway any which way.


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tantal thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Super like your post. I feel because the CVs have written such a matured beyond years character for Minnie that people forget that she is just 17 years old. Mot kids her age are brash, sullen, rude, self-absorbed brats with no interest in naything other than their friends. And here this girl is thrown in a the deep end of life, without any genuine  support system and yet she manged to survive and give her mom a new leash of life.  She is now at a crossroad where she is beset with fears and anxieties. Maybe it was that fear of unknown that made her slip up during the speech. Was it wrong? Of course. Was it such a heinous, unforgivable mistake that she can't be given the benefit of doubt that she slipped up because of the enormity of the situation and being overwhelmed. Again .. she is 17. Still akid. The other two characters are double her age or more. If those people's actions can be explained away so glibly why crucify her for what seems like a genuine mistake. Did she do it maliciously? No.

guddi01 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

The wedding was a miss for sure and it felt like a funeral to be sure, HS was like a Zombie and Babita kept on looking for Mini but did not see her. She is thinking of HS and Khamo words who she trusts than  her HS who will leave her is crazy.

I understand HS pain and what he sees as betrayal by his Veer Balika, she gives a speech on her Babes and mentions the Khuranas but does not mention him even once and talks about losing her Babes where did that come from and this  confused him and than goes on talking about pictures and the CD going in the background is in synth with her words and it is only the horror and when HS gets up that she sees the CD but the damage is done and she still does not get it.

And it is this betrayal that he feels by Mini not accepting him as a Father has hurt him and hence the Zombie status and he is scared to look at her and Babita.

Why the last few days has she been hanging behind with such a sour face is unbelievable and than HS gets blamed for not looking for her. Babita was looking for her but could still not see her.

She choose to go to the Khuranas to be great again. Did she not understand her Babes yesterday when she spoke about her life and Lovely treating her for 17 years, she choose to ignore what Lovely did to her Babes and reminded her that she is aunt and bid her farewell as if nothing had happened and how she had treated her Mother and the Khuranas how they had treated her Babes but needed there say so to go Babes Badai is crazy.

When Babes asks where she is she lies again and hangs back again at the Badai. So we have the great Mini again.

She talks about trust to her Friends but did she not trust her HS to love her after they Marry. What hurt him more is that when she was speaking of Babita, she not once mentioned HS as her hero and did not mention him or say anything to him afterwards and only realizes when he questions her about the CD that be too has been hurt but it is too late by than.

Precape is not good as Babita is saying that the Marriage is nothing without Mini. Crazy

Reshmi.parekh78 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: tk2015

I guess I'm among the very small minority who viewed today's episode from a very different viewpoint.

Firstly, I hate to keep feeling this almost each episode but did the wedding have to be ruined? Could they not have let the three be in peace for one day? Could Hanita not have been beaming during their bl**dy wedding ceremony?

The episode began with Minnie doing the ghatbandan, smiling through her tears as she has been for a year now, I suppose. Babes looked back, but her Hanuman uncle didn't spare her a glance.

HS was hurt, deeply, and was feeling insecure about his relationship with his Veer Balika. Minnie started taking steps backwards as Hanita started going forward with their wedding, the pheras.

She remembered almost her entire journey with her uncle, all those points where she finally had someone to trust, to fall back on, to get loved by.

She walked back, away from her parents as she felt like a third wheel. Not just because of Kammo's words, but HS' actions too. HS might have brought Minnie the lehenga, asked her to do greh pravesh with her mother, but now he was contradicting his words with his actions. Due to his hurt, he was ignoring his Queen Victoria, hurting his child in the process.

Except during the Imarti track, when has Minnie put HS over her Babes? During the entire wedding track, it was all about Babes, Babes, Babes. HS himself said Babes should be indulged and given the wheel for her to truly leave behind her past and recover from the hurt she has felt. From where will the thought enter Minnie's head that she isn't meeting HS' expectations from her?

Now due to one CD misunderstanding, he blames Minnie? When Minnie stumbled and Bobby caught her, she spoke of trust. How she trusts Bobby, Mickey and Preet because trust is very important.

She was rambling, because HS did not trust her. He of all people doubted her due to one CD (in her mind). The one person who has stuck by her through thick and thin and vice versa was raising his finger on her and her intentions.

Minnie did not run off to her grandparents because she was worried about them, she ran off to them because she felt utterly and truly alone. They were absolutely cr*p to Babita, but they had a separate equation with Minnie, one nobody can deny.

She was self-victimising, yes. But she has depression. She has HUGE insecurities regarding a father, because of how her biological one treated her. She was fed lies all her life and her world came crashing down on her with one truth. What if she made the same mistake again?

She wants her Babes to be happy. That is her sole motivation in life at this point and she now feels (overthinking, most likely) herself to be the hindering factor in her mother's life. She is bound to walk away, to leave her alone. She didn't leave her Hanuman uncle, she left both of them to ensure they stay happy because that thought has now taken up residence in her mind.

She doesn't yet realise where HS' feelings, hurt and insecurities are stemming from. The father daughter duo have a long way to go before truly understanding each other but they WILL bridge this gap.

Ultimately, with how mature Minnie acts, she has fooled not just her mother, but also her father now. She is barely 17, she can not be expected to understand every small intricate emotion of HS just because she has been his rock whenever he has showed his hurt to her, whether it be regarding Imarti or his mother.

I understand that she was super rude to HS right before the appendicitis track. But she had a sh*t load of qualms about love, which he helped dissipate. After which she proved her worth to him in gold. She was by his side when he needed her to be. She proved herself to be someone he could lean on for support.

Not only was she left behind to collect the grains her mother was leaving behind (a little extra imo), she was also excluded from the entire greh pravesh. Something HS had explicitly expressed wanting her to be a part of. This is just going to make matters worse on both ends.

I'm not saying HS was/is wrong. He wasn't. He is absolutely justified to feel hurt after what he feels was a rejection from his Veer Balika regarding his father status. But Minnie isn't in the wrong either.

As for the precap, I'll hold back on forming any opinion, as always. The CVs don't show us enough of the story in precaps for me to sway any which way.

U are right and honestly m happy to read a different post..or else what ever happens ppl feel HS is right...I was to point this out but just felt no use reading the posts.....I am not blaming HS ...he has a right to feel bad but for me the serial is going a very different path..HS who trusted Minnie the most...HS Mini’s bond which was the best...Minnie who was the reason for the wedding ...she made it happen...Mini who was the one who stood for HS everytime and specially during Imarti episode...HS who loved Mini far more than anyone else ...like the daughter he never really had...to show him not trust her itself is a joke..a stupid CD incident and he started blaming Mini..is this really happening or thn finally they happened to remember that it is a drama which needs unnecessary twists and turns ...I felt bad that hS was shown accusing Mini when he shud have stood by her...why are the makers ruining the story ...they can’t break the base itself ...it is very unrealistic as this is the bond v wanted to see and which they have been able to keep till now..no matter what they should not have ruined it like this...there is no subtle proof that Mini did things on purpose nor any past incident that she will behave this way nor is the bond between the two weak then why the accusation...no context and just out of question...I wanted to write this then itself but I was surprised to see the posts...people are in love with HS to an extent where they are not seeing his flaws or then are clearly ignoring ...ideally expected ppl to react so that we get to see the bond we deserve to see and what these three deserve to get...but instead the makers ruined it..and when I saw the posts realised that whatever happens no one will feel it is wrong..in the past also there have been things like this where Babita has been shown bad for no reason where HS has behaved badly ...but every time I only see support for his behaviour ...it is fine as I understand ppl love him and maybe they are seeing only the positive side ...and positive in negative aswell...but instead y not ask yourself what is really right and whether what they are showing is justified....if we do not say that we don’t find any thing worth while in what is being shown ...this will go on same path and in future they will show misunderstandings hatred ....whereas honestly I want to see love peace...a happy family...I want to see something which gives courage to every divorcee out there ....as good things do happen....is it necessary to show everything bad...first Kammo suddenly started behaving badly...is there any reason why Kammo suddenly started feeling that Babita HS were always a couple or then whatever she said ....then Biji who was so supportive suddenly feels Babita is wrong...and to end it all even Mini is shown bad and surprisingly HS feels she did things on purpose  ...is it believable even one bit that Mini purposely inserted this CD...how can HS evn feel so....how can makers show it and make fun of the bond they themselves cherished for so long...tomorrow I won’t be surprised if they show HS disowning Mini...the way it is going they can show anything...and if we do not want that to happen we have to say it when it is shown wrongly...not support...I hope all good is shown in next episodes ...I really do not want to see unnecessary misunderstandings and no relation should be spoilt to simply show something useless......there are many others outside the family already doing lots ...everything good has suddenly become bad now please spare the family makers...do not forget ppl watching out there should be encouraged to go for such marriages as they are successful...even a step father can be a great parent to his step child...trust is the most important part there ....so just like a father wud never feel his child will do something so grave...no matter what HS also should not as he is not less than a real father....HS shud have trusted Mini...hope they do not continue showing this in future..hope they just show this as a misunderstanding and move ahead in a positive way...

Saiyaa thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 4 years ago

this happens when wounds r not treated in time , mini's fears were needed to be addressed but sadly there was no one who solely could understand the mess in her mind .

inlieu thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 4 years ago

Agree about your point that Minnie has fooled her father too. This is exactly what NB was referring to when she asked HS how much he really understood Minnie, to which his response was that she was brave, strong, etc. There's a whole side to her that he hasn't seen.

I don't think he accused her of planting that CD or that he genuinely did not trust her, because if that is the case then it is wrong. He asked her how it got there but did not pursue that line of questioning, so I am assuming his doubts were cleared. Let's see. But his feeling hurt was based on the realization (or so he thinks) that she doesn't want him, and I think he is right to feel that way based on the information he currently has. In future, when he finds out the truth - and I really hope this time Khatri is caught - then he needs to take a step back and assess why he was so quick to think Minnie was the one to do this, rather than ask Babita why she still held on to that CD.

Edited by inlieu - 4 years ago
Shruti_0505 thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

i understand all of HS insecurities and they are valid. 

but for some reason, the talk about trust hit me hard. it was on point, that there was an utter lack of trust between the 3. specially on such an important day. 

despite his insecurities, was it too much for a young girl to ask for some trust? specially when the same girl trusted him during the most vulnerable phase of his life and stood against her babes, who is her world? 

though i dont like it so much when the CVs showing mini so mature, somehow i liked it today. mini made me cry today. 

HS was not concerned where mini was through out the ceremony. only babes looked out for her. yes he is hurt, he is insecure but just once couldnt he look at her? 

i was crying during the bidaai scene. babita didnt realise she left her daughter behind, she left a part of her outside the door. yes, babes will fight with HS for mini, but the pain that mini had to go through at that moment will never be erased. the scars will lighten but they will not disappear. and HS was not even looking. even if he feels he cannot be father to mini, doesnt mini mean even a little more to him than that? if nothing else, then just his wifes daughter? 

all the flashbacks were like arrows to the heart. 

i liked the precap. despite all talks for hanita to start a new relation where mini is a part but not the entire relation, i feel this talk in the precap was needed. from how he was looking at things and had a small smile, it felt as if he has forgotten about mini, even that she is in the house. 

but as they say, a mother can never forget her child. specially mini and babes. they are truly 1. i remember HS saying that he is learning to love unconditionally from mini, i would say he has a long way to go. he loves babita, but not unconditionally. he loves mini, but again not unconditionally and he now has trust issues with her. 

same for babita. she loves HS, but she has never felt what is a husbands love. babes knows what is unconditionally love, not babita. because babes got unconditional love from mini, babita never got that kind of love. and that is what made babes speak up to babita's husband. babita and HS both need to make their journey towards unconditional true love. babes and mini love each other truly, they just need to talk and clear some MUs. 

not only babita, but all 3 of them need to learn to balance their new relation. the new equation. and babita needs to take the lead since now she is the bond between the other 2. then HS needs to take the lead since he is more mature than mini. and it is his insecurity. mini is very much secure in her relation with her Hanuman uncle. even when he hurt her so much she defended him and i think she will continue doing it in front of everyone. mini is very mature for her age, but she is still a child who has seen a lot more than a child her age does.

even when mini came to know HS loved babita, and then in the hospital, she felt her trust was broken by HS and today again her trust was broken.  

i dont think HS has realised, or will realise soon how badly he has hurt mini and babita. 

and all said and done, HS and his veer balika will be stronger after all this, their relation more solid, but these memories will never be erased. they will leave a scar. HS remembering all those moments where he was hurt proved it. everything mini said before and after held no meaning. 

the relation with khuranas will not break so soon. all said and done they are mini's relations. 

this was my post on another thread, so if someone has read it there then...

if not here it is...

Shruti_0505 thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: tk2015

I guess I'm among the very small minority who viewed today's episode from a very different viewpoint.

Firstly, I hate to keep feeling this almost each episode but did the wedding have to be ruined? Could they not have let the three be in peace for one day? Could Hanita not have been beaming during their bl**dy wedding ceremony?

The episode began with Minnie doing the ghatbandan, smiling through her tears as she has been for a year now, I suppose. Babes looked back, but her Hanuman uncle didn't spare her a glance.

HS was hurt, deeply, and was feeling insecure about his relationship with his Veer Balika. Minnie started taking steps backwards as Hanita started going forward with their wedding, the pheras.

She remembered almost her entire journey with her uncle, all those points where she finally had someone to trust, to fall back on, to get loved by.

She walked back, away from her parents as she felt like a third wheel. Not just because of Kammo's words, but HS' actions too. HS might have brought Minnie the lehenga, asked her to do greh pravesh with her mother, but now he was contradicting his words with his actions. Due to his hurt, he was ignoring his Queen Victoria, hurting his child in the process.

Except during the Imarti track, when has Minnie put HS over her Babes? During the entire wedding track, it was all about Babes, Babes, Babes. HS himself said Babes should be indulged and given the wheel for her to truly leave behind her past and recover from the hurt she has felt. From where will the thought enter Minnie's head that she isn't meeting HS' expectations from her?

Now due to one CD misunderstanding, he blames Minnie? When Minnie stumbled and Bobby caught her, she spoke of trust. How she trusts Bobby, Mickey and Preet because trust is very important.

She was rambling, because HS did not trust her. He of all people doubted her due to one CD (in her mind). The one person who has stuck by her through thick and thin and vice versa was raising his finger on her and her intentions.

Minnie did not run off to her grandparents because she was worried about them, she ran off to them because she felt utterly and truly alone. They were absolutely cr*p to Babita, but they had a separate equation with Minnie, one nobody can deny.

She was self-victimising, yes. But she has depression. She has HUGE insecurities regarding a father, because of how her biological one treated her. She was fed lies all her life and her world came crashing down on her with one truth. What if she made the same mistake again?

She wants her Babes to be happy. That is her sole motivation in life at this point and she now feels (overthinking, most likely) herself to be the hindering factor in her mother's life. She is bound to walk away, to leave her alone. She didn't leave her Hanuman uncle, she left both of them to ensure they stay happy because that thought has now taken up residence in her mind.

She doesn't yet realise where HS' feelings, hurt and insecurities are stemming from. The father daughter duo have a long way to go before truly understanding each other but they WILL bridge this gap.

Ultimately, with how mature Minnie acts, she has fooled not just her mother, but also her father now. She is barely 17, she can not be expected to understand every small intricate emotion of HS just because she has been his rock whenever he has showed his hurt to her, whether it be regarding Imarti or his mother.

I understand that she was super rude to HS right before the appendicitis track. But she had a sh*t load of qualms about love, which he helped dissipate. After which she proved her worth to him in gold. She was by his side when he needed her to be. She proved herself to be someone he could lean on for support.

Not only was she left behind to collect the grains her mother was leaving behind (a little extra imo), she was also excluded from the entire greh pravesh. Something HS had explicitly expressed wanting her to be a part of. This is just going to make matters worse on both ends.

I'm not saying HS was/is wrong. He wasn't. He is absolutely justified to feel hurt after what he feels was a rejection from his Veer Balika regarding his father status. But Minnie isn't in the wrong either.

As for the precap, I'll hold back on forming any opinion, as always. The CVs don't show us enough of the story in precaps for me to sway any which way.

count me in that minority. and i agree with what you have written.

Shruti_0505 thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: tantal

Super like your post. I feel because the CVs have written such a matured beyond years character for Minnie that people forget that she is just 17 years old. Mot kids her age are brash, sullen, rude, self-absorbed brats with no interest in naything other than their friends. And here this girl is thrown in a the deep end of life, without any genuine  support system and yet she manged to survive and give her mom a new leash of life.  She is now at a crossroad where she is beset with fears and anxieties. Maybe it was that fear of unknown that made her slip up during the speech. Was it wrong? Of course. Was it such a heinous, unforgivable mistake that she can't be given the benefit of doubt that she slipped up because of the enormity of the situation and being overwhelmed. Again .. she is 17. Still akid. The other two characters are double her age or more. If those people's actions can be explained away so glibly why crucify her for what seems like a genuine mistake. Did she do it maliciously? No.

i think i read a similar post of yours in another thread. i agree with you on both your posts. 

@Bold 1 - so true. 

@Bold 2 - this is happening just because viewers feel this is becoming a very mini centric show. which it is to some extent, but...

Shruti_0505 thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Reshmi.parekh78

U are right and honestly m happy to read a different post..or else what ever happens ppl feel HS is right...I was to point this out but just felt no use reading the posts.....I am not blaming HS ...he has a right to feel bad but for me the serial is going a very different path..HS who trusted Minnie the most...HS Mini’s bond which was the best...Minnie who was the reason for the wedding ...she made it happen...Mini who was the one who stood for HS everytime and specially during Imarti episode...HS who loved Mini far more than anyone else ...like the daughter he never really had...to show him not trust her itself is a joke..a stupid CD incident and he started blaming Mini..is this really happening or thn finally they happened to remember that it is a drama which needs unnecessary twists and turns ...I felt bad that hS was shown accusing Mini when he shud have stood by her...why are the makers ruining the story ...they can’t break the base itself ...it is very unrealistic as this is the bond v wanted to see and which they have been able to keep till now..no matter what they should not have ruined it like this...there is no subtle proof that Mini did things on purpose nor any past incident that she will behave this way nor is the bond between the two weak then why the accusation...no context and just out of question...I wanted to write this then itself but I was surprised to see the posts...people are in love with HS to an extent where they are not seeing his flaws or then are clearly ignoring ...ideally expected ppl to react so that we get to see the bond we deserve to see and what these three deserve to get...but instead the makers ruined it..and when I saw the posts realised that whatever happens no one will feel it is wrong..in the past also there have been things like this where Babita has been shown bad for no reason where HS has behaved badly ...but every time I only see support for his behaviour ...it is fine as I understand ppl love him and maybe they are seeing only the positive side ...and positive in negative aswell...but instead y not ask yourself what is really right and whether what they are showing is justified....if we do not say that we don’t find any thing worth while in what is being shown ...this will go on same path and in future they will show misunderstandings hatred ....whereas honestly I want to see love peace...a happy family...I want to see something which gives courage to every divorcee out there ....as good things do happen....is it necessary to show everything bad...first Kammo suddenly started behaving badly...is there any reason why Kammo suddenly started feeling that Babita HS were always a couple or then whatever she said ....then Biji who was so supportive suddenly feels Babita is wrong...and to end it all even Mini is shown bad and surprisingly HS feels she did things on purpose  ...is it believable even one bit that Mini purposely inserted this CD...how can HS evn feel so....how can makers show it and make fun of the bond they themselves cherished for so long...tomorrow I won’t be surprised if they show HS disowning Mini...the way it is going they can show anything...and if we do not want that to happen we have to say it when it is shown wrongly...not support...I hope all good is shown in next episodes ...I really do not want to see unnecessary misunderstandings and no relation should be spoilt to simply show something useless......there are many others outside the family already doing lots ...everything good has suddenly become bad now please spare the family makers...do not forget ppl watching out there should be encouraged to go for such marriages as they are successful...even a step father can be a great parent to his step child...trust is the most important part there ....so just like a father wud never feel his child will do something so grave...no matter what HS also should not as he is not less than a real father....HS shud have trusted Mini...hope they do not continue showing this in future..hope they just show this as a misunderstanding and move ahead in a positive way...

@Bold 2 - no good scenes will be shown. not gonna happen. MUs will fly and relations will be pulled