Sometimes the cracks made by our own hands will be irreparable. - Page 3


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NidhaA thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

There is one inherent problem with revenge - it more often than not leads to collateral damage. In this case when Jhanvi set out on her path to destroy PK Mittal - Dhruv, Kabir and the younger Mittals became collateral damage. Jhanvi/ Pooja had a moral compass even then unlike Rani. Her line was drawn at bringing in children into her plans , hence she reprimanded Rani for trying to manipulate Vyom’s son. In her blind rage though - she never stopped to consider that younger Mittals could not / did not have any part in what was done to her family. 

There is no justification for revenge, in my opinion or paying back in the same card as what was done to one. It just leads to a vicious cycle that leaves behind carnage. What PK Mittal did was horrendous and what Jhanvi did in retribution was horrendous as well. PK Mittals plan left two young girls and their mother as collateral damage. That said human being don’t all react in the same way and a revenge saga makes for a great fictional watch if executed properly. EBSS could have been one if StarPlus was not so obsessed with TRP’s or morally righteous/submissive women. SP it seems cannot digest the idea of a grey woman. As if all woman are at all times supposed to be paragons of virtue and a grey lead woman will somehow shake the foundation of Indian culture (like bowing to abusive men, forced marriage and hero worshipping abusive leads does not do the same *eyeroll*) Also yes, the senior Mittals were a part of PK’s crime and they deserve any retribution that comes their way. Whitewashing them is impossible.

The makers first mistake was in pairing . Even in promotions they used to quote Zain Imam and Shrenu Parikh’s name. They should’ve paired these two from beginning. The second mistake was thinking that audience won’t accept a grey character. We have all had enough of paragons of virtue and desperately want to see different shades of women. We are not all looking for happily ever after love stories at all times. Not all love stories have a happy beginning or ending. There are obsessive - destructive love stories where the passion is evident but so is the damaging potential of love. Not all stories require a happy ending. People die or end up suffering tragic consequences for their action. It’s called life. 

Like someone above said, this was not a story that could have been executed by SP (or for that matter any ITV channel) in prime time with justice. It would have worked better as a web series. It had some truly brilliant actors at its helm but their potential was sadly under utilised.

Edited by UmIbrahim - 4 years ago