Sameer-A Search for just ACCEPTANCE!!!

RangnRia thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago


First of all Thanks for understanding my dumbfoundedness in understanding Naina' s current state of amnesia.

But then this post is to understand Sameer's sudden transformation from a grounded, well mannered lover boy to a class-conscious snob.

Well while going through the pages of this forum I did find Sameer the most interesting character-layered ,complex, mysterious yet probably the most simple to solve .I found him in an eternal search for something which is the very essence of existence of almost everyone here Care, Concern and Acceptance.

My understanding of this character also stems from my chance encounter with a 9 year old boy who had been abandoned at a tender age of 3 by his biological mother at an orphanage, which I used to frequent in my  leisure time during weekends, so as to pursue a second marriage. An absolute loner without any traits of childish behaviour,when I did manage to get him talking to me,the first thing he told me "Kitna Ashubh hoon na main(He had been named Shubh by Angel Aunty, the caretaker).His empty eyes devoid of any emotion told me just one thing.How much we take our parents' love for granted. Shubh probably would never know the meaning of the word family or mother.He may never have what is the very locus of our existence.Yet probably in his heart of hearts he would always yearn for that one thing-ACCEPTANCE, BELONGINGNESS ...

There is no dearth of Sameers in our society.The future of the child from the first marriage after the second marriage of a lady normally depends on the whims and fancies of the new set of in-laws.And I am sure there is no scarcity of the now-infamous Somani Daadi.

Coming back to Sameer,his statement "yeh ghar mera auur Naina ka hai was a pointer to his yearning and longing for a HOME.

How would he have spent his nights at the hostel during his childhood? We all are aware of the senior bullies who leave no stone unturned to rip apart our life or our belief in ourselves. Having a mother,yet not having a lap to restore his trust in his ownself, no one to guide him through the vagaries of life,no one to help him distinguish between right and wrong, good or bad...

Loneliness gives rise to loss of feeling of acceptance and belongingness and the solitude of the dark nights might have crumpled every ounch of self-belief he might have had. Some like Shubh bottle it up and others like Sameer(true to his name) try to give it back to the bullies in the same coin. The forced separation from the only person he could call his own -his mother,gave birth to a untamed anger,untamed cause there was no one to keep it in check.

Darkness can only be killed by Light,only Positive can erode Negative and only Love and Care can tame Anger. Sameer,  in a bid to fight over his need for Concern and Care,tried every stunt which probably gave him a high that he was above all hurt, though deep down,all he had was pain.

This poor boy had to go through two rustications cause of the truthfulness of a Monitor which was unfathomable for him  cause he had learnt to lie to save both his own skin and his friends who were the only semblance of family he had.Finally when he was ruthlessly striped of the brook of love from his mother and his Nanu was humiliated,his anger peaked and the boy ended up with a bet.A bet ,which was boon according to me cause it gave him Naina,the Concern and Care he had been yearning for since childhood.(Agreed the bet was wrong from Naina's POV cause no lady deserves to be treated as bet)

On realisation of his mistake,he immediately tries to rectify and redeem himself.A boy who had several servants at his each beck and call,almost gets enslaved.Several spankings from Safari Suit  and harsh words from Naina later,he finally gets what he had been CRAVING since he got his senses-ACCEPTANCE

That moment onwards she became the CENTER of his Universe.

Untimely death of Nanu robbed him of the only person who had believed him and loved him,shook the very foundation of his existence and he was again a loner with no one to guide him properly.The care and concern showered by Naina though cemented his belief in the relationship(cause he had long lost his belief in himself being deserving of Love),yet Naina being the same age had different ways to guide him,in comparison to Nanu who told him straight whether he was right or wrong.

All alone in a so-called home and the constant mental torture by Somani Daadi made Anger raise its head again and in a bid to fight his lack of any company he got into bad friends.Though on realisation of his mistake,he yet again regained himself back from the bad habits,but still his teen mind could not see through the wickedness of Daadi.The dark clouds shrouded him again,only to be blown away by a determined Naina.

Time and again he forced her to jump out of her limits with a movie and birthday date.When he held her hand at the police station it was as if he was promising her that HE would be the One to walk her out of any darkness into sunshine.He was ready to accompany her to her home that night,but respected her refusal.On being handed out a single-sided judgement to breakup,the Anger which had been curbed by Acceptance rose its head again,this time first making him befriend Sunaina,though on realisation of his mistake ,he had tried to redeem himself.When the feeling of losing that SOLE Acceptance took over,he got into Sanyaas mode,but one look at her sealed his determination to hold onto any semblance of the Acceptance that he had got from her,to the extent of being friend-zoned.

After Chachaji and Munna's approvals,he was delighted of getting back that Acceptance from her and did all in his power to cement it so that he never has to lose it again-be it the college elections,getting Kumar Sanu as Chief Guest,taking up the entire blame on him and having to forego an entire year,tolerating her insensitivity at his sacrifice of a year and Thappad,letting go of his only remnant family-his mother,enduring her suffocating abhorrence of any form of intimacy,fighting the whole gamut of villains TT,MM ,SS,Somani even Mother nature to get married,buying a Taj Mahal for his lady love  and even giving up every right of contact with his mother.

Yet he suddenly finds the ACCPETANCE gone!!!Naina seems to be a absolutely different person who does not want to Accept him as he is and rather eyes him as full of only flaws.To top it her total reluctance to take their relationship to the next level has left him frustrated.At a juncture where he feels he is failing on all fronts,he wants and wishes for just one thing - Acceptance in the only family that he has now i.e His Naina.His heart needs only one ASSURANCE - that HE DESERVES LOVE...he deserves being trusted and he deserves to be Accepted as he is.


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Mismatch thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
You have put it down aptly and wonderfully. Suddenly the caring couple have become indifferent to each other. Sameer has turned into a snob and Naina into a dumb, money pinching Scrooge.
She can talk to Sameer about the money issues separately rather than make it an issue and he can discuss his problems to her as well. They are with eo 24/7.
Previously the same couple was mature, understanding and worked towards living with each others flaws. Suddenly Sameer is MCP and Naina is a nag.
I know they want to show the struggle after marriage and also that living together is completely diff than seeing eo for a few hours. However that doesn't mean that love marriage and young couples who live alone only fight. They May have differences but they can show some good miners other than lollipop hug/ kiss scenes. I didn't like Sameer in the HM track at all. He was so rude yo Naina all the time.
I am also confused about the intimacy factor. Why is Naina not attracted to Sameer. Anyone who loves like her will be comfortable with some intimacy. She may be innocent about the act but wanting to be with him should be ok.
I am just sad that my show is not the same anymore.
Edited by Mismatch - 5 years ago
RangnRia thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Mismatch

You have put it down aptly and wonderfully. Suddenly the caring couple have become indifferent to each other. Sameer has turned into a snob and Naina into a dumb, money pinching Scrooge.
She can talk to Sameer about the money issues separately rather than make it an issue and he can discuss his problems to her as well. They are with eo 24/7.
Previously the same couple was mature, understanding and worked towards living with each others flaws. Suddenly Sameer is MCP and Naina is a nag.
I know they want to show the struggle after marriage and also that living together is completely diff than seeing eo for a few hours. However that doesn't mean that love marriage and young couples who live alone only fight. They May have differences but they can show some good miners other than lollipop hug/ kiss scenes. I didn't like Sameer in the HM track at all. He was so rude yo Naina all the time.
I am also confused about the intimacy factor. Why is Naina not attracted to Sameer. Anyone who loves like her will be comfortable with some intimacy. She may be innocent about the act but wanting to be with him should be ok.
I am just sad that my show is not the same anymore.

Pretty much my thoughts.
Why is Naina not feeling any yearning,any desire ,any longing?
Sameer's frustration with Naina is quite understandable.Hope you dont mind me putting in a small conversation I had with a well know celeb-emcee who happened to be the editor of the magazine .During a chit-chat,the conversation steered towards Nirbhaya and his words were sharp yet so true.He told me "For us men,its all about power.Our so-called egos are fuelled by the power we have over the people we consider closest to us."
Sameer feels to have no power over Naina.And also her reluctance to take their marriage to the next level even two months after marriage is making him feel more powerless.He feels to be losing on all fronts including business.So I believe all his frustration stems from the lack of physical intimacy which would cement his belief of having been accepted by Naina and trusted by Naina.This trust and acceptance would translate into power for Sameer to face the world
But the most interesting is how come Naina is not getting any feels even though being in the same house,same room.
Bechara banda aur kya karega..4 saal yehi sunta raha "Shaadi ke baad" aur ab shaadi ke baad ...Wife naina ke badle Masterni Naina.
Uparse her constant threat to leave the house...rather sirf threat nahi baat-baat pe bag uthake nikal jana...How much more can you expect a guy to tolerate given that he is your husband who had a torturous wait of 4 years...
Itsflora thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
That parents love are taken for granted line totally got me.
I never felt bad for Naina even when she had to bear a whole package of tt,rakesh etc.Coz she still had a real full family in the form of chacha,chachi,priti

But even after Vishakha loved him,I still could feel sameer's pain since beginning. This guy basically beg for some affection. 

Lets wait and watch.    
truptishree thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Hey Ria

Just loved your post and I really got emotional because of my kiddo Sameer.

From the start of the show Sameer is my favourite. IDK but always felt that pull towards him unlike some I loved this character and because of him I started to love this show.

No doubt Naina who made us fall in love with their love story but for me it's Sameer who made me love this show from the first promo itself.(Younger Salman was also one reason to love him)

When Sameer comes from Nainital while coming in train that look on his face which pulled me towards his character.

So much loneliness in his life no family to call on his own only Nanu was there for him who truly loved him.

He always used to tell Vishakha that look at his eyes you can clearly see how lonely he is. He just wants love but sadly Vishakha never paid attention to Nanu what he was saying.

In fact Sameer is such a pure soul yes he was rebellious but I always felt that he did that to get attention from Vishakha because she never paid any attention to him like she did for her other Son.

I am not at all blaming her here for remarrying but it left a deep wound on Sameer's part.

He just wanted a acceptance in her life just like Rohan but sadly his other family never accepted him and in fact tried hard to prove him irresponsible.

Then when he came to PVKM he got friends like Mundit for them he was like a Hero who just landed from  some movie but they accepted him just the way he was and still they do and that's the reason he can do anything for them.

They look up to him like a Hero and that's why he don't want to disappoint them in any way.

Naina a girl whom he never have spared a glance but was forced to woo her because of his bet but he started to like her and fell in love with her because she saw which others were not able to see in him. That's one reason Sameer loves her a lot because she accepted him with his flaws and never judged him minus papers stealing.

 If you see Sameer is such a complex and multilayered character who always hide is emotions behind the mask of indifference because he is scared of that  rejection ,abandonment.

His childhood insecurities are reasons for it.

He is scared of that abandonment that he will be all alone that's why he stopped Naina from leaving first time because he is scared of being lonely again.

He just wants people to trust him like his Nanu did and up to some extent Naina.

Right now I don't find his behaviour odd because he is like this.

It's his defence mechanism when he can't share his pain with anyone he lashes out at them. He did  it in past and now he is doing same. To marry Naina he fought with everyone and everyone is just hell bent to prove his decision wrong and right now Naina is also not helping either because of her behaviour and she is also not wrong here in a way.

He thinks she changed and for her he changed but they both are same just like before but now they both are seeing each other in different light all together.

If you see he just want to prove that his decision is right to marry her and he needs that acceptance/assurance.

Lack of intimacy is also adding more fuel to his anger because he thinks Naina don't trust him enough to allow that. He just wants that kind of acceptance from her.

If you see from his childhood he is so lonely,misunderstood. He always have to struggle  to get some happiness fearing abandonment from his loved ones.

 For some people it's matter of survival but for Sameer it's matter of acceptance from childhood and he is still struggling for the acceptance from  people around him to trust his decision and from Naina  to trust him  like before to take their relationship a step further.

Yes he wants only love and he do deserves that love because he is worthy of it.

He is that kind of a person if you give him  just little bit love and he will love you back  with  his everything and will do anything for you.

USwamy thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
I think Sameer's out of character behaviour right now stems from his lifelong insecurities.

Not only he has deep rooted fear of abandonment but people around him except Nanu and Naina have never believed in him. They have always taunted him and considered him a failure, including his mom.

He also deep down doubts his abilities. The only thing he has been absolutely sure of and is proud of is his relationship with Naina. It is as if he has been absolved of everything. So this is the one thing he can't accept people commenting on. He is fiercely protective and possessive of Naina. He is ok with people pointing fingers at him. He has willingly put himself in the spot many a times to protect Naina but he can't stand anyone pointing fingers at Naina or their relationship. Since Naina is not helping matters, she has her own limitations, he is unable to defend her hence the anger and frustration which is being misdirected at her. During the dinner fiasco the VO mentioned as much.

Secondly, this is his first real home. He wants everything perfect and hence he is so possessive about its upkeep. He wants to be the man of the house and Naina to look up to him. He is unable to share his office trouble because he doesn't want Naina to think he is a failure and he can't be a responsible husband.

He needs to learn to open up to Naina and share his fears. This is difficult for him because this will be learnt/ acquired behaviour for him but he will get there with practice and Nainas unconditional love.

RangnRia thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: truptishree

Hey Ria

Just loved your post and I really got emotional because of my kiddo Sameer.

From the start of the show Sameer is my favourite. IDK but always felt that pull towards him unlike some I loved this character and because of him I started to love this show.

No doubt Naina who made us fall in love with their love story but for me it's Sameer who made me love this show from the first promo itself.(Younger Salman was also one reason to love him)

When Sameer comes from Nainital while coming in train that look on his face which pulled me towards his character.

So much loneliness in his life no family to call on his own only Nanu was there for him who truly loved him.

He always used to tell Vishakha that look at his eyes you can clearly see how lonely he is. He just wants love but sadly Vishakha never paid attention to Nanu what he was saying.

In fact Sameer is such a pure soul yes he was rebellious but I always felt that he did that to get attention from Vishakha because she never paid any attention to him like she did for her other Son.

I am not at all blaming her here for remarrying but it left a deep wound on Sameer's part.

He just wanted a acceptance in her life just like Rohan but sadly his other family never accepted him and in fact tried hard to prove him irresponsible.

Then when he came to PVKM he got friends like Mundit for them he was like a Hero who just landed from  some movie but they accepted him just the way he was and still they do and that's the reason he can do anything for them.

They look up to him like a Hero and that's why he don't want to disappoint them in any way.

Naina a girl whom he never have spared a glance but was forced to woo her because of his bet but he started to like her and fell in love with her because she saw which others were not able to see in him. That's one reason Sameer loves her a lot because she accepted him with his flaws and never judged him minus papers stealing.

 If you see Sameer is such a complex and multilayered character who always hide is emotions behind the mask of indifference because he is scared of that  rejection ,abandonment.

His childhood insecurities are reasons for it.

He is scared of that abandonment that he will be all alone that's why he stopped Naina from leaving first time because he is scared of being lonely again.

He just wants people to trust him like his Nanu did and up to some extent Naina.

Right now I don't find his behaviour odd because he is like this.

It's his defence mechanism when he can't share his pain with anyone he lashes out at them. He did  it in past and now he is doing same. To marry Naina he fought with everyone and everyone is just hell bent to prove his decision wrong and right now Naina is also not helping either because of her behaviour and she is also not wrong here in a way.

He thinks she changed and for her he changed but they both are same just like before but now they both are seeing each other in different light all together.

If you see he just want to prove that his decision is right to marry her and he needs that acceptance/assurance.

Lack of intimacy is also adding more fuel to his anger because he thinks Naina don't trust him enough to allow that. He just wants that kind of acceptance from her.

If you see from his childhood he is so lonely,misunderstood. He always have to struggle  to get some happiness fearing abandonment from his loved ones.

 For some people it's matter of survival but for Sameer it's matter of acceptance from childhood and he is still struggling for the acceptance from  people around him to trust his decision and from Naina  to trust him  like before to take their relationship a step further.

Yes he wants only love and he do deserves that love because he is worthy of it.

He is that kind of a person if you give him  just little bit love and he will love you back  with  his everything and will do anything for you.

Hi Trupti,
Yes while reading through the story,I just fell in love with this character-Sameer.As I have mentioned in the post,I found it too intriguing,mysterious,complex to comprehend  yet the easiest to understand.And you are absolutely bang on with your last statement.
You give him a part of your heart and he would give his entire being to you with heart and soul.
I always will be Team Sam cause he is that one character who would never ever abandon anyone close to his heart and is an epitome of selfless love.
Warna who goes to take on a stringent Safari Suit's multiple slaps and yet accept the entire blame even though it was the lady who coaxed him into the room at night???
Which guy would work like a slave at your home,manage your problems and ghar-ke-issues like his own,be treated like a naukar yet tolerate everything with a smile on his face just for forgiveness???
Which guy would even think of Sanyas,being the sole heir of a business house after being dumped by his girlfriend without his consent being asked for?
Which guy would accept you back without any question after you decide to dump him without even asking for his opinion or consent?
Which guy would even think to ruin his own academic year just to save the lady's honour?And then forgive the lady even though all he got as a reward for his sacrifice was a SLAP?
I am hopeful that intimacy does give him some assurance of acceptance and atleast he tries to open up cause trust me its very difficult to get such people talking!!!
Edited by RangnRia - 5 years ago
RangnRia thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: USwamy

I think Sameer's out of character behaviour right now stems from his lifelong insecurities.

Not only he has deep rooted fear of abandonment but people around him except Nanu and Naina have never believed in him. They have always taunted him and considered him a failure, including his mom.

He also deep down doubts his abilities. The only thing he has been absolutely sure of and is proud of is his relationship with Naina. It is as if he has been absolved of everything. So this is the one thing he can't accept people commenting on. He is fiercely protective and possessive of Naina. He is ok with people pointing fingers at him. He has willingly put himself in the spot many a times to protect Naina but he can't stand anyone pointing fingers at Naina or their relationship. Since Naina is not helping matters, she has her own limitations, he is unable to defend her hence the anger and frustration which is being misdirected at her. During the dinner fiasco the VO mentioned as much.

Secondly, this is his first real home. He wants everything perfect and hence he is so possessive about its upkeep. He wants to be the man of the house and Naina to look up to him. He is unable to share his office trouble because he doesn't want Naina to think he is a failure and he can't be a responsible husband.

He needs to learn to open up to Naina and share his fears. This is difficult for him because this will be learnt/ acquired behaviour for him but he will get there with practice and Nainas unconditional love.

Hi USwamy,
As I have mentioned in the post,the insecurities of such people and their self-doubt all stem from the fact that they have been abandoned by the very people this world considers the only semblance of family.Such persons are obsessively possessive about whatever affection,concern and care is given to them cause their greatest fear is they would probably never be accepted by anyone else since their own family had abandoned them.I have witnessed the same traits in Shubh as well.But all I can say is such people are GEMS at heart.
Edited by RangnRia - 5 years ago
Sameer Thumbnail
