Bollywood Celebrity Ranking
For the period Tuesday, December 11, 2018 to Monday, December 17, 2018
FAQ: How this ranking points are computed?
Please note that the numbers in the table above are presented in points after calculating them in relative terms compared to other celebrities so don't be confused on how it says Fans to be 300 (thats the maximum weightage) when they have more or less. So for example if Sharukh Khan has maximum number of fans at 2463 so that is considered as the maximum weightage Point 300 (considered 100%) and from there we start calculating other celebrities like Salman Khan has 1638 fans and so it gets 149 Points (which happens to be near 70% of Shahrukh Khan).
Similarly if Katrina Kaif got the maximum number of views and our max weightage point is 325 and if Priyanka Chopra gets 81 points for views then it means that Priyanka Chopra is getting almost 25% views of what Katrina Kaif got.
Same thing goes with Comments and other parameters. From time to time we would be optimizing our weightage system and will add more parameters to make this ranking system more better.
For the period Tuesday, December 11, 2018 to Monday, December 17, 2018
FAQ: How this ranking points are computed?
Please note that the numbers in the table above are presented in points after calculating them in relative terms compared to other celebrities so don't be confused on how it says Fans to be 300 (thats the maximum weightage) when they have more or less. So for example if Sharukh Khan has maximum number of fans at 2463 so that is considered as the maximum weightage Point 300 (considered 100%) and from there we start calculating other celebrities like Salman Khan has 1638 fans and so it gets 149 Points (which happens to be near 70% of Shahrukh Khan).
Similarly if Katrina Kaif got the maximum number of views and our max weightage point is 325 and if Priyanka Chopra gets 81 points for views then it means that Priyanka Chopra is getting almost 25% views of what Katrina Kaif got.
Same thing goes with Comments and other parameters. From time to time we would be optimizing our weightage system and will add more parameters to make this ranking system more better.