Bepannah,my thoughts, Living life on her conditions!

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Bepannah My thoughts~ ep 184 28. 11.18  Living life on her conditions! 

Once they both negotiated their Bepannah love towards each other and  came to agree upon the settlement of marriage by mutual consent. Such irony Adi's mother tried intermittently to break their negotiations of becoming life partners till eternity. Circumstances , dear ones and foes,  broke their settlement and pulled both Adi and Zoya apart in such a manner, that their chances of ever considering fresh settlements and  discussions became quite unthinkable. But then again if both were meant for each . Their marriage crafted in heaven then  things are subject to change also. We see in this episode that Anjana once again becomes a hot potato between Adi and Zoya. This time running, one can predict she may play a pivotal role in reuniting this couple who were never meant to be apart.

The problem with Adi is that he reckons he has no problem! Look at how he manages all the business of his father's law firm. It an up and running lucrative business. His father's name goes on ,even if takes a lot out of him physically. But then again, he has to have some failing which will ultimately give Zoya a good enough reason to step back in his life. Anjana becomes the valid reason, to breathe life back into what's left of the Hooda family.

But this time Zoya sets the terms of settlement. She is wise enough to realize that if she came as herself as Zoya, Adi would never hire her. Thus unfortunately  it's his mother who will end up being deprived. Zoya's virtue is thus to let her services and action speak louder than her body  or her face! To Adi , she  is literally dead, as he had put her virtue on the stakes!  This predicament that surrounds Zoya reminds me of a scene from the Shakespeare's play, Much ado about nothing, where the female protagonist  plays dead to the world  hidden away in a crypt! As  her chastity is wrongly and maliciously held in question by the man she loves. Only till the man who accused her wrongly, marries her embalmed body,  as an act of pure love that never ceased within, him did the woman  resurrect herself to the world. Her purity upheld by her wedded husband.

The episode once again gives us a chilling reminder that in actuality  neither Zoya nor Aditya cheated upon each other. Yet they remained, silent, indifferent and quite dead to each other , despite being alive.  It was doubt in Adi's mind and hurt subsequently in Zoya's heart that made them both living corpses  to each other.

Given the chance they would have carried on  riding on the wings of time. But  what comes about is, that time does not heal them. The scarring remains, the memory lingers, only both Adi and Zoya get better at coping with their separation. Till destiny plays its part. Evil forces set out to destroy them. Yet out of destroyed hearts , prompted by events and people that matter to them.. third chance emerges! For with Bepannah love, there is no dearth of chances. Only reasons to open up negotiations afresh!

No one in their right mind can say that Adi fails to look after his only surviving parent, his mother. But this one can conclude, That he has too much on his plate! Running the law practice on the one hand. Caring, for his mother in her familiar home environment. But in juggling the two. Adi is very likely to drop one ball here and then! Looking at things its his mother again who goes wild, suffers a fall and has to undergo stitches !

Zoya's presence can now only repair the tear in the surviving Hooda family. She makes crucial  decision.  

 She sees, Adi when it comes to his mother mercilessly blames himself for relying upon others. It's time for the angel  whom his mother craves for  to act. Others act as go between the angel and him. Its strictly business with a clear yet hidden agenda! Lick Adi into shape while providing residential care to his mother too. Ad's in a situation where beggars cannot be choosers! Or rather rich men cannot dictate terms!  

It's the carer who will put forth her conditions of work! Out of which  the key ones are the working hours!  Which means Adi too has to set his life accordingly to those hours! Zoya sets out to tame his laxed lifestyle where he works himself to death!

Without letting him know Zoya sets about to put his house in order!  Its significant when she first sets foot in Hooda house, she seeks Krishna and Radha's blessings in her crusade to give back the kingdom that this Ram  rightfully deserves. As Sita was to Ram, she  too will support him in putting in place, the rule of peace, justice and truth.  Till Adi  recognizes the truth about her value and worth, she will remain, invisible  to him and mute to all in the house  except her patient. It is noticeable how this angel sets a condition of having nothing to do with the eyes and ears of the house! Namely the servants! For it was a servant who acted as a mole  and caused much grief to the  Hooda family!

She will slip in and out of the house with her very own key! Zoya's key that gives her access into Hooda house which once banished her out of Ram's kingdom ,is the virtue of honouring her husband's family, the virtue of showing compassion to the vulnerable ones, which were once her new family. She still uses the key of the virtue of loyalty, the virtue to serve her elders. The key lies in her very pure unseen soul and not just in her visible young and attractive body!

Kunal does query this invisible angel's motives.. for all they know she might be some thief!  Adi is only interested in bringing back his mothers angel  to her! Arjun does notice  a firmer regime even being applied to Adi by this invisible angel! Half jestingly Arjun  refers to Adi as adhering to her nearly wife type commands!!

As for giddy Mili, She  goes beyond the call of duty where Adi is concerned. His  long working hours at the office, gives her all the more reason to look  after this tough nut who is  as she reckons is a big softie. Her nurturing spirit takes over , when she attempts  to cover him with her shawl of devotion. She is part of the scenario to show that Adi has no time for fun and games with other women! Be it Mili,  who is in a vulnerable position where another  boss  could have easily taken  advantage of her. The cv's give her a Zoya  illusion, with an out look, bubbly, keen and alive.. and but Zoya was intelligent. Trouble  is, there is only one woman in Adi's life.. Zoya! long gone, but she continues to be within him as much as he hates to admit.. he fails to notice the similarity!

Arjun and Mili make quite a pair!  together behind Adi's  back, they both try to add  zest in Adi's monotonous boring life. The planne surprise  birthday party!!  Makes him lose his equilibrium!  Sick joke! He recalls one sponsored by his first cheating wife Pooja! conducted by his second cheating wife Zoya! gosh it hurts him deep down in the inner recesses of his heart!  The wound festers and once more he hates the whole world! Once more he fails to recognize, the effort and good will put in just to  tell him he matters to them! But Adi is ready to fire all!  

Its his mothers singing, happy birthday Chiku! That moves him to tears.. she remembers! His  heart once more softens as he sinks to his knees and tearfully  much moved, seeks and accepts his mothers blessings.. his gift is to see her happy and  recuperating ..

He bends to face and blow the flickering candles !  he is asked to make a wish.. Adi does and to his horror! He is in shock! Zoya stands in the door way as true as life! he doesn't know how to react? His mother's beaming smile stops him.. god knows how he should react? Shout at his mother's angel or bid her to enter??

Well sparks will fly between them! she  will stand in the door way! Adi blocks her from crossing the threshold! Little does he know that her vermillion foot prints are already imprinted where the temple is! The gods themselves have settled!  that its time for her to face him. The divinities themselves have used Adi's mother as a vehicle for Zoya to return to the kingdom she was banished from! Wil Adi dare to defy the gods??? Hamlet53 29.11.18

Arjun and Noor's one-night stand to put it crudely has baffled me.It has to have a positive outcome. This moment of passion was it the only option available to Noor to express her sincere love to Arjun? By  the looks of things. Arjun  does not question her virtue. In fact, her sincere note to him , makes him regret losing her. She rushed away from him, due to letting down her fathers trust! Will Adi and Zoya support their siblings? Will they get back together , so that on behalf of Arjun,  both Adi and Zoya can approach Waseem and ask for Noor's hand in marriage  with Arjun ? Will they act as elders and lead by their reconciled example??and last but not the least will Waseem for once see his daughters happiness upfront! rather than his ego and the petty past??    

It was super to see Adi and Zoya.. Jenny and Harshad .. cherishing every episode ! waiting for the promised happy ending... much love hammie...erhh sorry for the long spiel !   


Hammie's Bepannah Thoughts Index



Edited by Hamlet53 - 5 years ago


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SuzanneH thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Hi Hammie,

Loved your insights in this episode and a lot of symbolism for sure.  

Arjun & Noor's tender kiss from the previous episode surprised me to the next step of waking up in bed with each other.  Quite scandalous for an Indian soap, I would say.  Yet, we're not entirely sure if they indeed have a one night stand as they still have their clothes on or if after hours of talking they fell asleep.  Obviously, these types of soap wouldn't show more than that compared to our North American soaps!
However, Noor is torn between her love for Arjun and her love for her dad which seems to have been the issues with both daughters.  They love and respect their dad but are ultimately forced to abandon the love of their life.  That is definitely a sacrifice in the name of love!

It was good you noted the similarities between Zoya and Foolish Mili as there are a few that one could point out but Adi knows there isn't any other who could replace Zoya in any way.  I'm so glad that Mili only blew Adi a kiss while he was sleeping so that there wasn't any sense of betrayal even though he was fast asleep and didn't know what was going on.  I think it would have blemished Adi & Zoya's love (even though it's still broken for now) if Mili had kissed him.

All this kissing with different meanings!

I thought it was quite telling when Adi ran to his former bedroom to see that someone had been in it, all likely, Zoya herself, and then to read her letter and grumble "who the heck did this nurse think she was to tell him to live his life by her rules!"   When Zoya had yelled at him and said that she would not explain her actions because she didn't do anything wrong, she didn't cower to his demands but told him that he basically walked over the sacred line by accusing her and then left him.  She lived her life according to her rules the moment that he betrayed her as her loving husband.  

Knowing that Adi doesn't celebrate his birthdays because of very painful memories, we knew that he would blow a fuse but it was dear to see his mom remembering his birthday and acting more like herself after all this time.  Indeed the best birthday wish he could ask for.  I thought at first he was imagining Zoya across the room when he was about to blow out the candles but then there she was!  Beautiful.   He will now have to face his heart!

Until next episode...

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: SuzanneH

Hi Hammie,  hello againπŸ˜ƒ SuzanneH, lovely to see you

Loved your insights in this episode and a lot of symbolism for sure.  
 bepannah will be remembered also for apt use of  symbolism 
Arjun & Noor's tender kiss from the previous episode surprised me to the next step of waking up in bed with each other.  Quite scandalous for an Indian soap, I would say.  Yet, we're not entirely sure if they indeed have a one night stand as they still have their clothes on or if after hours of talking they fell asleep.  Obviously, these types of soap wouldn't show more than that compared to our North American soaps!
πŸ˜†.. you're  telling me! mind you we got the message.. one thing lead to another.. was this the cv's  relating to the EMA that happened  at  the start of the show.. however in Noor and Arjun's   case they were not married but are single.. first time young lovers.. both will show responsible attitude.. and.. their action will prompt Arjun to show his good breeding..
However, Noor is torn between her love for Arjun and her love for her dad which seems to have been the issues with both daughters.  They love and respect their dad but are ultimately forced to abandon the love of their life.  That is definitely a sacrifice in the name of love!
there is element of sacrifice.. you are right.. whereas with Pooja and Yash   there was cheating  involved! their ex- partners!
It was good you noted the similarities between Zoya and Foolish Mili as there are a few that one could point out but Adi knows there isn't any other who could replace Zoya in any way.  I'm so glad that Mili only blew Adi a kiss while he was sleeping so that there wasn't any sense of betrayal even though he was fast asleep and didn't know what was going on.  I think it would have blemished Adi & Zoya's love (even though it's still broken for now) if Mili had kissed him.
well.. he had this persona where women get the impression ,he needs protecting and looking after!
All this kissing with different meanings!
nothing more.. than Mili fancies her boss.. who lives surrounded by his past doldrums, off which she is quite unaware!
I thought it was quite telling when Adi ran to his former bedroom to see that someone had been in it, all likely, Zoya herself, and then to read her letter and grumble "who the heck did this nurse think she was to tell him to live his life by her rules!"   When Zoya had yelled at him and said that she would not explain her actions because she didn't do anything wrong, she didn't cower to his demands but told him that he basically walked over the sacred line by accusing her and then left him.  She lived her life according to her rules the moment that he betrayed her as her loving husband.  
he half expected his mother's angel to be Zoya.. he was looking for feelers.. but remember.. Adi  actually trained her.. taught her to pull her socks  up! today if she stands up to him.. it was  the same style of Zoya telling him a few home truths!   she actually sorts his  life out   organizes time for him... forces him to look after himself.. without  openly interfering  .Zoya wisely  treats both mother and son!
Knowing that Adi doesn't celebrate his birthdays because of very painful memories, we knew that he would blow a fuse but it was dear to see his mom remembering his birthday and acting more like herself after all this time.  Indeed the best birthday wish he could ask for.  I thought at first he was imagining Zoya across the room when he was about to blow out the candles but then there she was!  Beautiful.   He will now have to face his heart!
yes Suzanne.. and what a pressie he gets in  the end! Zoya!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ erhhh much to his consternation !  things can only get better...
Until next episode...
yes  mate... glad you enjoyed the episode ,like I  did,! loved your thoughts, and waiting for   more for you... many thanks and much love hammie

NusiSg thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
Living Life on her condition! once again a perfect title for the episode,, & ur thoughts with  the  magical flow, is my lifeline!!
ur referance of shakespear's novel was Gold,,, ur fab hammie,, & learned & a diamond for ths forum.😳
well epi was ur right, they jst trying to tie knots glad it doesn't look haphazard & ugly,, still my heart weeps for ths beautiful creation's fate,, they certainly deserve better treatment!! 
i jst love the scene where he made the wish & instantly he was granted wat resides in his very recessess of heart,, Bepannaah will always be in my heart for these small nauances!! 😳

When she trashed Adi for not fulfilling his responsibilities well, my heart broke once agian... poor soul needs a breather yarr,, mandir ki ghanti hai kia,, koi bhi baja k chala jata hai,, khair now a sits ending i dun want to feel bad about any of them.. Adi definitely deserve the support he is trying to  give others... 

well Arjun & Noor too seems in a rush,, πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜† but thats wat written intheir fate also,, yup i do feel they hav been supported by their siblimnngs, only if they too patch up,, will watch the remaining two & will be here asap!! luv & hugs.. 
Edited by NusiSg - 5 years ago
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
hello Nusi...πŸ˜ƒgalli mein chand nikla... gosh! you must be busy at work.. or were you dreading seeing the finale week episodes??
Living Life on her condition! once again a perfect title for the episode,, & ur thoughts with  the  magical flow, is my lifeline!!
ur referance of shakespear's novel was Gold,,, ur fab hammie,, & learned & a diamond for ths forum.😳 ohhh good you enjoyed the reference.. only recently watched the play in the theatre  .. all women cast   πŸ˜›... it was to reverse the concept that in Shakespeare's days.. men played all the roles.. even women's..
well epi was ur right, they jst trying to tie knots glad it doesn't look haphazard & ugly,, still my heart weeps for ths beautiful creation's fate,, they certainly deserve better treatment!! 
i jst love the scene where he made the wish & instantly he was granted wat resides in his very recessess of heart,, Bepannaah will always be in my heart for these small nauances!! 😳
you beautifully express the feelings of the forum.. we just couldn't get enough.. always the case with things one love..
When she trashed Adi for not fulfilling his responsibilities well, my heart broke once agian... poor soul needs a breather yarr,, mandir ki ghanti hai kia,, koi bhi baja k chala jata hai,, khair now a sits ending i dun want to feel bad about any of them.. Adi definitely deserve the support he is trying to  give others... 
the beauty of the show is the gradual realization where he went wrong.. and Zoya is back telling him what he doesn't want to hear! just like in the beginning.. she certainly will bring an order to his rushed off his feet life!
well Arjun & Noor too seems in a rush,, πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜† but thats wat written intheir fate also,, yup i do feel they hav been supported by their siblimnngs, only if they too patch up,, will watch the remaining two & will be here asap!! luv & hugs..
Nusi you take your time and savour the remaining episodes.. as for me I'll wait for your wonderful thoughts.. will reading them as    a healing for me too... missing Adi and others.. much love hammie