Nov. 2nd: Love wins and Radha is thwarted

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Another interesting episode today. 

An interesting byplay between societal norms and lovers. On one side were all the parents with their respective points of view. On the other side were the lovers who initially seemed to falter in their test of love...Sudevi lied and said she doesn't love Bhairav and wished to marry the man her father chose.  And in the middle were Krishna and Radha as spectators...Radha seeming to claim "victory" in the first round with what she felt was her viewpoint winning outπŸ˜†...she got praise from Yashoda as well for speaking the truthπŸ˜†...Krishna suffered silently through all the disappointed and sad looks his parents threw towards him.  

For a moment even I wondered if that was supposed to be the takeaway from this chapter...a love defeated by society when it isn't strong enough to stand up for itself. But ultimately Sudevi came through and stood up for herself πŸ‘. She passed the test of love which as Krishna rightly said, mankind has to do on it's own...God can't make you pass that test with a snap of his fingers. 

They layered the epi so beautifully with Krishna absorbing the suffering of Bhairav being lashed...the tears falling from his eyes as he lives through the pain right alongside the faltering lovers. Waiting and watching just like the rest of us to see where this goes. 

Everything flipped with Sudevi's proud declaration of her love...she credited Krishna with trying to open her eyes and labeled Radha as the one who evoked fear of society and parents in her...Radha's shocked face at this turning around on her for some reason made me laughπŸ˜†...this is but the first of many blows to awaken the conscience I suspect. For today we saw, even Sudevi's conscience didn't awaken until she saw her lover being lashed brutally for so many minutes. 

Precap gives us insight into where Radha's rigid ideology about love comes from. Her father extracting a promise that she will only marry the man he chooses for her. It seems like Sudevi's declaration will be viewed as an insult to her family and Radha's father will subsequently become more rigid in his views. Which is kinda ironic cuz he seemed to be asking Sudevi for her choice and consent about who she wants to marry. But when it turned out that Sudevi so boldly declared her love, maybe Vrishbhaan didn't like that and seems to consider it insulting. Which is why he may be asking his daughter to never put him through something like that. 

Well if we've learnt anything from this epi, it's this...the more ppl try to constrain and torture love, the more likely it is to break free from the chains of persecution and stand strong. Today it was Sudevi, and soon it will be Radha.  I know it's hard to imagine seeing her lashing out at Krishna in the precapπŸ˜†. But that seems like the lashing out of a thwarted and frustrated mind. She didn't expect the tables to turn the way they did and for Krishna to come out looking like the winner in thisπŸ˜†

The Krishna Vaani was again so lovely in talking about is easy to form drawing a name on soil...but it is much harder to sustain writing on is only when  you travel through the depth of that water that you are able to write on it. So similarly, relationships must navigate that depth as well :) 


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TheGirlofRagas thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago
Nice re view indeed.
So many things happened but the true love won. That is more than enough. Radha's ideology comes from the father. Why do parents don't communicate regarding such matter. This can be very painful to Radha one day.

Anti lovers never win, love is always victorious. Today it is clearly seen 
AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: musicalstorm

Nice re view indeed.

So many things happened but the true love won. That is more than enough. Radha's ideology comes from the father. Why do parents don't communicate regarding such matter. This can be very painful to Radha one day.

Anti lovers never win, love is always victorious. Today it is clearly seen 

Yes, the precap gives some clarity about why Radha thinks the way she does. Vrishbhaan is a doting father otherwise but also seems quite rigid in his thinking...this has become a question of family pride and honor for him. Just like his daughter, he seems to presume that love makes you rebel agains the honor of your family and brings shame to the family so he wants Radha to promise she will never do that to him. 

Pain is definitely part of Radha's destiny in this story. I'm intrigued to see how her thinking will evolve from hereon because she seems to have reached a breaking point with the whole debacle of Sudevi's love story...something will have to shift again for her to open up her mind. 

For now, Krishna seems hurt by her hatred towards him but this is Krishna...he'll bounce back with a new planπŸ˜† does win in the end. It's a matter of time as Krishna says many times. 
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
I am so happy at least some one finally had the courage to show Radha that she was WRONG !!
All this while she goes around thunking she is the epitome of righteousness ...which is not the case least in this serial 

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Sutapasima

I am so happy at least some one finally had the courage to show Radha that she was WRONG !!

All this while she goes around thunking she is the epitome of righteousness ...which is not the case least in this serial 

Everyone thinks they are the epitome of righteousness until they are proven wrongπŸ˜†. Radha is no different.  She was bound to get a rude awakening sooner or later. It's a shock to her system that own friend is saying that she was wrong and Krishna was right. 
J2lover thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
   It was again a beautiful episode! For the first time maybe, i was watching the lord lowering his eyes in guilt in front of his parents! that whole sequence was so very human-ish! God, i just love the makers, for their UNIQUE understanding of this human iteration of krishna! How well, i connect with THIS character as a viewer!😳 He genuinely felt guilty it seemed for making his parents sad! Though, the devotee in me was like, 'Is he really like, GUILTY guilty'?πŸ˜†

    Yesterday, we saw the glance of sufferings, which even the lord has to go through, in order to establish a REVOLUTION in the society! I felt, yesterday was the initiation of a MOVEMENT from krishna's side! The initiation of the motive, for which krishna has incarnated! Wherein,krishna represents REVOLUTION and radha and others, THE SOCIETY! There were so many significant scenes yesterday, which the makers weaved in so beautifully!
      Maybe it be, opportunist people like jatila and ayan, who only exsist to add 'FUEL TO THE FIRE'!πŸ˜† or the conservative people like, vrishbhan, who represents TYPICAL INDIAN PARENTS, 'THE GIRL HAS TO MARRY, WHERE THE PARENTS WANT'!πŸ₯± Then, there is our protagonist, THE LOVE GURU, who wants to release mankind from the clutches of old, useless PARAMPARAS and close mindedness! I am amused you know, that how beautifully, the RELEVANCE of the show is,to 2018! At the same time, disappointed too, that the issues which were prevalent at that time, they are YET today!

     Even today, in most part of our society, having a LOVE AFFAIR, with no knowledge to family, would lead to same type of drama, even worse, the guy would today would end up in a LOCK UP,i presume!πŸ˜† And, we say, we live in a PROGRESSIVE WORLD!πŸ₯±πŸ‘ Such a MYTH!πŸ˜†

     After, yesterday's venting on radha, i did feel bad for her at the end! I mean, in her case, she wasn't trying to frame krishna, unlike krishna, who did try to do that at some point!πŸ˜† She was just trying to avoid something unpleasant from happening in her friend's life! So, the statement which sudevi passed at the end, that krishna was the who supported her and radha instilled fear in her, came out so wrong, i felt! Its as if, sudevi played the 'I AM NOT AT FAULT' card! So, glorifying krishna by demeaning radha, is so not done!
    Dude, as if, if radha had not INFLUENCE sudevi, she was going to stand against her parents, breaking the alliance, against her parents wishes na!πŸ˜† Such a DIPLOMATIC move that was from sudevi's side!πŸ˜† Poor radha, obviously, her ego was hurt, which can be clearly seen in the precap!πŸ˜’ Frankly, i wasn't much impressed by the STAND, sudevi took after so much of drama! But, at the end, i guess, some entertainment value has to be added in order to spice up things!πŸ˜†

     Now, the MOST FAV. PART of the episode for me, was the KRISH-BAL CONVO and the krishna VAANI at the end!πŸ‘ Balram exactly asked the same questions, which i thought! 'WHY ISN'T HE JUST STOPPING TIME, SNAPPING FINGERS, AND MAKING IT ALL RIGHT'! And, then,he explained the reason behind not doing it, SO BEAUTIFULLY! The moral which i took from the convo was,' MIRACLES HAPPEN, ONLY WHEN YOU PROVE TO BE WORTHY OF IT'! The way he was silently bearing the lashes of his friend, was signifying, being a supreme personality, he's always going to be a silent savior!😭 

    I feel, now the story will take a more DARKER TURN! Till now, it was more on a lighter note, now, the struggle between radha-krishna, is going to intensify, and of course, their LOVE TOO! The precap is a CLEAR GIVE AWAY, of the FUTURE PLOT! Everything pointing towards, radha-ayan marriage! Even, the thought of radha-krishna alliance by their mothers, would be crubbed, because, krishna's image in vrishbhan's eyes, seems to be lowered quite a lot after the wedding drama! 

    The krishna Vaani was one, which touched my heart! How BEAUTIFUL the symbolism was about the soil and water difference!❀️ I connected to it on a personal scale! You know, the SPECIALITY of swastik is, that they had invented this format of KRISHNA SEEKH, since their mahabharat days! First in mahabharat, then in karn and now here! i haven't followed karn much, but as much as i have followed mahabharat, i can say, never have i ever seen, any repetition of the SEEKH in any of the shows! They always manage to bring a NEW LESSON at the end of EVERY EPISODE, which is COMMENDABLE! Its not easy to coin out so many preachings, for continuous three shows!πŸ‘ That shows the research they do, for every damn episode!πŸ‘

      P.S: The USP of the show, i am feeling right now, it that, there are no SPOILERS, unlike other shows, which are keeping the future tracks a suspense, keeping the audience hooked!😳

Edited by J2lover - 5 years ago
mnx12 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
A Dwapar yuga story interpreted in Kaliyuga, with very different mindset. In spite of having different re telling, Krishna katha will always remain trendy. You can watch with any perspective, the saar is same.
Radha can be old fashioned or contemporary but the values represented will be same. Even if Radha was shown Divine, she'll respect her parents. Both Krishna & Radha will abide by their Human body limitation.
Thats the best part. To reach Human brain even God behaves like Human.

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: mnx12

A Dwapar yuga story interpreted in Kaliyuga, with very different mindset. In spite of having different re telling, Krishna katha will always remain trendy. You can watch with any perspective, the saar is same.
Radha can be old fashioned or contemporary but the values represented will be same. Even if Radha was shown Divine, she'll respect her parents. Both Krishna & Radha will abide by their Human body limitation.
Thats the best part. To reach Human brain even God behaves like Human.

How lovely to read a post from you Minakshi ...
Please do keep posting in this forum ..

Once again requesting you ...Please become our Moderator 
We would love to have YOU here 
mnx12 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
This forum doesnt need a mod. πŸ˜†
AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: J2lover

   It was again a beautiful episode! For the first time maybe, i was watching the lord lowering his eyes in guilt in front of his parents! that whole sequence was so very human-ish! God, i just love the makers, for their UNIQUE understanding of this human iteration of krishna! How well, i connect with THIS character as a viewer!😳 He genuinely felt guilty it seemed for making his parents sad! Though, the devotee in me was like, 'Is he really like, GUILTY guilty'?πŸ˜†

    Yesterday, we saw the glance of sufferings, which even the lord has to go through, in order to establish a REVOLUTION in the society! I felt, yesterday was the initiation of a MOVEMENT from krishna's side! The initiation of the motive, for which krishna has incarnated! Wherein,krishna represents REVOLUTION and radha and others, THE SOCIETY! There were so many significant scenes yesterday, which the makers weaved in so beautifully!

@blue: Exactly. Krishna is indeed here for a revolution and no revolution comes easy. It involves suffering and sacrifice. Yesterday did feel like a turning point in the struggle as the lines were drawn on both sides to show what's coming. 

      Maybe it be, opportunist people like jatila and ayan, who only exsist to add 'FUEL TO THE FIRE'!πŸ˜† or the conservative people like, vrishbhan, who represents TYPICAL INDIAN PARENTS, 'THE GIRL HAS TO MARRY, WHERE THE PARENTS WANT'!πŸ₯± Then, there is our protagonist, THE LOVE GURU, who wants to release mankind from the clutches of old, useless PARAMPARAS and close mindedness! I am amused you know, that how beautifully, the RELEVANCE of the show is,to 2018! At the same time, disappointed too, that the issues which were prevalent at that time, they are YET today!

     Even today, in most part of our society, having a LOVE AFFAIR, with no knowledge to family, would lead to same type of drama, even worse, the guy would today would end up in a LOCK UP,i presume!πŸ˜† And, we say, we live in a PROGRESSIVE WORLD!πŸ₯±πŸ‘ Such a MYTH!πŸ˜†

Exactly...Jatila and Ayan are not far fetched "saas bahu" characters...they very much exist in society even today. The ppl standing around to always add fuel to a fire for their own agendas. And the parents feeling pressured by society very much exist everywhere today also. Not much has changed despite "progression"πŸ˜†. Only the outward world has changed/modernized. Inside, mindsets remain the same. Ppl are close-minded in different ways, but still close minded only ultimately. 

     After, yesterday's venting on radha, i did feel bad for her at the end! I mean, in her case, she wasn't trying to frame krishna, unlike krishna, who did try to do that at some point!πŸ˜† She was just trying to avoid something unpleasant from happening in her friend's life! So, the statement which sudevi passed at the end, that krishna was the who supported her and radha instilled fear in her, came out so wrong, i felt! Its as if, sudevi played the 'I AM NOT AT FAULT' card! So, glorifying krishna by demeaning radha, is so not done!
    Dude, as if, if radha had not INFLUENCE sudevi, she was going to stand against her parents, breaking the alliance, against her parents wishes na!πŸ˜† Such a DIPLOMATIC move that was from sudevi's side!πŸ˜† Poor radha, obviously, her ego was hurt, which can be clearly seen in the precap!πŸ˜’ Frankly, i wasn't much impressed by the STAND, sudevi took after so much of drama! But, at the end, i guess, some entertainment value has to be added in order to spice up things!πŸ˜†

LOL I'm not sure if Sudevi was trying to throw Radha under the bus deliberately or just candidly speaking out her own mind. She wanted to speak up about the fact that she felt torn...Krishna was trying to encourage her to stand up for her love and do the right thing while Radha was encouraging her to think about society and that made her fearful...that was indeed the truth...I don't think she was trying to accuse Radha deliberately but yes, it did end up coming out like she felt Radha shared some blameπŸ˜†

And yes, precap deffo had a Radha with her pride/ego hurt lashing out at Krishna. Let's see where they go from here. LOL@ her telling him to leave Barsana. She's forgotten that she was the one crying the most in worry over him when he hadn't reached Barsana yet. Yeh bhi try kar lo, Radha. All the bestπŸ˜†

    I feel, now the story will take a more DARKER TURN! Till now, it was more on a lighter note, now, the struggle between radha-krishna, is going to intensify, and of course, their LOVE TOO! The precap is a CLEAR GIVE AWAY, of the FUTURE PLOT! Everything pointing towards, radha-ayan marriage! Even, the thought of radha-krishna alliance by their mothers, would be crubbed, because, krishna's image in vrishbhan's eyes, seems to be lowered quite a lot after the wedding drama! 

I'm not sure if the story will take a fully dark tone hereon, but yes, it has taken a serious turn for now with this drama. Vrishbhan will now be fully mistrustful of Krishna given what's happened so he will never consider him a worthy groom for Radha. Kirtida and Yashoda are the only ones who considered this alliance initially and I suspect they will be witness to the growing love between Radha-Krishna but will feel reluctant to say anything given Vrishbhaan's opposition. Radha will be trapped by the promise she will give to her father so yes, when the time comes, for that promise, she will end up marrying whoever her dad chooses. But there is time for that yet...first Radha-Krishna have to sort out the issues between them...shaadi toh abhi door haiπŸ˜†

    The krishna Vaani was one, which touched my heart! How BEAUTIFUL the symbolism was about the soil and water difference!❀️ I connected to it on a personal scale! You know, the SPECIALITY of swastik is, that they had invented this format of KRISHNA SEEKH, since their mahabharat days! First in mahabharat, then in karn and now here! i haven't followed karn much, but as much as i have followed mahabharat, i can say, never have i ever seen, any repetition of the SEEKH in any of the shows! They always manage to bring a NEW LESSON at the end of EVERY EPISODE, which is COMMENDABLE! Its not easy to coin out so many preachings, for continuous three shows!πŸ‘ That shows the research they do, for every damn episode!πŸ‘

Yes absolutely, these Krishna sermons were a beautiful part of the SP Mahabharat too...and I'm quite happy they are continuing them here in RK as well cuz there is more scope to teach here...MB was more focused on the clashes/drama and war while this show is more based on Krishna's teachings so there is more scope to keep the vaanis going here which I hope they do. Cuz they kinda stopped them after a while in MBπŸ˜†

      P.S: The USP of the show, i am feeling right now, it that, there are no SPOILERS, unlike other shows, which are keeping the future tracks a suspense, keeping the audience hooked!😳

I agree. There is a sense of anticipation about the future story that I'm also intrigued about and enjoying. 


Edited by AreYaar - 5 years ago