MehRya SS: His Last Valentine...Epilogue page 35 04/03/18..... - Page 11


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crtkelly thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: bworm

Awesome update...more background shared.

Shaurya us getting clues. .. go ahead ir out. Shruti has given a hint already. 
Shruti back story, did dhe sleep with shaurya then?? 

Hope the miscarriage is some plan and not real.

Thanks for the pm...waiting eagerly for  next

Things are clicking indeed for Shaurya, but still more to be disclosed, and more action to be hadπŸ˜‰

I will certainly PM when the next chapter is ready.

Edited by crtkelly - 6 years ago
sarroo thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Nice update.. thanks for the pm
Anuteja10 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Kelly where are you pls update so😊on
shristi0706 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 6 years ago
Lovely update Kelly!
Shaurya understood tht Shruti had something to do with his n Mehak's separation... But I guess there is still more to b revealed. 
Trey is a director in the present, so could it be tht he had asked Mehak to act tht way n say those lines as a part of his acting assignment? Just guessing!
Is Sara really having a miscarriage or is this too part of a plan by Mehak in saving everyone's lives? Hope it is!
The argument scene between Shruti n Tanya was funny with the terrorist at the background enjoying his share of gossip from the two conniving women. I could imagine this scene well! Nicely explained this part.
Thank you for the pm n apologies for being late again! 
Anuteja10 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Kelly where are you pls update soonπŸ˜‰
crtkelly thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 years ago
Crazy busy this last week, so I will get back to responding to the feedback for the last chapter tomorrow. Here though is chapter 4. I thought I would have ended the story in this chapter, but not to be...definitely one more chapter after this...I hope you enjoy this one though:

Chapter #4

Both captors and hostages got a full appreciation of the happenings beyond White Chili's shaded windows when the doors were thrust open. Instantly, a frantic commotion erupted behind the erected barricades as the gathering of correspondents began to vie for the perfect vantage that would give them a clear shot into the building. As soon as word had filtered to them, just about every legitimate reporter plus the local paparazzi, had descended upon the scene of the crime underway at Shaurya Khanna's restaurant. After an interminable wait, finally it looked as if their staking out efforts were to be rewarded. With both sons of the illustrious family imprisoned, the payday would be considerable for the one who could offer the most candid photographic evidence of the ordeal, that had become even more scintillating in the last minutes.  Having maximized the potential of capturing images of the authorities and the distress of the hostages' loved ones, the call for medical assistance had put the horde into an utter frenzy. Consequently, it was under the glare of multiple camera flashes, that the two medics pushing a gurney, accompanied by a nurse carrying a small medical bag entered White Chilis.


 Immediately one of the gunman began frisking the new arrivals, while another hastily moved to shut the door.

"Clear," the man indicated, as he moved from the first orderly on to the sole female of the trio. The woman suffered through the indignity of the personal search, by focusing on the patient, who lay prone on the floor, having lapsed into unconsciousness shortly after the onset of her pain. Given leave to attend the fallen woman, the nurse immediately began assessing Sara, while firing off the questions that would aid her in her duties.

"How far along is her pregnancy, and had she expressed any discomfort prior to this episode?"

"No more than seven weeks, and nothing before besides a little nausea as far as I am aware," Mehek replied, distractedly fiddling with the cuff of one sleeve. "She was just so happy," she concluded. When she looked up, she found Tanya studying her suspiciously.

Noting the amount of blood lost, the nurse acted swiftly and in less than three minutes the medical trio were heading out of the door. A growl: a mixture of rage and sorrow escaped Trey's throat, before closed-eyed, the man gave in to the anguish that had built up in him, when the door shut. Not caring what anyone thought of it, Mehek went to Trey and fully embraced him.

 "Convince your audience of what they are seeing. Do you remember when you taught me that Trey? It may have hurt her, but I needed her to be authentic, and Sara would have failed if I had asked her to fake this.  You of all people know that she is much better being herself than acting."


She rotated her arm that he might feel the form of the blade that had been hastily rehidden up her sleeve after she had used it. She held him firmly when he went to push back. "Nahi. The blade is deadly sharp, it will slice into your back if you're not careful. Sara may need a couple of stiches or so, but she and the baby are fine, and more importantly they are safe now. She caught on quickly thankfully." 

As she hoped, Trey opened his eyes. Mehek released him and moved back to cup his face in her hands. Now that her purpose had been served, she couldn't bear for him to suffer any longer, especially when she needed his support. She continued, "I had hoped that some bit of humanity would have made them let you go with her, but I guess that was too much to ask for."

Trey shook his head. "Nahi, I wouldn't have gone and left you here alone. That may not have been the easiest thing to explain, so it's good that they didn't.  And now, I don't dare show my face to my wife without you, so I am right where I am meant to be Mehek."

"As am I, she said quietly, "At least, don't scream holy murder as badly as Sara did, if I accidently nick you, thik hai?"

"Nahi, Mehek, not yet...let the dust settle first, so no one doubts you," Trey said, bringing a stop to her intention of cutting him free "Remember, attention to detail is key when presenting your scene. Come here," he beckoned.


He had concluded their interaction when he kissed her cheek, a mere sweep of his lips, but a kiss nonetheless.


Shaurya had no idea what Mehek could have said to the man to assuage his grief, but the fact that Trey had no qualms about kissing a woman who wasn't his wife in full view of everyone was telling. Shaurya averted his eyes and took a steadying breath and refocused on working the shard of glass he held. No matter how angry what he had just seen made him, he had to remember that, at least in the present situation, it wasn't Trey who was his enemy. Afterwards, when they had gotten out of this mess, perhaps he would be, but not now. Now, he more important things to focus on, but he still couldn't take his eyes off them for long. Just as it had been seven years prior when he had viewed their closeness. The ill feeling was only slightly less today than what he had experienced in his teens, with his stomach roiling over his Mehek being so close to her friend's now husband.  And while it was perfectly understandable that Trey would need her comfort under such trying circumstances, Shaurya accepted the truth, that even after all this time, he was still not the sharing sort when it came to her. His Mehek. His gaze fell on her. She had finally released her friend and sat beside him, leaning on his shoulder. She looked completely worn out, and yet hauntingly beautiful to him at the same time. Of the former: one could not blame her not after tonight. However, the latter established how much she meant to him, that even not her best, all he saw was the loveliness in her. As if the thought had reached her, Mehek's eyes raised and met his. Briefly they connected in a way that felt familiar and right, until a sudden look of alarm came to her face. Shaurya turned to see Jaisan crossing the room, his face full of intent. No matter their equation, Shaurya was grateful to see Trey too steeling himself for the man's arrival.



Completely unaware to the danger to himself, Jaisan reached them. Already determining that she would only have one chance against the man, Mehek crossed her arms so that she would already have a grasp on the handle of the knife, she might have to use at a moment's notice. She winced when doing this turned the blade and it sliced into her forearm. The cut stung, be she was comforted in knowing that should need to find a target that the chance of a mortal blow was more than possible with the lethal utensil.


She was proven a complete amateur when the man struck faster than anyone could have anticipated.


"Go." Jaisan ordered, slipping the flick knife he carried, back into his pocket. He examined the stunned pair. "Say your goodbyes, and then go to your wife. Did you hear that Jack," he called out to the mediator who was on the other end of the phone "I'm releasing him: one hostage."

"Confirmed, I will ensure our men stand down when the door is opened," the accented voice responded over the telephone line.

"Two hostages," the newly freed Trey affirmed, as he grabbed Mehek's wrist and pulled her up. "I'm not leaving here without her."

A grudging respect crossed Jaisan's face, even as he raised his weapon and cocked it. "Don't be mistaken. This is an act of mercy, not a negotiation. One hostage is all I am willing to give."

"Release Mehek in my stead in that case," Trey answered. 

"Aacha. You know that is not possible. She and I have an understanding, after all. Although," Jaisan added with narrowed eyes, "Your stance is quite interesting to me. Help me understand it in a way that doesn't speak to a husband betraying his wife."

"What a sorry excuse of a man you are not to understand friendship, but then again, you aren't alone in that regard," Trey stated. His eyes slid accusingly across the room, before he presented his hands back to his captor. "You may as well do the needful then: either tie me back up or shoot me, as I will only leave this place with my friend."

"Let's hope that you won't be the one left sorry," Jaisan barked back at Trey before turning away. "Belay that Jack, my hostage has refused to leave."


The disembodied voice attempted to reason with the man he had been communicating with. "Only him, Jaisan, only he has refused. Select another. It would be a good gesture, especially after Sara..."

"That wasn't supposed to happen," the criminal protested.

"I know that Jaisan, but sometimes matters out of your control happen and they can reflect badly on you. The news is already out that it was a young mother-to-be who was harmed tonight. The public will not stand for it, should word come that she has lost her child. If you give us another hostage or two, perhaps..."


"Release the boy," Jaison suddenly.

"Nahi," Vicky shouted, when one of the henchmen cut his binds.

"Shut up Vicky. Just go."

In one of the few times in his life, the younger brother stood up to the man he most aspired to be like, even above his own father. "Nahi Bhaiyaa, not without Bhabhi. I won't go and leave her here to be hurt."

"Listen to your brother, Vicky. You know what...fine...take her too then," Jaison muttered. His next words he spoke louder to ensure that the mediator heard him. "Tell your men to stand down Jack. One man...and one woman about to exit."

"Do I have your word," the young man had the tenacity to ask.

"On my word: If the two of you are not out of here in the next minute, I will shoot the both of you, I swear. Take your bloody bhabhi and!"

 The man then walked to the front of the building determined to oversee the release of the pair himself.

Resolutely Vicky stood up and headed for the woman he considered his family. "Come on Bhabhi." 

Mehek shook her head; Vicky was naive to believe that they could do this.

"He gave his word, Mehek Bhabhi."


"Belay that damn order," Jaisan bellowed, as he swung around, with his weapon raised, disbelieving what this upstart was attempting.


"Boss!" The thug closest to his leader, shouted when it looked as Jaisan would actually fire his weapon, and received as his reward, the loaded gun pointed at him. Everyone in the room watched in shock when the man raised his own weapon to his leader. "You are losing it. You are letting an irrational obsession threaten all of us. We did not sign up for this Jaisan... calm the f**k down or you are going to get us all killed! No woman is worth that."  

The dangerous glint in the man's eyes when he ogled the woman in question, spoke otherwise.


Over the speakerphone the faceless man reiterated the same. "Listen to your man Jaisan, for everyone's sake. I will no longer be in a position to help you if it's determined that you are a greater threat than acceptable... I can only hold off an escalated response, if the situation remains stable...Calm down, or all you will be facing the consequences."

The gang exchanged uneasy glances amongst themselves, and then at their agitated leader. One of them went to the window and peered outside. He turned tensely and then went and disconnected the telephone. "Special Ops Jaisan...there's damn Special Ops out there. We should have left when we had the chance. There's no way we're going to get out of here," he declared to his companions.

"On the contrary, I intend on doing just that: trust me, just as soon as I get some answers, we will be out of here."



 The tension in Shaurya's arms instantly gave way when one last slash, severed his plastic restraints. Finally, he thought. As subtly as he could he rotated his shoulders to relieve the stiffness in them. He suspected that things were soon going to come to a head in this increasingly dangerous situation, and he had to be ready for anything. Beside him, Shruti edged closer to him.


All of them, including his own men, watched as Jaison paced in front of the two distinct groups: one that included the men determined to protect the chef from him, and the almost affianced couple. Finally, after much contemplation, he stopped in front of the smaller of the two. He withdrew the switchblade he carried. When it was clear that his focus was Shaurya, Shruti scampered away as quickly as she possibly could out of harm's way. He went to grab the hotelier's shoulder when he suddenly found his wrist captured in his hostage's vice-like grip. "Why am I not at all surprised, Shaurya Khanna," Jaison said easily, as he raised his free hand to once again gain the upper hand. "Checkmate Khanna Saab," referring to the revolver he held. He laughed. "Never fear, the intention was not to harm you, just to make you more comfortable for the occasion. If you just let me go I will free your legs. Or better yet. Shruti, be a love and come and help your beloved. I promise you will like what I have in store for everyone."


Figuring it would only be to his advantage to be freed, Shaurya encouraged the frightened woman to complete the task. She did so, and then theatrically tossed the blade away and flung herself at him, leaving him no option but to hold her lest she threw both of them off balance.


Her drama was not appreciated across the room, with both Trey and Vicky displaying their utter disgust at her antics. Mehek on the other hand refused even to look in his direction when he sought her reaction.


Dragging a chair to a spot front and center of the two groups, Jaisan straddled the back of the seat and began sharing what was on his mind.


"With everything that has happened, I can't help but wonder a few things. Now the easiest, and most convenient resolution to my query would be an affirmative answer to a simple question. Vicky boy, do indulge me and confirm that you have another brother."

"I don't."

"Aacha, and yet it's Mehek and not Shruti who you consider you Bhabhi?"

"Absolutely," the young man confirmed. "Shruti will never be my Bhabhi. And I will die first before I let you anywhere near Mehek Bhabhi," he added.

"Vicky shut the hell up!"

"Why don't you defend the one you should be, bhai instead of..."

"Boys...boys, let focus. So, Vicky, do tell: is the elevation of Mehek's status merely a case of wishful thinking, or is there some basis behind the endearment?"

Desperately, Shaurya shook his head at his brother not to give the criminal any more information.

"What does it matter? In my heart, she is my Bhabhi."

Jaisan smirked.

"Fair point. Let's just say that it's a case of a young man's idealism. I suppose that would be okay. But, somehow, I suspect there is far more to this tale." He stood and suddenly reached into his pocket to retrieve the diamond ring he had taken into his possession earlier. Holding it up he let the light hit and reflect off the exquisite gemstone. "This is indeed a beautiful ring. I must admit it was quite callous of us to interrupt its giving. Lovers should unite on this day of all days don't you think?" He then walked over to the seated couple.

"Boss, what are you doing. That ring is worth more than the entire taking..." 

Jaisan held his hand up for silence. "I don't doubt that it is worth plenty. Be that as it may, we should never place a dollar value on love. Life and love can be so fleeting. I imagine that Shruti was on cloud nine comprehending in that moment, that you had chosen her above all others, as a lover and as a life-partner. Weren't you, Shruti?"  

"I was so very happy," she said focusing on Shaurya. She could barely contain her excitement at the reemergence of the ring she thought lost forever.

Jaisan clapped Shaurya on the shoulder, and then handed him back the engagement ring. "Enough talk then. Let us all bear witness to the love you hold in your heart, Shaurya Khanna. Getting down on one knee is completely optional, of course."

"I dance to no-one's tune's least of all some want-to-be terrorist," Shaurya countered, ignoring the fact that Shurti had already extended a trembling hand out in anticipation.

"So, you are saying that you will not propose, Mr. Khanna?"


Ignoring the man, Shaurya did step closer and took Shruti's hand. He held it and studied the woman before him. "There is however, something I would ask of you Shruti, if I may?"


She nodded imagining that man to be on the cusp of declaring himself. "Haan Shaurya; anything."



Seven Years Ago...


How perverse was he to hope that the presence of this girl, busy recording the tryst was proof that Mehek was the subject of some prank that she and this boy had concocted? As awful as that was, even that would be better than the alternative, Shaurya thought. With a sliver of hope in his heart he approached the her: Shruti he remembered, silently closing the distance between them. She was one of the it girls' on campus and Shaurya had avoided her type like the plague. The stunning ones were usually as shallow as they were outwardly attractive, and Shaurya had little tolerance for their licentious ways.


"What are you doing?"

"Ah...I...Sh-Shaurya, tum?"

Shaurya watched her swallow and then continue to stumble over her words. He watched as, under his accusing glare, tears pooled in her eyes.

"Gathering proof. No-one would believe me otherwise. They all think she is so good. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "I can't believe she is doing this to Sara. Mehek knows the arrangement our family had made with Trey's. They're practically betrothed or will be in a few years' time you know. But more than that Sara, really does care for him."

"I don't believe you, what you are saying makes no sense.  Sara is her best friend, Mehek would never..."

"Do you think I believed it when I first heard about it, I still can't fathom it. I would never have thought her the type, but the proof is here right in front of us."


Something certainly was, Shaurya thought, still unable to reconcile the scene to what he inherently believed. There was only one way to shed the doubts they had. "Come on," he said grabbing her arm, determined to confront the couple.


"Now what is this I hear about you and Shaurya Khanna, Mehek?"


Just out of view Shaurya, with a tight grip on Shruti's wrist, stopped in his tracks.

"I'm tutoring him," Mehek answered.


"And nothing that concerns you Trey."

"I don't understand why you don't get that everything that relates to you, is a concern of mine, Mehek Sharma," he cajoled the young girl.

"In that case I can claim the same. What of Sara, Trey?"

"Sara...Sara means nothing..."

"Then by that reasoning, the same goes for Shaurya...he means less than nothing to me."


Less than nothing...The bottom dropped from under him when he heard her say that. Engulfed in pain he'd never have imagined could have been inflicted by mere words, he doubted he could have moved at all weren't it not for Shruti. But they had to, as something must have alerted the couple to the fact that they were no longer alone, as they both swung around. He would not give her the satisfaction of seeing him so broken. But he couldn't resist one last look at Mehek; the deceptive innocence of her face tilling his heart for the hate that grew there from that day onwards.




"After what we saw, the proof you had, you still said nothing to your family about Trey's nature. Why would you risk your cousin's happiness by saddling her with a philanderer who would fool around with her best friend? Do you hate Sara so much, Shruti?"


"I...It' was nothing of the sort Shaurya," Shruti stammered. "It was such a difficult time for me, trying to deal with everything."  She reached up to caress his face, a move that he intercepted. "And then..."


"She's lying. She's lying today, just as she lied back then."


The couple turned in acknowledgment of the voice that had come across the room. Shruti stood looking at her friend with her mouth agape. "Tanya," she asked tersely, "What are you talking about?"


"That you've hated Mehek ever since she and Sara became friends, and that you jumped at the first chance to get back her when it became possible. As soon as I gave you the ammunition; the sure-fire way that would hurt Mehek, that we planned everything." 


"Tanya, shut up!"

"Nahi Shruti, enough is enough, the truth needs to come out," she said in a quivering voice. She fell silent for a moment, as nervously she saw out of the corner of her eye that Mehek had withdrawn her knife a bit more. She had little doubt that the chef would carry out the threat she had whispered moments before. If Mehek would wound a friend, what chance would someone she despised stand?


"You see, I saw you, Shaurya: in the library...the two of you, a few days before Valentine's Day."

Chapter 5


Edited by crtkelly - 6 years ago


Anuteja10 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Hi Kelly hru 
Thank you for this long story 
SK was so jealous after seeing mehak and treys convo n Trey kisses mehak cheeks Sara is ok  now so that all was just drama created by Ms ? N now Tanya revealed one by one all secrets about Ms and SK separations hope sk understand the situation and give one big slap to sruthi because of her only he hated Ms and mis-understood her 
Pls continue soon 
Sorry for late πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by anuteja - 6 years ago
bworm thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
And the mystery deepens while the layers peel off.
Why the heck is the goon so interested in shaurya mehek l9ve story?
Shouldn't he be getting the goods away.
Glad Sara is ok. 
Sooo...interesting. ...Eagerly waiting for next chapter here and on the other one 
AD04 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 6 years ago
Thanks for the wonder beautiful and long update πŸ˜›
So beautifully written and describing each and every scenario with perfection. U r such a amazing writer πŸ˜³πŸ‘πŸ‘
SK was again feeling jealous seeing mehek with TreyπŸ˜† but soon situation overpowers the J feeling .
Lovely bond between MS and Trey but unfortunately misunderstood by SK .
I really loved Vicky's part here for meri mehek Bhabhi πŸ˜‰. It was too good to c such a loyal relationship πŸ‘
These goons actually turning up for mehrya relationship .πŸ˜‰
They are very eager for SK engagement πŸ˜†
Thanks God SK finally ask some sensible question from Shruti and whole of the truth behind her wicked plans comes out in front of allπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜›
Thanks to Tanya who actually confirms all the things . 
It will be very interesting to c mehrya reaction towards eachother.πŸ˜‰
Whether they will be able to confess their feelings .
Eagerly waiting please continue soon πŸ˜‰
Thanks for the PM Kelly . 
U made my SaturdayπŸ˜³πŸ˜‰
Edited by AD04 - 6 years ago
Haseena2020 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Wow what an update.
I loved it dear .
Waiting for the continuation. Finally Shaurya is going to know the truth behind and he is an idiot to misjudge everything...
have a blessed weekend