~ Shakti - AKEK ~ 10th November, 2016 Written Update

.Lonewalker. thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
10th November written update

Part One:

Saumya cries & begs them to open the door. The men outside in guard open the door & drag her away to another room. Saumya protests & tries to fight but the men drag her anyway. They bring her to a leader type man. He checks Saumya up down, teases her hair & tells the other men to get her ready. He says Saumya is pretty & doesn't look like a kinnar from any angle. Once she is ready no one can tell whether she is a girl or a kinnar, she will be a real item. The men laugh & Saumya looks shattered.
Harak Singh gets a call. His brother asks what happened ...Harak Singh tells about Nimmi's sudden demise. The are shocked. Preeto comes in furious...everyone see her & Harak Singh asks her from where is she coming. Preeto tells she had gone to meet the kinnar's mother& ask her to leave her son alone. Harak Singh looks disappointed & Shanno smirks. Harak Singh asks Preeto to calm down & listen to him. He tells her about Nimmi's death due to a heart attack. Preeto is shocked. She gets scared & says she doesn't know anything...Shanno taunts that people will say Preeto must have said something so cruel to Nimmi that she couldn't bear it. Preeto screams she told only the truth, Nimmi must have been very weak that she could not bear the truth. It's her kinnar daughter who is responsible for her death, Preeto is not responsible anyway & she asks everyone not to ever blame her for this. Harak Singh calms her down & tells her that will have to go to her funeral.
Harman, Surbhi & Saya meet a young boy. He says everything is ready. They follow him.
It's Nimmi's funeral. Everyone is surrounding her body & lamenting. People there say now it's time to take her to cremation ground. Nani refuses. She says Nimmi will stay here until her daughters come back. Preeto & Harak Singh enter. Preeto sees Nimmi's body & remembers Nimmi asking her how could she be so cruel to her in spite of being a mother herself. They sit down. A neighbour asks where are her daughters. Manindar tells that Saumya is hospitalized in some Delhi hospital & Surbhi is with her. Preeto chimes in & says life is so uncertain. She saw Nimmi perfectly fine just few hours ago & now...worrying too much over her daughters killed her. Nani glares at her. Preeto signals Manindar to come aside. Manindar & Preeto go away from the guests. Preeto tells Manindar that she can understand his grief & she herself is disappointed over Nimmi's death. But they can't afford the luxury of sitting & lamenting. They will have to think what to do next. She advices Manindar to announce that Saumya has expired today in hospital. That way they can cut Saumya out of their lives. Manindar seems to agree with her.
The men drags a shy & hiding Saumya out of curtain. They have made her wear a short, revealing black dress. Saumya is very embarrassed & tugging at various hems to cover her. The men ask her to stop fidgeting & stand still. The leader sees her & says she's gonna lit fires. He asks Saumya to to not be self conscious & just please her customer. Saumya starts crying. Right then they drag in another girl. That girl is shouting & asking them to leave her. The leader goes near her & slaps her hard. Saumya is shocked.

Part Two:
The young boy leads Harman, Surbhi & Saya to a room & hands over a bag to Saya. Saya takes the bag & asks Surbhi to wear the dress inside. Surbhi asks why? Saya tells Saumya got sold. So, to reach her Surbhi is needed to be sold too. Harman protests & asks if she has gone mad. He says Surbhi will do no such thing. Surbhi says she will, for her sister. She takes the bag & goes to change. Harman is exasperated. Harman gets a call & sees it's Nani who is calling him. Nani asks if he found Saumya yet. Harman says not yet, but he will find soon. They are very close. Nani sobs. Harman asks why is she crying & asks if everything is okay. Nani lies that Nimmi is worrying too much. Harman says Nimmi always worries too much & asks Nani to give the phone to Nimmi. Nani says Nimmi can't speak, but she will like to see Saumya, so bring Saumya as soon as he can. Nani cuts the call & Harman is puzzled.
The leader slaps the other girl hard & asks her to not throw such a fit. If she continues with her tantrums, they will simply kill her, chop her body & hide her in such a place that no one will be able to find her. The girl start crying & Saumya gets even more scared. The leader asks the men to get Saumya ready along with the other girls. Who knows the Sheikh might prefer Saumya over others. The men drag Saumya & the other girl away. The leader calls someone & tells they are ready to meet the Sheikh.

Part Three:
Surbhi gets ready wearing a short ghagra choli. A man clicks her pic & says he can get her there but it's risky. If she is sure about it. Surbhi nods.
Preeto & Harak Singh return home. Shanno stops them at threshold & sprinkles Ganga jal & then let them enter. She asks Harak Singh about the situation there. Harak Singh tells the usual...the way a home is after a death. Harak Singh goes upstairs. Shanno tells Preeto that Saumya is really a bad omen. She caused her own mother to die ("apni maa ko hi kha gayi") & now she's playing with Harman. God knows what will happen to Harman now. Preeto glares at her & says she won't let anything happen to Harman. Preeto calls Varun & asks him to go & watch Manindar's home. If Harman returns with Saumya there, she asks Varun to drag him straight here. Varun nods & goes out. Preeto sees Mahi & asks her not to worry. Preeto will make Harman marry her in anyway possible. Mahi looks sad.
Episode ends.

Precap: Saumya runs away from those men's grasp. The men run after her to catch her. Saumya goes up to terrace & stands near the boundary, preparing to jump. A car arrives & the man who clicked Surbhi's photo earlier, drags her out. Surbhi sees Saumya on rooftop & says she can make her come down. The men agree. Surbhi goes to stop her, but since her face is covered in veil, Saumya doesn't recognise her & warns she'll jump if anyone comes closer. Saumya is about to jump & Surbhi screams "di!". Saumya turns, Surbhi lifts her veil & shows Saumya her face. Saumya is surprised. The man near them catches Saumya's hand & asks Surbhi why is she calling her di? Does she know her? Surbhi is nervous.

[This update is exclusively for India-forums members. Please do NOT copy it to any other sites or pages.]


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Supervampire thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago
thanx for wu
tomorrow episode will be more interesting
zubeada thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago
thansk for updating sayu ...