MehRya FF: Fated to Love You *PART-5* Page 29 up! (20/12/16) - Page 22


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adi_gupta thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
lost my words to write about anything every part is awesome
Neha_Maurya thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: -Serene.Rose-

sorry for the long wait guys... will try to updt this weekend... pakka :)

thank u n sorry! 

don't be sorry dear...
we all are eager because we love ur story so much...that we are not able to wait much..
will be waiting fr ur updates...
update whenever u r free...
and hw is ur health dear?? 
f.zarrin thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Please update soon! Can't wait to read more! :)
-Serene.Rose- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 7 years ago
hey guys! I'm back with an updt... really sorry for vanishing... :'(
-Serene.Rose- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 7 years ago

Quick Recap- MehRya are online buddies. KK aka Shaurya gets a liking towards MEera and is shocked to know Shaurya Khanna is her boss who's troubling her. He ventures on to find out Meera's identity. but he's miffed with Mehek and fires her over a petty issue.  and then he's forced to get her back in the hotel as most elite customers want just her dishes and nothing else. shaurya aka KK loosens up and starts enjoying lil things. he enjoys rain owing to which he falls ill just the day he's supposed to meet up with Mehek to get her back. he faints in her arms and is admitted in a hospital. then Shaurya aka KK gets to know Meera is Mehek when Meera herself tells him that she helped Shaurya Khanna when he fainted having a fever. (sorry for bad grammar if any. hurried off to type this)

PART 5: A new Leaf

The following days pass in a blur as Shaurya is forced to be indoors. He bounces back from fever quickly and being a workaholic he is, he keeps nicking time to look over business while pretending to be completely resting to his onlookers. His mom and Grand Maa often keep him company. And Shaurya is more pleased than annoyed.

One fine morning, A week later

It's his first day at the Grand Extension after a hiatus of 10 days. He is casually looking at a file when there's a knock on his cabin door. In walks the manager with a memo in his hand.


Shaurya doesn't even look up from the file he's reading. The manager clears his throat nervously.

"sir, this is urgent business. It's our chefs here. They... they might go on a strike if we don't-"

At that point Shaurya's eyes snap and then a death glare is sent in the manager's way.

"Sir... that... I'm sorry sir. Please take a look at this."

Shaurya looks at the memo, the paper consisting of various names of the chefs, all working in the place.

"that is the list of the people supporting Mehek Sharma."

the manager's statement shocks him and Shaurya opens and closes his mouth several times in disbelief.

"looks like a rebellion sir."

the manager goes on sensing this is the best time to speak as the said Shaurya Khanna has been experiencing some of his weak moments.

"They're apparantly displeased at how you dismissed Ms. Sharma. They want her to be brought back. They'd make it an official strike coming this saturday."

Shaurya is still at loss of words, the manager goes on-

"If I'm not wrong, it's Mr. Kumar sir. He's the one instigating this rebellion within-"

Shaurya cuts him off with a loud voice-

"Get him now!"

The manager is taken aback but hurries out of the cabin to get the said Chef.

"Mehek Sharma... " Shaurya groans... "you've wrecked my life..."

*another groan *

"my heart... and now... you're wrecking my business..."

he groans loudly one last time before slapping his desk in rage.




Few mins later-

Chef Vijay Kumar walks in. Shaurya shoots him a glare and gets down to business.

"What the hell is this?" He shoves the memo into the chef's hands, "you're leading them into doom. Do you have any idea what this unrequited affection of yours towards Mehek Sharma will get you into? What's she to you anyway?"

Shaurya's voice wavers for a second. His brain finally works and he sighs. There's certainly nothing romantic going on here. Vijay is 30 +, not to mention is married with a kid. Oh gosh! No no! He needs to stop thinking this way! He needs to worry about his business and not worry about Mehek's probable affairs with co-workers. Well Mehek sharma seems too uptight to have an affair anyway. Isn't she the goody two shoes, mahaan naari? there's no way she'd hook up with somebody behind her family's back. oh goshh!! Quit thinking of her!

Shaurya sighs and chides him for not focusing on Vijay's explanation. He's thankful to gain his senses within the right time.

"I'm sorry sir. Ms. Sharma is a very dear friend of mine. She's like my sister. And I can't understand why she has to suffer while all she did was to hum in the kitchen."

Shaurya sighs. a part of him is relieved. sister huh. sweet! ugh! get a grip shaurya!

"you're risking your job for a middle class girl like her? I could fire you too-"

"I'm ready sir."

Vijay smiles sadly.

"I heard you're closing off all doors for her. A good human being like her shouldn't suffer. That's why I thought I'd do something-"

"Do you think it will save her? And bravo, how did you get all this support? Why is everyone so much in love with Mehek Sharma?"

"Because we all see her true, generous self. The real person she is..."

Shaurya shakes his head.

"there's no person in this world who's true and generous."

"It's a wrong perception of yours sir."

Shaurya narrows his eyes at Vijay but he goes on-

"I agree that this world is full of deceit but somewhere there are good things happening. There are people who aren't selfish, good at heart like Mehek-"

"Oh quit singing those praises! What good did she do to you anyway?"

Shaurya is now curious. He was annoyed but he wanted to know if his perception was wrong. He is starting to doubt himself and it's no good.

"She saved my kid sir. Back then, a month ago, when you were touring Europe my kid fell ill, I dint had money. But she was there. She helped me with her FD. She broke the deposit that was meant for her marriage. She lied to her family that she'd re-deposit elsewhere. I dint even get to repay that loan sir. I'm afraid I would never be able to repay..."

Shaurya's face scrunches in pain. He knows Vijay isn't talking about money. He could understand it now, even though money couldn't come to aid in such situations, a generous person could. There's no way that a highly placed Chef like Vijay wouldn't be able to earn money to pay her back. But he wouldn't certainly not be able to thank her enough for being there for him and his kid. confirming his inner thoughts, Vijay speaks-

"She was there for me sir. When I ran out of funds, when I couldn't access my FD's, my joint account deposits as my wife was far away. Even you weren't there sir. You were in Europe. I couldn't contact you. And She helped me. But she never let anyone guess who helped the head chef in trouble. She's anything but selfish sir. And I just... Want her to be happy."

vijay finishes. Shaurya sighs taking in the details, thinking it over and over. he finally sighs.

"Leave, Mr. Kumar. Go, attend your duties."


Shaurya doesn't answer Vijay anymore. So Vijay quietly leaves the cabin.

"Kis mitti ki bani ho tum Mehek Sharma...?"

Shaurya remembers that cute innocent face of hers. So it's not just pretense huh? That's the way she is, cute, fun loving, at times acting mahaan- oh bugger! He's called her cute twice now. His online buddy is a sweet person in real life too. A part of him is relived now. He was really worried when he found out his beloved Meera was none but Mehek Sharma. Did he say beloved??!

"Hopeless..." Shaurya smacks his head but can't seem to wipe off the grin that's spreading across his face. An hour later he finally pulls him out of those thoughts. having made up his mind, he plunges into work.




that evening, around 5:30 Pm-

Mehek is in a large park. Sitting on a bench, she tries to calm herself listening to the birds chirping. What does he want now? She looks at the kids playing a few blocks away and smiles.

"Ms. Sharma..."

She freezes at that voice and stands yup abruptly to face the young man who walked to her.


She narrows her eyes.

"Why did you call me here?"

Shaurya, the young man before her smiles.

"you came all the way to ask me that? Huh?"

"Mr. Khanna. Don;t waste my time. Please go on with whatever you want to tell me."

Shaurya looks away awkwardly.

"Don't you hate me Mehek?"


Mehek frowns, but speaks firmly.


"that was quick. I believe you're being honest."

"I'm always honest."

"quick again."

Shaurya smiles at her. His piercing black eyes lighting up in the back. Mehek's heart skips a beat. That's the first genuine smile he has ever shown her-

"Ms. Sharma... thanks. You saved me a few weeks before. I'm thankful..."

Another dazzling smile is sent her way. Mehek is blinded by the sight. Well almost. What's wrong? This Kaddu Karela Khanna is acting as if he's her... Friend? 😲Sharuya too is surprised at his actions. Well he mentally chided his brain who kept reminding him that this was his friend Meera.

"Ms. Sharma... I'm sorry."

Mehek's eyes widen. Is he apologizing now? Is this a dream?

"I have a problem since I was really young. It's just I... never trust people. Especially middle class people like you. It's just the way I am. This might sound weird but my mom, granny and Rajiv bhai are the only ones I trust and then there's this girl from facebook- I mean... what I meant to say is..."

he again chides himself for giving his true self away.

"I mean... I... I feel that I can trust you Mehek. I always found fault with you. Always found ways to trouble you. But now I feel... I was wrong. I'm usually not wrong. It's you who wronged me- umm.. so uh, do I make sense.?"

Mehek shakes her head. This guy kaddu karela, is going on and on, her head is spinning. She doesn't understand a word of what he's saying. She is listening but... it just dint make sense.

"Ugh! Ok..."

Shaurya shakes his head, takes a deep breath.

"It at least makes some sense. Since I just apologized."

Realization hits Mehek and she smiles saying a small 'oh'.

Kaddu Karela apologized, wow!

"So, Ms. Sharma? Care to join me again? You're post is still vacant at the Grand Extension. I wouldn't really mind you singing in my kitchen. I wouldn't really mind if you're loud and middle classy. Basically what I want to say is, I had a completely wrong image of you from the start. But now it's changed. I.. I want to trust you. I'd like it if you could continue being one of my trusted employees in my hotel... what do you say?"

Mehek's jaw drops. So he wants her back. Just like that. She glares at him remembering how he had thrown her out. But then he apologized. And he looks so genuine. ugh! Mehek! Pighalna mat!! 

"think it over."

shaurya is slightly flustered, having Mehek gawking at him all the time he spoke. Noticing the sweat forming on his forehead, he chided himself mentally again before preparing to make a quick exit.

"answer me later. Well, thanks for coming."

he gives her a full blown smile and turns around to walk.

For a few moments Mehek is rooted to her spot, smiling and processing his words. And then-

"Mr. Khanna!"

her loud voice booms and Shaurya turns around.

"I will be there."


Shaurya is perplexed. Mehek smiles. 

"I'll be there. Rajiv sir talked to me. Most of the elite customers at Grand Extension want to taste my food, right?"

Shaurya sighs... so she's returning for Rajiv bhai's sake...? She moves closer and now they're face to face again.

"I'm coming. Not because I'm in dire need of money. Well I do need money sir, but it's not my compulsion. I want to come because people are eager to eat the dishes I made. I want to come because Rajiv sir, my mentor wants me to be there. And the last but not least, I think this is the most important one though- I want to come... Because... you've asked me to."

Mehek smiles kindly at him. He stops breathing. his eyes wide with surprise. This girl-

"because you kept your pride aside. You came all the way here to talk to me. And you even apologized. And you were pretty genuine with it... so yes... I'll come back."

Shaurya smiles bashfully. He clears his throat looking away and puts on a serious face.

"did you think it over? I mean just because I apologized for my mistake doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. I'm still the old Shaurya Khanna somewhere deep inside, don't ya think?"

It was half teasing. Mehek smiles.

"hmm. But it's a good thing now. you trust me. Don't you? And you won't see me as a typical middle class girl working in your kitchen for money, right?"

"haha. What're you saying? I always knew you were talented. Perhaps my pride wasn't letting me admit it aloud." Shaurya shrugs.

"that's flattering. Hearing from Karela Khanna's mouth"

Mehek laughs aloud and then clamps her hand to her mouth.

"oops... sorry..."

Shaurya stifles a laugh and extends his hand.

"Well Ms. Sharma... let's work well together."

Mehek nods as she shakes his hand. Shaurya smiles softly and Mehek couldn't help but smile back. That smile only widens as he turns on his back and walks away. This sure is what they call turning a new leaf. Mehek is happy to get her job back. To be frank she dint want to go back but all those lovely people who want her back are the reason she is going.

And now she can be sure she'll enjoy her job even more.. 'cause she and shaurya had just turned a new leaf in their lives.



that night, 11:45 PM

Shaurya opens his messenger after many days. He was busy all this time. well, work and whole lot of other reasons. He smiles when he finds a stock of messages awaiting him. All these messages on his fake fb account are mostly from his beloved Meera.

Messages from Meera Sharma over the past 10 days-

"hey!! kaha gaye?"

"Kya hua? Fever kam nhi hua kya... heyyy helloo!!"

"margaye kya! Kyu reply nahi derahe ho?"

"soo sorry!! I'm a lil bit rude... kya karei... I was missing our chats... take care."

He smiles browsing through the messages and beep- here comes the latest one.

"bingo! Got my job back! Can you believe Kaddu Karela apologized?"

Another incoming message- "hey Karela King, are you there? It shows me you're online-"

Shaurya as Karela Khanna aka KK types a reply-

"Hey MS... I get it, missed me much? huhπŸ˜‰"

"whoa!! you replied!! wow!😲 I'll celebrate diwali nowπŸ˜†."

"quit with exaggeration.πŸ˜› I was busy with work and urm. I.. missed you too"😳 :)

"how charming! Waise Kaddu Karela was really charming today. He looks good when he smiles."

Shaurya chuckles at the compliment.

"ahem... you mean Shaurya Khanna..😲. I don't think he's close to charming anywhere."πŸ˜†

"Nah! He is. And he apologized today. So I'm taking up his job."πŸ˜ƒ

"Just like that?"😲

"yep. He seemed genuine. And man he seems so serious but he can be really awkward and cute sometimes, the way he blabbered today haha"πŸ˜†

"the way you're blabbering about him... make sure you don't fall for a guy like that. I mean you shouldn't fall for him. Do you get that?"πŸ˜‰

"hey!! obviously😲! I would neverπŸ˜• I'm glad I could talk to you today KK. You got me worried. Going on hiatus like that😊."

"Well there's too much work.πŸ₯±"

"why are you up so late? Get back to sleep then.😊 Even I wanna rest well. Gotta get back to work from tomorrow. See ya later KK. Tc."

the conversation ends. And shaurya too can feel that this is a new leaf, a new beginning.





Nxt : Shaurya admires Mehek. He involutarily takes her out on a date! And what he wants to tell her the truth? How will Mehek react..?

Stay tuned!πŸ˜ƒ

Sorry guys... I'm awfully late. Plz no joote chappal maarna.πŸ˜†πŸ˜³ I was bsy with college, project n lotta other issues. Today I finally took some time. Thank you for all ur love n support.πŸ˜ƒ Hope ya guys liked this updt!

Thank u :)

nxt updt might come soon... :D Merry Xmas! Oohh I'm so excited for Christmas n New year! Yay! Have a happy time friends! Love you... tc... Hugs X0

Edited by -Serene.Rose- - 7 years ago
Auditi thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Welcome back after a long time, Serene... πŸ€—

Let me finish reading this and comment back soon... πŸ˜†

Sereneee... thank you sooo much for such a big update... πŸ˜ƒ

It was really good... finally some1 shed some lights on Shaurya... Kudos!!! To Chef Kumar!!! πŸ˜†

Beloved oh wth middle class... kya insaan hain yeh yaar...

Mr. Khanna you are toh gone... πŸ€£

I loved it... their conversation in the park was also really good... πŸ˜†

But best part is always their chatting... β€οΈ

Please continue soon... πŸ€—
Edited by Auditi - 7 years ago
-Serene.Rose- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 7 years ago
PMs in a day or two... thank you!
And yes... I'll reply everyone in a while. please gimme some time. thanks so much guys... <3 hope u guys like the updt... looking fwd to ur feedbacks! :)
TunesOfHeart thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
Ur story is super amazing loved all the beautiful parts written by u!!
and this one was amazing as well
Waiting eagerly for the next part!!!
update soon
i loved the shaurya's pov about mehek!! U nailed it in this
Shaurya remembers that cute innocent face of hers. So it's not just pretense huh? That's the way she is, cute, fun loving, at times acting mahaan- oh bugger! He's called her cute twice now. His online buddy is a sweet person in real life too. A part of him is relived now. He was really worried when he found out his beloved Meera was none but Mehek Sharma.
Thabassum19 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
I read ur whole update ..with a big smile on a face !
That was awsum 
The SK was blabbering continue soon ..
crtkelly thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago
You are back at lastπŸ˜›...