~Shakti - AKEK~ 18th August,2016 Written Update

.Lonewalker. thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

18th August, 2016 Written Update

The Episode starts with Preeto and Raavi coming to Harman's room to check on Harman & Saumya. They see him hugging Saumya. Preeto asks did Raavi bring her here to show this bharat milap. Raavi says no. Harman asks why did they come here? If they have any work, except spying on him. Raavi searches the room desperately for something to support her claim & her eyes fall on the foods on floor. Harman sees Raavi noticing it & says Saumya brought food for him, but the plate slipped and fell down. Saumya thought he will get angry on her and got scared & that's why hugged her. He asks can't he hug her. Preeto asks Harman not to get angry on Saumya, and says she is like a flower. She asks Saumya to bring food for Harman again. She takes Raavi with her and asks her not to ignite fire between them. She says if this is enmity then what is love. Raavi says but...bur Preeto walks off without listening. Harman tells Saumya that he had noticed Raavi's spying and that's why had hugged her. He says he can't hurt his family. Saumya nods & says she will bring food for him, but Harman refuses and says he can take his food himself.

Maninder refuses to go to Saumya's house. Nimmi says they have been invited by her in-laws for first time., it will look bad if Manindar doesn't go. Maninder refuses to go and says when the truth comes out everyone will grab his collar for giving her birth. Nimmi says he accepts that he has given her birth, but doesn't accept that she is his daughter? She says the society has seen his doing her kanyadaan and get her married. She says she can go & do her duty, but if anyone asks her about him then she will not answer. Maninder asks her to go and says he will go for that inauspicious girl.

Preeto asks Saumya to give food to Harman and says otherwise he will not have food. Saumya says okay & makes a plate for him. Harman comes & seeing him Preeto takes the plate from Saumya's hand and asks him to eat food. Harman eats food and praises the aloo-gobi thinking Preeto has cooked it. He says he can happily kiss those hands which cooked this amazing dish. Preeto asks him to kiss his wife's hand and says she made food. Saumya hears them. Harman is shocked & gets upset. He stops eating & gets up. Preeto says he said that he wants to kiss the hands of the cook, and asks why he is going without kissing. Harman says it is okay. Preeto stops him and asks Saumya to come. She says he was saying that he wants to kiss the person's hand who made food. She asks him to kiss her hand. Harman gets irritated & Preeto has become modern by watching films but he still has some sanskar left in him, he says he has his room to do whatever he wishes & walks off. Preeto fondly calls him devil.

Later Preeto gives saree to Saumya and asks her to come for puja. Harman enters the room and asks Saumya, why she is sitting like a statue. He asks her to change clothes and come with him for puja. Saumya says she can't sit in puja. Harman says she doesn't have any option as she has to do as he says till 21 days isn't over. He asks her to get ready. Saumya insists she can't sit in puja. Harman asks why? Saumya recalls her childhood. She tells Harman that whenever she sat in puja then her mum and Dadi dragged her away. Harman says he doesn't have anything to do with her past and asks her to act like a newly married bride just like when she married him.

In hall everyone is busy with puja preparations. Pandit ji asks Preeto to call Harman and Saumya. Preeto sends someone to call them. Harak Singh comes and asks if she has invited Saumya's parents. Preeto says yes. Just then they see Nimmi and Surbhi coming. Raavi says something is wrong between Nimmi and Maninder as she always comes alone without him & Surbhi glares at her. Maninder enters after few seconds and greets Harak Singh. Raavi and Chachiji are surprised to see him. Harak Singh also greets him and asks him to sit. Nimmi is about to go to Saumya's room when Preeto asks her to sit with her, and says Harman and Saumya will come here for puja. Varun comes and sits beside Surbhi , Surbhi feels irritated. Harman and Saumya comes. Surbhi hugs her happily.

Pandit ji asks Harman and Saumya to take their places as the puja begins. Harman and Saumya sit for puja. Maninder is worried. Harak Singh asks why he is in tension. Maninder says nothing, everything is fine. Pandit ji asks Harman to keep his hand on Saumya's hand to give "ahuti" to the holy fire. Harman holds his hand in front of saumya, but Saumya just looks on. Nimmi, Maninder and Surbhi get tensed. Pandit ji asks Saumya what happened. Nimmi signs Saumya to keep her hand on Harman's. Saumya keeps her hand on his hand. Surbhi smiles. Harak Singh is happy. They give "ahuti" together in the holy fire. Pandit ji tells that puja is complete and asks to give Prasad to everyone. Harman and Saumya take Pandit ji's blessings. He blesses them. Saumya hugs Nimmi. Nimmi asks if she is fine. Saumya says yes. Nimmi asks if Harman told her anything. Saumya says no, and says yesterday he praised her aloo gobi sabzi. Maninder tells Surbhi that now they should leave. Harak Singh says how can they go so soon. Maninder says he has some pending works. Harak Singh asks him to promise that he will stay longer next time. Maninder promises and asks Surbhi to hurry up. Maninder, Nimmi and Surbhi leaves.

Harak Singh gives Saumya a cloth wrapped pot & tells her that Pandit ji has asked her to bury the puja ingredients in land with her own hands. Saumya nods. Just then few men come there & ask for Harak Singh. Harak Singh asks Saumya to bury the pot & goes towards them. While Saumya is burying it, Saya comes there and asks why is she trying to become like them? She is not one of them! She says to Saumya that she is like her mother. Saumya says she is not and says if Saya really cared about Saumya's happiness then she would have left her alone. Saya says did Saumya forget this society will never accept her? She will never be accepted by her in-laws' because she is incapable to give happiness to her husband, at leasr not in this birth. Saya holds Saumya's hand & starts dragging her. Saumya asks her to leave her hand and says she still wants to stay here in this world only and says she is very happy here with her family. Harak Singh comes back searching for Saumya. Saya holds her hand and takes her to Harak Singh. Harak Singh is shocked & confused.

Episode ends.

Precap: Harak Singh asks everyone to gather in hall and asks his lawyer to make some announcement. Lawyer tells that Harak Singh had purchased a new factory on Harman's name in 2014, but now he has transferred its ownership on Saumya's name. He says Saumya Harman Singh is the new owner. Everyone gets shocked.

 [This Update is exclusively for India-forums members. Please do NOT copy this to any other sites or pages.]


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