dancing to the notes of love..

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

IKRS Tuesday 5th January 2016 ep 129 My Take.

An evil mind is forever restless. Within  itself it churns  revenge ,  guile , conspiracy; a seething  anger that whines and wails as it hungers to upset order and wage war  against  all that is orderly and virtuous .But then faiths teach us  that in the mortal world order there are constants skirmishes  better good and evil ! where foul is behind every  pretty and apparently worthy  figure. So  meet the two  community  recognized  good citizens of society . An ageing father in law with an evergreen heart and his young and brazen  daughter in law who is  every thing else other  than a proper lady of the manor. Kanak is like satan who strives to compete with god himself in terms of both power and knowledge..

Yet again she dares to challenge  the domestic god's decision of  reversing back from his word by actually giving the go ahead  for the engagement, a sure signal  for marriage between her beloved son and  a poor, insignificant  widow Dhani. For dashrant his hot headed daughter in law has always been a bother for him, pity he has to use her as ally  but still on this occasion   too he snubs her into a corner by  revealing to her ,  the wedding will go ahead ! As Dhani 's horoscope also states clearly that any harm done to her will  be turned into  a punishment upon  Viplav's head..thus dashrant gives her a stiff warning to mend her ways , for if any fresh harm, falls upon Viplav she will have  him to answer to!

As opposed to the fresh tension  in Kanak's mind ,the atmosphere in  the Ashram appears relaxed. Dhani  silently rejoices  as her beau vikal babu  with his master brainy strokes won the match regarding the wretched kundali issue with his family. She steals glances at him.  Dulari is clearly happy too, as she can see with her own eyes her daughter wears a smile on her pretty little innocent face. But when the call comes from Dashrant to confirm the invite for engagement ! all  present,  glow with happiness ! Dhani steals a furtive look at her man and he tells her ,with a cocky smile  ,told  you dada ji will agree!,  he'll just say a quick thanks to him! and Viplav leaves to phone his dada ji... Dulari now with affection turns to Dhani and asks her buchiya, what's going on,? earlier without telling her the reason she vanished  for puja to the mandir? next she returned and gave every one a jolt by saying she decided not to marry! next she disappeared  again and now returns home with vikal babu?now we get to hear the engagement is back on tomorrow! what is going on Dhani? surely she can confide in her as she's her mother.. Dhani replies,  don't ask her so many questions! just don't  fret so much.. the truth is mayi she herself doesn't  know what she wants? but Dulari teases her , hope she has decided now that she will go through  with the marriage ,as she never knows she might change her mind again tomorrow! but Dhani  confirms , that the very god who planted doubts in her heart , she has decided to place her life in his hands! where Dulari wanted the complete truth from Dhani.. as a wise daughter she only gave her mother her word that this time she will not embarrass her. Dhani withheld all the information about Kanak's  role.. as it will only aggravate matters  now that the dust has settled.. mother and daughter hug and Viplav returns and his eyes light up with mischief  and he teases, wow! what a pretty sight! then turns to  kaki.. he's got to keep the bride's mother happy too! he asks, is she happy now ? Dulari smiles  and says yes.. but she's wary too as whenever he turns up at the Ashram he sets off fireworks! Viplav  retorts ,so correct she is as today too he  very nearly  exploded a bomb!  dhani  looks at him worriedly , hope he doesn't jabber on..?but of course he doe!s as he boasts , he had decided  he would marry Dhani today! rightway ! but dada ji stopped him and said ,wait one day for the sagai will be done today!  Dulari  and Inderani both raise their eyes and  widened their eye in shock! and he continues to teases the old biddies! Now just for a minute think  if he hadn't listened and gone ahead and married  Dhani then a bomb would have exploded for certain isn't ? and Dulari sticks her palm out and shouts , yes and then both of you would get such a hiding!!and  Viplav  pushes his lower lip, like ooopss! and gives  Dhani a sided naughty look as she blushes...

Viplav presents a  red shawl with a gold  blazing  sun to his grandfather ,perhaps as a token of saying thanks for going along with  his  desire of marrying Dhani.. the gift might  be  way saying sorry , but he still loves him and thinks the world of his grandfather! Whatever the reason may be , but it clearly gives Dashrant unimaginable  joy.. Viplav gets his dada ji's blessing and dadaji  proudly shows it off to Kanak. as she enters the room.. clearly Viplav with a sulk on his  face muses,  his dada ji  has  made amends  for opposing his love.. but as for his mother ,whom he loves.. she he is sure,  still harbours malice against his love Dhani.. muses Viplav. His dada ji as usual senses Viplav's sentiments and thus he gives his dear mother a humbling task as a hostess !making out that it is his mothers idea..  dadaj says she  will happily  welcome  guests  standing outside the door with a fragrance  sprinkler. Viplav knows about his mother's haughty arrogance, and silently agrees with his dada ji that she needs to be brought down a notch  so he coldly watches his grand  as he slams the  sprinkler in her palm! Kanak hates their male bonding , both of them humiliate her and she too vows to humiliate them today where I'll hurt both of them for sure!   People jeer at her as she sprinkles them with fragrance outside the door..  she went looking for a princess but found a  widow instead for her son! Kanak fumes and as she spots the  song and dance party.. foul thoughts come to her mind and her savagely she clings to mission  of paying both her son and her father inlaw  for the treatment she got today! Kanak turns the dholak wala away  and  cackles quietly at  the door , But before that the hated widows arrive and  she degrades  them by saying, sorry  but the fragrance has finshed what bad luck! but Dhani gives as good as she gets! and replies,  it's ok second mistress for her to have a  husband like vikal babu..her life will be filled with eternal fragrance all the time! external fragrance she doesn't need.. and Kanak fumes with rage, today she will make Dhani do a dance ,yes she will dance like a common wench at her own engagement, and at every step she takes! The tripathi men's honour will be ripped to pieces, along with her own! she muses wickedly!

Let the engagement party begin!.Meeting and greeting  happens between the two familes.. Viplav is all smiles and from time to time he snatches glances of Dhani..how can he get her own? thinkS Viplav.. got it get her a drink! it's expected she's a guest..a very special one  indeed..and Viplav leaves.. A sleazy  man eyes  Suvarna and hovers around her.. Kanak acts, puts her plan into action.. gets one player out of the scene!  tells drinks server to spill a drink on Dashrant  he goes to change..kanak begs Dashrant if she can allowed in.. he reluctantly  has no choice..

 Viplav  like a good host serves the drink to the Ashram women.. but for Dhani he balances the tray on his free hand and offers it to her with a tease.. one's orange ,the other's black currant, take one and she'll  get high! and he sways his head ..dhani gives him a  noo don't want any. and he moans ,take one his hand hurts. She takes the orange  one in her hand.. slyly he checks every one is busy ,and playfully he pinches her cheek , she glares at him !but he is not sorry.. looks at the glass in her hand  , and gently with his hand , he  props up her hand , as he brings the glass closer to her mouth.. she takes a sip  and he teases her , takes her  glass from her and takes a big  gulp that puff up his stubble cheeks ,and Dhani gives him a sided giggle! Then dares her! he knows she loves a challenge , gives her back the glass and  pushes it back up to her mouth and edges to her side ,looks down at her , chivvies her along with his expression, do it! don't worry about it, and the naughty girl in Dhani wakes up! as she too takes a big gulp that swells   her cheeks  and mischievously she swallows the drink!!  before she can pass the glass back to him as he wants to continue to share her drink with her! in our culture,they say eating from the same plate and drinking from the same glass, increases love between a husband and wife!  Kanak arrives and tells Viplav to  get her kadas from her room  so moves him out of the party, as well!

Kanak  announces to everyone.. she kept a song and dance but the orchestra let her down.. but the  show  will go on!  for her but her  dil is a dancer! she won   first  prize during Durga puja celebrations! Dhani  and the women from the Ashram along with Shambu , shalu ,dadi too are stunned. Viciously  Kanak shoves Dhani in a central place and taunts, come on child  dance!  don't be shy ,you weren't shy at the Durga puja.. and rudely she takes the glass Dhani shared with Viplav  and slammed it on the waiters tray.. hinting to Dhani she's alone here, and her son is not here to save her from oncoming  humiliation! Viplav  arrives,  gives his mother the kadas , which are given to the son's wife by his mother in  law ... he is not surprised! his mother will never learn! she will continue to humiliate his love! the woman who  her son loves! Viplav turns to Dhani and encourages and announces especially to his excuse of a mother! yes Dhani will dance and sing! god has given her talent! Come on Dhani you sing and dance beautifully .. Kanak sizzles with fury.. worse still as Dashrant arrives,  Viplav tells him .mother has announced before all that dhani  will dance before all.. so he can give the beat to Dhani's steps! Viplav turns around a situation  where Dhani  was being reduced to a dancing girl.. now Dhani would perform to the music made by the head, lord and master of this household! her dance and song will be  certified by the respectability of this house hold!

Amid claps, Dhani dances  and  sings a  Krishna bhajan.. she dances simply,  filled with complete devotion for her lord Krishna, Viplav's eyes behold her dance and listens to the words of praise she sings  ,her feet tap and swirl.. Viplav watches her besotted. For in his heart Dhani is his radha and he her lord Kishna .. his head rocks to the beat of the dholak, the jingle of the tambour. His eyes worship her moves as she refers to the notes of  lord Krishna 's flute..today , right now!  his mesmerized  eyes turn into the musical ,magical  notes of Krishna's flute .Every time Dhani caught his  dreamy , almost devotional eyes, her heart swooned in  love for him.. love that for them both, radha and Krishna~ Viplav and Dhani.. was a worship pure and divine.. that swirls straight up to the heavens, pleasing the gods...

  The sleazy  man makes a pass at Suvarna, tries to force her to dance! Dhani  spots him at the end of her performance, she comes off stage and  slaps the man for making passes at suvarna... Dhani  turns into the Durga maa avatar! gives a sample of strength she won't stand for women being insulted.. she tells  Suvarna off  for being quiet  who replied  she said was quiet  as didn't want to  create unpleasantness in Dhani's ceremony. The sleazy  man makes a taunt   at  Viplav, being a hero by marrying a widow , he threatens Viplav   and is thrown out by him.. At the ring ceremony, ring doesn't fit Dhani! as  the ring  were swapped by vindictive kanak .. So panic is set in! as only a few minutes left for ceremony to  start..has Kanak 's ring swop worked??

  Overall I quite enjoyed the episode..the highlight has to be the song an devotional dance scene. Eisha performed the dance as Dhani.. Dhani rendered the dance without practice..  it was landed on her! her movements  clearly shaped up by the words of the bhajan .. besides  dhani was no professional dancing girl as Kanak wanted her to be seen as ! instead  Dhani was a devote   swept away by  her devotional worship of her  lord... hamle53 6.1. 16   


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Frequent Posters

Sudharies thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Micro Phobia Contest Participant 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 8 years ago
Beautiful title, very well written, Hammie!

Ressing for more now๐Ÿ˜†
cocoatree thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago
Fabulous take and beautifully expressed Hammie..! ๐Ÿ‘
Really I liked her dance which  looks so pure and serene , and you connected it with Radha and Krishna, aww ! they are so perfect..! โค๏ธ
Pleasure to watch KT in doing amazing job..๐Ÿ˜†
BBSS11 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Thanks Hammie for the beautiful analysis on the amazing episode๐Ÿ˜Š
vijayasri88 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Thanks for d awesome take dear๐Ÿ˜Š..loved vidha scene soomuch..very cute nd lovely..how he made her to drink nd how he pulled her cheeks so lovelyyy..viplav didnt miss any chance to stay wid dhani..haha..wat a lover boy he is!!! nd i loved when he supports dhani nd encourages her talent when KT tried to insult dhani..way to go viplav!! i admire his positivity always..its funny to watch KTs reaction when she welcomes d guests.good job by DT..i lke dhanis attitude when anything goes wrong around her..she didnt even think once nd goes against it..lked how she slapped dat creep man..brave girl!!!
Guruvishva thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Hi Hammie dear ๐Ÿ˜‰
Fantastic take ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Especially lover Krishna and Radha part ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Thanks for a wonderful take ๐Ÿ˜ณ
awida thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 8 years ago
Hello Hammie. 
I am still not able to watch the episodes , although I've reached to my parent's place. I just feel tired. And the internet is very slow here. So I watched the last 10 minutes of this episode. And felt happy that Dhani are too much togather. 
Some cliches weren't needed in my opinion..like that guy who disturbed Suwarna. I hate seeing Dhani giving lectures in such a day..and after a dance. 
I loved ViDha's scenes ..and precap. Of course I was shocked to see Viplav injured. I am also surprised by Dhani's horoscope. I guess I need to read past epi's WUs..and watch the episodes. But I don't know if I'll manage this.
Tahsinomi thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Dear hammie how r u?
I started reading ur take bt couldn't finish it.
Its just life got changed within a moment.
Can't even know how to cope with d change.

Now regarding as much as I read , it was wonderful as usual.
Its difficult to say same thing everyday , is there any way to include newer words in vocabulary , I have used all of them to reply ur takes.
I beg ur pardon my head is now packed with too many things.
I wanted to reply on this take so I did.its kept incomplete cz of some sudden change in my condition.
Take my love.
aimf thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Simply awesome dear Hammie. Thank you
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: --SudhaS--

Beautiful title, very well written, Hammie!

Ressing for more now๐Ÿ˜†

hi sudha great to see you .. glad to hear you liked  the take.. you said  it mate all in all it was a great episode.. love hammie