her happiness is my business!

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

IKRS Saturday 21st November 2015 ep 90 My Take

Nearly caught in the act.. hope he doesn't suspect anything?  lightening~ bijli, stares at his blank face, her own face as  turns white as a  sheet.  Seemingly disinterested Viplav looks at the  blanket covered figure on the bed, then  states  distantly , in carelessness,that she left her bag in the jeep.. sigh of relief, a quick nervous smile ,and a swift thanks.. makes Viplav  turn to leave ;as she runs to shut the door! reverses, to accomplish the act that would make her a rich belle rather than a marauding  dancer ! presses the pillow on presumably the brides head? removes the blanket only to find she is  hoodwinked , there goes her cas!. the shell shocked dancing wench faces the  problem of the missing badly assaulted runaway woman! where did she go? The mystery piles on yes where did Suvarna go? is she under the bed? in the toilet or ..? questions stirred means  the story goes on..

Questions about Suvarna are asked at the Ashram too.. Dhani  wonders who Suvarna may have gone with? She  ropes in Raj laxmi , if she had any idea? But Raj laxmi  replies  Suvarna never really confided in her... but then Raj laxmi recalls finding Suvarna having a chat up with Tripurari? However it is not sensible to talk to Dhani as he is going to marry Dhani ..yet she could ask  tripurai about Suvarna ? decides Raj laxmi.. people confide to find out others views on a matter of mutual interest. However here Rajlaxmi withholds her views as they may be inappropriate..

 Dadi confides in her husband the matter of mutual interest is of course Viplav.  She means well for  Viplav. Whereas dada ji  digs pits for him! spear headed by his  unsurmountable loathing for Dhani the widow .  dadi in all earnestness  shares with her husband she feels  Viplav is festering emotionally within,ever since he heard about Tripurari and Dhani's wedding.. this scene  reminds me of Viplav's violent reaction at shalu when she mentioned ,he might be in love with Dhani! here Dashrant too reacts over Sushma's words by chucking away the glass of water she served him with.. it's like she has touched his raw nerve. Trouble is Dashrant  has suspected Viplav's leaning towards this Dhani in particular, and he was not having it! poor Sushma  then receives a volley of abuse from her husband for  spinning yarns, especially if the lad hadn't mentioned it to her openly.. again he warned her to keep her mouth shut! he compares her to animals  whom god has withheld from, the gift of words as if he knew, they would come out with  unintelligent  gibberish like she does! Making a mountain of a mole hill! Why would his grandson, a product of new age have anything to do with a poor illiterate widow!?? Dashrant  dismisses his submissive wife, who leaves him with the notion may be she misconstrued Viplav's feelings... but dadi knows she is right and her husband is the one at error.

Dancing wench  becomes the centre of Tripurari'rage as she reports that the girl  has gone missing.. Tripurari  threatens her she'd better find Suvarna or else  he'll have her guts!

 Nothing like a long drive  on your own! to clear your mind..Viplav's soliloquy .. Dhani and Tripurari? how very odd? how can she agree? but why am I bothered? I am nothing but a Rakhsas  for her, any way it's her future, why am I bothered about her life? but what I heard with my ears how can I pretend  I never heard it? according to  Durga kaki, Dhani has not agreed to this marriage.. and if her assumption is correct? what then? right! why I  shouldn't  think more about  this , I have nothing to do with Dhani's life. the mind accepts it but it's this heart... she's a friend that's why?...a peep into Viplav's mind that wrestles with does he care or does he not?? he's a new age lad why would he lose sleep over a poor ,illiterate  girl.. besides he was always and always be a demon for her, she has said so umpteen times.. her life is hers ,really  it's none of his business ! whether she agrees for this marriage or not?  trouble is that's the reasonable side.. but within his heart , Viplav knows this nonchalance he is showing towards should prevail..as it's the only defence he has built around himself.. to stop him from going to pieces.. he bets she never thinks about him..why would she anyway? he's the Rakhsas man..

Doing the usual routine chores just before bedtime.. Dhani  makes her bed and then reaches out for her pillow.. and from underneath crawls away a cockroach ..and along with it brings back the funny memory  of a frightened Viplav plastered against the wall to save his life  from  a tiny creepy crawly that she held upside down in her pincer grip and how he yelled hysterically as she had she dangled it closer to him stop ! no Dhani don't you dare! Dhaniii!  She heard his yells and each time he bellowed in fright! she had laughed and laughed!... but now she just stares at the wall.. he is not there.. too much has happened ..she has banished him out of her life, so why are eyes cloudy with tears??.. he is out of her life! but deep down in the inner recesses of her heart she still hears him, sees him like just now! he popped out from under her pillow.. yes she thinks about him.. hides.. then weeps  quietly in her solitude.. for the color of her love is white.. love's colour is white my friend..

 Home is where the heart is.. unbelievable but nevertheless true! Viplav wakes up in his jeep parked right before the Ashram door.. the new age lad checks his phone.. countless missed calls from his mother half asleep he switches off his phone and can't believe his eyes where he's ended up !..so much so! for his levelling up with himself he'll keep away from Dhani and this place.. besides Inderani had already threatened him to stay or else? Unfortunately for some roadside romeos, at  the paan shop  who start making remarks about Suvarna running away with some guy.. Viplav decides to teach the paan wala and his lewd mouth cronies a lesson.. he roughs them up about  learning to respect women! one idiot  jeers at Viplav that he can't say anything as, all Banaras knows about how Viplav treats women  loves them and leaves them.. besides everyone knows what he did  with Dhani when he stayed at the Ashram once he was done with her he ditched  her.. Viplav loses his temper and lays into all of them .. Inderani comes out and takes the pole from him. He challenges her ,he has said such a despicable thing that these  men have to be taught a lesson ,and continues thumping them with a pole .. Dhani grabs the pole from him they look at each.. Dhani tells him these guys have only said offensive things but he Viplav has actually committed a worse act!  the scene was an expression of all the contrary emotions he felt regards Dhani marrying Tripurari.. he seemed  he wasn't unduly bothered but inside him a tsunami was brewing up and at the first given opportunity he unleashed all his fury and rage right before her Ashram! all in the name of defending her honour!  

Dashrant is informed and he comes swiftly.. Viplav stands now as if he is in the wrong. Dulari  as usual pours  venom upon Viplav in front of his grandfather and urges him to save them from this wild ! unruly! grandson of his! she begs mahan Guru, to manage him! Dhani demands he leaves!  Viplav ignores her, tries to defend himself but Dashrant wouldn't let him get a word in edgeways!  and orders him to leave and sit in the car.. Viplav obeys ..to the widows Dashrant  says they need to come to his house tomorrow where he will give a verdict regarding this situation.. to Dhani Dashrant shows Viplav submits to his commands not her.For Dashrant this was again a victorious scene where he  assesses  afresh the rejection  and deep rooted  his Viplav faces from the widows one to all especially that mite Dhani! 

Next morning after the widows arrive ,the just kings court is set. He summons the stakeholders, all the key people to whom his decree concerns.. and states in view of the state of affairs that the widows feel threatened and intimidated especially Dhani by his grandson.. he decrees that till the marriage of Dhani and Tripurari is not solemnized.. Dhani will be staying in this house. Dulari kicks up a fuss about Viplav being in the same house to which Dashrant further decrees that Viplav will stay outside the house!  Viplav and Dhani both give  each other  a look that two people give when  at war ...

To me the pensive side of VIplav and the Dhani's  silent questionable pining for him makes the episode. Yes ,the episode along with conspiracies is also riddled with unanswered ,questions,hints and suggestions.. this is a cvs tease for viewers.. keep them embroiled  in confusion,frustrate the audience.. they will hang on to see the out comes ! come what may.. Monday should be interesting to see in what context raj laxmi suggests to viplav.. dhani isnot exactly unwilling to marry  tripurari..The main interest at he moment in the track  as it moves now is where is Suvarna?? how will vidha meet ,if at all? and tripurari+ dashrants next dirty deed?  hamlet53 22.11.15

Edited by Hamlet53 - 8 years ago


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Frequent Posters

BBSS11 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Nice title and awesome analysis. Thank you for WU.
cocoatree thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago
Nice analysis Hammie! 
Can't wait for the upcoming drama or tragedy.. I'm just waiting for TT's exposure can't digest to see him marrying Dhaani.. I loved yesterday's episode with Viplav full of actions and confusions reaches to a high point.. Now SUV too escaped and waiting for her entry too!! 
awida thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 8 years ago
Hello Hammie. 
Thanks for this interesting take on yesterday's episode. 

You made me dream of ViDha.  That silent Dhani who managed to irritate me for the last weeks is now back into my heart. If your words are true..if what you saw was right..so she maight be fallen in love with Viplav a while ago..but she dare not admit it. So she is fighting against her feelings..and is ready to accept any bad word against him..just to kill his love in her heart..coz this love is impossible.๐Ÿ˜ณ

My Romeo..Viplav is exposed..not just his dadi who knows him very well found out about his feelings..even Shalu, DT , Kanak , Tripurari and us. His actions are proof enough that he is going crazy..he doesn't understand himself. 

That laadla spent the night rooming in his jeep trying to stop himself from thinking about Dhani and worrying about her future. And when he felt tired..he just slept there ..in front of her house. Wow..such a big treat from cvs. Is there anything more romantic than this..actions speak louder than words.

The fight  .Dhani's insults..those hard looks of Dhani..poor Viplav how can he bear all this..and when he came back home..Kanak was there ready to scold him. Poor Viplav..the way he reacted to his moms words made me smile. Such a super acting from Mishal.

Yes. Hammie ..episode was good. Seeing ViDha made me return my faith in cvs..I have gr8 ecpectations from the next episodes. I hope they start the love story by the end of this track.
CarpediemRose thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 8 years ago
Hi Hammie dear๐Ÿ˜Š
Awesome analysis and wonderful title dear๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
I am just awaiting for TP's disguise as the fav of Dulaari should be exposed to all,really can't digest with TP being  praised when our Viplav the innocent suffers.
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: sura123

Nice title and awesome analysis. Thank you for WU.

hi sura , its kind of you to read this post., and taking the time to comment  , much love hammie   
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: chocobrownies

Nice analysis Hammie!  hi   choco , good to see you

Can't wait for the upcoming drama or tragedy.. I'm just waiting for TT's exposure can't digest to see him marrying Dhaani.. I loved yesterday's episode with Viplav full of actions and confusions reaches to a high point.. Now SUV too escaped and waiting for her entry too!!  ๐Ÿ˜›  humm gathered you  loved the action ..  i used to, but after watching this track.. gone off it ..cvs are not sure what they want out of viplav?  ohhh yes want suvarna back sooon.. waiting for her to appear. .. listen thanks for reading   and  commenting .. love hammie

aimf thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Great analysis and take, Hammie

I don't know how you do this day after day, week after week. God bless your perseverance and your hard work.

3 things are interesting:

1. Sue on the run. Clever girl, although not clever enough to see through Trip's suaveness and cruelty. But still, better late than never, Suvarna runs from the hospital and goes into hiding. Or, is there another hand in her disappearance? Recall that she just emerged from an operation. Would she have the strength to take off like that without help? If someone is helping her, who might that be? Dashrath? unlikely? Another yet-to-be-known enemy of Trip? But if she had help, how did this unknown entity know of her whereabouts? Or is it a good samaritan who Sue met at the hospital? Anyhow, where is she hiding, and when will she come out? Won't she feel a moral obligation to warn Dhani about marrying Tripurari? What if Trip's henchmen are lying in wait outside the widows' ashram for her and either snuff her out on the way to the ashram or report her whereabouts to him? Can Sue go to the police? Can the Varanasi police be impartial and bribe-proof? So many questions.

2. Dashrath inviting Dhani to stay at his Ayodhya mansion? What are his motives? Is it to contain the damage his grandson is doing? Will this move backfire by bringing Dhani and Vip closer??

3. A few days ago, Awida asked a very pertinent question about how the dancer, who was the life-giver ,can suddenly be convinced to take Sue's life just for money? Also does she not know what a dangerous person Trip is, and that her own life might be at stake? What makes her exempt from his cruelty? What is the guarantee that even if she offs Sue, the dancer will not get a taste of Trip's bloodstained sword instead of his money?

Have a great Sunday!

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: awida

Hello Hammie.  hi awida, 

Thanks for this interesting take on yesterday's episode. 
thank u for reading  it..
You made me dream of ViDha.  That silent Dhani who managed to irritate me for the last weeks is now back into my heart. If your words are true..if what you saw was right..so she maight be fallen in love with Viplav a while ago..but she dare not admit it. So she is fighting against her feelings..and is ready to accept any bad word against him..just to kill his love in her heart..coz this love is impossible.๐Ÿ˜ณ
yes you may be right she suppresses her emotions
My Romeo..Viplav is exposed..not just his dadi who knows him very well found out about his feelings..even Shalu, DT , Kanak , Tripurari and us. His actions are proof enough that he is going crazy..he doesn't understand himself. 
a visit to the shrink my help๐Ÿ˜†... how can a city boy be so innocently naive ???
That laadla spent the night rooming in his jeep trying to stop himself from thinking about Dhani and worrying about her future. And when he felt tired..he just slept there ..in front of her house. Wow..such a big treat from cvs. Is there anything more romantic than this..actions speak louder than words.
its interesting   how  the scene lost its meaning for me.. awida.. its promos , trailers, and sneak previews for me that  kills the surprise.. but  I am glad  I am the only  one who feels that  way..
The fight  .Dhani's insults..those hard looks of Dhani..poor Viplav how can he bear all this..and when he came back home..Kanak was there ready to scold him. Poor Viplav..the way he reacted to his moms words made me smile. Such a super acting from Mishal.
yes  I  thought  the  visual exchanges were very good.. from both actors
Yes. Hammie ..episode was good. Seeing ViDha made me return my faith in cvs..I have gr8 ecpectations from the next episodes. I hope they start the love story by the end of this trackwelll i dont know because on the forum ,news about   love hate   type bond..   listen thank you for reading and commenting  on  my take..     much love hammie

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: CarpedeimRose

Hi Hammie dear๐Ÿ˜Š  hi jen, good to see you

Awesome analysis and wonderful title dear๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘thanks you are kind to say  so
I am just awaiting for TP's disguise as the fav of Dulaari should be exposed to all,really can't digest with TP being  praised when our Viplav the innocent suffers.i tell you Suvarna's return and  pie in dulari's  face.. her golden boy  turned  out to be a dirty toe  rag!  listen thanks for reading and commenting  much love hammie