ZaYa FF - Sweet Liar[Completed - Page 44] - Page 33


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..DancingDoll.. thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
both d chapters were really nice..
Loved it..
Cont soon pls...
Edited by Deepika_Zaya - 9 years ago
KitkitMkb thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
superb chapters continue soon !
Amazeballs thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
ausome chapter                                                                      it was really intersting and gripping                                   do continue soon plzz sad its ending but every update make me greedy for more                                                    thanks for pm
Laila_Shiri_Lee thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
such a massive twist ma
doc isnt even aliya's grandfather then..its zain
omg this is sooo good
these past past chapters were so shocking man
what the actual hell
loved it though
continue the rest of it soon
so sad its ending but cant wait to find out what happens next
HARSHTA thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
-Minion- thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
masuma past mystery is really shocking so its zain who is aliya grandfather not doc.
really sad that this story going to end soon.going to miss it.thanks for pm.
ZayaHarshika thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
So yes.. Here comes the end 😭 😭
I am so attached to this story that its getting difficult for me to let go off it.. 😭
Thank u all for your appreciation.. This wouldnt be completed without u guyz constantly asking me to update Sweet Liar.. Especially Ann,alina and khyati.. I luv u guyz..
I luv u all .. Thanku for ur precious comments guyz.. I luv u all 😳
I have been constantly neglecting my other stories to complete this one because idk y but i'm emotionally attached to this one..
So yes enough of my bakwaas..
Once Again..
Thank u All 😃
Happy Reading..!

Sumaiya Edited by ZayaHarshika - 9 years ago
ZayaHarshika thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Chapter 36


Aaliya awoke as though coming out of a hypnotic trance, and suddenly she was no longer Masuma but herself and it was no longer 1928 but 1991. She had thought Zain was going to train someone to play Doc, but he hadn't, for in front of her was the diminutive man himself - and he had that knowing little smile on his face. Everything had been played out as it had happened, nothing had changed with the passage of time.

On that night in 1928, Masuma had shot Doc and severed his spinal cord, yet for two years he'd managed to keep secret the fact that he was crippled before he told the world that he had been hurt in a car accident. Masuma had taken away his mobility and she'd taken away all the money Half Hand, acting under Doc's orders, had stolen from Scalpini. Doc, already eaten with hatred of Masuma for betraying him, made it his life's quest to kill her and anyone who knew anything about her. In 1964, when he'd seen the photo of Masuma with her granddaughter, apparently happy, he'd nearly gone berserk. His mistake had been in calling her to threaten her. By the time he sent a killer for her, she had already left Louisville.

By 1975, his days of power were on the wane so he'd sent a man to Louisville to find out if Masuma's family knew anything about Half Hand's missing money - his money.

Now, knowing all of this, Aaliya found herself standing in front of the shrunken man sitting in his wheelchair - and there was a gun in her hand. At this range, whether the gun was loaded with blanks or live bullets, if she shot him, she'd kill him. Up until now she'd seen him as an old man, but now she saw the man who had mowed down a nightclub full of people to get to the man who'd impregnated "his" girl. She saw the man who, in order to gain control of illegal liquor sales, had killed his own men, blaming it on another mob boss.

"You killed a man who loved you more than he loved his own life," Aaliya whispered, speaking of Half Hand. "You've murdered anyone who has ever tried to care about you. Has it been worth it? Now you sit here, an unloved old man, alone and lonely, and there isn't a person in the world who cares about you. You were crippled by your own greed. Has all the money been worth the pain?"

Doc laughed at her as though she were a simpleton. "You stupid child. You think everyone is like you. Yes, it's been worth it. I have never been bored a moment in my life. I've taken anything I wanted and I've won every game I've played. There is nothing more to life than that. I have won."

"My mother-" she whispered.

"She was nothing. Half Hand was nothing. Masuma was nothing except that she almost beat me. I had been told she'd taken a lover but I never knew she was pregnant until I heard from your muscle-bound boyfriend. I knew you weren't related to me and I never would have seen you if it hadn't been for the money."

It was difficult for Aaliya to understand reasoning such as his. Maybe he was right and she did believe that everyone was just like her, but she'd always thought that everyone in the world wanted love and friendship. But if that's what all people wanted, there wouldn't be people like this man.

"I hate you," she whispered.

He smiled at her, a soft, smug little smile, as though he knew every thought that was in her head, and it was at that moment that Aaliya knew he wanted her to kill him. Trying to look at him without hatred clouding her vision, she saw an old, frail man, and worst of all, she saw a poor man. Zain had said that, from what they could find out, Doc had no more money, that protecting his own life had taken everything. Who would take care of him if he had no money to buy caretakers? she wondered. Would he spend the rest of his life in a nursing home with overbearing nurses calling him Taha?

Looking again at him, she knew that if she shot him, he'd go to hell thinking he'd won the final round, for he'd made her go to prison for killing a murderer.

Moving her hand slightly to the right, she fired the pistol, all six rounds, into the wall behind him.

* * * * *
The next thing Aaliya knew, Zain was holding a snifter of brandy to her lips. "Drink it," he ordered and she did, but Zain had to hold her hands as she was shaking too badly to hold the glass herself.

"How..." When her voice was trembling too hard to speak, she had to start again. "How did Zain Abdul Kareem survive?"

* * * * *
12 May 1928

When the orderly saw the body of Zain abdul kareem, he knew without a doubt that the man was dead; nobody could lose that much blood and live. There had to be at least twenty bullets in the bottom half of him; his legs looked like ground meat.

But when the orderly bent over him, the man opened his eyes, and instantly, the orderly yelled, "Hey, this one is still-"

With the little bit of strength he had left,zain clutched at the man's arm and said, "If you have any kindness in you, don't let them know I'm alive."

The orderly was sure the man was going into shock and had no idea what he was saying. "You're bleeding to death."

"If they know I'm alive, I'll bleed more."

At that moment some man walked up, a big man with a bulge that could only be a gun under his coat and looked down at zain's mutilated body. "How's this one?"

The orderly knew that this was a gang killing, but this time there were several women dead. In fact, all the women in the chorus had been mowed down. One uninjured man, who had seen everything, said that the women were the first to go, as though the men with the machine guns had been told to kill them first, as though they had a grudge against the women. The man had also said that three machine guns had aimed specially for this man under the sheet who should have been dead but wasn't, and for some odd reason, they'd shot him only below the belt.

The orderly covered Zain's face with the sheet. "He's dead." At that, the big man nodded and walked away, looking as though he were satisfied.

When the man was gone, the orderly leaned over Zain and whispered, "I'll do what I can to keep anyone from knowing you're alive." Later, he felt bad when he had to tell the woman that Zain was dead, but if he'd told her the truth, she would have given the secret away. The minute the orderly had a chance, he went backstage and tried to find her, but she was nowhere to be seen. In what was obviously the women's dressing room the orderly saw a pool of blood, but there was no body.

The orderly had to wait until all the people who were officially alive had been removed until he could get the man under the sheet to the hospital. At the hospital the doctor yelled at him for leaving a bleeding man for last and had even told the orderly it was no use trying to patch him up, that this man was beyond hope and he had others who needed him more. But the orderly had nearly begged and so, with a sigh, the doctor sent Zain to the operating room.

Two days later, it was the orderly who came to Zain's room and told him he had to get out. "They're checking the hospital and I think they're looking for you."

In a haze of drugs and pain, Zain asked the orderly to take him to a telephone, saying that he had to call someone.

Zain called his war buddy, Fayaz Abdullah, a man whose life he'd saved. Afterward, in the hospital, Fayaz had told Zain that if he ever needed anything at all, all he had to do was ask.

Now, Zain asked his friend for help.

Within two hours a barrage of police cars appeared and took Zain away to a waiting plane, and Zain was flown to Chandler, Colorado, to the home of his friend, where he was given the best of medical care. When he was well, his friend's family became his family.

During those years Zain wondered what had happened to Masuma, but he dared not make inquiries for fear of Doc's finding either one of them. Zain liked to think that Masuma and their child were safe somewhere, but it wasn't until 1964, when he saw the picture in the paper that he knew for sure that the woman he loved had not only survived but was happy, as he could see from the picture of her holding her pretty little granddaughter. Our granddaughter, Zain thought, glad that he was going to leave something of himself behind. It was after seeing the news photo that he began work on a book that was going to be titled The Surgeon.

* * * * *

"I think you'd better come now," Banu said softly to Zain, her eyes telling him what he didn't want to hear.

"Aalu," he said softly.

Aaliya took one look at him and knew. "I'm not fragile, zain," she said, standing and smoothing Masuma's red dress. On the front of it was blood, not real blood, but the glycerine-based movie blood that stayed fresh and red forever. H. H. Walden had played Half Hand and it had been his father who had been the little boy hiding in the closet and seen Doc kill his father. It had been Masuma who had paid for H.H.'s education, as well as his siblings', and, after she had found them, had kept his family from starving over the years.

"My grandmother is dying, isn't she?" Aaliya said, looking from Banu to Zain.

Zain wasn't going to lie to her, nor was Banu. "Yes," Banu said.

"Does she know?"

"Yes. She's asked to see you and Zain. She wants to talk to you."

"Yes," Aaliya said, "I need to know about Granddad Zubair." It suddenly seemed important to her to know that the man she'd loved so much had been loved by his wife, that Masuma hadn't just loved Zain abdul kareem.

Aaliya didn't have to force herself to smile when she saw her grandmother lying on the bed covered with pretty pink sheets. Banu had had her moved to Jubilee's Place early in the day so she could watch everything, but after Aaliya as Masuma had walked out the back door, Banu had moved her patient to a private room - the room that had once been Zain Abdul Kareem's dressing room.

As she always did, Aaliya climbed in bed with her grandmother, but now Masuma was too weak to clutch her in return.

"Tell me what happened," Aaliya said, smoothing Masuma's hair from her forehead, feeling that her body was already growing cooler. Both she and Zain had to lean forward to hear her.

"I walked out," Masuma whispered, her voice raspy. "I had no luggage, just what I had on, my purse, and the cloth bag Joe had given me. I went to the train station and bought a ticket, using all the money I had in my purse. I could go to Louisville, Kentucky, and no further. When I got to the depot in Louisville, I sat down on a bench. I was hungry - I hadn't eaten in two days - the man I loved was dead, I had wounded, possibly mortally, a man who would want revenge, I was three months' pregnant, and I had no home, nothing. All I thought I had was ten thousand dollars in a cloth bag, marked money, money that would cost me my life if I spent a penny of it, and some jewelry that could be traced if I pawned it."

As she took a breath, Aaliya and Zain waited for her to continue, knowing that she had to tell what she knew.

"It was in Louisville, when I went to the restroom to try to wash the blood out of my dress, that I looked in the bag and saw a little pouch in the bottom of it. It was a pouch full of large diamonds, three million dollars' worth to be exact, all of Doc's take. Half Hand must have converted the money to diamonds to make it portable. After I saw those stones I knew for sure that if Doc or any of his men found me my life would be over. I went back to the waiting room to debate whether to end my life or not."

A smile came over Masuma's face. "A young man sat beside me and said, You look like I feel. You want to get something to eat and talk about it?' I looked into his kind brown eyes and said, Yes,' and that was how I met Zubair Haider He took me to a cafe, we drank coffee and ate, and I told him everything, while he listened completely, listened without judging me. When I'd finished he told me about himself. He'd just been discharged from the army and two years before both his parents had died of heart failure, and four months ago the girl he'd loved since elementary school had eloped with a man she'd known for six days. And three days ago the army had told him that a bout of mumps two years before had left him sterile."

For a moment Masuma had to fight for breath, while Aaliya resisted the urge to tell her to rest, to be quiet, but both of them knew that now no amount of rest was going to save Masuma.

When she continued, Masuma's voice was just a whisper. "Zubair and I sat there and looked at each other, neither of us knowing what to say next, when Zubair said we ought to get married. He said it made sense, that he was never going to have kids of his own and it would be a shame if I had a child who had to grow up without a father. He said we didn't love each other now and we might never love each other, but we'd love the child and that would be enough."

"And you said yes," Aaliya said, holding Masuma's rapidly weakening body.

"Not right away. I told him how dangerous it would be if Doc's men found me. But Zubair said we'd create a new identity for me, and they'd never find me. I tried to talk him out of it. I told him there was nothing in it for him, but Zubair laughed and said I hadn't looked in a mirror lately."

"So you married him."

"Three days later," Masuma said, closing her eyes for a moment. "And Doc didn't find me until he saw the photo in the paper, so I left, but even that didn't save your mother."

"And you did come to love him." Aaliya's words were too loud as she changed the subject, as though her grandmother's closed eyes frightened her. She wanted to pray for God not to take her, but Aaliya wasn't that selfish. Maxie had never said a word, but Aaliya knew that she was in constant pain that intensified daily; the doctor said that since Aaliya had come into her life Masuma wouldn't take her pain pills because she didn't want to be groggy and miss a moment with her dear granddaughter.

"Yes," Masuma continued, her eyes fluttering open. "Loving Zubair was very easy. He wasn't exciting like Zain, and he was never one for surprises, but he was always there when I needed him."

She looked up at her granddaughter with love in her eyes. "Zubair always loved me, just as I loved him."

And that's how Masuma died, with a look of love on her face.
ZayaHarshika thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Chapter 37

"I'm worried about her," Banu said to zaid. They were in Zain's town house, sitting beside each other on stools at the little counter in the kitchen, listening to the sounds coming from behind Aaliya's apartment door. From inside they could hear Aaliya crying - crying as Banu had never heard anyone cry before - and, what's more, it had been going on for hours. Masuma had died at about two in the morning. Afterward Zain had carried Aaliya from the room and taken her back to the town house, Banu and zaid following them. Zain's parents had taken Zaid's boys and were spending the night at Banu's apartment.

As soon as the four of them had entered the house, zain had taken Aaliya upstairs. Through the door, Banu and Zaid had heard Zain shouting, "Cry! Goddamn you, cry! Your grandmother is at least worth giving away some of those precious tears of yours!"

"Of all the-" Banu began and started for the stairs, horrified by what she'd heard Zain say. How dare he treat someone like that after what Aaliya had been through?

Stopping her, Zaid looked hard into her eyes. As children, Zain and Zaid had been more than brothers, they were like clones of each other, and she doubted if either of them had ever considered keeping a secret from the other. She could tell from the look in Zaid's eyes that there were things going on that she didn't know about but Zaid did, and he was asking her to trust Zain.

There were more shouted words from Zain. Then suddenly, abruptly, they could hear Aaliya crying, great, wrenching sobs of misery that seemed to echo through the house like a ghost that had died in agony.

Sitting downstairs, Banu and Zaid listened in silence, neither of them speaking. What could they say while hearing the despondency and despair that was coming from Aaliya?

After two hours, Banu said she couldn't stand it anymore, then opening her bag, she got out a hypodermic. "I'm going to give her something to make her sleep."

Zaid put his hand on hers. "Aaliya has years of tears inside her," was his cryptic answer.

Reluctantly, Banu put the hypodermic away and, instead, filled a pitcher with water. "She's going to be dehydrated," she said and went up the stairs. When she returned, Zaid looked at her in question.

"Zain is holding her, and she's still crying as though she never intends to stop." Pouring herself another cup of coffee, Banu sat down with Zaid to continue their silent vigil.

When they first heard Aaliya's voice raised in anger, both Banu and Zaid jumped and looked at each other. Aaliya's voice became louder, then they heard her start to curse, curse so creatively that Zaid raised his eyebrows in admiration.

When the first dish smashed overhead, Banu got up, as though to go upstairs and put a stop to this nonsense, but Zaid put his hand over hers and halted her.

The shouting, the cursing, the sound of dishes crashing and shattering, and what had to be furniture being tossed about went on for over an hour. During that time they heard the words father, Zeeshan, sex was mentioned often, Doc, and Half Hand.

Just when Banu was beginning to think that Aaliya was never going to stop, there was a sudden silence, and she and Zaid looked upward, wondering what was happening now.

After a while Zain came down the stairs, and Banu had never seen him look so awful, but there was happiness behind the black circles underneath his eyes. "She's going to be all right now," he said, taking the stool vacated by his brother, who had his hand on Zain's shoulder. "She's sleeping."

Seeing the skepticism on Banu's face, Zain took her hand and squeezed it. "Really, she's okay. Pour me a brandy and a big glass of milk for Aalu, will you? I'm going to wake her up and tell her something."

At those words, he exchanged looks with his twin, neither of them needing words to know what Zain was going to tell Aaliya.

With the brandy and the milk on a tray, Zain went upstairs to Aaliya where she lay exhausted on her bed. The living room was a mess, and in the rest of the apartment she'd broken a great many things that had been chosen for her father, for at last she had been able to scream her rage at him for deserting her after her mother died and for practically forcing her to marry a man like her ex-husband.

Setting the tray on the bedside table, Zain woke her, took her in his arms, and told her that people die and people are born and that's what life is all about.

"Zain," Aaliya said tiredly, "what are you talking about?"

"Babies," he said. "New life replacing the old." When she still looked puzzled, he placed his hands on her stomach. "You're carrying a new life, a life that will replace Masuma and your mother and your father and your granddad Zubair."

Aaliya was so tired that she could hardly understand him, but when she did, she put her hands over his on her stomach. "Do you think so?" she said, trying to sound calm.

"I'm sure of it." He wasn't fooled by her apparent tranquility, for her heart was pounding against his arm. "In my family I've had enough experience with morning sickness that I know when a woman's going to have a baby. I've held the heads of my pregnant sisters, cousins, aunts, even my mother when she was carrying Zunera. Aaliya, my love, you've been having morning sickness for nearly a week now."

She was stroking her stomach and Zain's hand. "Do you think I might have twins?"

Zain kissed her ear. "Zaid gave his wife twins on the first try and I wouldn't want him to beat me, so I guess it has to be two of them, so drink your milk and make my kids healthy," he said, handing the glass to her.

"Zain, I lo-"

He put his fingertips over her lips.

"I know." He didn't want to hear the words, words that were in every book, on TV, everywhere you looked until the words had become common - and meaningless.

"By the way," he said brightly, "are you planning to make my kids bas***ds?"

Smiling, she closed her eyes for a moment. "Zain, may I have a big wedding, a really very big, huge wedding?"

Zain was glad her eyes were closed so she couldn't see his grimace. "One of those weddings where they pray a lot and talk about uniting the love of these two fine young people'?"

Aaliya opened her eyes, and the expression on her face matched his. "Heavens no! I want a cajun band and crawfish touff and enchiladas and lots of tequila and dancing that goes on for three days. I want lots of laughter and... and lots of children born nine months later."

Zain was looking down at her with shining eyes. "I knew the first moment I met you that I loved you, I just had no idea how much."

"Zain," she said as she licked away a milk mustache, "how long can we continue to, you know, before it hurts the babies?"

"In the delivery room," he said seriously as he ran his hand up her leg.

"Is that true?" Aaliya asked, playing the ingenue.

He stretched out beside her. "Trust me, I know about these things."

"Wouldn't that, er, inconvenience the doctor?"

He was moving on top of her, running his hand down her side. "Naw, the doctor will be a relative, and they understand about my family."

"Our family. I'm going to adopt them."

"Sure, sweetheart, whatever you say." He was fumbling with her skirt. "Where's the goddamn button on this thing? Ahhh," he said at the sound of ripping cloth. "There's your button."

ZayaHarshika thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Aaliya followed Zain out of the elevator, her stomach going ahead of her like a tugboat that she was moving in the wake of. Just this morning Banu's tests had shown that Aaliya was indeed carrying twins, and while aaliya sat on her chair, stunned, tears of happiness streaming down her face, Zain listened to the prenatal care that Banu prescribed for her.

Afterward, they went to F.A.O. Schwarz and bought toys, then bought maternity wear for Aaliya. She wasn't big enough to need anything but loose garments yet, but she had insisted on wearing a maternity top out of the store.

"Show-off!" Zain had said, grinning with pride at her, wondering if in two weeks, when they were to be married in Colorado, in a reception with nearly five hundred guests, she'd wear a white maternity gown. Aaliya was so proud of being pregnant that he had no doubt that she would.

The only sour note in the day was that this morning an express letter had arrived from his brother Faraz and in it was a key. Zain hadn't yet told Aaliya about the letter or the key, because the letter concerned Masuma's will, which she had given to Faraz, naming him as her executor. Aaliya hadn't had enough time to recover from Masuma's death, and Zain knew that the death of Doc from what had apparently been a suicide had also affected her.

Masuma had left a letter telling that she had taken Half Hand Joe's diamonds with her when she left Louisville in 1964 and gone to Amsterdam and sold them. She'd also spent a little of the cash Half Hand had left her, but she was afraid to spend too much of it, afraid of being caught and leading a trail back to Zubair and her family.

Faraz, who, among other things, had a law degree, had made out the will for her and with his usual finesse had asked her what she'd done with the millions she must have received for the diamonds. Faraz wrote Zain that Masuma had laughed and said she'd spent every penny of it. Zain could almost hear his brother's disdain for that remark, because Faraz didn't believe in buying anything that wasn't going to triple in value.

One of the things Masuma had bought was an apartment in New York, where she'd lived in relative seclusion for many years after she left her husband and son, having decided to live in the city where she could keep an eye on what Doc was doing. Masuma told Faraz that her biggest regret in life was the picture that had appeared in the newspaper after Aaliya was born, for it had caused her to have to leave and, ultimately, it had caused the death of Shabana haider. Doc had tired of searching for Masuma after he'd found her in Louisville only to have her disappear as she'd done after she'd crippled him in 1928. So, years later, he'd sent a man to find out if her family knew anything about where she'd gone. Unfortunately, Shabana had been the one the man had caught.

In her will, Masuma left the apartment and the contents to Aaliya, and that was where he was taking Aaliya now, having waited until she was in such good spirits that nothing would be able to bring her down.

Still glowing from Banu's report, Aaliya floated into the apartment - and came up short at a picture of herself as a baby in a silver frame on a narrow table in the foyer.

"This is my grandmother's apartment," Aaliya said softly to Zain, and he nodded.

With her hands on her belly that she dearly wished were larger, she walked about the apartment. It was spacious, what the realtors called a classic six, a penthouse with three terraces. Aaliya thought the apartment was decorated beautifully, not contrived as too many interior decorators made a place look. Masuma's apartment was the home of a beautiful woman to whom taste was as natural as breathing.

When Aaliya walked back into the living room after exploring the other rooms, Zain was leaning against the mantelpiece, an odd expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I know what Masuma bought with Half Hand's millions." When aaliya looked puzzled, he said, "Did you look at the pictures in this place?"

Like an English country house, the walls were covered with paintings, as were the tabletops and nearly every flat surface. "They're lovely," Aaliya said. "Don't you like them?"

Zain looked at a tiny watercolor on the mantel. "When I was in college I had to take an elective course in art so I chose something called Lost Art. It was a study of art that has disappeared over the centuries. A lot of architecture has been torn down, gold sculpture melted, jewelry broken up, that sort of thing, and many paintings have disappeared in the last one hundred years. The Russian Revolution, World War II, et cetera. I wasn't seriously interested in the course, but if my memory is right, I think I see three of those paintings on the wall behind you."

Pausing, he waited as aaliya turned to look at the oils - French Impressionists. "If my memory for paintings isn't good, I do remember numbers," Zain continued. "Aalu, if these paintings are some of the lost art and if you can prove ownership, I think you may be a very rich young lady."

"Very rich?" she asked.

"Very, very, very rich." He quirked an eyebrow at her. "What do you plan to do with your newly found wealth?"

Smiling, Aaliya answered instantly. "I am going to open some nursing homes," she said, as though she'd been thinking about what she'd do if she suddenly came into a great deal of money. "Nice nursing homes. Places where the people are treated with respect and the lights don't buzz. And I'm going to call them Masuma's.'" Then, with a soft smile of satisfaction, a smile that conveyed her feeling of irony, she said, "And the first one I'm going to open will be in Doc's Connecticut estate."

With a startled look, Aaliya put her hand on her stomach. "Zain, do you think it's too early to feel the twins kick?"

"Yes," he said softly. "I think that was Masuma giving her approval for what you want to do. Come on," he said, holding out his arm for her,
"let's go feed my babies." Pausing a moment, he looked at the late afternoon sun that touched her hair, turning it golden. "All three of my babies."