Vidarth OS: Secondhand Serenade.

SheWantsFanfic thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Hola Vidarthians!
So yesterday on the DT, you all voted for a Romantic OS.
Now, cheese and adorable stuff is not really my strong forte and TPT will have Vidarth on a romantic date ( expect that on Saturday folks) I thought of this one that was in my head for  a few days. I hope you girls enjoy this!
Dedicated to Aye who doesn't know I'm writing this. She's been pretty glad I am coming out of my dark phase and writing romantic stuff!

Secondhand Serenade.

FITE, an institution that had seen many things, many students and many many failed projects,some astounding successes and also passionate declarations of love that meet either joyful acceptance or woeful rejection.
FITE, however was watching with eyes struck dumb at the 
sight it was seeing right before its disbelieving eyes. A scene tha tno one in their wildest dreams had envisioned happening.
"Vidushi" A young man was running after someone, desperation in his dark eyes
"Leave me alone Parth!" the woman he was chasing hissed, picking up her pace, determined to get away.
Unfortunately for her, in her rage, she had forgotten she was heading toward a dead end.
She turned around, fury and irritation written on her face, her eyes narrowed as she took in the man in front of her.
"Vidushi, listen to me...please" Parth panted heavily.
He had been running after her the entire morning, but she had paid him no attention, averting her eyes and walking away everytime he had just managed to catch up with her.
"I told you to leave me alone. I don't want to listen to anything you have to say" Vidushi hissed, her  eyes filling with frustrated tears.
She'd had it with him and his pity.
"Vidushi let me talk..."Parth pleaded.
"There is nothing to talk about" Vidushi sighed "I can handle myself and my life. I don't need your pity."
"I wasn't going to offer my..." Parth had began.
But she had shoved him away and stormed off, not even giving him a backward glance.
He suspected she had retreated into her room to have her daily cry.
A sigh escaped him.
She hadn't even given him a chance to tell her what he wanted.
Pity was the last thing he wanted to offer her.
Dejected, he walked back to the canteen, hoping that going there would cheer him up a bit before he tried again.

It was a mistake.
All around himself he could see things that were like a slap to his face, a taunt, rubbing salt into his failure induced wounds.
He sat down heavily at his usual table and looked at the chair next to him that was usually occupied by the girl that occupied about 98% of his thoughts now.
An idea hit his Vidushi consumed mind and a rather smug grin attacked the contours of his lips, making Sanyukta who was sitting  with Randhir at a nearby table eye him with a worried look. Randhir was glaring daggers at Parth for this reason.
It didn't bother him, it bounced off his one track mind.
"I'm not giving up" he declared rather loudly to himself, earning more strange looks from the occupants of the canteen.
But what those people  thought didn't matter to him at all.
All that mattered was making sure he got Vidushi to hear him out.
He practically rushed to his dorm room to grab a very important equipment and his laptop.
Night had finally fallen on the establishment called FITE.
"Finally, bed time." Vidushi mummbled to herself under her breath as she changed into her nightclothes.
She stole a look at herself in the mirror and managed a watery smile.
Dreams were her escape, sweeter than the reality she was currently locked in.
She walked back to her room and made her way toward her salvation, her bed.
Sinking into the bed was something she had craved the moment she had opened her eyes in the morning. 
She felt her eyelids closing and sighed contentedly.
Vidushi woke up with a start.
Cursing under her breath, she looked toward the source of noise.
The Window.
Some stupid, deranged psychotic fool was throwing stones at the closed window, hitting the glass, making a rhythmic noise.
Might be prince Randhir calling her Royal Highness Sanyukta' Vidushi made her way towards the Sleeping Girl
"Sanyukta" she shook the sleeping person.
"Huh?" Sanyukta sat up, shaken by suddenly being torn out of dreams.
"Your boyfriend is throwing stones at the window." Vidushi crossed her arms, glaring at the other girl.
"Hmm...Sorry" a throughly disoriented Sanyukta forced herself to walk to the window and opened it.
Vidushi shook her head and muttered "Overly romantic idiots" and was almost back to her beloved bed when she heard Sanyukta's voice "Pagal ho. I'll get her"
"Vidushi, you might want to go to the window." Sanyukta had the look of a cat who just got the cream.
"Fine!" Vidushi huffed and stormed towards the source of her trouble. The Window.
She almost died when she looke out.
Parth Kashyup, the love of her life, stood there with a guitar in his hands and a hopeful look on his face.
"Vidushi." He yelled, his face lighting up with a smile.
"Are you crazy Parth?" Vidushi forgot her confusion and hissed at him "You could get in trouble. Leave!"
As always, her concern for him came out like a blast in the silence, regardless of how angry she was at him.
"I am crazy. That's what I've been trying to tell you!" Parth yelled back. 
He grinned at her confused face and began strumming his guitar.
Giving her another smile, he began to sing

I wanna know what you really think of me
I wanna feel all the pain that sets you free
These waves of doubt are drowning me
Gone are the days when this was easy
Getting Vidushi to listen to him used to be easy and he cursed himself for taking her for granted.
Buried in the past so many moments I want back
Tomorrow doesn't hold onto yesterday
He wanted the bubbly beshaaram Vidushi back. He wanted her to be with him, near him. Not avoid him like she was doing.
But wanting that, and getting that meant compromise.
It meant letting her be, not judging her by her past.
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it, don't fight it
Show me what we've got to lose
Don't hide it, don't hide it
Memories stuck in my head
All the things I should have said
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it, don't fight it
The minute he had heard the song, he knew how to tell her.
I wanna know after all these lessons learned
If there's a road through these bridges that we burned
I need to know if you still want me
Want me to show how much I need you
Vidushi's ears were filled with his words.
He was telling her he needed her? 
Buried in the past so many moments I want back
Tomorrow doesn't hold onto yesterday
He was telling her he wanted to be her tomorrow, her future.
He was telling her he would not dig into her past?
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it, don't fight it
Show me what we've got to lose
Don't hide it, don't hide it
Memories stuck in my head
All the things I should have said
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it, don't fight it
Tears were now rolling down her cheeks as she sobbed in reckless abandon.
Gone are all of the days when this was easy
Tomorrow can't hold onto yesterday

If you come right back to me
I won't fight it, I won't fight it
Show me what you need from me
Don't hide it, don't hide it

Vidushi looked at his face, it was full of hope, love, care, concern and a little anxiety.
 Parth stopped playing and looked up at her.
"I think the song said everything I wanted to. I need to ask you. Will you give me a chance?"
"Wh...what?" Stupified, her mouth hanging open , that was all Vidushi could manage to say.
Parth sighed and made a pleading face "Please"
Vidushi  gulped
"Wait" she managed to squeak and ran to her cupboard.
Parth looked up at the window and waited for her to return.
There was a most unpleasent ache in his chest, waiting for her was tearing him apart.
Would she say no?
Would she say yes?
Not knowing was killing him.
And then, she came, wearing a shawl, shivering.
"Vidushi" a smile instantly appeared on his face.
She threw herself at him and sobbed into his chest.
Parth put his arms around her, holding her as close as possible, taking in the smell of her strawberry shampoo.
Her arms were around him and she had stopped sobbing, hugging him back.
"Does that mean yes?" Parth asked hopefully, wanting to be reassured that his impulsive plan had worked, that she was giving him a chance.
"Yes" her muffled reply made him chuckle.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you how I felt." Parth kissed her cheek
"Not forgiven. Make it up to me" Vidushi pushed him away and pouted.
Parth grinned at her adorable face and pulled her into a kiss.
Her lips against his own was pure bliss and he was sober enough to understand how good she felt, how soft her lips were.
He gently nipped at her lower lip, making her gasp, but she did not allow him to deepen the kiss.
They broke apart for air.
Vidushi had a dreamy look in her eyes.
Parth chuckled, pulling her into another kiss.
"I" He pecked her lips
"Love" another gentle peck
"You" a full blown smooch.
She responded, eager as he was.
They heard a wolf whistle.
Breaking apart they looked up to see a gleeful Sanyukta and an amused Randhir looking at them with interest.
"What are you glaring at? I can kiss my girlfriend whenever I want" Parth shouted, wrapping his arms around a blushing Vidushi.
"Kiss her all you want" Randhir smirked "I am so glad you finally decided to tell her. Hearing you mummble her name in your sleep and seeing you abusing my punching bag because you can't deal with the sexual tension between you and her was a nightmare" 
"You..." Vidushi blushed even redder and was unable to say anything to Randhir.
"Shut up Shekhawat. Stop being a peeping Tom and kiss your own girlfriend" Parth's blush matched Vidushi's
"I will take up that advice now, thank you Kashyup" Randhir pulled Sanyukta away from the window.
" Idiots" Vidushi and Parth sighed at the same time
They looked at each other and broke into pure, unadulterated laughter.
"Vidushi?"Parth looked at her, his voice low and husky
"Hm?" she said absently, looking at him like she was trying to memorise every detail about his face.
"I love you" Parth declared.
Smiling, Vidushi soflty replied "I love you too"
"I am glad you gave me a chance" Parth took her hand in his and they walked toward the place where they had their first date.
A lone table stood there.
"Wait here" Parth made her sit in a chair.
He returned with a covered bowl
"Ice cream." he answered, watching her face light up.
"Which flavour?" she asked eagerly
He sat down next to her and feed her spoonfuls of the desert, watching her eyes regain their glow.
"You don't want any?" she asked with ice cream coated lips,
Leaning in, he kissed them, licking away the icecream
"No, your lips are sweeter than chocolate"He pulled away to see her blush
"You blush a lot." Parth pointed out.
"You make me blush a lot" Vidushi pouted.
"Can't help it. You look adorable when you blush" Parth admitted
"Parth Kashyup, how come the warden or the security didn't catch you?" Vidushi asked, raising an eyebrow.
Parth chuckled nervously "Pyaar kiya toh darna kya...Randhir made a phonecall via STD booth and the warden went home to her apparently sick husband. Oh and I sort of bribed the guards." Parth added.
"Parth Kashyup, are you drunk? Bribing people?" Vidushi's eyes widened in shock
"Yes I'm drunk in your love" Parth admitted "I'm drunk by your thoughts. I'm possessed by your image in my head."
Vidushi blushed
"I love your blush" Parth kissed her icecream smeared lips again.
Vidushi smiled at him silently.
They finished the icecream and Parth walked her back to her room.
Sanyukta was nowhere to be seen.
"Do I even want to know where she is?" Vidushi shivered.
Parth's mobile beeped
He took it out and smirked at the screen.
"Looks like I can't go back to my dorm"
Vidushi, in a very good mood now, looked at Parth in confusion 
"Why not?"
Parth opened the door and lead her in.
"My room is occupied by two lovebirds. Just like this room is."
Understanding the meaning of his words, Vidushi slapped his chest.
"Blushing again?" Parth caught her hands and pulled her into his chest.
"Shut up and kiss me moron" Vidushi pouted.
"My pleasure sweetheart. My pleasure" Parth lowered his lips on hers.
They sat on her bed, cuddled up, enjoying each other's presence.
"Hey Parth...that was beautiful"  Vidushi whispered.
Parth pulled her into his lap and kissed her ear.
"I know. Everytime I heard it I would think of you. And then I started playing it on repeat for hours because it made me think of you." Parth kissed her neck.
"You mean you didn't write it yourself?" Vidushi looked at him in mock surprise "Cheapo" she hit him with her pillow.
"Baby come on" the pillow hit his head.
"Vidushi..." Parth growled, grabbing the pillow and pulling it away.
She toppled onto him and they fell, her on top of him on the bed.
"I'll write you a day, promise" Parth's breathing was ragged and his voice went husky, making Vidushi tremble in desire.
"But for now" He pulled her face down so his lips could meet hers.
Panting, all out of air they pulled away
"Not bad...Parth, not ...bad... at all" Vidushi said between deep breaths.
"Hmmm...I strive for perfection. And to make you blush" Parth smirked.
He laughed, muffling his deep laughter with a pillow as she turned deep red again.
"Dekhlungi mein Parth Kashyup" Vidushi warned
"Vidushi I'm your boyfriend...Tumhe dekhne ka pura ka pura haq hein" the naughty implication of his words made her face feel hot yet again.
"Shut up Parth" Vidushi glared at her smirking boyfriend.
"Make me" Parth challenged.
Within minutes she had him pinned under her.
"Careful what you wish for, Serenade boy" she whispered in his ear, her lips brushing his ear lobe before they travelled to his neck.
"Vidushi?" Parth rasped
She kissed his neck and moved to his lips
"You might just get it" 
He could feel every movement of her lips and every breath she took.
And then, it was her lips on his.
Pure Bliss.

What he couldn't say, a song had.
A borrowed, secondhand serenade had.
He silently thanked God for music as he kissed her back.


If I'm upto it, a sequel to this called Parth's Song will be up in a couple of days.
I simply adore Writing Songfiction so stay tuned!
Edited by Burn_the_Ashes - 9 years ago


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Frequent Posters

-Infinity- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
--RES-- pata nahi how much more OS i'll res.. I'll unres soon on all ur Os. :* 
krystel21 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
Ahhh the onslaught of VidArth OSes, especially ones like this, where VidArth and SanDhir get all smirky at one another! And I love how you portrayed a majnu types Parth, so cute! I only wish we'd see something like this in the show, it'd be epic!
anuaskif thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Un ress

Dearie... your OS(s) are making me drool over PArth and Vidushi these days when I watch Vidarth scenes in SH.

When will something like this happen in the show. I really really want Parth to work really hard to get Vidushi. The gurl has worked hard enough to impress him all this while.

And yes I luved how you wove Sandhir and Vidarth moments. They were evil and cute, both at the same time.

And one critical remark - your language was really vibrant. It was nothing less than a running commentary of a probable episode in SH in future.

Luv ya dear

Edited by anuaskif - 9 years ago
purepunjabi thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
amazing ash πŸ‘ loved the os .all lovey dovey parth and a perfect date. love the song and title.i hope cv's make parth sing a song for vidushi and yes again the strawberry shampooπŸ˜† u write so well and offcourse ur ideas magical⭐️ Edited by purepunjabi - 9 years ago
ChaiBiskoot thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
read this at 3 :P comment karti hoon.. waitwa!
Nomadic_Vibe thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
awww Ash kya crime karti ho...mein kabhi mushy romance pasand nahi karti but yeh Vidarth Os is going top at my list coz it was romantic, cheezy, funny, and everything i would deny in general but u see i m a closet romantic so loved each n everything u wrote especially the way parth said i love you i made me go all mushy n in diabetic mode...πŸ˜† 
Happy_hippy thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Girl, once again, too good..hey it's a crime to be sooo good at something!!!😊
How do u get so many ideas , Gosh u have such a fertile mind!, ideas just seem to grow effortlessly from them...
Really u nailed it once again!! Loved their cutesy moments , Also loved the Sandhir moment, loved it when Rd caught them being mushy..hope to see this in the show..ahhh, keep writing more
Love ur work!! I told u m running out of words to praise u..lemme learn a new language now , n use those words to praise u...😊
ChrisinS thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Burn_the_Ashes

Hola Vidarthians!
So yesterday on the DT, you all voted for a Romantic OS.
Now, cheese and adorable stuff is not really my strong forte and TPT will have Vidarth on a romantic date ( expect that on Saturday folks) I thought of this one that was in my head for  a few days. I hope you girls enjoy this!
Dedicated to Aye who doesn't know I'm writing this. She's been pretty glad I am coming out of my dark phase and writing romantic stuff! 

Thank you so much for writing Ash! 

Secondhand Serenade.
Don't know if you know this but Secondhand Serenade is a rock band! πŸ˜†

FITE, an institution that had seen many things, many students and many many failed projects,some astounding successes and also passionate declarations of love that meet either joyful acceptance or woeful rejection.
FITE, however was watching with eyes struck dumb at the 
sight it was seeing right before its disbelieving eyes. A scene tha tno one in their wildest dreams had envisioned happening. I'm getting giddy with excitement just imagining the wildness that will be put forth thanks to the force of VidArth...
"Vidushi" A young man was running after someone, desperation in his dark eyes
"Leave me alone Parth!" the woman he was chasing hissed, picking up her pace, determined to get away.
Unfortunately for her, in her rage, she had forgotten she was heading toward a dead end. Aww...poor Vidu. Shukar hai that atleast Parth is finally following her! 
She turned around, fury and irritation written on her face, her eyes narrowed as she took in the man in front of her.
"Vidushi, listen to me...please" Parth panted heavily.
He had been running after her the entire morning, but she had paid him no attention, averting her eyes and walking away everytime he had just managed to catch up with her. This is pretty random but Ash you are great with descriptions. I love the way you describe all the actions, makes me feel like I'm watching the show while reading. 
"I told you to leave me alone. I don't want to listen to anything you have to say" Vidushi hissed, her  eyes filling with frustrated tears.
She'd had it with him and his pity. EEP! I know where this is going and I can't stop the smile forming in my face. 
"Vidushi let me talk..."Parth pleaded.
"There is nothing to talk about" Vidushi sighed "I can handle myself and my life. I don't need your pity."
"I wasn't going to offer my..." Parth had began. Oh...well I'm happy she made the point clear to him but also now I feel a bit sad for Parth.
But she had shoved him away and stormed off, not even giving him a backward glance.
He suspected she had retreated into her room to have her daily cry.
A sigh escaped him.
She hadn't even given him a chance to tell her what he wanted.
Pity was the last thing he wanted to offer her.
Dejected, he walked back to the canteen, hoping that going there would cheer him up a bit before he tried again.

It was a mistake.
All around himself he could see things that were like a slap to his face, a taunt, rubbing salt into his failure induced wounds. THIS...THIS WAS ON POINT! I want such a Parth moment in the show.
He sat down heavily at his usual table and looked at the chair next to him that was usually occupied by the girl that occupied about 98% of his thoughts now.
An idea hit his Vidushi consumed mind and a rather smug grin attacked the contours of his lips, making Sanyukta who was sitting  with Randhir at a nearby table eye him with a worried look. Randhir was glaring daggers at Parth for this reason.
It didn't bother him, it bounced off his one track mind.
"I'm not giving up" he declared rather loudly to himself, earning more strange looks from the occupants of the canteen. Parth pagal hogya hai Vidz ki vajeh se πŸ€£
But what those people  thought didn't matter to him at all.
All that mattered was making sure he got Vidushi to hear him out. Yeah! You go boy! 
He practically rushed to his dorm room to grab a very important equipment and his laptop.
Night had finally fallen on the establishment called FITE.
"Finally, bed time." Vidushi mummbled to herself under her breath as she changed into her nightclothes.
She stole a look at herself in the mirror and managed a watery smile.
Dreams were her escape, sweeter than the reality she was currently locked in. Ash this one line was truly beautiful. 
She walked back to her room and made her way toward her salvation, her bed.
Sinking into the bed was something she had craved the moment she had opened her eyes in the morning. 
She felt her eyelids closing and sighed contentedly.
Vidushi woke up with a start.
Cursing under her breath, she looked toward the source of noise.
The Window.
TACK! I don't know why I am thinking of the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene "Where art thou oh Romeo" πŸ˜† But over here it's more.. where art thou oh Juliet 
Some stupid, deranged psychotic fool was throwing stones at the closed window, hitting the glass, making a rhythmic noise. Uska hi deranged psychotic lover hai πŸ€£
Might be prince Randhir calling her Royal Highness Sanyukta' Vidushi made her way towards the Sleeping Girl
"Sanyukta" she shook the sleeping person.
"Huh?" Sanyukta sat up, shaken by suddenly being torn out of dreams.
"Your boyfriend is throwing stones at the window." Vidushi crossed her arms, glaring at the other girl.
"Hmm...Sorry" a throughly disoriented Sanyukta forced herself to walk to the window and opened it.
Vidushi shook her head and muttered "Overly romantic idiots" and was almost back to her beloved bed when she heard Sanyukta's voice "Pagal ho. I'll get her"
"Vidushi, you might want to go to the window." Sanyukta had the look of a cat who just got the cream. Oh m f g! LOL...This is too hilarious! πŸ€£
"Fine!" Vidushi huffed and stormed towards the source of her trouble. The Window.
She almost died when she looke out.
Parth Kashyup, the love of her life, stood there with a guitar in his hands and a hopeful look on his face. 
"Vidushi." He yelled, his face lighting up with a smile.
"Are you crazy Parth?" Vidushi forgot her confusion and hissed at him "You could get in trouble. Leave!"
As always, her concern for him came out like a blast in the silence, regardless of how angry she was at him.
"I am crazy. That's what I've been trying to tell you!" Parth yelled back. 
He grinned at her confused face and began strumming his guitar.
Giving her another smile, he began to sing OH MY GOD! SERIOUSLY ASH! YOU MADE THIS OS UBER ROMANTIC! β˜ΊοΈ

I wanna know what you really think of me
I wanna feel all the pain that sets you free
These waves of doubt are drowning me
Gone are the days when this was easy
Getting Vidushi to listen to him used to be easy and he cursed himself for taking her for granted.
Buried in the past so many moments I want back
Tomorrow doesn't hold onto yesterday
He wanted the bubbly beshaaram Vidushi back. He wanted her to be with him, near him. Not avoid him like she was doing.
But wanting that, and getting that meant compromise.
It meant letting her be, not judging her by her past.
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it, don't fight it
Show me what we've got to lose
Don't hide it, don't hide it
Memories stuck in my head
All the things I should have said
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it, don't fight it
The minute he had heard the song, he knew how to tell her.
I wanna know after all these lessons learned
If there's a road through these bridges that we burned
I need to know if you still want me
Want me to show how much I need you
Vidushi's ears were filled with his words.
He was telling her he needed her? 
Buried in the past so many moments I want back
Tomorrow doesn't hold onto yesterday
He was telling her he wanted to be her tomorrow, her future.
He was telling her he would not dig into her past?
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it, don't fight it
Show me what we've got to lose
Don't hide it, don't hide it
Memories stuck in my head
All the things I should have said
If I fall back into you
Don't fight it, don't fight it
Tears were now rolling down her cheeks as she sobbed in reckless abandon.
Gone are all of the days when this was easy
Tomorrow can't hold onto yesterday

If you come right back to me
I won't fight it, I won't fight it
Show me what you need from me
Don't hide it, don't hide it

Parth! Mera baccha I'm so proud of you! Finally you understood the girl. 

Vidushi looked at his face, it was full of hope, love, care, concern and a little anxiety.
 Parth stopped playing and looked up at her.
"I think the song said everything I wanted to. I need to ask you. Will you give me a chance?"
"Wh...what?" Stupified, her mouth hanging open , that was all Vidushi could manage to say.
Parth sighed and made a pleading face "Please"
Vidushi  gulped
"Wait" she managed to squeak and ran to her cupboard.
Parth looked up at the window and waited for her to return.
There was a most unpleasent ache in his chest, waiting for her was tearing him apart.
Would she say no?
Would she say yes?
Not knowing was killing him.
And then, she came, wearing a shawl, shivering.
"Vidushi" a smile instantly appeared on his face. Thank god. Mujhe laga pata nahi cupboard mein se kya nikal kar uss pe phekegi πŸ˜† You never know with Vidz...unpredicatable  
She threw herself at him and sobbed into his chest.
Parth put his arms around her, holding her as close as possible, taking in the smell of her strawberry shampoo.
Her arms were around him and she had stopped sobbing, hugging him back.
"Does that mean yes?" Parth asked hopefully, wanting to be reassured that his impulsive plan had worked, that she was giving him a chance.
"Yes" her muffled reply made him chuckle.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you how I felt." Parth kissed her cheek
"Not forgiven. Make it up to me" Vidushi pushed him away and pouted. 
Parth grinned at her adorable face and pulled her into a kiss.
Her lips against his own was pure bliss and he was sober enough to understand how good she felt, how soft her lips were.
He gently nipped at her lower lip, making her gasp, but she did not allow him to deepen the kiss.
They broke apart for air.
SHHHOOO CUTEEE!!! I'm high on caffeine right now so don't mind the obnoxious fangirling πŸ˜†
Vidushi had a dreamy look in her eyes.
Parth chuckled, pulling her into another kiss.
"I" He pecked her lips
"Love" another gentle peck
"You" a full blown smooch. EEEKKK!!!!!! 
She responded, eager as he was.
They heard a wolf whistle. I bet it's going to be Randhir
Breaking apart they looked up to see a gleeful Sanyukta and an amused Randhir looking at them with interest. 
"What are you glaring at? I can kiss my girlfriend whenever I want" Parth shouted, wrapping his arms around a blushing Vidushi.
"Kiss her all you want" Randhir smirked "I am so glad you finally decided to tell her. Hearing you mummble her name in your sleep and seeing you abusing my punching bag because you can't deal with the sexual tension between you and her was a nightmare" HAWW!! Ahaha...oh god have to love RD  
"You..." Vidushi blushed even redder and was unable to say anything to Randhir.
"Shut up Shekhawat. Stop being a peeping Tom and kiss your own girlfriend" Parth's blush matched Vidushi's
"I will take up that advice now, thank you Kashyup" Randhir pulled Sanyukta away from the window.
" Idiots" Vidushi and Parth sighed at the same time
They looked at each other and broke into pure, unadulterated laughter.
"Vidushi?"Parth looked at her, his voice low and husky
"Hm?" she said absently, looking at him like she was trying to memorise every detail about his face.
"I love you" Parth declared.
Smiling, Vidushi soflty replied "I love you too"
"I am glad you gave me a chance" Parth took her hand in his and they walked toward the place where they had their first date.
A lone table stood there.
"Wait here" Parth made her sit in a chair.
He returned with a covered bowl
"Ice cream." he answered, watching her face light up.
"Which flavour?" she asked eagerly
He sat down next to her and feed her spoonfuls of the desert, watching her eyes regain their glow.
"You don't want any?" she asked with ice cream coated lips,
Leaning in, he kissed them, licking away the icecream
"No, your lips are sweeter than chocolate"He pulled away to see her blush Such a flirtπŸ˜† Bechari ko blush kara kara ke tamatar bana diya 
"You blush a lot." Parth pointed out.
"You make me blush a lot" Vidushi pouted.
"Can't help it. You look adorable when you blush" Parth admitted
"Parth Kashyup, how come the warden or the security didn't catch you?" Vidushi asked, raising an eyebrow.
Parth chuckled nervously "Pyaar kiya toh darna kya...Randhir made a phonecall via STD booth and the warden went home to her apparently sick husband. Oh and I sort of bribed the guards." Parth added.
"Parth Kashyup, are you drunk? Bribing people?" Vidushi's eyes widened in shock
"Yes I'm drunk in your love" Parth admitted "I'm drunk by your thoughts. I'm possessed by your image in my head."
Vidushi blushed
"I love your blush" Parth kissed her icecream smeared lips again.
Vidushi smiled at him silently.
They finished the icecream and Parth walked her back to her room.
Sanyukta was nowhere to be seen.
"Do I even want to know where she is?" Vidushi shivered.
Parth's mobile beeped
He took it out and smirked at the screen.
"Looks like I can't go back to my dorm" Sandhir... good least VidArth will get time alone
Vidushi, in a very good mood now, looked at Parth in confusion 
"Why not?"
Parth opened the door and lead her in.
"My room is occupied by two lovebirds. Just like this room is."
Understanding the meaning of his words, Vidushi slapped his chest.
"Blushing again?" Parth caught her hands and pulled her into his chest.
"Shut up and kiss me moron" Vidushi pouted.
"My pleasure sweetheart. My pleasure" Parth lowered his lips on hers.
They sat on her bed, cuddled up, enjoying each other's presence.
"Hey Parth...that was beautiful"  Vidushi whispered.
Parth pulled her into his lap and kissed her ear.
"I know. Everytime I heard it I would think of you. And then I started playing it on repeat for hours because it made me think of you." Parth kissed her neck.
"You mean you didn't write it yourself?" Vidushi looked at him in mock surprise "Cheapo" she hit him with her pillow.
"Baby come on" the pillow hit his head.
"Vidushi..." Parth growled, grabbing the pillow and pulling it away.
She toppled onto him and they fell, her on top of him on the bed.
"I'll write you a day, promise" Parth's breathing was ragged and his voice went husky, making Vidushi tremble in desire. Ash this is too much..I might just faint here πŸ˜³πŸ˜‰
"But for now" He pulled her face down so his lips could meet hers.
Panting, all out of air they pulled away
"Not bad...Parth, not ...bad... at all" Vidushi said between deep breaths.
"Hmmm...I strive for perfection. And to make you blush" Parth smirked.
He laughed, muffling his deep laughter with a pillow as she turned deep red again.
"Dekhlungi mein Parth Kashyup" Vidushi warned
"Vidushi I'm your boyfriend...Tumhe dekhne ka pura ka pura haq hein" the naughty implication of his words made her face feel hot yet again. Hey bhagwaan...yeh ladka... his dialogues would make anyone blush...but it's so sweet to read about this side of Parth 
"Shut up Parth" Vidushi glared at her smirking boyfriend.
"Make me" Parth challenged.
Within minutes she had him pinned under her.
"Careful what you wish for, Serenade boy" she whispered in his ear, her lips brushing his ear lobe before they travelled to his neck.
"Vidushi?" Parth rasped
She kissed his neck and moved to his lips
"You might just get it" 
He could feel every movement of her lips and every breath she took.
And then, it was her lips on his.
Pure Bliss.

What he couldn't say, a song had.
A borrowed, secondhand serenade had.
He silently thanked God for music as he kissed her back.

Perfectly put! Music is close to Parth and it came of use when trying to say his feelings. 

If I'm upto it, a sequel to this called Parth's Song will be up in a couple of days.
I simply adore Writing Songfiction so stay tuned!

LOVEEEDDD IIITTT! I can't say anything more but it was soo out did yourself with the romance! Absolutely adorable! 
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: .Farzi.

Ahhh the onslaught of VidArth OSes, especially ones like this, where VidArth and SanDhir get all smirky at one another! And I love how you portrayed a majnu types Parth, so cute! I only wish we'd see something like this in the show, it'd be epic!

I thought they'd be extremely smirky and taking the mickey...almost sort of frenemies. 
Majnu types Parth is one of the things on my own wish list of things that I want to see in Sadda Haq!πŸ˜†