Tapping Into The Mind Of God

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Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

 Tapping Into The Mind Of God


I woke from a restless night's sleep, sauntered to the breakfast table and was greeted by my wife as she stunningly gazed at the television. The commentator was screaming, "They just flew an airplane into the World Trade Center and another one is heading for the other building". A thick cloud billowed from a collapsed structure as people were in utter panic, crying and screaming and trying to outrun the black cloud that was quickly encompassing them. The evening news media portrayed some passengers who had phoned their relatives. They confirmed that Muslim terrorists had carried out the attacks. The terrorists commandeered the planes while they trance-like repeated the phrase "God is great", before the planes collided with the buildings.

I had prior business dealings with several Muslims. They, like my departed father were deeply religious. Malik the electrician had spent some time with me explaining how the Islam religion requires prayer five times daily and forbade the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Now I was puzzled, "How can devout religious people kill others while claiming that God is great?" I stopped by at the local bookstore and picked up a copy of 'Muhammad' by Karen Armstrong. It explained about how Muhammad had formed the Islam religion. I read the book deep into the night and again for the next two days until I had finished it.

That night as I was lying next to my peacefully sleeping wife Inge, my spirit was restless and the words, 'How this is possible' kept repeating themselves as my mind went into deep meditation. I propped the pillows under my head and stared at he television clock. It was 12:35 A.M. One and a half hour went by. At exactly 2:05 A.M. I felt a sharp excruciating pain in my head, I closed his eyes momentarily and when I opened them I was staring down at myself looking at the clock with my wife sleeping next to me. I felt surrounded by a beautiful, pleasant bright light.

I felt an exhilarating burst of energy, I experienced my spirit being transmitted, whisked at a powerful speed as if through a light tunnel and being united with a receiver at the other end, with a spiritual unity. My whole life was revealed to me in poetic form during the seemingly long journey.

"Am I in Heaven, am I with God?" I wondered as I experienced being in a place with a gathering of spirits. I felt the greatest peace, tranquility and ecstasy. I felt a rapture that was beyond a person's imagination. I felt as if he was a part of ALL, a part of God. I was mentally communicating and in sync with everyone. There were many of the prophets of the Bible and historical people; there was Jesus, Abraham, Moses, and even Muhammad whom I just read about. I saw some of my deceased acquaintances and relatives, mom, dad and my brother Eric were there. I felt an engulfing love and support from everyone as they surrounded and embraced me. I again looked around for God and though I felt as if I was with God, there was no dominant force, no forceful leader. I somehow knew who everyone was; my thoughts interacted with the entire community and I now knew that I was a part of God.

'But which is the true religion?" my thoughts momentarily queried.

A scenario rapidly unfolded that was like a staged play with actors situated in their respective positions.

A Rabbi, a Christian minister, and an Islamic cleric appeared at an area that was marked 'The Gates of Heaven'. They eyed each other suspiciously. Peter (the gatekeeper) asked if there is a problem.

The Rabbi tells Peter, 'Ours is the true religion. We have the word of God that this is so and it is written in the Torah that God said we are the chosen children of God, not the Christians or the Muslims.'

The Christian minister says, 'Jesus told us that he is the Son of God and that the only way to God was by following his teachings and that unless one is born again, one would not get into heaven. What Jesus said is the word of God and it is written in the Holy Bible'.

The Muslim cleric says, 'God has told Muhammad that he was the last true prophet and that everything that God told him was written in the Koran and that those who did not follow what was written there, would not get into heaven'.

Other souls appeared and some sided with and gathered around each of their leaders, while some other souls who sided with no one entered directly through the gates of heaven.

Eventually Peter told the souls who had gathered around the souls of their clerics, 'In heaven there can be no disagreement and until you all are in agreement, you have to move to the Purgatory area'.

No agreement was reached and eventually the souls died (Hell) because souls who were not with God could not exist.

A sweet gentle voice seemed to relay:

"The lesson is that having tunnel-vision or being closed-minded, without compassion for the belief of others around you can be bad for the body and the soul. Most religions have the same goals and all who live righteously will be with us'.

In a flash, as if in a recreation, I was taken back to 1956 when I was fifteen years old. My father took me to a doctor who diagnosed it to be double pneumonia, gave me a penicillin injection and recommended immediate hospitalization. I thought that I was going to die. My father was temporarily out of work and our family had no medical insurance or money, so my father took me home to recuperate. I remembered the drive home vividly. Every breath was painful and my chest felt as though a great weight was upon it. I watched the cars and trucks drive by and I wondered how people could make long-term plans when life was so unpredictable.

While I was recuperating I read the Bible diligently, then one night I had what seemed like a puzzling experience of my spirit interacting with a spiritual existence. As the years passed, I thought that this spiritual interaction probably had been a dream. I didn't think about it much afterwards and lived my life normally, but I had no fear of death after that because I felt that the afterlife would be much better than the present one.

A week after the dramatic experience following 9-11-01, I had another spiritual experience that was in a progression that seemed to last throughout the entire night. My spirit was weightless, uninhibited by any resistance or external influences; I could travel to any star or planet instantly, explore the beauty of the universe, and still be in sync with what I considered to be God.

My spirit witnessed the universe stretched out like a vast expanse with spirits engaged in mental interaction, much like master craftsmen contemplating the creation of a new frontier. My spirit observed the entire history and the evolution of the universe and peoples varying perceptions of Jehovah, Allah and God; as if in a fast-forward film. My spirit witnessed the beginning of life and then physical rational life in the universe, and the bonding of the first two souls that was the beginning of a spiritual unity. My spirit witnessed the development of mankind and man's first perception of God from the story of Adam & Eve. My spirit witnessed Abraham & Moses, their quest into spirituality, their interaction with God and the beginning of Judaism. My spirit witnessed God's interaction with Jesus and his life and death. My spirit witnessed the beginning of Christianity & the senseless killings in the Crusades; also God's interaction with Muhammad, the beginning of the Islam faith & the Arab struggles. My spirit witnessed the senseless Twin Towers tragedy of 9-11-01. See picture at       Messengers

My spirit understood that our life on earth was to prepare us and to give us examples of the hereafter, that everything is progressive and accumulative. We existed on earth to accumulate experiences of feelings, the beauty of every organism that surrounds us, the landscape that adds to our perception and then we would begin our next spiritual journey.

I understood that we should live our life to its fullest. One hundred years from now, almost every single person alive today will have died. Several billion people wiped off the face of this earth. Our life is but a blip on the radar screen of time. We are the most important person responsible for whether our soul will live to attain continuity with God. Here we learn how to intertwine with a community, there we can experience anything that the imagination can perceive.

Envision yourself as a spirit that is uninhibited by any resistance or external influences; you can travel to any star or planet instantly, explore the beauty of the universe, and still be in sync with God. As an example: Imagine the most advanced form of Virtual Reality that can access a super-computer and place you in whichever setting you desire; you can play with the animals, be with your loved ones, listen to the greatest opera, stage or musical performances, or simply relax next to a bubbling brook and enjoy the scenery. You feel no pain, despair, heartache, or negative emotions.

I understood that the community of God is like a Master Planner that guides the universe rather than one that controls it; that God is not a mighty ruler who wishes to enslave mankind but a peaceful coexistence of the spirits or souls of many of our forefathers, past prophets and all who lived righteously. Cultures change with time and God has always been the same but our perception of God will vary with time.




The Intelligent Designer proclaims

I am the Intelligent Designer;
I am what mankind has decided to call God.
I did not come from nowhere.
I play no magic tricks on man.
I did not create the earth by casting spells.
I had a humble beginning the same as man;
My beginning was at the dawn of spirituality.
My wisdom grows as more spirits unite
After the cessation of life after much physical strife.
Throughout time I have been named God,
Allah, Jehovah, The Great Spirit, and many more.
I do not judge man for his vanity or naivety
To be the one who claims to please me the most.
I am easy to please. I require very little.
I only want you to do what is best for mankind.
I will bless you and wish you well.
I will inspire your mind and you will
Accomplish the unfathomable.
I require no worship. I need nothing from man.
I am self-sufficient. I am spirit.

Develop your spirit wisely, the best that you can.
Live your life for the betterment of man.
Your spirit will soon be with me and then
Together we will see and traverse the universe.
There are many wonders to behold,
Your spirit will soar.
You will partake in all the wisdom
That has been gathered from the beginning of time.
The stars will be your playgrounds.
You can play with the animals,
Be with your loved ones,
Listen to the greatest opera,
Stage or musical performances,
Or you can just relax next to a bubbling brook
And enjoy the scenery.
You feel no pain, despair,
Heartache, or negative emotions.
You are now One with me.
You are with the Intelligent Designer
You are with God my child.

In my spiritual journey I felt an exhilarating burst of energy,
I experienced my spirit being transmitted,
Whisked at a powerful speed throughout a tunnel of light
Then after a seemingly long journey
It was united with a receiver, a spiritual unity.
My whole life was revealed in poetic form
It showed me


I felt the pithiness of my life.
Words projected within my spirit that seems to speak.
The relenting of the mind, it dominates the senses

My "I" absolved within its hold.
Am I the I that lives within this life, am I the spirit there within?
The conscience troubles my understanding

Am I the I or is the I my transcendation?
My spirit I beseech you where does this journey end?
"I am spirit, I now control this voyage".

"Let meditation absolve the bonds within", I am told
I now freely go where I must go.
The peaceful flight, the brilliant light, I am now there.

The puzzlement of it all is now upon me
I am here I am there, I am everywhere.
A part of me is within, the beauty beyond belief.

The peace my calm relief.
The interaction of the All. Most questions disappear
Though one part of me is like a child

The spirit seeks answers. How can this be?
Are you the deity of whom my father preached?
Who is the you? Who is the I?

I see it now. I am a part of time.
A part of God, the Great Spirit of all past.
I am within, tapping the mind of creation.

A fleeting thought appears; am I still the I part of my psyche?
Only for this small moment, I comprehend.
Now my psyche is overwhelmed with anticipation

The spirit, the mind is one of understanding
Love washes over me like a tide,
I go back to my beginning.

A child is born in the Baltic, I see it now, it is I
Within three periods, three revolutions around the sun
The mother with her child must flee oppression.

The father must remain to serve the cause
The second Great War brings chaos like never before.
Refuge is now in the land where the confusion began.

A prisoner of war and five more periods pass,
The father is again united with his loved ones.
The family seeks then in the New World, a new beginning,

In the Promised Land promises fall short,
Life again is a struggle, twelve more periods pass,
Then pneumonia sets in.

The pain of breathing, the body almost succumbs.
It becomes a trial of survival; am I to die?
How well I remember, to God I did pray

If my life is to end, can I be with you?
I studied the scriptures I read them to end.
Suddenly I, my spirit its first journey did take.

The glee, the adulation. I felt it all. A union with God.
But am I alive or has my spirit transcended?
The answers seem clear though not quite comprehended.

I look for a master, yet none do I see.
I feel the ecstasy of God; I am within
A gathering of souls. There Jesus I now see.

Moses, Abraham and Jacob,
I know you all, I read of you.
And many more thereof, how can this be?

Be at peace my child, unison of thought I could feel
This is not yet your destiny, but soon,
Only then, when your mission is done.

I am back now at peace in my bed, my body heals quickly
Soon I forget. Was this but a dream?
A dream I eventually did think

As the years passed, I continued my life.
I am in my youth now, 18 periods since birth
I had dragons to slay, to conquer with mirth.

The armed services I then did join, to see Germany again
And to my surprise, an angel I met, a beautiful girl full of joy.
She stole my heart she made me whole.

Could this be love, I wondered?
Should I let my spirit bond with this creature of beauty?
Should I ask her to share my joys, my pains, my life?

As love transcends our spirits unite.
Our souls are like one.
She is now my wife.

As I reminisce now 45 years later, I wonder
Was it fate that brought us together?
I look at my two daughters, their families, their children.

I have proof that miracles really do happen
When our choices are right and then I am reminded
Of the love that has held us together every day and night.

But then I look back and wonder
Has the pithiness of my life
Had the effect that was delegated to me?

Your work is not yet done, my spirit, the I is again reminded.
Two more times within a short span
My spirit has again transcended the realm of time.

Into another dimension, the spiritual, the unity of souls
The progressive intelligence that inspires all
Those who seek guidance for the betterment of man.

My spirit is shown the beginning, the beginning of man
But who is before man, how did God, this unity begin?
Come with me my son and you will see.

The beginning of God was many, many eons ago,
Travel with me to the start of time
To the beginning of the universe and where life began

That life form seems foreign, yet it is full of love
Rationality therefrom sprang then two, then more
The unity of spirit upon their demise began.

Now we will go back to your world, the start of man.
In the distance I see a speck, like a kernel of sand
Is that my land, my earth amongst the vast expanse?

Yes, this is where your kind has fought over me
And killed its kind. Come I will show you,
There is your Adam and your Eve

There also is Abraham, the leader of men
His wife and his children and the strife that began
When he talked about his God

It was the interaction of his spirit with ours
That puzzled his mind
He began to pray and worship and his missions began.

This guidance, though sometimes it has produced pain,
Has served man well. Man needed a God to rely on
To know that his life is not in vain.

Then there was Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed,
My messengers who inspired their people
To lift their spirits when life seems bleak.

Often during the physical lives of my messengers
The viciousness of man came out of a need for survival,
But if their spirit remained clean their soul is now a part of us.

The Crusades came, the killings, the enslavement
They said that it was logical and rational
That God was like a king, a ruler, a dominator.

Who needed man's worship and obedience?
They built churches, temples and mosques
This was not God's making, it is the want of man.

The tragedies of late have burdened your soul
With an attempt to find answers.
We, the unity can guide and suggest, but it is up to you

To change the destiny of man.
Man desires to fight but eventually this too will end.
So complete your mission the best that you can.

Dear God I am but a simple man, I am not well learned.
I have many shortcomings. Who will listen?
Fret not and do your best, this is all I ask.

Now go forth and perform your task.
Whimper not, stand proud and tall
And you will be rewarded with the union of your soul

Again I am reminded of the pithiness of man.
How I wish that I had more time
To live it again.



Edited by peaceseeker - 9 years ago