*Rabir FF: True Love...Note, Chap 55 @ pg 143, 145 (2/1) - Page 42


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nividances thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: hangok

owww great part, 

i hope they find mayank soon before he does something more...
so again kt mom is behind all this...

thanks for pm

Thank you! And yes there is definitely some exciting stuff that I have planned for the next update so stay tuned! πŸ˜Š
nividances thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Thanks Jiya!
nividances thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Chapter 26:

"Sir, Kabir has filed a sexual harassment case against Mayank. In fact, he has even asked me to petition Mayank's anticipatory bail agreement and get a warrant approved for his arrest."

The man looked up from the book that he was reading. "Ok, so what are you waiting for Pathak? Get to it."

The lawyer looked back at the man, confused. "But sir, as soon as the police arrests Mayank, Gayatri will find out the Kabir and Rachna are still together. It won't take her too long to figure out that those divorce papers and agreement were fake too."

The man raised his eyebrows. "And your point? Let her find out. It's time she gets a reality check."

"But sir..."

"This game of hide and seek has gone on too long already. It's high time that Gayatri pay for all the crimes she has committed. Just keep in mind that she won't sit still after Mayank's arrest. Knowing Gayatri she'll probably use the media to defame Rachna as much as possible. So make sure that you are on top of everything. Don't let the media publish this news at any cost Pathak."

"Okay sir, as you say. I'll just take your leave then."

The man lifted his hand lazily to dismiss Pathak and went back to reading his book.


"I'll see you next week then Rachna. And Kabir, thanks for coming today. I think it definitely helped."

"Thank you for everything today Dr. Soumya. And yes, I'll see you next week."

"No worries doc. Anything for Rachna."

Kabir placed his arm around Rachna's shoulder. She looked towards him and smiled. They walked out of the doctor's office, hand in hand. Rachna began to walk towards the parking lot, but Kabir pulled her back and directed her to the ice cream cart that was parked on the nearby street corner. Moving towards the small deserted beach that was just across the street, Kabir and Rachna walked side by side, as they ate their chocho-wafer ice cream cones, Rachna's favorite.

"I'm really proud of you Rachna. You finally broke out of your shell and gathered the courage to tell everyone the truth."

"Thanks for always being there Kabir. I know it hasn't been easy for you either." Rachna squeezed Kabir's hand affectionately. He looked towards Rachna and gave her a charming smile.

"Well the important thing is that you are starting to get over all this. I just want you to move on and be happy."

"I'll be happy if I have you by my side."

"Always and forever sweetheart. I love you."

Rachna looked towards Kabir and saw a piece of chocolate stuck to his lower lip. Stepping in front of him, Rachna faced Kabir and lightly touched her lips to his. Running her tongue over his lower lip, Rachna savored the taste of the chocolate. Kabir was shocked by Rachna's sudden gesture, but his hands automatically wrapped around her waist and pulled her body close to his. She pulled away from the kiss, her lips hovering just inches above his. Looking into Kabir's eyes, Rachna smiled innocently.

"I love chocolate."

Kabir face broke into a grin and he nuzzled his nose into Rachna's shoulder, pulling her into a hug. "And I just love you."

"I love you too Kabir."

Holding Kabir arm and gently resting her head on his shoulder as they walked, Rachna looked longingly at the waves oscillating peacefully with the shoreline. Kabir had his eyes only on Rachna.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it Kabir?"

"Yeah, you are."

Rachna looked at Kabir. "I was talking about the water."

"And I was talking about you."

Shaking her head, Rachna chuckled. "Should we head home now? It looks like it's about to rain. Look at the dark clouds rolling in."


"Wow bhabhi! You made all my favorite dishes! Thanks so much!"

Smiling, Rachna sat down at the dinner table next to Kabir. "It's not a problem Karan. I thought it would be a good way to welcome you home."

As Rachna was serving the food, Kabir's cell phone rang. "I'll just take this call Rachna. You guys go ahead and start eating."

Kabir moved out of the dining room and into the adjoining balcony.

"Yes inspector. What's the update?"

"Mr. Kabir, your lawyer, Pathak, faxed us the arrest warrant and we have Mayank Tiwari in our custody right now. You were absolutely correct; he was indeed at Gayatri Tripathi's house."

"Good. I will leave you to your job of investigating this case then. Good night. And please keep me updated with any new developments."

"Sure Mr. Kabir. I will let you know."

Hanging up the phone, Kabir walked back into the dining room, where he found Rachna laughing at one of Karan's corny jokes. Taking his seat next to Rachna, Kabir observed the happiness on his wife's face as she served the food onto his plate. Kabir looked at Karan and mouthed a thank you to his brother, who just replied with a discrete nod.

Once they had finished eating dinner, Kabir attended to a Skype call with his design assistant while Karan helped Rachna with the dishes.

"Bhabhi, the food was really good. You have to give Rhea some cooking tips or else I may just end up coming here for dinner every night even after I find my own place."

"This is your house too Karan. You can stay here as long as you want; there's more than enough room. And as for teaching Rhea to cook, that's a pretty tough job. The last time I was in the kitchen with Rhea, she burned the cookies so bad that they were permanently stuck to pan and we had to throw the pan itself out."

Karan laughed. "Yeah I figure I will probably be doing most of the cooking after we get married."

Kaving finished his Skype call, Kabir walked into the kitchen. "What are you guys laughing about?"

"Hey bhai, finished with your call? And bhabhi and I were just chatting, nothing important. Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about something bhai."

"Yeah sure Karan, what's up?"

"Actually Rhea's parents wanted to meet with my family to finalize the engagement and wedding plans. So, I was wondering if you and bhabhi could meet with them. You two are the only family I have."

Rachna placed her hand on Karan's shoulder. "Karan, is that even something to ask? Of course Kabir and I will talk to uncle and aunty about you and Rhea. Don't be so formal."

Kabir nodded in agreement with Rachna. Karan smiled. "Thanks so much bhai, bhabhi! I'll just go call Rhea and tell her about this."

Once Karan had left the kitchen, Kabir turned towards Rachna, who was wiping off the counter top. Holding her shoulders, Kabir turned Rachna so she was facing him.

"What happened Kabir?"

Kabir hugged Rachna and whispered into her ear. "Thank you."

"For what?"

Grabbing the dish towel out of Rachna's hand, Kabir threw it on the counter and led her out into the balcony. "For making Karan feel at home. Ever since dad passed away, Karan and I have essentially relied on each other for support because Gayatri abandoned us as well. I did the best I could, but I know that he's always missed the presence of having a stable family in his life. Today, sitting down at the dinner table and having a proper family dinner together, I could see the happiness on Karan's face. So thank you for being so loving and accepting towards him."

Rachna held Kabir's hand and smiled at him. "Why are you thanking me? Karan is just like the little brother that I never had but always wanted. Growing up in a family of all girls, I kind of always secretly wished for a brother and now I finally have one."

Kabir placed a sweet kiss on Rachna's forehead as she enveloped her arms around his chest and hugged him.


"Gunjan beta, are you okay?"

Gunjan wiped her tears and looked up. Shifting in her seat, Gunjan made room so Sneha could sit down next to her.

"I'm fine mom."

Sneha enveloped Gunjan into a comforting hug. "I know that this must be so tough for you Gunjan beta. But I promise you that everything is going to be okay. Kabir called me earlier and informed me that the police have arrested Mayank. He has hurt both you and Rachna so much. Gunjan, your papa and I will do everything in our power to punish him beta."

"I know you will mom. I trust you. But I just don't understand why he did all this; first with Rachna di and then with me."

"We will get our answers soon enough beta. But please don't stress yourself out; it's not good for you or the baby. Now you relax and I will get some warm milk for you."


"Mr. Karanjkar how could they arrest Mayank like that?! We had an anticipatory bail agreement already sanctioned by the court!"

"I know Gayatri ji, but Kabir seems to have petitioned against it and gotten an arrest warrant issued against Mayank. Since it's a sexual harassment case, I'm afraid that it's impossible to bail Mayank out before the court proceedings are over."

"What the hell!" Gayatri threw the glass of wine from her hand, creating a puddle of red liquid and sending shards of glass scattering across the floor. Her lawyer, Madhav Karanjkar, winced.

"Karanjkar! What the hell is Kabir doing here? He's supposed to have gone back to Delhi by now! Why is he still here and why is helping that wretched girl?"

"They're not divorced Gayatri ji. Kabir has shifted to Mumbai and is living with Rachna right now."

The color drained from Gayatri's face as she stared at her lawyer in disbelief.

"They's not divorced? How is that possible? I saw those divorce papers myself; they both signed them. And that court notice? It confirmed that their divorce had been sanctioned."

"It was fake Gayatri ji. It seems that your accomplice Pathak deceived you."

Gayatri's face contorted with anger. "Ok Kabir, so you want to play dirty? Well, two can play at that game. Mr. Karanjkar, hand me my cell phone please. I think the media would love to hear about the spicy news of big-shot fashion designer Kabir Tripathi's wife's sexual harassment case."


"Make sure this story doesn't get published Mr. Khanna. Otherwise you know the legal repercussions that you may face."

"I assure you Mr. Pathak. No media channel or newspaper will run this story. You have my word."

Pathak shook Mr. Khanna's hand and exited the room. Upon entering the elevator, he dialed a number on his cell phone.

"Yes sir. You were absolutely right. Gayatri Tripathi called up every media outlet to run this story on the harassment case. But don't worry, I have everything under control; no media house or newspaper will publish this story."

"Good Pathak. And you know the next step; talk to Kabir and make sure that both he and Rachna are ready to go through with this court case. Also, Gayatri is going to come threaten you now that she knows you messed around with those divorce papers. Be ready for her."

"Yes sir. I'll handle it."

"You better handle it. Good night Pathak."


The mystery man that was watching Rachna, Kabir, and Karan at the cafe is back in action! Hope you enjoyed this update...some interesting stuff coming up soon, so stay tuned!

❀️ Nivi

crtkelly thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Too, too good Nivi.
Who is the mystery man; are we sure that Kabir's father really passed? To me at least this seems like the perfect person looking to protect RaBir and to be so ready, and have the means, to go up against Gayatri!!
Is it too late for you take a staff position in the Creative Department on SSLKπŸ˜†
Looking forward to what happens next. Update soon and thanks for the PM!
nividances thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: crtkelly

Too, too good Nivi.

Who is the mystery man; are we sure that Kabir's father really passed? To me at least this seems like the perfect person looking to protect RaBir and to be so ready, and have the means, to go up against Gayatri!!
Is it too late for you take a staff position in the Creative Department on SSLKπŸ˜†
Looking forward to what happens next. Update soon and thanks for the PM!

Oh Kelly stahp...you're way too kind for me. πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜³

As for  your prediction, just wait and watch...errr read πŸ˜‰
Chit15 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Wow nice Update 
Again mystery man? waiting to solve this mystery soon 
unishaz thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
super update..
Love it..
Thanks for pm..
Nuritzur thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
thanks for pm me dear.
Oh not Gaitry back. I hope she not will Separate Rabir again after all what they pass. I sure they will win at too. 
thanks for the lovely update. I enjoy at. keep that up 
Nuritzur thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: nividances

Oh Kelly stahp...you're way too kind for me. πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜³

As for  your prediction, just wait and watch...errr read πŸ˜‰

If Nivi woes one of the Creative Department team on SSLK I think the show woes much fun and great :)
hangok thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
ufff this is gettng better and better,
you are just too good,
where should i begin what i liked more...😊
the little famiy dinner scene, the ice cream scene,
or in the kitchen that talk, ahhh everything was just great...

so there is someone who hels kabir withought his knowledge..i would have said that he is their dad, but kabir said he passed away but im still not sure,
ahh it is great to see that they are more clever than this evil women gayatri...

pleaseee dear give some romance scene to kabir and rachna pleaseee,
make kabirs dream true☺️

great work, waiting with excitement for the next part,
and thanks for pm