HE questioned 'HIS Shadow' BUT answer came from 'SOUL'.!.Updt-Pg28 - Page 23


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ayushimehra thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: history_geek

 Nice Post Radhika
Nice Post Radhika... 
I also wanted to write some points on Maham's Curse...More or less they are same..

I lot of thinks about it, But, Maham cursing, No Meant,, Maham is not a Which type person, 

Which she will speak, Going to be True. If Maham type persoalites words going to be True,
Then Everytime we see Moralty +honesty wins. It not happens. Humanity will totally finish.
If these things are Alive,;;;;;;;;;;;;;so no matters, which she is speaking.
. TO me it was a rant of a lady who was grieving and saying what she ALWAYS wanted...Yesterday, she was speaking the truth...Her Heart Out...!!!
 Agree,, First she too much speaked, I think, Jalal was thoughless, How he worships this Lady, How much blackness filled in her Inner.  (maham inner )
If My acceptions will not complete, +You will not, Live or took decesion acc to me, i will give 
you, Wrong, Words,;;;;;;;;;;;;;She totally disturbed, Jalal Consious. Everyone  was  standing,
Sielance Jone. They Lost Atgha Khan,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Is Maham Nothing Realized, NO. What a King +Kingdom  has Lost.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;You killed My Son,So Frustation realasing, But i not liked, Maham frustation.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Totally selfishness. If these type of persoanalits, Still Alives;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Only Harm this World.😡 ðŸ˜¡ ðŸ˜¡ ðŸ˜¡

2. I mean to say, she was saying the truth in a sense...It was not a curse..."Jo baatein Zehen Mein Dafn thi Saalon se Kal Woh Intekaam ki Khwaish Sailaab ke saath Bahar Nikal Aayi ".
Agree, In this way, Jalal will know, Real face of Maham, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Which realtion Only destroying Him & his Kingdom,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;They have no Right, To Live in Kingdom.
But If jalal should know earlier, Atgha , not dies.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AK +Maham no regreats.
. It was a sort of frustration...Which is normally shown by psychopaths...At one moment, they are in ANOTHER World, and the next moment they are found doing something ELSE...They themselves, do not know, what is the Method to Achieve their Objective..!!!!.. She wants the throne but does not wants to kill Jalal...She says she Loves Jalal and does not wants him to be in any "MUshKilaat" But she herself Killed her Kids...What is this.?.😕

This is Chit bhee mari Patt bhee meri,😆 ðŸ˜†.Actually, I think, she knows if Jalal will be killed
Then HM will be sit on Kigdom. But if Jalal Alives, & he becomes Kathputali of Maham, ( Before Jodha becoming he was ), Then By cheating, He will give DELHI TAKHAT to AK,
Ak child will be Born, Jalal childs will be kill My Maham. When Jalal will become, Much ager,
Ak, child will be Got some Suba's. So Ak power will be increase.  Because  Before Jodha coming jalal was jallad. So Jalal downfall automatically come, Because No heir No future.
MC & other kings will against Jalal. Age wise he will go Weak. So all profit will get then AK
But if HM will sit,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;then who will care for AK. so Jalal Aliveness was neceassary
:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Because Maham selfishness wants this,🤢 ðŸ¤¢

. She always wanted to kill Jalal's Kids and she DID it several times, because she DID NOT want any heir to survive as she always wanted to secure it for his REAL son Adham...
 Agree. i explained upper.
. There are times when Human Speaks truth when he/she loses everything...It was one such moment  yesterday...
Thank God she own speaked Truth.
. She is NO SAINT like Gandhari or Mira that she whatever she says comes out to be true..One needs some "Punya" to attain that power to Invoke the Divine Master and curse someone..I doubt, she has even an iota of that..😉
😆 ðŸ˜† ðŸ˜† ðŸ˜†, Agree, Maham was thinking, Which she will speak, going to be True, Yes Akbar lost his Kids,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;But  16 cen death Ratio, was extreem, or Maybee, Some  more Cheaters Truth  will be come out.
7. It was a ridiculous attempt by the CV's to raise the Emotional Quotient of the Viewers..😉
But viewers are more Intelligent.😆 ðŸ˜†
. She asked why Adham was killed.?. But, DID SHE EVER asked What her SON kept on Doing for All these years.?. 😳 Did she Forget that it was jalal who had forgiven her son so many times...BTW, Even today, Jalal does not know who killed Pir Mohammed..!!!!!!..
 Maham type people not think, for Others, Jalal should know, Every truth of Maham. & yes she Forget all. She says she brought up jalal;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Is she First person, Who broght up 
other child;;;;;;;;;;;Panna dhai, Yashoda, Good ex brought up others childs.
Is Maham type personality stand anywhere ? How much she got from, Mughal Empire.

Its a Quotion, Chor bhee satth ghar chod kee chori karta hee.;;;;;;So Some people,
Wants to Manuplate +Disturb, by Hook +By Crook.
9. Like you, I also do not give any weight to the "Theory of Curse" , for J-J have Divine Blessings with them, and Blessings of a Sufi (as you said, Salim Chisti Sahab) are BIGGER then any Curse...!!!..
Agree,     Ravana End, Durodhna End, many more ex, in History. & Maham not matters, her cursing no meaning.
Or What  Falut  Jodha Akbar, They not did A Crime, Who attempted Crimethey will got Sure Punishment. God  Knows Maham Crime Ak crime, or Next HM, or Sharrif, or Maybee Ruk, also standing. in line,;;;;;;;;;;King has authority, to Punish Culprits. & he  punished Ak Good decesion;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Others will learn.

history_geek thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: MaddyO

Abhay this entire curse and blessings discussion is fascinating. 
I think what MATTERS is the purity of the person giving curse and blessings.  It mattered in all ages.
The curse of a pure soul, of Rishis had the power to destroy because THEY WERE pure souls. 
The curse of MA cannot be equated because she herself has committed so many sins.  She is a murderer, full of sins and her dua or bad-dua have no value.

Why blessings by KS (or current times transvestites) are considered powerful is because they are considered unfortunate beings in life so when they give a blessing especially it is considered coming from heart.  If you remember the movie HAHK where they come to give blessings to the newborn baby.  This is a practice still followed they come to bless the new borns.

I did not like the scene of MA giving curses, especially to the unborn babies.  CVs showed her as far more important or moral by showing this - she was a vile, disgusting woman and does not deserve to be glorified.
Not does Ashwni deserve this special treatment!  Jijianga or Aziz are the victims here and we never got to see them.  Why did CVs not show Jijianga reply to MA saying her son killed Adga and punishment by Jalal was just and her curse will have no effect.

It is something both Jodha and Jalal will think after the twins death.  They will realize it was God's will however, the words are bound to haunt Jalal especially. 


You have HIT the right Points...Which we all said in our different Posts...
Everyones curse is not going to yield any result...Some Divine Grace is required for it...HEnce, only Rishis / Sufis/ etc. have the power to invoke it...

Agree with your points about KS...Made a comment in this regard, few months back...

Originally posted by: history_geek

KS was a word used for transgenders. Widely known for Their service as ''caretakers'' in Harem of Mughal rulers. They were not physicians. They had somewhat better status there compared to 'general' perception today.
They were said to have a 'connection' with God and their blessing/'dua' was believed to bestow good fortune / future / heir to the lady. They were seldom offended as their 'curse' / 'baddua' was also feared.

The CV's could have shown the Family of Atga instead of excessive torture of MA...They could have shown Jalal announcing great compensation for his family and elevation of Atga Khan brothers' in the Mughal Durbar and other stuff..But they focus on MA...😕...Anyways, lets see, maybe in future...

JJ Will fight this out i am sure...😊

history_geek thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: nabiii

@maddy: i m frightening more what if cvs keep maham till twins death n show her enjoyment to see jj's mataam before twins death bodies. Jalal wl feel huge guilt n free depressed maham for temardari on the purpose of paap mochaan! Phew. I can't keep a bit faith on cvs's natkiya rupantaar.

Don't Worry...I think it will be other way round..😉
history_geek thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: al_pal

Wonderful post abhay , what can i say when u tell very beautiful aspect of episode. Me , divya and paddy went through few discussion over that episode as I was not able to gasp why she retreated when he needed her most . He was in complete zombi state but still his mind body and soul knew where to go for solace but she did not responded ,when u r soul
mate , u feel his pain , his agony1st , she had quite time for her self , to go through her emotion and collect herself as we know how strong she is . At that moment the outer look does not matter becoz she should have seen pain his eyes , that empty ness in his whole being , what was needed at that moment was just a silent hug , no words or any other action , becoz in state of empty ness he still asked her is she ok ? That is how his soul is in sync with her .
In hamaam what she did was perfect , he needed that outlet & what she did on next day was marvalous , she did what a soul mate would do to cradle him , to shield him, share his pain and making sure she is there and will be there for eternity .

Thanks Buddy,,,Nice point raised...😊...

I agree that Jalal came to Jodha in that state, despite being in a "Zombie" State.. I have myself written that despite being a state of "Losing" himself, he came straight to Jodha... He knew his Destination Quite Well , despite being in another World, he was ABSENT from THIS World.. There are sometimes, when we react [ Correctly ] despite NOT being in our senses...I don't know if i make sense by this simple example, but i am writing something which came to my mind just now -->> " There are times when we are talking to someone ( phone/mobile, etc. ) , while walking / taking a stroll in the park, etc. Still when it's time to get back home, we KNOW that we have to COME TO OUR OWN home, and we end up at the correct place, despite the fact that we were TOTALLY 'immersed' in that talk on the phone ". This has happened to me many times...Please note that this example and Jalal's case is different but the only similarity is that the "person under consideration" was not using his "conscience mind" to arrive on the conclusion...Certain things happen "automatically" ...Jalal was in a need of a deep sense of love and belonging that time. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to expect such Care, to be loved, and to belong, in some moments of our lives...It is an automatic process...

Coming to Jodha's Case..I would like to maintain a neutral stance but still i can justify it..Let me mention some points...Despite being strong and having fought a war, etc... This situation was different from the Rest...Jalal was drenched completely in Blood...In such situation having seen HER Husband doing "Justice(I believe Jalal was correct to do so with Adham)" in the most gruesome manner...It was quite automatic what she did...Do we expect her to hug him in that state of Blood Soaked Clothes.?. And, Jalal HIMSELF felt "something(i can't define that reaction)" when he saw himself in the mirror with those Blood Stained Clothes...He must have FELT "Something(?)" that HE HIMself walked away from the place...And went to his hamam straight away...So, i think jalal also understood that his appearance at the moment was horrifying enough...In some situation, certain acts leave us NUMB...Jodha was the witness to the gruesome punishment of Adham...I know from my experience that when people see/hear something like this, they numb out so that they can't feel anymore, to some extent. Happened to me when i got News of my Granny's Demise...I was just feeling less and refused to talk to anyone for atleast an hour..!!!!!... In such times, we cease to function as we were meant to be NATURALLY. We break. We fall apart. We numb. We ache. We (feel)hurt our INNERselves...

Hence, in my thinking, both JJ's reactions at that moment were OK...Hope i am able to throw some light...

PS :: Please see Padbear's comments in this regard... 112560444   112571396   .. 😊

Edited by history_geek - 9 years ago
history_geek thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: neeshaa16

Dear Abhay...

OMG what an awesome post..With great respect to all other writers on this forum.. I wish to say that this post of yours is  the most  soul touching post.. It has really touched  our hearts  ..You  are an amazing  writer  Abhay and every word  of yours  is beautifully penned . How correctly you have written that what ever is lost comes back in some other form...

Thank You Neeshaa..!!!!...Very Glad to hear from you...

@Bold..So True.!!!.😊

sreev12 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Another awsm thread Abhay ... thanq 4 highlighting the sanskrit sloka in that epi ... ys it might have been more beautiful if they atleast presentd the meaning of that sloka in some way like a small conv in soul tlk etc ... nyway we are really witnessing some xtremelyinterestng ideas frm CVs ...
history_geek thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: sreev12

Another awsm thread Abhay ... thanq 4 highlighting the sanskrit sloka in that epi ... ys it might have been more beautiful if they atleast presentd the meaning of that sloka in some way like a small conv in soul tlk etc ... nyway we are really witnessing some xtremelyinterestng ideas frm CVs ...

Thanks Sreev...!!
It's been months, when i had seen your comment/ last time...!!.. Glad to see you here.

I Wish. CV's maintain the continuity..

blackvelvet thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: RadhikaS0

Wonderful and well-timed post!

It is quite possible that the twins may be killed. By either / both Maham and Ruq.🤢

Waiting with bated breath to see how the track unfolds.

PS: Not discussing in detail because it would be out of scope of this thread.😊

Thank you so much Radhika !
...I still have not managed to read all your wonderful posts...but trying to steal time out of work to do so 😉 ...will get back to you soon...

P.S ...oh yes I completely understand what is taboo in the forum...hence kept my quotations and interpretations to the bare minimum... 😆
history_geek thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Replied in brown..
history_geek thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Rashmi81

I said you are giving his "dream" that is " google" a tough competition.And for us you too are a gifted person.
Rather it's a gift for us too that you are with us

Thank You...For me it is equally amazing and fun to interact with you all. !!