Blinded by the light of your love ~ SS Part-24 upd (pg 42) ~10/4/15 - Page 18


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AhamyTed thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Brahmaputra

Part 3

This is a LOLing-romantic part. You're quite an innovative writer. I was wondering what did Sandy mean by 'her favourite food is DBC'!πŸ˜†.

Come on CVs, learn something from this girl!

thanks πŸ˜³
AhamyTed thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Bhabho gets ecstatic on seeing the lady..she goes nd hugs her
Bhabho:" OH Rama , i m seeing u after so many years ...what a pleasant surprise..!!
(Rama is Bhabho's nd Dhaisa's childhood friend)
Dhaisa: arre Santudi...won't u let us come inside...?
They go inside...Bhabho make's Rama sit...nd they start their chat...
In the hospital...
Sandy is holding Sur's hand...both r waiting outside a room...
Sandy: Surajji , i m so eager to meet my baby...i haven't seen him since so many days...
Suraj keeps hand on her shoulder...nd moves close to her ears...
Suraj:" Sandhyaji , until u meet our baby...satisfy urself by staying close to me only"
Sandhya:"Surajji , dis is a hospital...behave properly here atleast..!!"
Both of them giggle...
in RM...after having a long conversation..Dhaisa says Rama that we should come to the point now...the reason y she is here...
both Bhabho nd Rama become a bit confused listening to that...they ask Dhaisa wt reason is she talking abt...
Dhaisa tells them dt she has brought Rama to RM so dt she becomes a relative of their's ...she tells BB dt Rama has a daughter named Subha...nd she is searching for a good guy...nd where else cud she find a better guy than Vikram...
both Rama nd BB get shocked...Rama at once gets up from her seat nd shouts at Dhaisa...she condemn's Dhaisa suggestion nd asks her to shut up...
she says dt hw can she even imagine of tying up her daughter wid a man who is divorced nd has a child too...she asks sorry to BB nd leaves...
BB: y did u do all dis Dhaisa..?
Dhaisa:' i did dis for that poor kid who has no mother to take care of nw i don't care...u ppl have already insulted me.."
Vikram is standing near the door nd listening to all this...
Dhaisa stares at him nd leaves...
In the hospital...
SurYa see their baby nd think dt just a few more days r left...after dt , their sweet heart will be back to them...
Sandy checks whether somebody is looking at them...nd when she is assured dt nobody , she gives a peck on Suraj's cheeks.
Suraj asks y dis...she says...
"So what if i cannot kiss my baby...i can kiss my sweet heart na.."
Suraj gives a soft peck on her lips...nd says "Te amo"
Sandhya:" Te amo..??"
Suraj:after our wo aii nee secret ws revealed , i thought of dis...
she laughs...
Sandhya:" Te Amo..<3"

Edited by AhamyTed - 9 years ago
pasurYa thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
OMG OMG πŸ˜²πŸ˜² πŸ€£
Rama and subha  πŸ€£

Nice update sweet heart ... wow.. wo ai nee to Te Amo πŸ˜³πŸ˜³ 

ranil. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
rama n Subha πŸ˜†
awww "Te amo ",Nice update Maha
dabh9 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Nice update
Te amo. Wow
Waiting fr next part
AhamyTed thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
thanks Subhi , RD ka nd SP ka πŸ€—
Rosy.L thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Nice update Maha ! the scene at the hospital so cute πŸ˜³
Rama and Subha πŸ˜†πŸ‘πŸΌ

bye bye Chinese welcome Spanish β€οΈ
AhamyTed thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Vikram comes inside RM , BB gets teary-eyed seeing him...she gathers some strength nd wen't to Vikram...she says him to fresh up nd cm for eating lunch...Vikram denies.!!
BB stops him nd says that she want's to talk something to him about his baby...Vikram says her not to say a thing about his second marriage...BB says dt she needs to talk something else other than that ...
BBsa too comes...BB shuts the door...
she tells Vikram that from many days she was thinking abt the baby...till now Sandhya used to somehow take care of him...but soon her own son will come nd then she'll have to join who will take care of the child...a child needs a mother more during the early stages of his life...
she says that she very well knows that he won't bring another lady , nd neither does she wan't that...
she hesitates but finally says him that he very well knows about Chavi's condition...her husband and in-laws have deserted her...she can't even become a mom...if we give the child to Chavi , maybe her life would become better...
Vikram gets furious nd shouts at her " Makes Chavi's life better nd spoil my son's life...u very well know dt Chavi is getting the punishment of her own sins...she is a liar , a thief , a deciever , a cheat nd what not...i don't wan't my son to be brought up by her so that even he becomes like her"
BB:" I know Chavi has done so many wrong things but..."
SurYa enter RM...they are shocked to see BB crying...Sandhya closes the door ...nd both ask what happened
Vikram shout at BB and accuses her for supporting her daughter even after all this happened...he blames her for always being partial...(Suraj shouts at Vikram , but he shuts him too)
he says BB dt wtever Chavi is facing today is coz of BB only...coz of her teachings...
He was married to a lady like Meena coz of her , Meena exchanged the kids coz of her...because showed her ignorance towards Ankur's daughter Chutki , when she ws born...he goes on counting her mistakes...
he even tells dt she never hesitaed even once for sending Mohit to Jodhpur for earning but she always had a problem wid him nd Suraj going out od Pushkar...after so much od drama she allowed Sandhya to become an officer...
Suraj shouts at him...but Vikram asks him whether wt he said wsn't true...deep inside his heart , Suraj knew dt Vikram ws he never listened to that part of his heart...he supports BB...
Vikram gives a sigh nd curses himself for even asking such a qestion to BB...
Vikram says dt he very well knows what's better for his child...he goes towards Sandhya nd asks her whether she is ready to bring up his child like a mother...he begs her...
Sandhya says that she never had a problem...Vikram says dt he want's her to becomes his baby's mom forever...he should be called as SurYa's child...
Sandhya becomes shocked...Vikram says that he doesn't want ppl top make fun of his child by calling him a criminal's child...he begs Sandhya , says her that dis is the first nd last tym , he is aking her something...nd breaks down...
BBsa says that Vik is telling right...BB says Sandy that she knows dt she will very well take care of the baby...she goes to Vikram nd says that she just suggested bcoz she ws thinking abt everyone at the same tym...abt the child , abt Chavi nd abt Sandhya beendni too...since Sandhya will be busy wid work it will be very difficult for her to take care of 2 kids...nd she doesn't even know how to take care of such crucial things...
Vikram gets up nd says Sandhya dt he is not bothered of anything...he just want's to know whether Sandy is ready to take up the responsibility...
Sandy says dt she will...she promises Vikram dt she will never differentiate between her child nd his child,...she adds dt she will take care of him like a he will always remain his son...nd the world will respect him...not humiliate him!!
She says dt even Krishna had two mother's, so y can't his son have...
Suraj too comes forward nd says dt they will take care of the baby very well , nd his son will get the love of 2 father's too...
Vikram goes nd hugs Suraj...
Suraj looks at Sandhya nd smile...his eyes telling her dt her decision ws perfect...
BB nd BBsa too feel proud of their son nd daughter-in-law...
The baby starts soon as Sandhya hears it , she rushes to the room nd feeds him...BB thinks dt no one cud take care of the baby better...Vikram too is proud of his decision...
BB says sorry to Vikram for being selfish...Vikram too says sorry for his harsh words...
both hug each other...Suraj asks he won't get a hug or what...BB calls him nd gives them both a group hug...BBsa smiles nd thanks God !!
P.S. In the next part ,u  will see SurYa romance(actually read πŸ˜†)

Edited by AhamyTed - 9 years ago
-LuvSiyaRam- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

finally  read all the missed out parts😊
wow Maha wonderfulπŸ‘
Right from Surya romance 😳
Sandy feeding Meena's child aww ⭐️
and this one Vikram's dialogues were bang onπŸ‘πŸ‘
very beautiful MahaπŸ‘πŸΌ
Waiting for next update

Edited by Vvardhini - 9 years ago
Rosy.L thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Nice update Maha !! I wonder... did Meena get pregnant after reading your SS πŸ˜†πŸ˜†. Waiting for the SurYa romance in next part. Good luck girly πŸ˜³