#1 ArShi: His Secret Desire ~Next Thread link on Page 147~ - Page 68


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suji5 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
lovely update
hope they both get rid of that palous soon
shruti46 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 years ago
u have spoiled us by giving regular updates .
now yeh dil always want update๐Ÿ˜‰
Tanvi.Alison thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Thank you everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š Love you all ๐Ÿ˜Š

Part Twenty Seven

The next morning, Arnav woke up with Khushi's face buried in his neck and her soft body up against his, with her arm strewn across his chest. Her hair covered her face, and her soft breath was fanning his neck. He brushed her hair away from her face and saw the peaceful smile on her lips, and it took a lot for him to control himself from pressing his lips into hers. Then, within seconds, the actions of the previous night came flooding back like a typhoon. "Oh hell." He groaned sliding out from under her and sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands. The Guptas, both her Dad and Rohan, were going to kill him without any regret! He turned and looked at the thoroughly sated woman sleeping in bed and felt another wave of anguish. He couldn't possibly fix this.

He stood up and went to the shower. He couldn't think straight with her naked body next to his. Turning on the taps, he stepped in and allowed the water to pour over his body as he ducked his head and allowed it to stream down his back. Why didn't he stop before he went too far? He knew the answer to that already. He couldn't stop. Maybe it was the romantic weather of the island and the several glasses of scotch he had before he went to the room. It didn't help that she'd been drinking either, but it wasn't a very good excuse. Regardless, it seemed to strip away his common sense when he saw her in that flimsy scrap of a night suit. From that point on, nothing else existed but Khushi. The previous night was the best night of his entire thirty years. But he could not deny the fact that he had corrupted her innocence and had taken away from her something that she valued all her life. He tipped his face up to the pouring water. He imagined the betrayed look on the face of her Dad, who trusted him like he would trust his own son. And regardless of the pleasure he had last night, the guilt washed it away. He had made his decision. After they got back to Delhi, he would get married to her within a time of few hours. He did not care about lavish weddings. All that concerned him was Khushi and her happiness. He would talk to her about it and would convince her Dad too. Getting out of the shower he reached for a towel and swore to himself. Khushi didn't deserve this rushed decision of the wedding, but it had to be done. His conscience pricked him for touching her immorally, and he could not fix things, but he would definitely make it up to her.

Khushi awoke alone and felt her cheeks heat up with the images flooding back in her mind from the night before. She never realized that a man and a woman could share such pleasure. Turning her head, she wished he was still with her as she surveyed the cold, empty area beside her. Why did he feel the need to leave before she woke up? Climbing out of bed she headed for the shower. Most likely he was out on the front porch, enjoying the glorious Grecian sun and breakfast with Antonio. She knew that they'd be heading back to Delhi in a few hours. Something she didn't look forward to. For some odd reason, she feared that her perfect fairytale would end soon.

She finished showering and chose a pink blouse, white cotton shorts and sandals. Then she spent some extra time on her hair and some minimal makeup. About an hour later, she found Antonio and Arnav on the front porch of the farmhouse talking, and they both stood up as she approached. She gave them both a glorious smile, but only Antonio returned it. Arnav leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek completely opposite of his morning greeting the day before. She examined his expression and felt a knot in her stomach at the coolness of his attitude. All sorts of things began to fill her head, but only one hit her hard. Her lungs hurt when realization dawned on her. She obviously was a disappointment to him in bed and now that he knew that, he was done with her. He had used her just like he used numerous girls previously, and now that she had not satisfied him, he decided to part ways with her, but was thinking of a way to break the news to her. The way he avoided looking into her eyes told her all. It hurt her horribly, but she did her best to not show it and remained silent through the meal. Nausea built up in the pit of her stomach and she couldn't even find it in her to eat the delicious buffet set out for them. She only moved food around on her plate. Unfortunately Antonio seemed to notice the change in her and she saw his eyes glance back and forth between them a couple of times.

Khushi felt her lungs burn as she breathed. This was what heartbreak felt like and she hated it that she gave herself to him. For her, it was the most spectacular feeling when she became one with him. But for him, it must have been a disgusting one, especially when he was used to experienced women. And it didn't matter anymore. Today they would head home to Delhi and they would resume their normal routines. If this moment was an indicator, she was sure that he would never touch her again. A part of her died inside over that thought.

It wasn't long after that they said their goodbye's and the helicopter took them straight to the airport. None of them spoke a word. Guilt was eating Arnav, and Khushi assumed it to be disappointment. Once aboard the plane, Khushi removed the ring from her finger and handed it back to Arnav. "I guess I don't need this anymore." Finally he centered his gaze on her with a flicker of emotion while she placed it in his hand. "I did have a great time with you in Greece, Khushi" he said. He meant to tell her that last night was the most unforgettable night for him, since it was the first time he learned of how it was supposed to feel when one unites with the love of his life. But somehow, the meaning of those words came out wrong.

He took a deep breath, knowing that he was hurting her with his cold attitude. "Khushi, what happened last night..." "I don't want to discuss about that Arnav" She said, hiding her face from his gaze. "I cannot discuss anything Arnav. And please don't tell Dad or Rohan that we've decided to part ways..." "Khushi, listen to..." She raised her hand in his direction, without looking at his face. "Please promise me you will not tell anything to anyone. I just want to move on with my life, and believe that last night was just a dream. I'm sorry I disappointed you" To say that Arnav was shocked would be such an underestimation. "Disappointed? What the hell are you talking about Khushi?" he said incredulously. "Just forget it Arnav. Please."  She said, feeling embarrassed that she was reminding him about the night, which was perhaps the worst for him.

Arnav felt his heart ripped into pieces at what she thought. "No, I won't. Do you think that's what's going on? That you disappointed me? Good lord Khushi, that's the furthest thing from the truth." He never even considered that his aloofness towards her would be interpreted in such a way. Now he felt like a complete bas***d. In truth, he should have known better, she was inexperienced and naive, and despite what they shared, she still was innocent. "Arnav, please just stop!" She pleaded, and he noticed her eyes were teary. "You should let me explain, Khushi." He said wincing inwardly seeing her pain. "I don't want to talk about it. When we get back to Delhi, we'll get on with our lives as if nothing has happened. Eventually, I'll tell Dad and Rohan that over time, we realized we were never meant to be." Her soul felt like it had shattered when she said those words, but she put on her bravest face. "It's what I want, Arnav." she continued not looking him in the eyes, for she feared that he'd see how hurt she was. But he already knew the damage he caused and her statement, though he agreed, cut him to the core. He'd promised Shashi Gupta that he'd take care of her, but he miserably failed. He got involved with her too early and he had to correct it. At the moment, he knew there was no point in convincing her. She had made up her mind. He had to wait till she was in a mood to communicate, and he'd wait. He was already paying the price of not waiting for her till marriage, and he did not want to lose her. He knew their love was strong enough and that she would come back to him. It was only a matter of few hours till she would come around. "Alright, if that's what you wish." Although he said the words, they were the hardest thing he ever had to say.

The private jet landed at the airport and as hard as it was for them, they chose not to say a word. Both of them came out and headed towards the parking lot. "My driver is here. He'll drop you home first." Arnav said, and when she was about to protest, he just asked her not to argue. She was surprised at herself that she was taking orders from him. He just happened to command that respect and no one could say No to him. "Who could know better than you? You too did not say No to him last night. Oh wait. He wasn't the one. You were the one that begged him to screw you" The annoying voice in her head told her. She felt hurt at the bitter truth. He did not want to touch her. He always found some excuse or the other to stay away. But last night, it was she who invited him to touch her. And he just obliged to her pleading, just as any normal man would. She made love, whereas he just screwed her to satisfy his primal need. She now felt ashamed of herself. She let out a shivering breath to hold back her tears. Her heart was now officially stabbed with a wooden stake.

Just when she nodded her head at his proposition of having her dropped first, and proceeded to follow him, both of them heard a voice. "Arnav... Baby" She called out as she threw herself in his arms. And just like that, she pressed her mouth into his. Arnav was too shocked to even react. What was she even doing here? He wanted to push her away, but she had wound her arms round his neck and head, pulling him towards herself. Khushi felt a fresh pain engulf her. She thought she was special to him. But he treated her too like others. Khushi stood rooted to the ground, watching the woman kiss her Arnav so intimately. Her Arnav? Did she even have any right to call him hers? She felt nauseous when she saw them intimate in public.

Finally, Arnav was able to push the woman away. "Priyanka? What are you doing here?" He asked her in a dry tone, as though that public display did not matter to him at all. Khushi looked at the woman and then at Arnav. So Arnav did know her! Her already broken heart just shattered into furthermore pieces. Priyanka was one of the numerous women Arnav had slept with! It was evident with the way she pasted herself to him. "Darling!" she traced her finger on his cheek, "I heard that you were coming back today. I've been waiting for you since two days, and even went to your house. I wanted to, you know, spend a little time with you" she said with a wink. Simultaneously, her eyes raked over Khushi's form in obvious contempt before she released a casual smile, trying to convey that she was no challenge at all. Arnav noticed Priyanka's reaction and clenched his jaw. But before he could say anything in Khushi's defence, she poked her finger into his chest in a seductive manner and said, "Arnav dearest, isn't this your P.A.?" "No she is my fiance" is what Arnav wanted to say, but Khushi spoke on his behalf. "No, I don't work there anymore. This trip was my last. I have nothing to do with the Raizada's anymore" She said. Then looking at Arnav, she stared into his eyes with pure hurt. Arnav could see her eyes glistening, and it pierced his entire being to see her so shattered. She turned her heel to leave, but Arnav called out to her telling her that he would drop her home. "I see you have company, Sir" She said without turning to face him, stressing on her formal addressal. "I'll take a taxi. Thank you." She said and continued to walk, ignoring her name being called out by him.

He looked at Priyanka, who only shrugged her shoulders at him and entered into his car. He looked up to the skies. If there was someone up there, He was playing a very cruel joke on him. The driver loaded his luggage in the car and Arnav got inside. Arnav was the last person to publicise his private life. He wanted to confront Priyanka as to what that was all about. He told the driver not to start the car, and to wait in the parking lot, to which the driver obeyed. Then, he drew up the partition between them and the driver, and looked at her, expecting her to explain herself.

"How does it feel Arnav?" she asked with a cool smile, "To have your heart broken?" Arnav released a deep breath. "I understand you think you know." Arnav answered with his expression unreadable, "But you'd have to have a heart in that cold blooded body of yours to experience such a thing." She released an indignant huff and got off the car. At least she got her digs in to the younger beautiful woman that Arnav had set his sights on. She'd seen the devastation cross Khushi's expression when she kissed Arnav. He'd tried shoving her away from him, but she did not notice that. And by the time Arnav recovered from the shock, that younger woman had already left. "Now let him try and repair that damage." Priyanka thought to herself.

Khushi hugged herself as she leaned against the door of the cab. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she felt like a thousand needles were pricking her. The pain was unbearable. She felt like her heart would explode any minute, unable to bear so much of pain. After all, how much pain could that tiny blood-pumping mass of flesh endure! She took a deep breath and told herself to calm down. But how the hell could she calm down? She gave herself to him, the one man she loved with all her existence. And he walked on her heart, crushing it to pieces. She recalled the memories of the night. It was precious to her. She would never forget it. Even if she had the choice to go back in time and change things, she would never undo that one night. She cherished the feeling of being so intimately close to him. Sadly, not all love stories are complete. Some love stories remain incomplete too, just like hers. Her phone buzzed, flashing Arnav's name. She was in no mood to listen to him. He would convince her and she knew she would fall for his sweet words. She recollected his cold expression towards her in the morning. That said it all. She waited till the call ended and then switched off her phone. She needed some time to get over the fact that he was done with her. Closing her eyes, she let those last drops of tears wash her cheeks. She had to get rid of that disastrous feeling before she reached home and faced her Dad's inquisitive eyes.

Those who do not remember the mention of priyanka in an earlier update, can have a look at Part Nine again...

Edited by Tanvi.Alison - 9 years ago
Posted: 9 years ago
VERY VERY SAD Why did Khushi had to rush  
Edited by shekha2012 - 9 years ago
PhineasFerb thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
oh no why misunderstanding has to come after such beautiful night .and priyanka well as i much i should hate her , but I cant .Arnav had broke many hearts without giving a glance 
mehak06 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Situations cannot go anymore wrong than this.
i hope everything becomes well soon before anything worse happens!
WanieA thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
awww. very sad chapter..hmmm ...
Nimie207 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
It shall pass...Luv is way stronger than hate...
Superthree thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Oh no what a misunderstanding and so needless...what lack of communication can do...loving it Tanvi thanks
suji5 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
very sad
it was completely Arnav's mistake that he avoided khushi in the morning which leads the misunderstanding..