New SS: A Reason to Live: Note Page 121

Saima-Syed thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Salaam All

I know I have to FFs running simultaneously, I am not even close to completing them and have started this.

This isn't a FF, it's more of a short story an idea that I had that I wanted to give words to. I would like to thank my dearest friend Einstein AKA Farz for helping me develop this. I asked her to continue writing it and post it but the girl wouldn't budge

So I am doing it on behalf of both of please if you do like it and leave a comment don't forget to mention Farz.

I really hope you like the concept and story. 

Lots of love to you All

Saima & Farz

Whether you like it or not Einstein your name stays!!

A Reason to Live

A young powerful business tycoon who was ruthless

A young innocent orphan whose philosophy in life was to live, laugh and love unconditionally, until she was broken, shattered beyond anything by the man she so deeply loved. If Asad was ruthless, what Zoya became was only a product of his callousness.

Two people from different worlds, different times were forced to come together to fulfil and honour a promise that they had no say in.

Rashid Ahmed Khan, was not only the childhood friend of Ghaffur Siddiqui, he was like his own brother. A brother who he  gave his word to, the last thing he managed to say, to promise as he breathed his last breath was that he would take full responsibility of his daughter, he would bring her into his house and make her his own, he promised Ghaffur that Zoya will marry Asad as soon as they both came of age.

Zoya, who was just 4 at the time looked at her father as he lay there motionless, not understanding that he would never wake up. Rashid and Dilshad took Zoya into their arms and cradled her, after Ghaffur's funeral they took her home where she was introduced to Asad, who was 6 and Najma who was 14 months. And then there was Daddi, Rashid's mother who was a loveable soul, someone who doted on her grandchildren. Asad loves his Daddi more than his parents put together, no one understood him like she did.

Zoya started to live in this big strange house, she formed an attachment with Najma. Playing with her kept her away from some of the harsh realities that faced her. Zoya's mother died during her labour, being brought up by Ghaffur on her own meant she was than just daddy's little princess and no she had nobody that was her own. 

Zoya may have been able to come close to Najma but she remained indifferent to Asad. Asad didn't mind having this strange child so much in the beginning but as days went by he started resenting the over the top attention she received from his parents, everything was always about Zoya, as if he ceased to exist. As much as Zoya tried to befriend him he always pushed her away.

Dilshad and Rashid did everything they could to bring Zoya up in the most happy and loved environment. As years passed no one could ever tell that Zoya wasn't a real part of their family, Zoya and Najma formed a relationship that was unbreakable, so many years had passed but still Zoya and Asad were no closer to becoming friends. Zoya wasn't oblivious to his rudeness or how he treated her, but she always remained indifferent, she always made attempts to befriend him no matter how cold he was towards her.

As family tradition had it, at the age of ten Asad moved to England, enrolling at one of the country's finest boarding schools, Asad moved away from his family and loved ones. It was not an easy decision to make but it was one that both Dilshad and Rashid felt was right for their son's future. Daddi was the most upset with their decision the last thing she wanted was for her grandson to be so far away from her, it brought back memories of when Rashid had to leave, it was one of the hardest things she had ever had to do and now history was repeating itself.

Najma who was so close to him hugged him time and time again as he got ready to leave, it was an emotional farewell one with few words and a lot of tears. Zoya stood before him hesitantly, all she had ever seen in his eyes was a marked hate towards her and today was no different. Zoya gave him a nervous smile and held out her hand 'good luck' she said in a low whisper 'Asad, Zoya is holding her hand out beta, come on shake it' Dilshad said. Asad held his hand out and took Zoya's in his. As he did he felt a weird sensation run through his body, one that made him shiver. Asad quickly pulled his hand back 'thanks' was all he said before he turned around and walked off.

As Asad spend his time in England with the elite Najma and Zoya spent their time learning from not only school but Daddi, Dilshad and Rashid. For the first two years Asad made a point of coming home every summer but after his third year he stopped. Seeing Zoya with his sister, his parents and his Daddi, created an envy beyond belief, he couldn't face coming home to see her still there. During his last trip he spoke to his Daddi, telling her how he felt, hoping she would understand, and to some extent she did, but in the end it all came back to that poor girl has no one, she is so nice blah blah blah. 

Asad had made up his mind that he wasn't going to come back, and he would have kept to his promise if it hadn't been for his Daddi being so ill. Asad stepped foot on indian soil after long six years, at the age of 18 he stood tall and handsome as ever, the one thing that never changed was the angst he held if nothing over the years it increased ten fold.

He walked in to be greeted by a tearful Dilshad 'Asad, it's so good to see you beta, you don't know how much I have missed you' Asad hugged his mother even more as he fought back the lump in his throat. He went on to meet his little sister, who was so grown up now 'how is my little Tamatar?' 'I am well Bhaijaan, it's good to have you back home'. Keeping his arm around Najma Asad looked back towards Dilshad 'Ammi, where is Daddi?' 'Upstairs, she has been waiting to hear news of you arrival...come lets go'.

Asad ran up to see his Daddi, as had entered the room he saw a frail old lady lay before him 'Daddi' he whispered out as he walked towards her. Daddi looked at him and broke out in the most beautiful smile 'Asad...mera beta, you came' Asad ran to her side and helped her sit up. Daddi hugged Asad shedding a few tears 'I thought you would never come beta...thank you' 'Daddi, of course I was going to come,  am here now and don't plan on going anywhere until you are as fit as a fiddle'.

Dilshad and Najma came up to join them 'Ammi-Jaan have you had your medicine?' Dilshad's asked 'yes, Zoya left my afternoon medicines with the nurse' as soon as Asad heard her name his whole demeanour changed. Daddi who didn't miss his change in expression placed her hand over his fisted one, Asad looked down at their hands then up to meet her eyes, she gave him a reassuring smile, which instantly started to calm him down.

'Ammi, where is Abu?' Asad asked 'he is on his way home, he should be here soon' 'Bhaijaan why don't you go and freshen up I will get Kaki and Rani to get lunch ready' As Asad went to his room  to change Dilshad and Najma got the house maids to help with lunch.

After a few moments Asad came out in full rage 'Ammi' he shouted out. Dilshad ran out of the kitchen and towards the stairs 'Asad, what happened...what's wrong beta?' She said looking worried 'Ammi what is going on...where is all my stuff...what has happened to my room?' Dilshad started to laugh, she walked upstairs 'I'm Sorry beta I totally forgot, we gave Zoya your room, she needed a bigger room and as you haven't been here it only made sense for her to have yours' Asad couldn't believe what he was hearing 'Ammi, you gave my her...why, what's wrong with her room...and where the hell am I supposed to stay now' 'Asad, there is no need for so much gussa beta, I had your things shifted into the room next door, you will find everything as you left it'.

Asad clenched his jaw and walked off banging the door behind him 'Uff Allah, this boy and his tantrums...something's will never change' Dilshad muttered to herself as she walked back down. 'Dilshad, what's wrong?' Rashid asked as he saw come down the stair 'oh good you are home...kuch nahi, just having to deal with your sons mood even at this age' Rashid started to laugh 'I'll go and meet Zoya back?' 'No, she won't be home until this evening, I tell you that girl doesn't know when to stop...she is going to make herself ill if she carries on working at this pace'. Rashid took Dilshad by the shoulders 'she is a hard working selfless young girl Dilshad, in this day and age you don't get people like Zoya, who will just do about anything for the people she loves and cares for' Dilshad rested her head on Rashid's shoulder 'she really is a beautiful that will make our Asad very happy' 'inshAllah'.

Rashid hugged his son again 'thank you for coming Asad, your Daddi has been asking for you for so that you are here I would like you to stay a little longer beta' Asad looked at his father 'Abu, you know I start my bachelors in a few weeks, I want to finish my studies after which I promise I will come back to be with you all'.

That evening after dinner Asad, Rashid and Dilshad went to sit with Daddi. 'Dilshad, can you call Zoya and ask her if she is ok, she is rather late toady' 'jee Ammi-Jaan'. As Dilshad went to call Zoya, Daddi and Rashid engaged in light hearted conversation with Asad, something he had missed so much and really was enjoying. 'Daddi you really do look tired, you should rest' Asad said caressing her hand in-between his 'I will will soon be time for me to go and rest...the longest rest...' 'Daddi please...don't say that' Asad said as he felt a dull pain wash through him. Daddi gave him a smile, she cupped his face and kissed his forehead 'you go and sleep, I will talk to you tomorrow'.

As Asad lay in his bed trying to sleep he heard a strange noise outside. He jumped out of his bed a looked outside but all he could see was darkness, he stepped out further to look over the banisters and as he stepped forward a petite figure shot up making him lose his balance as he fell backwards he felt a hand grab his arm pulling him back making him fall forward. He had one hand on the banister and the other wrapped around the waist of what could possibly be the most beautiful, most angelic looking girl he had ever seen. The dim light that came from across the hall illuminated her intoxicating eyes that he couldn't seem to pull away from from. 

He looked at her half relieved half scared face, her quivering lips that tried to speak 'I...I'm so sorry...Asad...right?' Asad heard her voice and without realising started tightening his grip around her waist making her flinch in pain 'Zoya' he whispered in a low voice laced with surprise and anger. As soon as he realised who she was and that he was still holding her he pulled her back on to her feet making her gasp. Asad quickly turned around 'Asad, wait' she said as she stepped towards him, she hadn't seen him in six years, when she found out he was coming she really was over the moon, Asad hadn't seen her, didn't know what she looked like until today, but Zoya she saved ever picture ever image of him to date. He may never have spoken to her or even asked about her but every time he called on Skype, or emailed she managed to capture him, and today he was here right in front of her, her happiness really knew no bounds. Asad stopped a few feet short of his room and fisted his hand as he heard her call his name, giving her a unwelcoming look over his shoulder he ignored her and walked into his room, leaving Zoya feeling numb.

Chapter 2 - page 43
Chapter 3 - page 49
Chapter 4 - page 54
Chapter 5 - page 60
Chapter 6 - page 77
Chapter 7 - page 86
Chapter 8 - page 99
Chapter 9 - page 113
Edited by Saima-Syed - 9 years ago


Last reply









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farz_parachute thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Salam all.
First of all allow me to make one thing very clear. My role in this SS is only as a keen supporter. All credit, all goes to Sis Sima, and Sis Saima alone!

Now having said that.

Sis! Thank you for the lovely introduction note. You sneaky little post maker!

Coming to the story! Oh don't you all just love so much how Sis Saima made Dadi so sensitive to Asad's feelings! And woohoo!! Angelic Zoya! Looking intoxicating under the luminous light! I think I am in love! Asad you can keep being angry. Zoya mine. Say what now!


I love it! Way better than what I've had in mind. Way way better.

Hayye. Zoya already has that something something!! Asad come on!!!





Edited by farz_parachute - 10 years ago
SH7_Sunny thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 9 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

It is a amazing SS πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
loved how to potrayed all the things in this first part πŸ‘
zoya being so good to asad n he was still cold arrogant ass πŸ˜‘
why the hell is asad like this to zoya πŸ˜‘
asad was jealous of zoya coz she was the centre of attention of his parents more than him πŸ˜²
loved the bonding of asadn n his daadi πŸ˜³
now waiting for ur next part eagerly πŸ˜³πŸ˜†
update soon n thanks for the pm πŸ˜Š
Edited by --SH7_Sunny-- - 10 years ago
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
nice start
asad s soo rude bcoz of attention zoya gets..
omg he s jealousπŸ˜†
concept s promising
do cont soonπŸ˜ƒ
Edited by CHOCOSWATHI - 10 years ago
-AppleOfMaEye- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
m sorry as m not following much stories..thas y m not on yo other 2 fics

buh i would defoo follow this 1😳
raneeb thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Lovely concept--am sure it is going to be a winner !
Linsie thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Linsie thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Miss-Appy thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Awesome concept both of u! πŸ‘ loved it very much!! 😳
Saima-Syed thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: --SH7_Sunny--



It is a amazing SS πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
loved how to potrayed all the things in this first part πŸ‘
zoya being so good to asad n he was still cold arrogant ass πŸ˜‘
why the hell is asad like this to zoya πŸ˜‘
asad was jealous of zoya coz she was the centre of attention of his parents more than him πŸ˜²
loved the bonding of asadn n his daadi πŸ˜³
now waiting for ur next part eagerly πŸ˜³πŸ˜†
update soon n thanks for the pm πŸ˜Š

Thank you so much

Yes he is an arrogant Ass lol

Not sure when I will update...but as soon me and Farz have something concrete to post will let you know

Lots of love