30th August Update: "Adi is in TROUBLE"

towhid thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Sorry ppl...I pmed to memsaab that i won't b able to update today coz of my work schedule....but she was in work so she cudn't post short update earlier... now here i'm... late latif with my late update for 30th AugustπŸ˜›πŸ˜›

"Aditya's Mother In Law AKA Drama/Trouble Queen creates lots of troubles for Adi"

Main Points:
  • Divya nd Kinnari decides that if Adi comes to take his MIL in airport then he luvs Divya.
  • Adi nd Shaili gets stuck in the elevator for 1 nd a half hour nd he is unable to receive his MIL
  • When divya asks adi abt his reason of not being able to go to airport he tells the truth but adds sum liesπŸ˜†πŸ˜†...Divya catches those lies nd is upset
  • Adi uses a bouqet to impress his MIL that sum1 gave to adi but she catches his trick tooπŸ˜†πŸ˜†
In Jail
Episode starts in the jail with adi nd divya where they both laughs that how stupid divya was to believe a stupid magazine. Then Adi nd Divya both says that even though they were fighting those days that fight was really sweet nd there was no warning no letter...and our sweet nd sour fight...Divya says it was sweet nd sour for only us but for others it was bitter.

In Balraj House
Divya starts imagining old day again where divya is shouting at servants that whole house is full of dust when the servant say there is no dust nd divya says that's the problem there is no dust...Then Kinnari comes to ask divya wat to cook in lunch nd divya says make divya chop by using my brain...KInnari laughs but divya says y r u laughing..i noe u got all the answers C of that magazine..now u don't need to show it off. Kinnari bcomes sad when divya says sorry to kinnari nd then divya confesses to kinnari that divya didn't get any answer C. Then Kinnari tries to make her happy nd say that aditya will definitely come to airport to take ur mom. Divya is happy.

Adi's Office/Elevator
(Must watch funniest scene)

At office Aditya nd Shaili enters in the elevator to leave for airport but light goes off nd they get stuck in the elevator. Shaili asks him how did this light go off nd aditya says it is a sign that my mother in law is coming with a badluck..then he starts shouting for help nd sharma nd sum other ppl comes in the door. Then sharma starts giving adi attendance that how many ppl came to lift nd then he starts asking abt his health nd staffs. Inside adi is 😑 nd says sharma tu to gaya....Then Adi asks sharma that y don't they start generator nd sharma says it's broken...then adi asks abt liftman to which sharma says he is away today....now adi says oyye sharma at least give sum gud news....sharma shyly says i'm gonna b father😳😳😳.....Adi says sharma open the door in 10 min or else divya nd her mom would eat me alive.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

At Balraj house
Divya tries to call adi but doesn't get network nd thinks that he switched off the mobile on purpose...Then she notices that Maasi ties shantanu's hand coz he drank again. Then Divya nd Maasi tells shantanu to get married nd he says how husbands feel after marriage nd divya thinks that may b adi also thinks in the same way.

In the Elevator
Shaili gets breathing problem coz of lack of oxygen...then electricity comes bak nd aditya takes shaili out nd gives her water nd staffs.. Then shaili reminds aditya to take flower for her mother in law nd aditya uses the flowers that his clients gave him..

In Jail
Bak to present: Aditya is lauging nd saying seriously divya i was trapped in the lift nd u nd ur mom said so many things to me for that...Probably ur mom hasn't forgiven me yet for that...but i don't get thing...i'm used to ur mom's behaviour...y did u behave like that...anyawys i juz wish i went to that airport...divya says even if u went to take my mom then also she'd have scolded u for sum other reason....aditya says wat r u saying?? SHe did nd she also brought that trouble maker simi with her...simi...mummy...mummy....simi oh god...

At Balraj House
Flashbak: Simi nd divya's mom enters in divya's house nd our drama queen(divya's mom) starts her drama nd compares aditya nd her younger son in law gregory who even waits outside of divya's mom washroom to receive her ... Jaanki Maasi makes fun of this issue nd says even we'll wait for u outside of ur bathroom from now nd we'll make adi wait too....Drama Queen starts her crying nd says i will leave this house now...every1 is making fun of me here...Divya nd Jaanki Maasi says sorry to her nd calms her down

Aditya's Car
Aditya calls divya nd tell her everything abt lift nd everything nd then he adds that rastogi was sick too coz of the elevator....After hanging up adi bites his toungue nd regrets for the lie abt rastogi

At Balraj House
Divya then tells her mom abt it nd her mom says it's simple lie nd divya says adi doesn't lie...then for crosscheck divya calls office nd talk to shaili in loudspeaker where shaili also agrees with divya that they were trapped in the elevator but when divya asks her abt rastogi..shaili says rastogi was away today....divya is shocked that adi lied to her.

Adi comes home with bouquet nd gives them to divya's mom nd divya's mom indirectly shows him her feet nd start saying that how gregory touches her feet all time time after doing everything...nd aditya starts making faces but divya's mom keeps shaking her feet infront of aditya's face nd then at last adi is abt to touch her feet when dev shows adi the chocos divya's mom gave to him nd adi asks divya's mom that she can't give so much chocos to dev as it harms the teeth...drama queen starts her crying nd says i can't live here nd i'll leave but then adi tells her that she can give anything to dev but not choco nd then dev shows adi that his nani gave him money too nd adi again gets mad nd tells her that she can't give money in child's hand nd divya's mom cries again nd starts leaving but adi stops her nd says sorry nd while doing it adi by mistake drops the card that was on the bouqet which adi's clients gave to him nd adi used it to give it to his mother in law...divya's mom does a bit investigation with that card nd decides that adi didn't buy that flower for her nd he used sum1 else's flower to impress her. Divya is shocked.

****Over All another gr8 episode of RD with many Adi - Divya scene in jail nd now our Adi is in BIG TROUBLE****

Edited by towhid - 17 years ago


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hetal thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
divya's mom very hi fi πŸ˜† dekhte hi pata chalta hai troublemaker!! but why did adi lied at first place? πŸ˜•
sree thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 17 years ago
Thanks for the wonderful update!!! Ya, Adi is in big time trouble now...

Probably he lied bcos if he had said that he was caught in the elevator with Shaili, then he knew that his MIL would again cook some story between him and Shaili , leading to trouble... πŸ˜†
MaanKiDevi thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
thanx a lot for the update 😊

SweetButSpicy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 17 years ago
wow.. gr8 update.. it was brilliant...