~~Rabir FF:Live, Laugh, Love~~ Chapter 30 @ pg 42 (10/19) - Page 20


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nividances thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: unishaz

superb.. Thanks for pm..

Your welcome! Thanks dear! Glad you liked it! ðŸ˜Š
nividances thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: sizzlingtrisha

Lovely update waiting for the past of rachna update soon plz 😳

Thank you Trisha. I am currently in the process of finishing up with the next chapter so I should have it posted by later today. ðŸ˜Š
nividances thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Update time!! As I was writing about Rachna's past, I realized that the chapter was really long so I decided to split it up into two parts. Here's the first part and the second part is right below it. Hope you all like it! Let me know what you think.

Chapter 19

February 6, 2014. 10:30 pm. Garg's Roof.

Kabir climbs over to the Garg's house using the pipe that connects the two roofs together. He carefully places the blanket over Rachna's body and sits down next to her on the swing. Rachna opens her eyes and is surprised to find herself covered with a blanket and Kabir sitting next to her.

Rachna gets conscious and stands up suddenly. Kabir is taken aback with Rachna's behavior so he also stands up and looks quizzically at Rachna.

"Rachna, what wrong? Why are you behaving like this with me?"

Rachna turns away from Kabir and asks him to go away.  "Kabir, please just leave from here. I want to be alone."

Kabir is hurt by Rachna's words but firmly refuses to leave. "You want to be left alone? You want me to go away? Fine, I will go away, but only when you look into my eyes and tell me to go away."

He touches Rachna's shoulder gently and she turns around to face him. Looking at Kabir's worried and concerned expression, Rachna's frustration and pain come out in the form of tears. She bursts out crying and tightly hugs Kabir, pushing her face into his shoulder.

Kabir pats her back in a friendly, comforting manner. He is very troubled to see Rachna crying so bitterly, but he holds himself together so he can support Rachna and be there for her when she needs him.

After a few minutes, Rachna's tears and sobs subside. She pulls away from Kabir and slowly takes a seat on the swing. She looks up at Kabir expectantly and gestures him to sit down next to her. Kabir sits down next to Rachna on the swing.

"Rachna, I feel really sad today to see you in so much pain. I'm your childhood friend but I know nothing about what happened in your life in these past 15 years. It's completely okay if you don't feel comfortable sharing your problems with me, but just know that I'm always there for you."

Kabir looks at Rachna and waits patiently for her response. Rachna just stares out into the darkness, lost in her own world. Kabir is disappointed because he thinks Rachna does not want to tell him anything and he tries to get up so he can leave. But Rachna holds his hand to stop him from going away.

"Do you really want to know?"

Kabir is surprised to hear the blunt question from Rachna, but he quietly nods and sits back down. Rachna takes a deep breath and slowly begins to recount her story, piece by piece, memory by memory.

"After your family left Benaras, I was devastated to lose you, to lose my best friend. But you know how we are as little kids: we can forget even the biggest problems with time. I also slowly forgot about the pain of losing my best friend. I never forgot you completely...I used to miss you a lot. But eventually time passed, and slowly but surely, I made new friends. I met Chaya and we became inseparable. Then Gunjan moved in to our house after mausi-ji died when I was 16 and the three of us became really close. We used to call ourselves the "Three Musketeers." We used to spend every waking moment of the day together, and sometimes we would even be together all night, sleeping over each other's houses, pulling all-nighters to work on projects and study for exams. When the time came for us to apply to colleges, I was set on going abroad to NYU to study fashion designing. I had always dreamed of becoming a designer. You know how much I used to love art when we were kids. But I got rejected from there, so I also applied to Swami Vivek Anand College with Gunjan and Chaya. I thought that I would do my Bachelor's here and then go to NYU to do my Masters."

Rachna paused to take a shaky breath. She looked at Kabir momentarily, trying to take in his expression, to gauge what he was thinking. But all she saw was intense focus, his eyes deeply glued to her, waiting for her to continue.

"So that's what I did, I went to SVA with Gunjan and Chaya. I liked college a lot...I met Raj there and we became really good friends. College was great...I loved meeting new people, joining extracurricular activities, and hanging out in the canteen. I really miss those days..."

Rachna trailed off and stopped talking as she reminisced her happy days from college. Kabir lightly touched her hand to bring Rachna out of her thoughts.

"I really wish I hadn't moved away Rachna...I wish we could have memories of us growing up together, just like you are fondly remembering your times with your other friends."

Rachna smiles lightly. "Hmmm, I wish for that too..."

"Is that it? Why do I feel like there's more? I feel like you're leaving something out...something really important?"

Rachna looked at him and then quickly looked down.

"Because what happened after all this was the most beautiful period in my life. But it's also what brings me the most pain Kabir. It has taken a lot for me to try to move on from what happened...why are you reopening those wounds Kabir?"

"Have you really moved on though Rachna? Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm not saying this to hurt you or make you feel bad, but I know from personal experience that talking about our bad memories allows us to release the pain from our heart. After I talked to you that day and told you about my mom, I felt a lot better. I'm not saying that thinking about my mom and dad today doesn't make me sad, but after sharing my feelings with you, it doesn't hurt as much as it used to. Talking about something and sharing it with someone you trust is the first step of the healing process."

Rachna quietly thinks about what Kabir just said. His words repeat over and over in her head.


[Rachna's Thoughts]

Talking about something and sharing it with someone you trust is the first step of the healing process... Kabir's right. I haven't moved on. I haven't been able to forget him or what he did. I carry all this pain, anger, frustration, and bitterness in my heart...it really weighs me down. But am I ready to move on?


Edited by nividances - 9 years ago
nividances thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Chapter 20

 [Rachna's Thoughts]

Talking about something and sharing it with someone you trust is the first step of the healing process... Kabir's right. I haven't moved on. I haven't been able to forget him or what he did. I carry all this pain, anger, frustration, and bitterness in my heart...it really weighs me down. But am I ready to move on?


Rachna sits up straighter and looks at Kabir with a new resolve in her eyes: the resolve to begin the healing process.

"You're right Kabir, I haven't moved on. To make everything seem normal to my family and friends, I have just been lying to them and to myself. But I'm really tired. I just really tired of trying to pretend like everything is okay. I'm tired of trying to act happy in front of everyone when I really just feel like crying. Kabir, I'm going to tell you things today that I haven't told anyone else, not Chaya, not Gunjan, not Mayank bhaiya, not even my parents. I want to tell you because I trust you."

Kabir's face brightens a bit. He thinks about what Rachna just said.


[Kabir's Thoughts]

I want to tell you because I trust you...she trusts me...she really trusts me. She trusts me more than anyone else in her life. She trusts me enough to tell me her secrets and share her most painful memories with me, just like I trust her...


Kabir looks at Rachna and nods his head slightly to let her know that he is listening.


"It was the first day back at college after summer vacations. I was just starting my second year. Me, Gunjan, Raj, and Chaya were all sitting in the canteen and talking about our class schedules and what extra-curriculars we planned to join. That was the first day I saw him, Vihaan...Vihaan Agarwal. He was dressed in a cool black leather jacket with dark wash jeans, his signature look as I would later come to find out. I was getting late for class so I was running out of the canteen in a hurry when I bumped into him. We both fell back and my books went flying everywhere. He helped me pick my stuff up like a gentleman and then apologized. He asked me the way to the principal's office. I pointed him in the right direction and then went running off to my own lecture. That was our first meeting. I came to know from rumors around campus that he was an exchange student from Oxford University and that he was going to be studying at SVA for one year to do a research project. I saw him around campus a lot, but I didn't actually talk to him until a few weeks later. My economics teacher, Professor Khanna, was Vihaan's project supervisor. Since I was the best student in the class, Professor Khanna asked me to assist Vihaan on his project. For the first few days I met Vihaan in the library and we only did work. Then, one day he asked me out for coffee and I agreed. And as we got to know each other more and more, we began to spend even more of our time together, before class, after class, and sometimes we would even bunk our lectures to go watch a movie or go out to lunch. We became inseparable. When I was not physically with him, I would be talking to him on the phone or thinking about him. I was crazy about him...I used to just think Vihaan Vihaan Vihaan."

Rachna paused again to look at Kabir. He was listening to her really closely, with full concentration.

"What happened Rachna? Why did you stop?"

Rachna shakes her head in disbelief. "Why do you want to know all this? Do you really want me to go on?"

Kabir nods his head in agreement and urges Rachna to continue.


"He wasn't like any of the other guys I knew, he was...he was...just really different. In fact, before he proposed to me, he talked to papa. He asked papa and mummy if they would be okay with our relationship. And after they accepted him as my boyfriend, he proposed to me on Valentine's Day in front of the whole college. I was floored by his gesture...I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. And we continued our relationship like this for the rest of the year. Everything just seemed so perfect. In fact, everything was perfect until that trip to Goa..."

By this point, Rachna was crying.  But she braved herself and continued talking.


"After our final exams were over, all five of us friends (Gunjan, Chaya, Raj, Vihaan, and me) planned a trip to Goa. I had so much fun on that trip. But when we came back, everything just went wrong. After we came back from Goa, Vihaan started behaving weirdly with me. He would fight with me on the littlest things, he didn't want to do anything together, he started spending less and less time with me. I was hurt by it but I thought that we were just going through a rough patch and he would be all right if I gave him some space. But things just went from bad to worse and it got to the point where I had not seen him or spoken to him for a whole week. He was rejecting all my calls and he refused to meet me. One day I stood outside his door all day until he finally relented and let me inside the house. I confronted him about why he was ignoring me, but he didn't give any answers. I tried to get him to talk, but he just stood there not responding to any of my questions. But what he did after that just pushed me over the edge, it ended everything..."

Rachna stopped talking. Only the crickets chirping softly and Rachna's soft sobs broke the pin-drop silence.


Precap: Rachna tells Kabir about the Facebook message from Vihaan.

So yes, as many of you guessed, the guy in Rachna's life was Vihaan! Any predictions about what happened between them? ðŸ˜Š

So what did you think? Did you like it? Comments, criticisms, likes all welcome! 

Edited by nividances - 9 years ago
sandjanarai thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Omg i knew it that it was vihaan
Maybe he had already a gf
He misused rachna for his own motive
Update soon
I can't wait hihi
Thanks for the pm
Pm me
saravathi thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
interesting past..vihaan seems so nice here..so I think he might have mistook Rachna and Raj in Goa..just a guess
sidholic thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
So it was vihaan...
Maybe he was just using her...
Continue soon...
Can't wait 4 the next...
Thanks 4 the pm...
nividances thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: sandjanarai

Omg i knew it that it was vihaan
Maybe he had already a gf
He misused rachna for his own motive
Update soon
I can't wait hihi
Thanks for the pm
Pm me

Interesting predictions...seems to be quite a harsh judgement of Vihaan. Thanks for commenting! ðŸ˜Š
Edited by nividances - 10 years ago
nividances thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: saravathi

interesting past..vihaan seems so nice here..so I think he might have mistook Rachna and Raj in Goa..just a guess

While writing I was not specifically in the mindset to portray Vihaan as a nice guy, but it's interesting that you saw it that way. Thanks for your comment! ðŸ˜Š
nividances thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: cuteangelasya


So it was vihaan...
Maybe he was just using her...
Continue soon...
Can't wait 4 the next...
Thanks 4 the pm...

Wow, you're the second person to have predicted that Vihaan might have been using Rachna! Very interesting...I'll have to go back and read the chapters again to see if I can also see Vihaan from this perspective. Thanks for your comment! ðŸ˜Š