Bleedingheart. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago


Crossover between Harry Potter and vd book







Bonnie stared out of the salvatore window, staring at the fleecing clouds on a bright morning of May, unconsciously rubbing the fake gold gallon which she and her friends had used in their 5Th year at Hogwards... Oh no! that was a very sore topic for her, she missed them so much, as the memories flooded in her mind's eye... those days at the burrow, teasing her brother Harry about the ever lasting crush which Ginny had on him,talking about  how big time idiot that lockhart was, finding out that Sirius balck was not only innocent but also her  and her brother's godfather, loving Cedric diggory ,  the major fight with him which made her decide not go to the Yule ball at all, then how she made up with him., the unforgettabl scene  when he stood bravely in front of her, protecting her by taking the killing curse, Voldemort's resurrection, the Ministery interfering in matters of Hogwards... and her being sent away by Professor Dumbeldore,  before she could help herself a lone tear trickled down her heart shaped face... Then she remembered coming to Mystic falls, meeting he childhood friend Elena and Meredith again and then came the Salvatoe brothers.

She had instantly known what they were, then began their fights for Elena's heart and her perhaps losing her own o the eldest brother. She knew everything about them but the funny thing was that they knew nothing about her. They only knew that she was a mere, little, fragile psychic but what they  were unaware was that little Bonnie was not so little.



                                                           Infact she was Bonnie Lily Potter, the twin sister of Harry potter, the biggest bookwormof all times along side Hermione, and also a Beater in her Gffindor Quidittch team...


                                   Shaking all the thoughts Bonnie Potter ...oops Bonnie Mcclloug turned away from the window only to find Damon and Stefan again at each other's neck with Elena being their refree, and Matt and Meredith snogging in one corner of the room..'EWWW!!! they are worse than Ginny' was the only thought in Bonnie's mind.



Suddenly everyone was shaken out of their doings by a huge frantic, impatient knock at the door. The entire gang was in the Salvatore House then who was at the door ?  Guessing of some danger Stefan and Damon took a protective stance in front of Elena as Matt went to open the door... To Bonnie's utter surprise her favourite Professor emerged from the door, but was it really him? Swiftly taking out her wand from her pocket, she pointed it straight at the man's neck  asking"when was the first time I actually met the real you?"

He calmly replied " when the Headmaster asked me to teach you Occlumency".

Just as the words left his mouth, Severus nape, the Potions Professor , and the most hated and feared Professor of Hogwards was hugged tightly by little Bonnie as he hugged her right back...


Hope you liked it!!! Leave ur Reviews and suggestions please.😊


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Frequent Posters

BlurredLines thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
it is really interesting . waiting for your updates .
featherheart thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
hey nyc
u said that it will be based on buk na
i never read d buk..
it will be even more intrstng for me
amzng ud
Bleedingheart. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

hoping that u will like it!

Chapter 1

Bonnie was rewarded with a lop sided grin which she loved soo  much, which perhaps Severus never even gave Albus Dumbeldore himself. " Ahem.. ahem.." Damon's fake cough brought both of them back to reality. Severus's grin was replaced by his trademark scowl, as he looked at the Salvatore's and back to Bonnie, quirking an eyebrow he asked" Seriously bonnie, you can'then stay away from the supernatural can you?"

Bonnie mock glared at him but asked " why are you here, Severus?"

"Headmaster's order, asked you and your muggle friends here to go to Hogwards.."


"yes, Deatheaters have somehow got all the information, u and your friends need protection, so come to Hogwards, the term has not started yet, but you , them , Potter and his sidekicks"" Bonnie glared at him hearing what he called her friends ""no going out of the castle without supervision, " Bonnie sheepishly smiled, knowing that the last bit was directed at her.



Soon Severus conjured a portkey for them, an old tattered boot, " come on guys touch this, and I know you have questions, I will explain everything once we are safe, touch this fast and whatever happens do not let go" Bonnie said with such an urgency in her voice which made everyone listen to her commands.

Soon they landed in the Headmaster's office and was engulfed in a pair  of arms. Damon narrowed his eyes at the messy, black haired, green eyed boy , who dared to hug his red bird. "Harry , I know, I love you too, but don't strangle me to death please" Haary left his sister as soon as he realized that he was cutting her oxygen supply.


"red bird, what is going on?" Damon asked impatiently as he pulled Bonnie to his side... then she realized that it was time for story telling, Dumbeldore pulled some chairs for them, while Severus stood in one corner, his eyes never leaving Bonnie's face.

She told them everything, her birth, how her parents were murdered by Voldemort, their adventures, laving out the parts where she got hurt, did not want Damon to get all protective, did she?..

Their reactions were---

ELENA: "How can you defeat LORD voldemort, you are not strong.." every word of her was laced with jealousy, which made Harry instantly dislike the blonde in front of him.

MEREDITH: " you have gone through so much"

While damon , Stefan and matt together shouted: I WANT TO LEARN QUIDITCH@!!!



Bonnie chuckled at their responses, while the Headmaster spoke up" Children, it's late, o to your dormitories, take rest, they will stay in the Griffindor towers" with that everyone was led towards the dormitories to retire for the night..



I cant wait to write the next chapterrr!!!!!

featherheart thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
will read it tonyt
thnx for d pm
BlurredLines thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
it is interesting . do continue your updates .
Bleedingheart. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
i could not wait to post this chapter... so here it is!!!

Chapter 2


As they entered the griffindor common room, Harry pointed out the boys and girls stair case, while Bonnie just pouted at Harry saying " you know me bro... not sleepy at all, going to take a walk" before Damon could say anything or even compliment her cute little pouting, she was out of the rooms... while Harry just rolled his eyes at his sister's antics and led the way for the boys, while Elena and Meredith lets themselves into the girls dormitory.


The pale milky light of the moon shone brightly on the grassy waters of the lake, the night was calm, silent and serene, only sometimes broken by the shrill cries of the cicada or the hollow hammering of the woodpecker whose voice was carried by the slight chilly wind that was blowing. She remembered how broken and crushed she was after cedric's death, her brother and her best friend's had tried their level best to mend her but was unsuccessful... then came along Severus, who mended her and protected her with every fibre of his being.


Severus: " Beautiful , isn'then it?" he asked as he approached her from behind.

His voice was low, silky and hushed, oh! How she had missed this mesmerizing voice of his.

Bonnie: "ofcourse Severus, remember the 5th year when I would come out here and you would keep me company" she smiled radiantly as he smiled back at him.

Severus: " how can I forget you? My best and my only friend... how can I forget the memories we had created?"


Bonnie: " oh Severus! I missed you so muchhh... all your intellectual talks, your annoyance at my dress choice, you always being there for me...


Severus: " I will always be there"

 He added with such fierceness and determination in his voice which could scare away anyone, but not Bonnie. She knew him all too well to be scared.

She was cold, he knew it, but he did not want to transfigure something into a blanket for her, instead, he opened his coat and wrapped themselves in it, his own body heat warming her up. Bonnie snuggled deeper into his chest welcoming the friendly warmth. A smile played on their lips as they thought just like old times'..

 The two friends remained in the same posture, with their backs resting against the bark of the tree, and the faint wind playing with their hairs which was almost invisible against the night sky, both had fallen into a peaceful slumber.



Damon stared at the two friends who had fallen asleep on each others shoulders, with a calm smile on their face. A low growl erupted from him as he cursed that greasy haired man who had taken his little red bird away from him...HIS BIRD!!


How is it?h

BlurredLines thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

it is really nice . one question since i didn't read the vampire diaries books so far . does Damon always call bonnie little bird or just once .
Bleedingheart. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: kidsname

it is really nice . one question since i didn't read the vampire diaries books so far . does Damon always call bonnie little bird or just once .

He always calls her his little rd bird, Bonnie in the book has a totally different character, she is sweet, cute, bubbly and delicate, not powerful psychic, bt in my ff, a very powerful witch, she is red haired, has a heart shaped face, and fair... Elena is blonde.
BlurredLines thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: anweshacullen

He always calls her his little rd bird, Bonnie in the book has a totally different character, she is sweet, cute, bubbly and delicate, not powerful psychic, bt in my ff, a very powerful witch, she is red haired, has a heart shaped face, and fair... Elena is blonde.

thanks for the reply . how many books are there in the series .