What if klaus returns for the 100th episode?

Targaryen-gal thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Only 'IF' he would return.
I mean he could. It is already confirmed that he will be returning in the future. What's better than the 100th epi?
It will be kind of reunion.
The promos don't show him but what if he arrives at the end of the epi...for the next episode.
This is just a beautiful fantasy, don't get too hopeful. Hehe!


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xDoppelgangerx thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Don't worry it is confirmed that him as well as Tyler will be in the 100th episode
Asha_Tacker thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
No 'IFs',bcz Klaus is gna return on 100 epi fr sure.
Targaryen-gal thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: xDoppelgangerx

Don't worry it is confirmed that him as well as Tyler will be in the 100th episode

really? That's awesum! I hadn't read that article. Is it posted in the forum as well? Source?
Targaryen-gal thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: asha_TAAREY

No 'IFs',bcz Klaus is gna return on 100 epi fr sure.

this is like a dream come true!
Almas. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

The Vampire Diaries Season 5: Klaus and [SPOILER] Return to Mystic Falls?!

In case you didn't know, Klaus is returning to Mystic Falls in Season 5 " and he's not alone.

While the details of Klaus's return to The Vampire Diaries are still under wraps, a new spoiler from TVLine confirms that when the Original hybrid does return to Mystic Falls, he won't be alone. So who does he bring with him?

We have a few theories. Rebekah and Elijah are the obvious choices " after all, each Mikaelson currently holds some sort of connection to the sleepy supernatural town. But since when have Julie Plec and Co. gone with the obvious choice? So we're learning toward Davina, the powerful teenage witch at the center of the power struggle in New Orleans. Perhaps Klaus needs her power in Mystic Falls? Or, is she going to get a few tips from Bonnie?

Originals EP Michael Narducci told TVLine, "There are things happening onVampire Diaries which are pretty huge. Word travels to New Orleans and Klaus " and perhaps even one other of our characters - will be curious about the events that are taking place in Mystic Falls."

Right now, the only connection Klaus has to Mystic Falls is Caroline, and their last encounter still makes our hearts flutter " you know, when he told her he intended to be her last love, "however long it takes." So it seems likely that Klaus will return to Mystic Falls for the blond baby vampire, especially since Tyler Lockwood recently paid Klaus a visit in New Orleans. [It didn't end well... for Tyler.] Does this "huge" event on TVD have anything to do with Caroline?

Or does it have to do with Katherine? He spent 500 years searching for the Petrova trickster, so when news her impending death starts to spread, will it compel him to return to Mystic Falls? And in turn, will it compel Elijah to return as well? After all, he was in love with Katherine at one point.

There's also a possibility that Klaus could be returning for TVD's 100th episode. We know several familiar faces will return to Mystic Falls for the big event, and since the Mikaelsons were such a huge part of TVD before departing for The Originals, it would make sense that we'd see them again for the milestone episode. Plus, Candice Accola recently told ETonline that this episode is"for the fans," so what better surprise the fans than with a Klaroline moment?

Almas. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

The Originals Speculation: Who Will Come With Klaus to Mystic Falls When He Returns?

Word on the street is that Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) is leaving behind the quaint setting of New Orleans on The Originals and returning to Mystic Falls with someone in tow. This has certainly piqued our interest " especially considering we were worried the Klaus appearance would happen in flashback form (aka a cop out). But who should make the jump to The Vampire Diaries? Here are our top choices, and why!


Elijah Mikaelson

Here's the thing: we're kinda, sorta worried that Klaus will make his reappearance for Katherine's imminent demise (worried because this means Katherine probably will demise and this isn't some sort of elaborate fake-out to be saved by some insane plot twist). If this is the reason for the trip, it's not illogical to assume that Elijah will want to come with him. After all, he was kind of in love with Katherine not so long ago " well, they had a spark. One that Elijah was easily able to let go of as soon as he learned of Katherine's morally-devoid behavior (i.e. that time she killed Jeremy). Still, Elijah is a softie. If Katherine's dying, he's probably going to want to say goodbye.

Rebekah Mikaelson

Rebekah seems to be somewhat invested in her relationship with Marcel, but as their love affair is currently on the rocks, we wouldn't be surprised if Rebekah wanted to make a quick trip to Mystic Falls to visit her favorite blue-eyed busboy, i.e. Matt Donovan. It was just this past summer that these gallivanted around Europe together having three-somes. Does Rebekah miss Matt already (we would)? Conversely, does she find out the quarterback is in danger " possibly from Traveler Nadia " and come back to save his butt? Someone should pay more attention to Mystic Falls' seemingly last remaining human...

Davina Claire

The spoiler for Klaus & Friend's imminent appearance in Mystic Falls details that someone else "will be curious about the events that are taking place in Mystic Falls." This implies that, whomever makes the trip with Klaus, he or she doesn't necessarily have an emotional connection with the town and its inhabitants a la our first two suggestions. Frankly, we're not really sure whereDavina the Teenaged Witch's storyline is going, but she seems eager to learn more about her powers and how to control them. Bonnie could be a good resource in this department " plus, it would give the underutilized character something interesting to do. Bonnie and Davina becoming pen pals would be kind of weird, but kind of awesome.

Tyler Lockwood

We're not sure if Tyler Lockwood should be considered an Originaler, but he is still in New Orleans. (We think.) If so, we wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to head back to Mystic Falls after his dismal failure at revenging. It would be kind of weird if he traveled back with Klaus, but also pretty amazing " can you imagine the road trip banter? We doubt Klaus will actually kill Tyler because a) Caroline would probably never forgive him and b) he thinks death is too good for the hybrid. Basically, Klaus would be an annoying, but relatively safe carpool companion for the young Lockwood.

Who do you think should travel to Mystic Falls with Klaus? Share your suggestions in the comments below!

The Vampire Diaries returns Thursday, January 23 at 8 p.m. on The CW while The Originals returns Tuesday, January 14 at 8 p.m.
Asha_Tacker thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Targaryen-gal

this is like a dream come true!

Yup! A longing beautiful dream.
vacchii thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
OMGGG!!! Klaus is coming back to Mystic Falls.. 
Klaroline.. after a long long time  
Missed the originals in TVD so much...
DanceUntilWeDie thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Ok I read on tvdwikia thta
Jenna...dunno how but she will be
theae guys will be in the 100th epi