nimi216 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Maan was on phone talking to a client. 
"Yes Mr . taylor I totally understand we have our meeting in a week hope you at least make for it...& that really fine I would expect you on my wedding if not the engagement...  haha..yes ohk.. yea take care... have a nice day..."
Maan keeps the phone & turns to mirror to look at himself. 
"I am looking good...let's go are going to kill it yoo.."
Maan left his room again he got a call from a client & he got busy with it. 
Daadi & dev were waiting down stairs for maan.daadi look at maan who was busy on phone.
"Dev look at him again busy on phone...what I will do of maan"
"Daadi chill...don't worry all good aur bhabhi aane par everything will turn so wait and watch.."
He gives daadi a side hug & smiles. maan comes & gives them a look & smiles. 
Daadi & dev node & walk behind maan to his car.
they were on there way to handa house.

On the other hand.
geet was all ready wearing a anarkali which was white and blue contrast to maans shervani.
geet was talking to her best friend riddhima. 
"Ridz I am scared I don't even no him that properly aur aaj engagement and papa was like wedding in 2 months...and that maan we haven't even spoken well yet...on the first day also he was on the phone yaar...& I told yes as mama papa liked him..."
Geet made a puppy face. riddhima comes near her & hugs her.
"Baby listen it's fine aur even I was married to armaan like this will get to know him once you are married...& I know you will very well adjust over there.. & maan he is Armaan's friend he told me that geet is perfect for it means maan is really good don't worry baba..."
Geet smiles. 

Geet and maan where sitting next to each other. The ring exchange ceremony was about to start. 
Geet looks at maan who was sitting next to her but very quiet & busy on the cell phone texting someone. 
Geet just smiled & looked away.

geet gives her hand to maan.maan looks at geet & smiles. Geet also gives him a smile.maan makes her wear the ring.
Every one claps.maan gives his hand forward to geet.geet was about to make him wear the ring at that time again maan's phone rings he takes his hand back & cancel the call & again give his hand to geet..
geet got a bit pissed off by that cell phone...she gives maan a angry glare & put the ring in his finger. 
Maan saw that look of geet & just ignore it.maan & geet takes elders blessings.

Everyone was busy in their own world.maan gives geet a smile & walks along her.
geet got a thought that as she was thinking it's not like that he is good at least he is walking along.
but then he suddenly disappeared. Geet looked here & der & saw maan was in the balcony again talking on the phone.
Geet just node & goes to take a soft drink.

geet's mama rano comes near geet & hugs her.
"Beta I am so happy for got a very nice husband"
Rano kiss geet on her cheek. 
"Mummie but see to him na...he look so busy I mean don't have time to even look at me..."
"Oh...geet...he is a financial broker beta...they have value for time & he have a huge responsibility on him...understand him beta..."
Geet wants to talk to maan but maan seems very busy. It was dinner time. Rano suggested geet to take a plate for herself & maan too...
geet node & gets two plates.
geet walks towards maan.
"Maan ji...your dinner"
Maan looks at her & then at his watch. He didn't realise when it was night. 
Maan takes his plate & smiles to geet.
"Thank you..."
"Maan ji if you don't mind can we talk for a moment please"
"Ya sure why not...we will sit over there"
Maan & geet sat on a sofa which was in balcony.
maan looks at geet & ask her what she want to talk
"Maan ji I just wanted to ask you that do you mind if I work...I mean yes I know you earn enough & there is no need for me to work but like I have been working since last 3 year's now & I can't leave my job as I love doing it...but if you mind then I will give my resignation & be a house's according to you"
Maan think for a moment & put hand in his hair to adjust them.
"Geet I never have forced anyone nor I would...amm...if you like doing your job then continue it... I really don't mind but as for daadi I would say that even give her a bit of time...that ohk with it...I am with you"
Maan gives geet a smile. Geet was happy that at least he spoke to her & said his opinion. 
Maan was eating his dinner while geet was staring at him & eating as well...they again got num...
maan was about to go to get some rice.he turns to geet.
"Geet do you need something I am going I will get you then"
Geet was lost somewhere in her thoughts. 
"Do you need something?"
He looks at her plate as it was almost empty. 
"Ya I need some cucumbers & a roti"
Maan smiles & goes to get the food.
he comes back & give geet what she asked for.
"Thank you"
"Any time..."
Maan smiles & geet gives a smile back.

A month is almost over after the engagement but still geet and maan where not in contact with each other. 
All the things where been arranged. They have their wedding in few days but still no personal relation yet with maan.
The only relation was that they are engaged & going to get married soon.
Geet was very comfortable with daadi & dev. Geet even visit maan's house couple of times but at end she never meet maan one to one & even if she saw him...either he is going to his room or is on phone. 
If maan see geet the only thing he does is to give her a smile. 
Geet was very tiered of all this but couldn't help herself. 

Geet went with daadi & maan to choose maan's shervani for the wedding. 
geet had told she won't be able to make it up but as she heard maan is also coming so she thought of going along.

They entered a shop in the mall. It was some designers boutique. 
Maan enters the shop & opens door for daadi & geet.
They were sitting over there choosing come shervani for wedding & also for reception. 
Maan almost rejected all the stuffs. Daadi was tiered so she left the shop saying she need rest & also that maan & geet can spend some quality time together. 
Geet was roaming around seeing the stuffs.
maan had choosen a shervani one more to go.
geet liked one shervani which was at last of the row. Geet gets that to maan & show him. Maan looks at the shervani & was happy with geets taste.
he smiles & final the shervani & ask to bill.
"You like something here..."
"Not really...& I have taken lot of stuffs last week & not yet fixed what shall I wear so I think I have enough of them"
"Hmm...ohk as you hungry?"
"Yea...I need to grab something so else I would faint...heheh.."
"Haahah...ohk we would eat something"
Geet & maan were leaving the shop but geet's bracelet got stuck in a sari. Geet was unable to remove it. Maan comes close to geet & remove the bracelet. 
Geeg was staring at him. He was very close to geet.geet got her breath stuck between. 
Maan free her hand & gives her a look. Geet comes back to her present & walks along maan.
maan & geet enter a restaurant. maan makes geet sit first then takes his place. 

"One bombay masala" "one bombay masala"
Geet looks at maan. Both were amazed that there choose are same.

The wedding was over. Geet was got to khurana house. Maan & geet were been tease & both were blushing. 
Geet was annoyed because of maan as even on their wedding day he was on his cell phone.

geet was sitting on the bed. Maan enters the room. His room was all decorated. he was confused what to do what not to do but thought to take a venturesome with his new wife.

"Aaa...geet you don't have to be in this dress you can change"
Saying this maan goes inside the washroom with his tracks.
geet also change to her regular nighty.
she usually love to wear gown at night so she went with a black one.
geet change & was in front on the mirror removing the make up with the cleanser. 
Maan comes out wearing only track & no t-shirt.
maan looks at geet & smiles to her. He was a bit not sure what he should do.
he comes behind geet & put his arms around her waist. Geet was shocked by this but she just closed her eyes as maan gave a kiss on her nape.
geet was in another world because of the touch.maan made her turn to face him. He made her look at him.
"Geet do you want to take this relationship to other level...I won't force you...I mean it's up to you...we are husband & wife now we have this right but not until we accept each other."
"Maan ji...I am your wife  & it is my right & duty to follow u & admire u & accept u"
Geet look at him & comes forward. Tip toe & rubs her nose to his nose.maan smiles & cups her face.he takes her lips into his & kiss them passionately. 
Geet hugs maan...maan picks geet in his arms & take her to the bed.
soon there clothes were out & both were covered with quilt. 
Maan was on geet still kissing her bites on her neck,shoulder & passion was all over them...
"Geet it will pain... "he looks at geet in her eyes...he could sense some fear in her...
as he stork her once.geet just scream out loud. She couldn't take it at all & she request to leave but even maan was built with desire till now. He again takes her lips in his & stock few more times.
geet's pain slowly got reduce. She was breath less. Now the scream turn to moan...maan was also enjoying the moan.he kept on kissing her.

It was 4'o clock morning...geet heard some noice.she open her eye & saw maan.
he was wearing his tracks & was again on phone. Geet got up & lean to the bed & cover herself with quilt.  Maan notice geet was awake..
"It's just 4 you sleep.."
"Were you going?"
"I have some work to finish I am in the next room will come in an hour you go to sleep " Saying this maan goes away.
geet just breath out & close her eye...
"Geet you can't help yourself...ufff"
Saying this she again goes to sleep...


Geet was talking on phone with riddhima...
"No ridz we have no plan to celebrate our anniversary...maan is busy"
"What he is busy...oh you won't celebrate your first anniversary...maan so boring"
"Ya he is boring...only good on bed...heheh"
"Hehehe...all men are same...but he would make it special to you I am sure"
"Ridz the person who have not said I LOVE YOU to his wife till date..  like after one whole going to make tomorrow something very special that funny"
"What you never told me this...he haven't yet said that...but I remember you told he told you he likes you & want you all his life right..."
"He said that also when he was drunk...I mean it's just ufff...ohk forget it I don't know what it is...but the person who told ki he will make me happy & will fulfil all my wishes is not upto the mark...saath nibhane ka vada kiya that wo chodo he can't even say that he loves me..."
"Geet don't get upset baby...ohk it's your anniversary tomorrow so do visit parlour may be it work for tomorrow"
"Ya I have taken appointment will do that...bye take care"
"Bye hunny don't get upset... love you"
Geet cuts the call & goes inside the washroom to get fresh. All this was been heard by one & only maan khurana...boring husband of geet khurana...he wasn't expecting this from geet...but somewhere even he.felt that he is ignoring geet & not giving her that much time...
he decided to plan out something for tomorrow. 

Maan was working on his laptop. Geet comes out & give maan a angry look.
"Geet get me a coffee please"
Geet goes to the kitchen stamping her legs & gets coffee for maan & keeps it on the table. 
"Geet aa...pack your bag we are going out for a week..."
Geet heard this & got very happy & excited but after hearing the next couple of words she again got upset...
"I have some work over there & daadi is not here & she told me to take you also with me...I heard you are bored of your schedule"
"I am not bored but I need change..."
"This will be a great change then you can explore the whole town in a week till I visit my business stuff"
Geet got more upset now.
"Pack your bag we have to leave at 3"
"But where are we going?"
Geet thought "great a romantic place without romance with husband...arggg"

Maan act very well in this..they reached paris. Geet went to washroom to get fresh. 
When she comes out she finds a nice white gown was kept on the bed with a note. 

"May this night goes well...wear this & come up on the terrace of the hotel...your's maan."

Geet was a bit confused like from when maan got to be so romantic...
Geet make it fast & goes to the terrace. She notice maan standing over there wearing a black blazer & white shirt. 
Geet goes near him.
Maan turns to geet & gives her smile. he comes to her & hugs her.
"Happy anniversary Mrs.Geet Maan Khurana"
Geet's eyes got moist because of this. Geet kept her forehead on maan's forehead & smiles. 
"You remember"
"Yes I do remember...but you where the one to make me boring so I thought to make it exciting"
Geet look at maan like oh no...he heard me.. 
"Wasey I am only good in bed right"
Maan smiles & hugs her tight. maan takes her both hands in his hand & bend down.
"Geet...I never knew that saying this makes a huge difference in our life but I think saying this would surely make you happy & if you happy I won the world... know I am good on bed but not with words...I am boring but not while smiling...I cook good which you don't...ohk just a joke"
Geet make a 'o' face...
"I likes you from day 1 when you came to my accepted me & did same...saath nibhane ka vada kiya tha...vada thoduga nahi...aur na tumey todne duga...shaadi ki hai nibhani tua padegi...fir chahe mey boring hu,sadu hu ya fir good at bed hu..."
Geet smiles & sits down facing maan...
"Shaadi ki...nibhani padegi par shaadi key baad I love you koa bolega mey ya aap..."
He point towards the sky...geet look at the sky. Suddenly there were crackers in the air near Eiffel tower...& it was written I LOVE YOU...
Geet ran towards the egde to take a full view of it...
maan comes from behind & hugs geets...
"Geet I love you...I loved you,I love you & I will love you forever"
"I love you tooo"
"Geet the dawn of our life is us...we are together & we will be together"
"I have one more problem"
"Yaha I am talking romantic & now you are telling me problem"
"Ya of course...this cell phone of yours you no she my sauthan"
"Ya you stick to her pura din...I get so jealous"
Maan laughs on this & hugs geet tight. 
Even geet hugs maan tight & smiles. 

...THE END...

"A arrange marriage couple do sacrifice some nor the other thing to adjust but adjustment is the second name of marriage so if no adjustment then I doubt your marriage goes well..."

Do let me know howz it & please give likes & comments...they mean a lot 2 me...
I am upset with you all 4 will u marry me & I won't update dat until 46 page is not complete...only 2 more pages guys please bardo...

For pm add me...
Edited by nimi216 - 10 years ago


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Frequent Posters

maaneetkimeet thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Lovely awesome and cute os dear ...
...RIDDHIMA... thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Beautiful os :)
Maaneet arranged marriage
Maan all time with his phn n geet's soutan :P
Finally in anniversary said ilu :D
6n6s6k6i6r6a6n6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

it is indeed very interesting and beautiful OS...

thanx for pm...
Pumpkinseed thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
lovely os
loved it a lot
-lakshmi- thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

hai nimi

thanks for the pm... loved the os... cute one...

its so true that in marriages a lot of adjustments had to be made... and the marriage is successful when both does so... 

maan chipking on the phone all the time was funny ... 

but loved the end where maan expressed himself...

sona-rai thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
it is sooo sooo Beautifull yar:))))))
loved it a lot:)
sparklingeyes11 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Very cute Os... Loved it..Geet calls Maan's cellphone sautan  ðŸ˜†... that was funny... so Maan actually realizes what he had been doing and gives her a very romantic surprise... Awesome.
nimi216 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: -lakshmi-

hai nimi

thanks for the pm.ed the os... cute one...

its so true that in marriages a lot of adjustments had to be made... and the marriage is successful when both does so... 

maan chipking on the phone all the time was funny ... 

but loved the end where maan expressed himself...

thanks a lot dear...i was missing ur comments
sanam1234u thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
awesome it