Arshi SS: Jhukaa Aasmaan (COMPLETED) - Page 43


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Posted: 9 years ago
Awesome update
Loved it..
..Sri.. thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Jhukaa Aasmaan Part 22



"What if I need you Khushi? What if I need your support in my life? What if I'm not happy without you? What if I'm not comfortable with the person I thought I'm in love with? What if I found that love is not real? What if I found you are my life? What if my life is worthless without you? What if I found that I will get solace in death when you are not with me? What if I found dying is better than living without you?"


The next second, the words came out of him, Khushi ran to him and closed his mouth with her hands nodding her head negatively, pleading with her eyes to not say anything in that sort. She kept her head on her hand which is in on his lips, cried her heart out. The trio felt like crying seeing her in vulnerable state. NK sat there holding his head in his palms. Aman leaned on the wall not able to see the pain one innocent soul bearing. Arnav closed his eyes in guilty and pain.


Khushi touched Arnav's face, chest and hands all over vigorously to feel him. Suddenly Arnav felt some weight on his body. Though it's not heavy, but it alerted his mind. He immediately held Khushi tightly seeing her unconscious state.

"Khushi... Khushi..." he got panicked. He sat on the floor holding Khushi to his heart.


Arnav's panicked state alerted the other two men in the room. NK rushed to him to check Khushi along with Aman. After checking Khushi, NK asked Arnav to help to take Khushi to hospital.


"What's wrong with her NK? Is she fine? Why did she faint? Answer me damn it" shouted tensed Arnav. But NK didn't say anything


They went to Dr. Jayson's clinic. After seeing unconscious Khushi, Dr. Jayson admitted her immediately and started treatment. He gave her another injection and kept her in observation. When he came out trio rushed to him


"I already said to you to not to make her excited. I said to be careful when you are talking about anything. I also said a very little thing will affect her health. Small words which we think, may affect her health badly. She is really disturbed about something. She is very hurt. I can't say till she comes to conscious. I didn't expect this from you all. I thought you both will take good care of her. I'm disappointed with you both" said Dr. Jayson in a little harsh voice with NK and Arnav.




The trio felt really tensed about Khushi non responsive state. Arnav felt like he is losing his life second by second. He sat there praying to god to save Khushi for the first time.


"Come back to me Khushi. Please don't leave me. I need you... please come back... I can't lose you Khushi... please..." thought Arnav.


The trio rushed to the room hearing noises from Khushi's room. The scene they saw inside, when they enter inside make Arnav and Aman rooted to the spot. NK rushed to panicking Khushi and held her tight.


"Sh... Doll... relax... relax..." he tried to control her, but he couldn't. Dr. Jayson entered the room after nurse informed him. Seeing Khushi in that state he too rushed to her and tried to control her.


"Doctor... can I bring the injection for her?" asked nurse


"She already took so many. It won't do good to her. But we don't have any other option. Go bring fast" he tried to control Khushi "Ms. Khushi... control yourself. Khushi listen to me... Khushi... see your brother is here. Don't worry for anything, you will be fine"


"But he is not fine. I need to find him. I need to go to him. Bhai... Bhai... Arnav Ji is not fine Bhai... please try to understand. He is suffering with his life. He may die Bhai... I don't want to lose him. Bhai... please take me to him. I need him safe and fine Bhai... please... Please..." said Khushi, thinking she saw Arnav in her dream.


"Khushi... listen... Arnav Ji is fine. He is here only... relax... nothing happened to him and nothing will happen. You relax... sh..." tried NK, not understanding why she is saying like this after seeing Arnav fit and fine.


"WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND...? MY ARNAV JI IS NOT FINE. HE IS SUFFERING IN HIS LIFE. I NEED TO GO TO HIM. HE NEEDS ME. I'M GOING NOW. DON'T DARE TO STOP ME," saying this Khushi tried to get down the bed which made NK more worried for her. She became furious and hysteric to go to Arnav. Suddenly Dr. Jayson slapped Khushi hardly making her fell on the bed. Both Arnav and Aman came out their shock seeing Dr. Jayson slapping Khushi. Anger rose inside Arnav and he ran to Dr. Jayson, held his collar and dragged him aside.


"How dare you? She is my Khushi. How dare you to slap her?"


"Arnav this is part of treatment. If I won't slap her she won't be normal" Jayson said in high voice to make Arnav understand "She needs that" Dr. Jayson said. Arnav pushed him little and went to Khushi. She is crying hugging NK. NK is consoling her saying Arnav is fine.


"Khushi..." called Arnav in small voice, unable to bear the guilt and the pain she is in. The next second he found himself in a tight hug. He also hugged her tightly not letting her go. Being in his arms for sometime without crying, Khushi looked at him with tearful voice.


"Arnav Ji...?" she called him rather questioned him.


Understanding her doubt Arnav replied her nodding his head and said "Yes, Khushi... I'm here... with you... forever. And I'm fine too. I'm not going to leave you for my life time. Don't worry, everything will be fine."


"Of course it will. If you are with me then everything will be fine as before. I know that... "


Smiling sadly at her, Arnav held her hugging sideways keeping her head on his chest. She hugged him tightly by his waist she closed her eyes and drifted into to sleep. Everybody sighed in relax. Arnav sat there with Khushi where NK, Aman and Jayson sat there on the sofa thinking about Khushi's behaviour few minutes back.


"This is worst panic attack she got till now. I never saw her in this condition. She might have lost her life, if Mr. Arnav is not here. I'm glad that he is here" said Dr. Jayson holding his head in his palms. Both NK and Aman looked at Arnav, who is looking at Khushi with so much love, tension and fear. The trio went out from the leaving the two tired souls.


Arnav looked at Khushi's sleeping face. He can see her trust, believe and love towards him. He closed his eyes in guilt for hurting her. Wiping his own tears he held Khushi so close to his heart and drifted into sleep. He wasn't tired physically, but emotionally he is, he never thought Khushi will be in this worst condition of her life. He cursed himself for being the reason for Khushi's condition. He prayed God to make her normal again. He promised himself to be great support to Khushi in all the times. He promised himself to take care of her at the most. He promised himself to give her all the happiness she deserves. He promised himself to give her all the respect more than anyone can get in this world. Thinking all these, he shifted into sleep.


He felt something smooth on his cheeks followed by a soft "Arnav Ji" He opened his eyes and looked at the worried face of Khushi


"Khushi... are you okay? Why are you looking worried?" asked Arnav sitting properly on the bed


"What will happen to me when you are with me? But tell me are you fine? Why are you here? Did you come here to meet Mr. Alex? Are you fine? Are you feeling any pain on your head or somewhere else? Tell me Arnav Ji? You are scaring me now" said Khushi in hurry leaving Arnav speechless. He never thought that her belief and trust for him will go to this extent. She is in vulnerable condition and in that condition also she is thinking about him... HIM... Do I deserve this pure and innocent love?' thought Arnav.


"Arnav Ji... please tell me" she is on verge of crying. He immediately held her tightly in his hug and said


"Shh... Khushi... I'm perfectly fine after seeing you. Don't worry... relax... Khushi... I want to say something. Will you listen calmly and don't get panic? Please its little important" seeing her tensed face Arnav again said "Relax Khushi... trust me... I'm fine, don't worry" getting the nod to continue from Khushi, Arnav continued saying "I'm sorry Khushi - for hurting you, leaving you and pushing you in this vulnerable condition. But trust me I never wanted this to be happen. That day actually... I never wanted to leave you. I'm not saying that I loved you that time. But I didn't want to go. When you didn't give chance to me to talk and asked me to go, my anger took control on me and I said what I shouldn't. I'm sorry Khushi.


But living these months without you beside me, made me understand what I want, what I need, whom I need in my life and what is who. So, I'm here... before you, with you. I'm confused Khushi... I need your help in this. What to do now? Where to start? How to... I mean... I... me and Lavanya... we... Why can't you understand my problem damn it? Without saying any word you used to understand my mind, then why can't you understand now? Do you know how difficult it is for me?" he said in frustration not able to put his feelings and worries in words. Sighing he continued saying "I thought you will understand me easily. I can't word my feelings Khushi. You have to understand my every unsaid word. It's your duty to understand me. I don't know how to live happily Khushi. Nobody helped me in any way. I never learnt or I never knew what life is. Except my Di and Nani, I never saw anyone liking me leave alone loving me. I had so many experiences with... with..."


"Poor people" said Khushi


"Yes... I had bad experiences with them. I lost my baby brother, because of one girl who belongs to them. She betrayed him. Don't trust poor people' were the last words of him, which printed strongly in my mind. I thought everyone are same, but when I saw you here, I'm confused Khushi. Before gaining my vision I thought you were a... a..."


"Rich girl" sadness is clearly visible in her voice


"Yes... seeing your caring nature and dedication towards your work and love and respect towards me I thought you belong to rich family. Sorry for that. But when I saw you in your house, I was confused Khushi. But I never hated you. I was confused thinking how can poor girl this much pure, how can one mere poor girl love some other to this extent, how can one poor girl this much innocent and good. I was really confused Khushi. I wanted to ask you, I wanted to talk with you, I wanted your help. But when you said me to go with Aman, I was hurt. When you denied listening to me I was helpless. It made me angry. And I said all those hurtful words to you. But you know what Khushi? These two months I spent hell of time with your memories and the hurtful face of you. I wanted to come here running. But I couldn't because of my health.


Without my knowledge I started comparing everyone's love with the love you showered. But I didn't find anyone near you. That's when I realised, not all the poor people are bad, that's when I realised this love, care, affection and feelings are nothing to do with the status. It's completely with heart. With you coming to my life, I realised the importance of heart. And I realised, till now I never had a heart"


"You have a heart Arnav Ji. Otherwise you wouldn't have come here; you wouldn't have give respect to your sister and Nani. You have a heart. But you never concentrated on that" said Khushi with a small smile.


Nodding his head Arnav said "May be you are right. But one thing I'm sure Khushi... I need your help. I need you in my life for every second. I need your support. I need everything of you for me for my whole life. But how, I don't understand. I need your help. Can you help me? Please Khushi..." Arnav held Khushi's hands in his and looked at her with hopeful eyes.


"Where is NK Bhai?" immediately Arnav understood what Khushi feeling. Smiling little, he went out and brought NK inside along with Aman.


"What?" asked NK seeing confused face of Khushi and smiling face of Arnav.


Khushi looked at NK and Arnav and again NK.


"What's going on? Can anyone say?" asked Aman not able to control the curiosity


"She needs your permission NK, to come to me, to become my wife, to be my support. As you didn't allow her to talk to me, she wants your permission to get her love" said Arnav.


NK looked at Khushi surprisingly and understood her dilemma of saying yes to Arnav and no to him.


"What you decided Doll?" asked NK seriously making Khushi gulp


"Nothing" said Khushi




"I never wanted to go against you or Arnav Ji. But now, I'm really confused to think anything. Till now I never faced this situation. Arnav Ji never said anything from his photo where you suggested me a lot things. But now, Arnav Ji is here and asking me to help him and you said not to meet with him leave alone helping him. I am confused to decide what to do and whom to listen. Can you both do one thing?" she asked hopefully looking NK and Arnav. Seeing their nod she continued "Can you both talk and come to one decision and make it easy for me? I really needed that now. I want to listen to you both. But I... I... couldn't because... can you understand what I'm saying, what I want and what I'm thinking? Can you both please help me?" said Khushi looking at her hands which are in her lap with so much helplessness.


Aman went to Khushi and pattered her head and said "It's your life Khushi. You have to decide about you. Nobody can decide what you want in your life. You shouldn't depend on NK or ASR for the things in your life"


"But what if I can't without them? What if I can't live going against them? What if I can't live without their support? What if they are my life? What if I'm unable to make decisions without their support? What to do then?" asked Khushi innocently


"What if they won't come to one decision and force you to follow their words?" Asked Aman. Both NK and Arnav are curious to know her answer. NK somewhat can guess the answer where Arnav can't


"Then, that is the last second of my life. I can't go against of anyone of their words. I want them in my life. I can't lose them. If they both can't trust each other and can't come to one word then I will kill myself. I can't do anything without their interest, I can't go against their words and at the same time I can't disappoint any one. So it's better to stop living" her voice is low but her meaning is firm.


NK closed his eyes in very well known pain, of knowing how much love she has for Arnav and him. Both Arnav and Aman were shocked to know the answer. Arnav never expected this answer from her. He thought she will say that she will go with Arnav or NK. But this answer... he never expected. He stood there numbly seeing Khushi's expressionless face


Aman felt proud seeing Khushi's love towards her brother and ASR. "Then it's their responsibility to make everything easy for you. It's their responsibility to make you comfortable with their decisions. It's their responsibility to give you what you want. I wish you a happy and peaceful life. Thanks for coming into our lives" saying this Aman turned to Arnav, NK and continued to them "I hope you both will complete your responsibility. I hope you both will give her what she wants"




"It's okay Bhai... If you both are not comfortable with each other, then I'm perfectly fine with that. Don't worry... I will be fine once I leave from here. I never wanted to be burden for anyone. You both can relax... and Arnav Ji... don't worry NK Bhai will help in all the ways. He is nice man. NK Bhai... Please look after him. He is a confused soul every time Bhai... he needs you"


"Finished saying all the things you thought in your tiny brain?" said Arnav holding her shoulder tightly while controlling his anger not to bash her. Khushi nodded her head looking at him confusingly which make Aman laugh




"Sorry ASR... But look at her... she can't even understand your sarcasm. She is so innocent ASR"


Sighing deeply NK said "Doll... I'm sorry for making you think in this way. I always wanted you to be happy and safe. Till now, I thought you can't be happy with this ASR. But when I knew he is ASR only for world where he is Arnav for his family and mostly for you, then I don't have any objection of you going to him, for him, and with him. If you are happy with him that's all I wanted. I was just worried for you Doll, I'm not a monster to keep you away from your life. Go... get your love, catch your love. He is waiting for you. He needs you in his life. Go... enjoy your life. I wish you will get all the happiness you lost. I wish you will get a family and I wish you will get..."


"Arnav Ji..." said Khushi with so much happiness and tearful eyes. NK nodded his head and was hugged by Khushi. He reciprocated the hug and held her tightly patting her head. "Take care Doll... Be happy all the time. Don't forget that you have a brother here. If you need me at anytime, I'm just a call away... you know that, right?"


Khushi nodded her head and said "I will never need you Bhai... I will never step into any problem with or without Arnav Ji. As he will be with me..." Khushi looked at Arnav who said - always forever - and continued "I won't have any problem, you don't worry. But I will miss you Bhai. I... I..." unable to say anything she hugged NK and cried her heart out. The men trio also shredded their tears seeing Khushi. Both Arnav and Aman can understand their bond. Nobody can say that both NK and Khushi are not blood related.


"Sh... Doll... don't cry... relax... I will meet you in India when I come there. In fact for meeting you I will come there. Don't cry now... it won't be good for your health" he turned to Arnav and said "Arnav Ji... I really appreciate if you can spend your more days here till Doll completes her treatment. She really needs that and it's important"


Understanding what NK saying Arnav nodded his head and accepted his stay.


"But Arnav Ji... What about your work? And... Huh... what about Lavanya Ji? Oh My God... I forgot about her. No I can't come with you. I can't snatch her life and love. I can't come with you. Sorry Arnav Ji... I'm sorry" she begins to get tensed about Lavanya.


"Sh... Khushi... relax... I am not her love nor is she mine. She needs my money, that's all. But I need love Khushi, your love. I can't give that place to anyone else. At the same time, my family was never happy about her and our relation. When I said about you to Di and Nani, they were really angry on me for leaving you here. Di is not talking with me now" he said in a low voice. "Di and Nani only made me understand your importance in my life. So, I said everything to Nani about my feelings. She is really happy about us. She wants us to be with each other till the end. Will you be with me all the time till my last breath Khushi? Will you be mine forever? Will you be my companion throughout my life? Will you be my wife by marrying me, Khushi?"


Khushi looked at Arnav with wide eyes and open mouth seeing him proposing her for marriage. NK and Aman's state is not any different from Khushi's.

"Khushi... answer me damn it"


"But Lavanya Ji..." she said in low worried voice


"Don't worry Khushi... she can never be in your life. I know how to send her out of your life. I had proofs. Don't worry about her, if you are okay with ASR's proposal then say it. I'm there to take care of Lavanya" said Aman


Everybody looked at Khushi who is in deep thoughts with thudding hearts, because they know Khushi will never get ready to do this if she is not convinced with Aman's words.


"Doll...?" "Khushi...?" NK and Arnav called her.


"Khushi... I'm waiting here"


Khushi looked at the men to get some assurance. Aman nodded his head understanding her dilemma. Not able to control the curiosity Arnav held her hand and said in a little high voice


"Answer me damn it"


"..." she said something in low voice which no one listened


"WHAT?" shouted the trio


"YES..." she also shouted in equal tone and hugged Arnav, hiding her shyness.


"YEEE" Arnav heard and found himself in a tight group hug. He took few seconds to understand what happened. When he understood, a broad smile adored his face.




"OF COURSE YES DAMN IT... I WILL MARRY YOU..." said Khushi making everyone relax.


After few moments of group hug, Aman said to Arnav "ASR... you stay here with Khushi. I will take care of everything there. After you come there we can send that Lavanya out of your lives. And Khushi... don't worry... everything will be fine. You have ASR with you along two brothers" he pattered her head.


Overwhelmed by his words, Khushi hugged Aman and said a low Thank you Bhai'


After the emotionally exhausted situation, they made Khushi sleep for some time to get time to plan the things. Aman said his doubts about Lavanya having other life, enjoying with Arnav's money with her husband. That is the reason she is not ready for getting married to Arnav. Arnav and NK were shocked to listen. They three discussed about how to get rid of Lavanya from their lives. After discussing, Aman went from there to leave to India to take care of everything mainly to take care of Lavanya's thing. He never allows anyone to disturb or intrude in his best friend and Khushi's life.




After a month


Today is the day; Dr. Jayson confirmed Khushi's perfect health. He expressed his happiness to get her normal self back. He saw the instant change in Khushi's behaviour after Arnav's arrival. He understood Khushi's love towards Arnav completely. He also instructed and suggested things to NK and Arnav in taking care of Khushi. He assured them that as long as Arnav will be with Khushi, she will be completely fine. After thanking Dr. Jayson they left from hospital to NK's house. Aman already vacated Khushi's house and shifted her things to India not missing at least one thing. They stayed one day in NK's house and left to India with NK.




After reaching India, they went to Khushi's parents' house. Both NK and Khushi will stay there till the Lavanya thing gets cleared. The trio - Arnav, Aman and NK doesn't want Khushi to face Lavanya. When they reached Khushi's house they found Arnav's family except Lavanya there along with Aman. Anjali, Nani and Mami rushed to Khushi and engulfed her in a tight group hug which made Khushi scared and startled. She looked at Arnav who is smiling at her. She also smiled a little and took blessing from all. After enjoying the time with Khushi all the Raizada's and Jha's left from there hoping to see Khushi in their home soon as their bahu.


Both Arnav and Aman proved Lavanya's truth - being married and staying with him for his money and enjoying her life with her husband with Arnav's money - to the family and threw her out of their lives. Aman said that he got doubt when he noticed the bank account transaction where money went to other individual account from Lavanya's. Immediately he worked on that and found that Lavanya is married and that is the reason she was never ready to get married to Arnav. She is ruthless and arrogant towards all the family members because she thought family will make Arnav leave her. Before they do anything in that sort, she got succeeded in filling Arnav's ears with words against the family taking his Hatred towards people' as a key point saying they are thinking to get marry Arnav to a girl from some poor family. Everybody gasped in shock knowing Lavanya's true identity where Arnav fumed in anger. 


Arnav threw her out of the house warning her if she do anything to him or his family he will make sure that he will send her and her husband to jail




The day of Arnav and Khushi's marriage


They successfully completed all the pheres and all the rituals. The priest announced them as wife and husband for seven lives. They both took the blessings from the elders and wishes from the friends. Arnav, Aman and NK shared a group hug keeping Khushi centre of their hug. Everybody laughed out loud in happiness seeing their love towards each other. Khushi shouted for air to breath, as she felt breathless because of the three strong men's tight hug. Laughing loudly the trio left her to breath. Everyone thanked god in their heart for this moment. All the Raizada family, Jha family, NK's family, Aman's family along with relatives left the venue sending Arnav and Khushi towards their destination - Khushi's house


Arnav wanted to start their life in her house with her parent's blessings. So, he asked Aman to arrange their first night there in Khushi's house. When Khushi entered the house she felt overwhelmed with Arnav's love towards her. It's really getting difficult for her to take this. Sensing her overwhelmed state Arnav hugged her from back and kissed her temple to bring her back to normal condition. Khushi turned back and hugged him tightly


Both hugged each other tightly, hoping and wishing for their beautiful future together, Promising each other silently not to leave others at any circumstances, promising each other to support in each and every situation of their lives.


"I LOVE YOU ARANV JI..." confessed Khushi for the first time leaving her all the fears of losing him.


"I LOVE YOU TOO KHUSHI..." he never thought confessing his feelings to the person who deserves will give immense pleasure and relaxation to our soul. He kissed her for the first time on her forehead with all the love and care he had for her. With that kiss, they started their beautiful life together, forever...









Thank you each and everyone one for your wonderful SUPPORT, LIKES and COMMENTS. I never thought one would like my stories. But... I'm lucky indeed to get you all...



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Edited by sankadevi_lg - 9 years ago thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
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Pinky.Raizada thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Awesome ending. Epilouge vuntundha? (I know i am being greedy.)
pran28671 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
awww its beautiful

mind blowing update

perfect ending πŸ‘πŸΌ

epilogue tho banta hi
AzraZaidi thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago

beautuful end ... you know this was one of my fav stories and i loved
the bonding between nk and khushi was the best
i will say this was the perfect end ... πŸ˜ƒ
but now i am gng to miss this Edited by AzraZaidi - 9 years ago
eishe10 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Wonderful ending to the storyπŸ‘ Hope you would other stories, tooπŸ˜ƒ
blue_rose1605 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
awesome ending... hope you back with another story
pree2605 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Such a beautiful ending...
Loved it..
thnxx fr pm
pup03 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
Beautiful ending of awesome story!  loved the ending a lot.. sad the story ended will miss it 

thanks for pm πŸ˜Š