Virika OS: Happy Ever Afters Do Exist

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Posted: 10 years ago

Wrote something after a really long time on Virika for someone very special, Mirah. Hope you enjoy this! Will be waiting for your feedback ❤️ 


                                        Happy Ever Afters Do Exist <3 

viren (v) - "Jeevika enough dancing now. As soon as everyone leaves you are going straight into the room to sleep you understand? You've been up since morning preparing for the naamkaran ceremony" 
jeevika (j) - "Virenji I'm alright, trust me. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life. Because of you I have everything I ever longed for. I have a beautiful family, my sister, my daughter, and most importantly you"

v - "I love you Jeevika" he said kissing her forehead. 

Manvi and Virat slowly walked near their brother and sister. 

manvi (m) - "Di, jiju so much romance? What am I going to do of you guys?"
virat (vr) - "Manvi learn something from them. Their daughter is only a few weeks old, and already another one on the way" 

Viren and Jeevika's face was red as it could ever be. Especially Jeevika who kept looking down. Viren hugged her making her smile. 

m - "Stop it Virat! Dare you say anything to my di and jiju, understand?"
vr - "I never said anything bad Manvi. And they are my bhai and bhabhi too. I just said you should learn from them too"
m - "So you're saying you want another baby already? Have you lost it?" she said screaming on top of her lungs. 
v - "Oh god!!! Virat and Manvi please"
j - "You both can start anywhere, anytime" 
v - "Look Mansi and Jhanvi are getting tired. Let's take them inside to sleep" 

Jeevika and Manvi both walked near the sofa where beeji and Vanshika were both holding the precious angels of the family. They both picked up their daughters and held them close to them. Jhanvi and Mansi both started closing their eyes feeling comforted in their mothers arms. Viren walked near Jeevika and saw Mansi away in dreamland looking just like a little fairy. He smiled first looking at Mansi, and then at Jeevika. He knew from the very beginning that she would be the perfect mother to his kids. She was such a natural mother, and more over a beautiful human being who cared and loved all. Jeevika was humming a soft tune making Mansi smile in her sleep. Virens eyes were almost filled with tears. He couldn't believe he and Jeevika were really blessed with a child, and not just one but two now. 

v - "Jeevika" he whispered to her to get her attention. 

Jeevika looked at him, and he signaled her to go inside the room with Mansi so she wouldn't get disturbed further. Jeevika and Manvi both headed inside their respective rooms to put their babies to sleep. Viren followed Jeevika inside and closed the door. He sat next to Jeevika who was still humming and kissing her daughter all over her face. 

v - "Here, I'll take her you go and change"
j - "No, I want to hold my baby near me"
v - "Jeevika she's mine also. Please let me hold her. You already are holding, well taking care of one baby" he said touching her stomach "Now let me hold the other one"
j - "Fine" she said giving up. 

Jeevika handed Mansi over to Viren and he held onto her like a perfect father. He moved further back on the bed making himself comfortable. He kept staring at her face, looking at his mini Jeevika in front of his eyes. Jeevika kissed Mansi while in her father's hands, and then kissed Viren on his cheek. He smiled at her and kissed her back. 

v - "Go change and come sit with me and my angel" 
j - "Going" 

Jeevika when to change and when she returned she saw Mansi on the bed and Viren covering her with a blanket. She got on the other side of the bed and pat Mansi's stomach making sure she was okay. 

v - "Are you doubting Mansi's father and his ability to take care of his daughter?"
j - "The last person I can ever doubt is Mansi's father" she said smiling
v - "Good. Mansi now lets make your mommy go to sleep too"
j - "Oh hello. Show your authority over Mansi, not me. You made her sleep, now let me watch my angel peacefully"
v - "I don't think so. Time for you to sleep too" he said getting up from the bed. 

Viren went to Jeevika's side and made her lie down. Then got another thin blanket and covered Jeevika with that. He knew Jeevika was really tired, but would never rest herself. Her "fikar meter" was on more than usual now ever since the presence of Mansi and Jhanvi in their lives. Jeevika was asleep within two minutes. Viren heard a knock on the door so he went to open it. 

vanshika - "Viren, is Mansi asleep?"
v - "Yeah ma. I made Jeevika sleep too"
vnsh - "Good beta, she was up since 5 am. Here when she wakes up, give her this glass of milk please"
v - "Okay ma, thanks" 
vnsh - "Your welcome. Let me go check on Jhanvi now" she said happily 

Though most of the ladies of the house were sleep deprived with the presence of two new babies, they were loving it. Vanshika and Swamini would both take turns helping Jeevika and Manvi out. They were loving their new granddaughters so much, that they often wouldn't let Manvi and Jeevika spend time with them. 

6 months later...

Viren was finally back from his week long conference in Delhi. Only he knew what a difficult time he had staying away from Jeevika and his beautiful 7 month old princess Mansi. He missed her by the second and would always want to video call with Jeevika to see his little princess. He didn't want her to forget him in the week he was gone. When he entered inside he saw Mansi sitting in Vanshika's lap and Jhanvi sitting in Manvi's lap. His princess was awake and instantly recognized her dad. She started making funny noises and her eyes blew wide open, just like her mothers. Vanshika looked up to see why Mansi was getting excited and she saw her son finally home with Mansi welcoming him in her own style. 

v - "My Mansiii" Viren excalimed excitedly picking up his daughter. He lifted her high in the air making her giggle. It was a father-daughter thing. He hugged her tightly and pecked kisses over her beautiful face. He was amazed at how each passing day, she looked more and more like Jeevika. 

vnsh - "Viren you have other family members here too"
v - "Sorry ma. How are you doing? And how's my other princess Jhanvi doing?" he said looking at Manvi
m - "Jhanvi is good jiju. How was your conference"
v - "Long and boring. I don't know why dadaji likes to punish me and send me away from my angels"

Vanshika and Manvi both laughed as they knew how attached Viren was to Mansi. He worked five days a week now, and only took the high-profile cases. He would hand the rest to his other staff as he wanted to stay home with Mansi, Jeevika, and his coming baby. 

vnsh - "Let me go get you something to eat Viren"
v - "No ma, I'm not hungry. Where is Jeevika?"
m - "Di is sleeping. She didn't sleep well last night"
v - "Why what happened? I talked to her before sleeping last night"
m - She was just getting restless and her back was hurting for a few days"
v - "But didn't the doctor prescribe her some medicines?"
m - "Those ones make her very sleepy and she was afraid she would sleep till really late and Mansi would be awake and could hurt her somehow. Plus you weren't here"
v - "My FMji will never change" 😆 
m - "Nope. Jiju here let me take Mansi and Jhanvi, need to feed both of them"
v - "Its okay, I'll feed Mansi you take care of Jhanvi"
m - "You sure?"
v - "Yeah. Let's go Mansi" he said kissing her face again. 

Viren went inside the kitchen with Vanshika who took out the canned baby food and spoon for Mansi. 

vnsh - "Here you go. Her highchair is in the room"
v - "thank you maa"
vnsh - "I'll send some coffee for you"
v - "Okay, thanks. Say bye bye to dadi" he said making Mansi wave bye at Vanshika. 

Mansi always giggled the most with her dad. She loved being in her moms lap when she wasn't feeling well, but her dad was like her partner in crime. He was the only one who could make her laugh and smile the most. Both of them went inside the room and saw Jeevika asleep cuddled inside her blanket. Viren looked at Mansi and they both smiled at each other. He put his finger on his mouth telling her they had to be quiet. He first put Mansi in her high chair. Then he went to fix Jeevika's blanket. It was more like getting to catch a glimpse of his beautiful wife who he missed a lot. He made sure she was secure inside her blanket and then kissed her forehead. He went near the edge of the bed and sat down opening Mansi's food. He took the spoon and gave her a bite. She ate happily from her dad and clapped her hands every time she took a bite in excitement. Viren would keep putting his finger on his mouth telling Mansi she had to be quiet, but she was way to excited to be seeing her dad after a week. Then Vanshika knocked on the door and Viren went to open it. She gave him his coffee and then saw Jeevika waking up. 

vnsh - "Jeevika, beta how are you feeling?"
j - "I'm fine maa. Virenji you're here"
v - "Yes, I'm here Jeevs. Stay in bed. Don't you dare try to come out" he said walking near the bed
vnsh - "Jeevika you want some coffee or tea?"
j - "No Ma, I'm good thank you" 
vnsh - "Viren is Mansi done eating?"
v - "Almost. I'll feed her don't worry Ma. I can take care of my daughter"
vnsh - "Okay okay. If not I can take my granddaughter with me"
v - "Nice try ma" 
vnsh - "Okay I'll go finish preparing dinner" 

Viren brought Mansi in her high chair right next to Jeevika's side of the bed. Jeevika was sitting with her back against the bed and Viren right next to her sitting on the edge finished feeding Mansi. 

j - "How was your conference?"
v - "Boring. So glad there aren't anymore conferences to attend for a few months now"
j - "You know sound like a little boy who hates waking up in the morning to go to school. I've never seen you complain this much in my life" 😆 
v - "Mansi look at the way your mom is making fun of me. Very bad Jeevika"
j - "You know its true"
v - "Whatever. Let me feed my princess peacefully" he said giving her another bite. 
j - "Virenji give me some of your coffee please"
v - "Its really strong Jeevika"
j - "Its okay, I feel like having coffee right now"
v - "Ok here" he said handing her his coffee. 

v - "Okay now Mansi is done with her dinner" 
j - "You know Virenji she's been crawling so much at night on the bed now"
v - "I've heard. Thats why you weren't taking your medicines"
j - "Didn't want to sleep through and not find her by my side the next morning especially since you aren't here also" 
v - "Now I am so don't worry" 
j - "Virenji open that drawer over there"
v - "Why"
j - "Just do it"

Viren opened the drawer and got out a file handing it over to Jeevika. She opened it and got some scans out. 

v - "oh my god... are these your new scans?"
j - "Yeah. I got them day before yesterday" 
v - "This is so adorable Jeevika" he said holding the scan. 
j - "I know. And you know what Virenji he's been kicking almost every night now. And sometimes so much that I wake up from my sleep and then stay awake all night long" 
v - "On one side we have Mansi and other side one more baby. But Jeevika how do you know for sure it won't be a girl?" 
j - "We have two girls in the house now. We need a boy" 
v - "Girl"
j - "Virenji we aren't starting this again please" 
v - "Oh yes we are. Mansi do you want a sister" 

And as expected Mansi would laugh to anything her dad said as she did now even. Viren took that answer as a yes and glared at Jeevika. 

v - "Its so much more fun having girls in the house. Mansi, Jhanvi, and her future sister will be best friends and they will have their tea parties, and dress up parties where they wear princess costumes together and me and Virat will take photos of them all day long" 
j - "Okay I get the point, but I want a mini Virenji who I can feed all day long and make him wear a tuxedo"
v - "You can feed me all day and my princesses, no one will stop you" 😛
j - "You are unbelievable" 
v - "Love you too" he said kissing her. 

Three more months later...

Jeevika woke up bright and early a Sunday morning. She went straight to the kitchen to make coffee for Viren. When she came back she saw him awake sitting on his laptop on the sofa. She went and sat next to him handing him his coffee. 

v - "Goodmorning"
j - "Goodmorning Virenji"
v - "Where's your tea?"
j - "Don't feel like having any right now" she said placing her head on his shoulder. 
v - "Look at how Mansi and Jhanvi are holding hands and sleeping. They totally remind me of you and Manvi, except worst!"
j - "Look at the time, and both of them are still sleeping. You spoil them too much"
v - "What? They are babies and they were having fun playing with me last night. The both of them are so fast now crawling around everywhere" 
j - "I know, its so hard for me to chase after them now" 
v - "Very soon a third member will be coming to chase around too" he said smiling 
j - "And that little member is kicking me now too" she said smiling back. 

Just then they heard a knock on the door and saw Virat and Manvi peeping in. Manvi walked over to Jeevika and sat right next to her while Virat looked over his daughter. 

j - "How was the party last night Mannu?"
m - "Good di, but we all missed you and jiju a lot" 
j - "Me too, but I was really tired"
m - "How come both these girls are still asleep?"
j - "Because Virenji refused to put them to sleep last night. He was playing with them till so late" 
m - "Jiju really?" 😆 
v - "Gosh whats the big deal that they slept two hours later than normal. Right Virat?" 
vr - "Exactly bhai. But they do look really cute sleeping"
m - "Today is Sunday. Let's do something fun" 
v - "How about movie and lunch"
m - "I want pizza!!!" 
vr - "Manvi you want pizza right now for breakfast also?"
m - "Dumbo for lunch" 
vr - "And all the elders are leaving for some wedding today too. So it will be just us at home today" 
v - "Sounds good. Which movie though? I'll call it at home"
vr - "Scary Movie 3"
v - "Virat have you lost it? Not with these four girls with us" 
m - "How about DDLJ"
vr - "No, thats too cliche" 
j - "How about Yeh Jeewani Hai Deewani. Ranbir Kapoor looks sooo hot in that movie"
v - "Hotter than me even?"
j - "A little" she said blushing 
m - "Very bad Di, my jiju is the most handsome. Even more than this bandar I'm stuck with"
vr- "Plus bhabhi, Deepika looks like an atom bomb in that movie. Gosh how I wish I could hook-up with her" 

Virat and Jeevika high-fived each other seeing both their partners glaring them down. Luckily for them they saw the two sleeping beauty twin sisters waking up. The whole family called them twins or mini Jeeman. Viren and Virat both went to the bed and picked up their daughters who were still a little sleepy. Vanshika walked in then too see all her kids and both her granddaughters here too. 

vnsh - "Goodmorning. Are my two favorite girls awake?" 
vr - "They are just waking up"
vnsh - "Here's their bottles" she said handing it to Viren and Virat. "I'll go finish breakfast, you guys come out soon" 
m - "Okay ma" 
j - "I'll go take a bath" 

Virat, Manvi, and Jhanvi left the room while Viren sat with Mansi feeding her. By the time Jeevika was back she saw Viren and Mansi playing with each other again. 

j - "Virenji I don't feel like going out and eating breakfast, You go ahead"
v - "Why not Jeevika?"
j - "Just feeling tired. I'll eat a little later, just not right now"
v - "Okay. Me and Mansi will be back" he smiled at her. 

Viren went outside the room to the dining area where everyone was gathering. The whole family ate breakfast together, then everyone started getting ready for the wedding. Viren went back inside his room and saw Jeevika asleep. He sat on the bed next to Jeevika doing some work on his laptop, while Mansi was with Manvi and Jhanvi. Around 1 PM Virat, Manvi, Mansi, and Jhanvi, all came inside Virika's room. Jeevika started opening her eyes. 

m - "Are you guys ready for the movie"
j - "Yeah" 
v - "Jeevika first eat something. You haven't eaten since morning" 
m - "The pizza is on its way" 
vr - "I'll put the movie on" 

While Virat put the movie on in the room, Mansi crawled over to Jeevika wanting to sit her lap. Manvi went to get Jeevika some fruits to eat. 

v - "The doorbell just rang. I'll go get the pizza" 

Viren and Manvi then entered the room at the same side. Manvi gave out the food while Virat started the movie. Mansi, Jhanvi, Jeevika, and Manvi were sitting on the bed while the two guys were sitting on the couch. After a really long time, they were watching a movie and enjoying this mini family time they had. As soon as interval came, Manvi paused the video. 

m - "Anyone want anything else to eat or drink?" 
vr - "Nope. Put the movie back on yaar Manvi" 
m - "Patience you chep. Let me go get food for Jhanvi and Mansi" 
vr - "Go fast" 

Manvi went to the kitchen and came back with food for the girls who were playing with their toys sitting on the bed. When Manvi came in she saw Jeevika looking uncomfortable. 

m - "Di you want anything?"
j - "No, I'm fine mannu" 

Manvi resumed the movie and they all continued watching the movie. By the time the movie finished everyone was getting a little sleepy. Viren got up and saw Jeevika whose face was red. 

v - "Jeevika what happened?"
j - "Nothing Virenji"
m - "Di why does your face look all red?"
j - "Really? I don't know. Actually the baby has been kicking a lot"
m - "A lot?"
j - "Yeah since this morning it keeps kicking me and its hurting a bit more now" 
m - "Wait a minute. Its been going on since morning?"
j - "Hmm"
m - "Di you're having contractions" 

Viren and Virat both panicked and got excited at the same time. No wonder Jeevika was feeling extra tired today and didn't feel like eating much. 
m - "Jiju I'll call the doctor, and Virat you go call Maa and Swamini Bua and tell them to meet us at the hospital" 
vr - "Okay" 

Manvi came back in five minutes... 

m - "The doctor said to come now so I think we should leave"
j - "Mannu I'm scared now. This is hurting a lot, I'm not ready right now. I don't want to go to the hospital"
m - "Di don't worry, it will be over in no time" 
v - "We should leave now. But whose going to stay home with Mansi and Jhanvi?" 
vr - "I'll stay home and then maybe Swamini bua can come in a little bit and help me"
m - "Okay perfect, lets go now! 
j - "Virenji no. Please I can't go"
m - "Di nothing is going to happen. If I can do it, you can too" 

Jeevika started breaking out in tears. 

v - "Virat, Manvi take these two to your room. They're asleep"

Virat and Manvi did as Viren said. He wanted them to leave so he could talk to Jeevika and calm her down. 

v - "Jeevika nothing is going to happen, I promise" 
j - "I'm not ready right now Virenji. I'm really scared"
v - "I know you are, but lets just go and get a checkup. You might be having false labour right now. Lets just see what the doctor says, you never know we will be back home in a few hours" 
j - "Okay" she said wiping her tears. 

Viren helped her up and they walked outside their room. Virat and Manvi were seen outside in the hall talking to each other. 

j - "I want to see Mansi first please" 
m - "But di"
v - "Its okay Manvi, let her see Mansi" 

The four of them walked inside Virman's room and saw Mansi and Jhanvi taking their nap. Jeevika kissed both of them on the cheeks and then left the room with Viren. Viren, Jeevika, and Manvi quickly settled down in the car and headed for the hospital. Viren and Manvi both knew it was time, but Jeevika didn't want to believe it. They quickly went inside the hospital where the doctor was waiting for them. 

dr. - "You're actually quite far along Jeevika. It won't be too long before the baby comes now"

Just saying that made Jeevika panic a little more. She was excited, but scared more than ever. Manvi and Viren both helped her inside her private room and luckily Vanshika had come by then too. She looked at Jeevika and saw her apprehension. She knew how it felt to be in that position, especially Jeevika. From being pregnant, to aborting her kid, to loosing faith in ever having her own biological child, and now here she was in the hospital. 

m - "Doctor said it won't be too long now" Manvi told Vanshika. 
vnsh - "Jeevika aren't you excited now?" she said distracting her
j - "What if something goes wrong?" 
v - "Jeevs think positively. The doctor would have said something if she didn't feel it was going fine, right? You're gonna be fine" 

Just then the doctor came in and told everyone besides Viren to leave the room. Vanshika and Manvi headed back out and waited patiently now for the good news. They sat then walked around hoping everything inside would go smoothly. Occasionally they would hear a few grunts ands screams of Jeevika, but they both prayed it would be over soon. Finally they heard a cry, and finally the doctor came outside. 

dr. - "Its a girl. Congratulations!" she told Vanshika and Manvi who were over the moon now. 

They both hugged each other and then went inside the room where they saw the nurse cleaning the baby. Viren was right near the nurse seeing his daughter and getting ready to hold her. The nurse wrapped the baby girl and gave her to Viren. Viren's eyes were filled up with tears of joy. He looked up at Manvi and his mother who walked closer to him. 

m - "As beautiful as Mansi. She's an angel jiju" 

Manvi went near her di, and kissed her forehead making her smile with her eyes closed. She was exhausted, excited, and relived all at the same time. She finally did it. Viren took the baby near Jeevika and sat on the bed with her holding their daughter together. They both glanced at each other quickly and then at their newborn. Pure Bliss! 

1 month later...

The whole family now was awaiting to hear the new name of the precious one month old now. All the guests were gathered in the back while the family was sitting down for the puja. Mansi and Jhanvi were both sitting in Virat's lap, while Jeevika held her newborn with Viren sitting next to her. It was finally time for the two to announce the name of the new angel bestowed in the Vadhera house. Even though the whole family tried so much to influence and name the new baby girl, Viren and Jeevika didn't listen to anyone and argued they had their special name picked out already! Viren finally blurted the name after months of speculation now!

"Mirah" he exclaimed happily. 

Though everyone was sad that Viren and Jeevika didn't pick their name, it was short-lived as they already fell in love with the most perfect name. It was Viren and Jeevika after all and they were nothing less than perfect, and the name was a reflection of that. They family all got up now to see the baby and give her their blessings. It was another great, and happy day in the Vadhera Mansion!!!

2 months later...

It was 8 am and instead of being present at the dining area, the whole Vadhera family was in the room of Mansi and Jhanvi. They were waiting for the two angels to wake up. Their eyes started opening and they saw the whole family surrounding them. Then Viren and Virat, who both had a small cupcake in their hands, walked towards their daughter wishing them Happy Birthday. Their smile was priceless, especially after the whole family started singing Happy Birthday to both of them. Then Viren and Virat helped their daughters cut the cake and fed them a little bit of frosting. Turn by turn the whole family kissed, wished, and gave blessings to the girls who changed the whole dynamics of the Vadhera family. After their birth, everything seemed to go on an uphill. Jeevika found out she was pregnant, Viren got the award for the best lawyer in the country, and Virat got a 3 year contract with a big music label. 

Jeevika and Manvi went last and fed their princesses a bit of the cake. And not to forget little Mirah who with the help of Jeevika kissed both her older sisters. 

4 years later...

j - "Virenji where are you?"
v - "I'm at a restaurant eating lunch with my girlfriend"
j - "VIRENJI very mean. Tell me where are you?"
v - "Jeevika obviously I'm going to be at work right?" 
j - "Okay never mind then"
v - "What happened?"
j - "Actually Jhanvi's health got worst so Virat and Manvi took her to the hospital and there's no car or driver even at home to pick up Mansi and Mirah from school" 
v - "Why do you need a driver when Mansi and Mirah's father is there. Don't worry I will get my daughters from school today"
j - "No, its okay Virenji. I'll manage. I'll go by taxi"
v - "Have you lost it? There's no way I will let you go in a taxi to pick up my daughters. I'm leaving now so don't disturb me while driving. okay bye!" he said cutting the phone without letting Jeevika speak even. 

Viren left right away from his office and started driving towards Mansi and Mirah's school. He was just on time as all the kids were coming outside the classroom. He parked the car fast and then walked towards the gate where he saw little Mirah holding her Mansi di's hand waiting and searching for a familiar face. They both saw Viren and ran to him as fast as they could. It was quite rare when Viren would come pick them up, it would usually be Jeevika or Manvi picking up all three of them. Viren kneeled down to give both of the girls a tight hug. 

v - "How was your day Mansi and Mirah?" he asked sweetly. 

"GOOD!" both of them yelled at the same time. 

Viren took both of their backpacks and held their hands and started walking to the car. He got them buckled up in the back and then started driving home. 

mansi - "Daddy how come you picked us?"
v - "Because I felt like picking you two up. Are you guys tired?"

Then little Mirah blurted out a demand. She knew whatever she asked for from Viren, he would never deny. Actually the both of them knew their dad loved them the most in this world. A little more than their mom also. 

mirah - "Daddy ice cream.. mama no here" 

Viren looked through the mirror and saw Mirah giggling. She knew her mom would never get her ice cream cause then she would never eat lunch properly, but today Jeevika wasn't there, only Viren. 

mansi - "Daddy pleaseee" 
v - "Okay, but how about we go pick up Jeevika from home first or she will be worried" 

"FMJI!!!!" both the girls laughed and shouted at the same time. 

They both caught Viren calling Jeevika that so many times and would make fun of them by saying that in front of them. 

v - "You both are so naughty!!!" 
mirah - "Dadddy"
v - "Yeah"
mirah - "Mommy say no ice cream"
v - "Don't worry she will agree" he said smiling. 

Viren drove home and parked the car. He quickly dialed Jeevika's cell phone number. 

v - "Jeevs come out fast" 
j - "Why? Is everything okay Virenji? Mansi and Mirah..." she started questioning panicky
v - "FMJiii come fast" 

Viren realized he shouldn't have said FMJii as both his daughters started laughing insanely in the back and yelled FMJii too. 

Jeevika went outside and got in the car. 

j - "What happened? Why aren't you guys coming inside? I just warmed up lunch for the three of you"

Viren started driving leaving Jeevika puzzled. 

v - "I feel like having ice cream so the four of us are going eat some ice cream!"
j - "You feel like eating it or Mansi and Mirah do?" she said looking back at her daughters who were giggling. 
v - "I told you na, I feel like it"
j - "Mhmmm sure" 

The four of them drove away to the ice cream place and excitedly went inside. Mansi and Mirah were looking at all the different flavors. 

v - "Which do you guys want" 
mansi - "chocolate in cone please" she told her dad

And of course little Mirah would do exactly the same thing her elder sisters would. 

mirah - "Me tooo" 

v - "And what does my  wife want?" 
j - "Uhmmm whatever you have. I'll share with you" 
v - "Who said I'm going to share with you?" 
j - "Virenji you will get sick if you eat too much ice cream" 

"FMJiii" yelled Viren, Mansi, and Mirah at the same time. 

j - "Fine you guys do whatever you want to. Don't come crying to me when your throat hurts or you get a fever" she said walking away and sitting on the table 
v - "Oh no. Look now Jeevika is upset" he said to Mansi and Mirah. 

The three of them took their ice creams and walked towards Jeevika. 

mansi - "Sorry mama" she said standing next to Jeevika and hugging her from the side. And then of course Mirah did the exact same too. Jeevika couldn't help but smile at the both of them and kissed and hugged them tightly. 

v - "I want a hug and kiss from Jeevika too" Viren said as a little kid
j - "No only for my Mansi and Mirah" 
v - "Okay eat up your ice cream or it will start melting" 

Mansi quickly sat down on the chair, but Mirah had a hard time getting up on the chair. Viren laughed seeing her struggle and then picked her up and placed her on the seat. He pushed her forward so she could eat her ice cream with ease. Viren sat next to Jeevika and fed her ice cream while eating himself too. After their family ice cream date, the four of them headed home. They saw Virat and Manvi sitting on the couch with Jhanvi sleeping on Virat's shoulder. Mansi and Mirah ran up to Virat because they wanted to meet Jhanvi. The three of them were always inseparable. Jhanvi woke up and hugged her two sisters whom she missed so much while they were at school. Virman and Virika were standing looking at the three of them talking. 

v - "Virat didn't I tell you they would be worst than Jeevika and Manvi"
vr - "I know bhai, plus its three sisters. Before we had to handle these two, now another sister bond except with three girls" 
m - "We know secretly you both love and are jealous of our sisterly bonds"
v - "Whats there to be jealous about Manvi? Ek Hazaaron mein mera Bhai Virat bhi hai" 

And with that, ends the beautiful journey of The Vadheras, and the most special Virika. 

Virika and their two angels. Mansi and Mirah <3 


                        ❤️ Likes and Comments Please ❤️ 
Edited by Kays94 - 10 years ago


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PEACE4Life thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

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--Iqra-- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
I missed your writing so much. Thank you for this. It was so perfect. I miss Virika and family so much. You're brilliant. :D
millee18 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
this is the third time I m reading this os...
nd now I m unresing...omg... lazy ass me!!
now coming to update...
how come u write so phenomenally everytime...
like how...
nobody can write virika stories more perfectly Thn u!!!!!!
u r the bestest writer...
ahhh... frm the start till the end it was adorable...
jeevika excited fr naming ceremony!!!!!!
manvi nd virat masti...omg... they r funny
mansi... daddy's lil angel...
jeevika showed her scans... cute...
jeevika didn't wanted to go to hospital
...getting nervous!!!!
mirah...adorable baby...
mansi nd mirah best sisters...
Fmjiii... omg... naughty girls...
family date... sweet!!!!!!
virika with their daughter's.     amazing...!!!! :) <3
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Edited by millee18 - 10 years ago
..Amrita.. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
awesom yr
virika nd their two little angel
how cute
luved it from frst to last outstanding
vry well written
amazing os
virikamaliha thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
wow...awesome os...
loved the bond between janvi-masni-mihra...
they are sooo cute and sweet... 
just love it..
Riddhi_S thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
RES!! 😃

When I Recieved Your PM I Was Like...Yeah Finally I'll Be Getting An Update!  But Then I Read The Msg Title...😛 And Saw Its A New OS!!! 🥳  I Know I Was Sad For Not Getting Updates To My FAVORITE FF's! But Then This OS Made It All Well And I Was Hell Excited To Read An Finish Off My Curiosity As To What New Popped Into Your Mind!!! 😆 😃

WOW!!! That Was A Great Start To My Day! And More Over It Relived Me From My Exam Stress!! 😛 😕 😆

Viren Taking Care Of Jeevika...To Missing Her And Mansi And The Coming Baby...😊  Damn...It Was Marvelous From Start To End!!! ❤️ That Was A Perfect Name Selected! 'Mirah!' 

I'm Genuinely Speechless! You Never Let Me Speak Anything! All I'm Able To Do Is...Be In A Awwee!! ❤️  And Then I Find My Self Small To Even Comment On Your Wonderful MasterPiece That You WriteUp Giving You Precious Time To Us!!

Help Me Put Down My Feelings Writer Ji!!  😕 😔 I'm Seriously Unable To Express Myself!! 😡 🤢

And Yeah...Update Your Three FF's Soon PLEASE!! 😳 😃 
Ofcourse Depending On When You're Free! But Don't Take Too Long! 😭 I Miss Zaaine,Riva & Veera!! 😭 😡 So Update Soon Keany!

Always LOVE YOU!! 🤗 ❤️ 

TC!! ❤️
Edited by RiddhiTacker - 10 years ago
sweet_aayushi thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
awesome yaar
very very nice virika's daughter mansi and mirah
soo cute
well written loved it

NishuM thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
A longgg waited PM from my very FAV writer got me all exciteddd and here was a splendid OS awaiting me... 😃
How much had i been waiting for something from seriously need to update WFL,HB & BIL Sooon!!!!!!!

Coming to the OS...
It was SUPERBBB!!!!!!
Ur beauty has that special Perfection & beauty to it that i just can refrain from falling for them!
A small beautiful Family with the most perfect parents and the most adorable Princesses...certainly no less than a Utopia!
Could stop and read it 3 times 😉
Absolutely loveeed it!!!!
and the last leap was the show stealer ...
be it the copy cat Mirah or the lovely Mansi...just Gorgeous!
FMJiii goshhh ...Mini Viren's disguised as Jeevikaaa 🤣

Thank you for the treat...and please update ur other stories too...PLEASEEE!!!! 

Lots of Love 
Nishu ❤️
Angelic_Doll thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
oh god ur just a fab writer just love to read ur stories n ya thanks for the  pm