LTL thread 1~repeated on Rishtey WU 117~p.148 - Page 35


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twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Baby is Waiting for the cutest Teddy bear update..

Edited by twinkle-star - 10 years ago
mirage123 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
hi hamlet
fab ud...😊
Edited by mirage123 - 10 years ago
Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

                                       LTL Written Update

                                            Episode ~42

                                        23rd February 2010


                                                  Dutta's Study

The episode begins with an on red alert  Baji!  stuffing the nozzle of his pistol in the big  white cuddly bears's mouth. Dutta looks on with his arm folded  and curled up palm.  Baji yells what is this? hey wait! and he smacks the teddy's cheek to one side. Behind  the teddy's head is the body guard .Baji  jerks, it's head  as to what this thing was?.  the BG says, this is a delivery for Bhau.. Dutta pulls his chin to one side and lowers his eyes. Naku who follows the BG on the wooden stairs carries a tray with refreshments . She comes to the landing, and giggles when  Baji moans, this dimwit! give me a fright! and  he snatches the bear from the BG  saying, give it to me and you go now..  Baji throws the big bear up and catches it in his arms against him. The jog up in the air, trigger's the bear's battery operated voice,which says I LOVE YOU!  Naku smiles as Baji says, damn it!  you can talk as well!, Dutta turns his face to the side and lowers his eyes. Baji joggles the bear puts his arm around the bears neck and brings it before Dutta with a question, what is this Bhau? Dutta turns his face the other way, and with a serious face stands up from his desk  and sheepishly heads back to his room. Baji  looks down at the bears face and thumps it and follows Bhau into the room..and behind him comes in Naku too with her tea tray. Sudsarshan  stands a moment, and supresses a laugh, and then goes  down the wooden stairs.  Baji calls out, Bhau! check it's weight he's heavy, probably eats like a glutton! sit down here! oye !sit down you can't even sit properly! he orders and plonks the teddy at the end of the settee. Baji  looks sat Naku full of mischief and jerks his head at Dutta who stands  quietly near the French door, his left hand rests against the wall looking out. Baji folds his arm in a punch and jerks his head towards Dutta and then at the bear... and  Naku giggles, as  Baji flattens and talks to the bear, you're crazy! want some tea ? then reaches for an empty cup and brings it to the bears mouth, go on drink it! won't charge you for it! here drink! drink! drink ! hey!  what will you drink ? the cup is empty! , and  Naku laughs and  Dutta too looks at Baji with a smile,  Baji carries on, pulls up the bear puts his arm around his neck , crosses his leg and cuddles the bear closer , tell me have you got a girl friend? come on tell me! how many? Naku smiles and looks at Dutta ,..  Baji says , one or two, tell me now?.. brings the bears mouth closer to his ear and says, really! hey he's getting silly now! and Dutta turns his face and rolls his eyes.Baji sits the bear on the settee and stands behind, him, and says, Naku don't you wonder how this bear has ended up in here? he should have been in the Anay or Pari's room! Naku nods , yes.. and  Baji feels the back of his head with his arm, and says,  noo not really ! I love you  is a bit much for them! and for our vahini it's a bit too heavy for her!  isn't that so  Nakusha! you know it's  heart is not really his!  but it's Bhau's heart! Naku laughs , and  Baji says,  isn't that true Bhau ? Bhau did you get this present for vahini? and Dutta glares at him.  Baji paces and say ,  I have seen , oldies become young in love many times, but for a young man to turn into child  for the first time!. Dutta , yells, ey hero!  shall I swing  one under your ear! you all said get a gift.. so I phoned the shop , there you know the sales girl, she said, girls like such gifts, people give their girlfriends.. this..  Baji raises his palm in despair! Naku says.. Saab you are very simple.. and she turns to look at the bear sitting on the settee next to  Baji .. this is  something that  school kids like. A confused Dutta admits, how am I expected to know all this?.. you both tell me.. Naku gives a broad smiles and says,something nice, like  earrings, necklace, bracelets, Saab , girls love bangles!.Dutta looks hopeful,  and Baji  bucks Naku up,  you're doing well carry on.. and encouraged, Naku continues, Saab whatever you give with love, she will hold close to her heart.. my babaa gave my Aye a silver ring , they may fight, whatever may happen , but she never takes the ring off. Dutta's face softens with her talk.  Baji jumps up from the settee, come on then Bhau!, and Dutta says, oyee hero ! we are not going to buy a gun! Naku will go with us,..  Baji is speechless, what can I say... and  Naku asks looking at the bear, Saab what shall I do with this bear?  Dutta looks at her and says, you keep it, you were laughing, now laugh all you want.. she lowers her eyes and Dutta says, I am going to tell Aye Sahib, and he leaves.Naku  looks at the bear  with a big smile, and  Baji picks him up and passes him to her, here take him koel! you keep this Englishman !  Naku carries him and Baji thumps its head, get lost! ..  Naku looks at the bear's face lovingly and blows on its fur, she hugs him , and  holds one of the bears paws and waltzes around the room..  holding him close in a warm embrace...

Dutta's , large land cruiser drives out.. for shopping.


                                              Leela's Room 

Roops is painting her sister Leela 's toe nails. Roops tells her off, don't move your feet! and Leela complains I am fed up  of sitting!. hurry up!.  Roops retorts if your are in such a hurry than go to the parlour, and Leela complains, how can I go like this with half painted nails! Roops teases, oh yeah! so cute isn't it?. Kala turns from the window in a strop! can't you shut up! you two!  They both look snubbed, Kala says, only want to beautify yourselves! but your brains don't work! whose written this letter ? I can't solve! on top of it your rubbish chatter!. If this carries on that Bhau will get married and our lives will be wrecked!  Leela complains  , not again Tai the same topic! enough now stop it! you know I nearly died! I think it's Roops turn now.. Roops says , wow now my turn? cute isn't it? Leela looks at her and says, be quiet mad girl!. Kala hisses at them,  both of you are cowards ! you are together , that's why nothing comes about right! but what difference does it make to you? for me it's very important  to stop this marriage, once a new woman's game starts, then he  won't see his sister or mother. Firstly I can't get hold of Supriya's weakness ! on top of  of it Aye Sahib hovers around her! if only once I can meet Supriya on her own, my would be SIL. Roops corrects , not would be nearly, Tai today's henna, tomorrow engagement and then day after tomorrow wedding! so cute isn't it?. Kala reels around to face her, had you not been my youngest sister! I would have scratched you! come on then let's go and sit around vahini .. let's see for how long she'll  remain silent... somewhere she is bound to open her mouth! after all she is a woman, hisses Kala. Leela refuses, sorry but I am doing no such thing.. Kala glares at them, when I say let's go! then you all come! if you sit here then you'll soon hear the wedding march! get up and come! she orders and stomps out of the room!  Leela gives in , have to go now, come.. she tells Roops.



Dutta, Naku and  Baji , browse in  a ladies store. A sales assistant shows Dutta, a ready stitched garment. Baji stands beside a mannequin, feels it's chunni and puts his arm around it's shoulder. Naku saunters over to displayed bangles. She selects and feels a pair with her palm, and turns to Dutta who is busy at the counter opposite looking at clothes , Saab, look at these, they're nice aren't they?. He moves over to her and looks down at her selection. Then he carefully lifts the bangle holder and displays the bangles before Naku 's twinkling eyes... they will look lovely on Supriya  Tai, buy them Saab..  Naku smiles approvingly. Baji turns to look at Bhau and  Naku , and comes over , and says, what do think Bhau ?they're great! shall I get  them  packed? and Dutta replies, hummm. Baji smiles and moves over to the till, and Dutta follows  him.  Naku waits , and looks around and her eyes fall on a mannequin with a royal blue chunni with silver embroidery on it's head..  impressed by it, she moves towards the mannequin, and stands before it admiring the chiffon chunni with scalloped edges, she raises her hand to feel the material. The  sales attendant notices her touching the garment , and calls out , excuse me!... then she comes over to  Naku , what are you doing? leave it! don't know from where you've turned up from! Dutta turns his head and hears the sales girl's rough words. He slowly turns his body and walks towards Naku , as the salesgirl walks away. Naku stands by the mannequin , while Dutta glares at the girl. She looks back at Bhau worried, she then looks at  Naku who still stands by the mannequin. Dutta moves towards Naku , and defiantly looks at the chunni, then at  Naku's face. The other salesgirl warns the sales attendant, hey! what are you doing? he's Bhau , Bhau! the girl is with him! go and apologize!. The girl goes to Dutta, sir ! sorry sir!.. and Dutta looks at her face, and  then turns to  Naku , check it out!  Naku , looks up into his narrow  eyes,  with her wide eyes and mumbles, umm I was just feeling it.. Dutta turns his eyes towards the chunni , and says, I've said , so  try it on..

Naku takes the chunni off the mannequin gently as Dutta watches. She pulls it around her shoulders and then lifts it to the top of her head. Dutta watches her silently... it's nice, do you like it ? he asks. Naku smiles, me was.. only.. and he says , keep it... you taught me how to buy a gift, so I am giving you a gift.. hummm..  Naku smiles and hugs the chunni around her. Baji  joins them and says, really Bhau!  Naku looks so different! what do you say  Naku ? , she smiles as she keeps the chunni around her shoulders, and Dutta with a serious face says, come on let's go.. and he moves off , but Naku stays back for a moment,happily she lifts the chunni and yet again puts it down on her head, smiling.


                                                   Patil Nivas

 Dutta, Baji, Naku , return home after the shopping trip. Baji talks to someone on the phone, yes kaka, we need some trustworthy  person from your village! Bhau has said so, he will be Supriya vahini's body guard, yeah body guard! yes!. Sethji enters doing kung fu fighting as  Baji continues on the phone.  Baji turns and looks at Sethji doing karate kicks and punches in space, and says on the phone, just hold on , I'll ring you back!.

 He yells at Sethji oye  half pants! you gone crazy?  what the hell are you doing?, he replies with a big smile, hey  Baji uncle! don't   you know Judo Karate! for some time I have not practiced , now if I say something you'll  think I am bragging! I tell you the truth, in my basti! in fact all of Mumbai ! I have a big name! yeah!.  Baji crouches beside him, Sethji , you are mind blowing! made a mistake by sending you to school! this Bhau did honestly!, Sethji says, yes I am trying to sus out Bhau,.. I want to say that.. Bhau's would be wife need's a body guard, I am simply wasting my time at school!  it would be better , that from now on I do this work,who knows I might become  Bajirao  one day isn't  it?  Baji says , that's my boy ! come on I'll give you a task , from tomorrow  you become Supriya vahini's body guard!  But... before that you have to do a small thing ..Baji shows him his palm, then closes it.. come on now you open my  fist! Sethji not impressed, says , you should give me  a bigger job! and  Baji says, oyee! you do this first.. Sethji tries his hands at opening Baji's  tightly clenched fist! He struggles, and  Baji says , go on open it! and Sethji  carries on, yes yes it'll be done!.  Baji , rolls his eyes, and Sethji sweats on , yes! nearly done! but gets nowhere, and when  Baji looks the  other way , Sethji , sinks his teeth into his fist!  Baji yells  oyeee! get lost now!  disappear! go to school!  and Sethji complains, no one values me here! if it was Potia Seth! he would have given me work ,there and then! and  Baji , shoos him off get lost!.. and Sethji leaves  saying hoo! haah!  doing karate moves!


                                                     Guest Room

 Supriya's mehndi  palms are shown. Her, would be MIL and SIL's sit around her on  her bed. She passes both her open palms ,one to Kala and the other to a professional Heena, stylist. All watch lovingly, as Roops says to Kala, Tai write Bhau's name on Supriya's palm. Kala looks at Roops , but doesn't say anything. Dutta enters the room carrying a red jewellery box. He stands clutching the box , as he looks from far that her hands are having henna applied to them. Aye sahib, notices him standing silently, and calls him , Dutta come!..and Supriya and his sisters look up at him, Aye asks , what have you got there?, a hesitant Dutta replies , holding on to the box, Aye.. this.. Roops , asks him, wow  Bhau! this is for me, so cute isn't it?.  Leela checks her, stupid! not for his sisters, it's for vahini! isn't that so Bhau?.Dutta nods silently. Supriya gives him a distant look, as he slowly moves up to the edge of the bed, steals an upward glance at Supriya and puts the red jewellery box before Supriya on the bed.. and then turns and walks out of the room, ceremoniously.

Kala picks up the box opens it, and exclaims, wow!  take a look vahini! they are real diamonds! you have won Bhau's heart, that's why! this is how he will shower you with pearls and diamonds, so better get used to that, isn't that so Aye ? and Aye says, yes of course. Supriya looks weary and worried.. episode ends..Hamlet53. 23.10.13.

Precap~ Naku ,sees the reflection of her fair face in a kitchen utensil. Kala and  Leela head for the kitchen and call her name, Nakusha!.  Naku covers her face with her hands..

 The episode is overall a fun one to watch, with Baji providing comic relief, right from the beginning of the episode to nearly the end, where Sethji too joins in with his churlish turns. Baji  brings in a freshness which has a pleasing local ring to it, the way he moves , what he says, and the manner he says it in.. one word rapchik! awesome! His jabbering with the bear is amusing, so much so that even the surly dangerous Bhau mellows down to  Baji's   imaginative play..

However the main focus of the episode, to me has to be  on the word  gift. In fact the mention of a gift, seeps in from the previous episode where Aye , suggests Dutta get a present for Supriya. Then in this episode, carries on with his teasing Bhau.. gift of love!.  Naku too refers to giving a gift to a loved one from the bottom of one's heart, she  illustrates it with a personal example.

So what then is a gift? it is something to be given. A token of one's sentiments. There is gift giving and then there is gift receiving. So what then is the purpose behind a gift? , well there are many ,and the beauty of the present day commercial world is  there are many  gifts , ready packed with lots gift ideas for a variety of occasions. 

Hence looking at the concept of giving gifts, it's done for a few reasons. There is gift giving, to move along with the norms of society, i.e, the done thing. This is mostly done to keep up appearances, usually on ceremonies. Gifts given to show esteem and respect for the receiving party. Gifts given to return favours.Gifts given to make up to some body, which is what Aye Sahib wanted Dutta to do. Then there are gifts which are given because the giver wants to, out of personal emotional reasons. For such gifts, the value of the gift does not matter, for it's the thought the gift  that counts.. This gift Dutta gives to Naku in the form of the chunni.. he wants to say thank you to her for briefing him about what girls like.

Now even though Supriya ends up with diamonds, for Naku though, the best present or gift is her Saab's company and his undivided attention.. so for Naku who has nothing ends up having a lot  to last her for times to come...  hammie..  

N.B~ many thanks for reading the previous WU. Elenna, mirage ,jedy, twinky, Naku,warrie, tammy, uvi..



Edited by Hamlet53 - 10 years ago
FIZK6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Thanks Hammie  :)

Cant anyone in the family see how unhappy Supriya looks   🤔
And when Bhau is near her she looks uncomfortable, scared and almost starts to hyperventilate.

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: FIZK6

Thanks Hammie  :)

Cant anyone in the family see how unhappy Supriya looks   🤔
And when Bhau is near her she looks uncomfortable, scared and almost starts to hyperventilate.

hi fiz, I think its also because the poor girl already likes someone else..
btw ridhi coming in naach.. have to say I have star plus, in the promos i have seen, she looks fantastic, and not  bad dancer as well ,both husband and wife.. great chemistry they share. will watch for this pair.. and ridhi also comes across to me as bright lady too, not dumb.
thanks for commenting.

alex1 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Thank you Hammie

Gratification is what I feel when I read your engrossing WUs, your expressionistic style of writing, and your 1st/2nd/3rd person (as appropriate) perspective snippet on one or more of the characters' physical, mental, moral, spiritual or social qualities relevant to the specific episode. 

Your WU will now add much more vivid and detailed content to the existing original daily WUs written with enduring and arduous dedication, a timeless credit to all those wonderful creative writers.  

Hoping you will be able to continue with the WUs for as long as you can.  As I see it, even if there is only 1 person posting a reply or clicking the like button, someone is reading.   In my opinion it should never be considered a repetition but together with the other archived daily WUs, your episodic WUs are a substantial addition that gives the reader more descriptive vivid accounts of the story written with evocative imagery that enhance clarity and insight to this everlasting  story.

Would it be possible to ask one of the DT's (swati2008 or maybe even Yuvika_15) if this thread can be made a sticky thread that can be archived under the Laagi Tujhse Lagan Forum Important Topics?

twinkle-star thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Hi Hammie🤗

Awe...Awesome update....Enjoyed it so much...Loved Baji's Masti..❤️...Superb...Awe Cutest Teddy bear....Awe Dutta.❤️..He is the sweetest little kid.❤️...Finally Dutta gave that cute teddy to Naku.❤️...Awe...Wonderful scene & loved the way you describe it.❤️...Really fantastic..Poor kala.😆.She was struggling with her idiot sisters..😆Naku insulted by the sales girl.😡.Awe Dutta..He gave that chunni to naku as a gift....Loved the funny scene between baaji & Sethji.🤣..Such a joyful Episode & mind blowing Update..Yeah..There is no value in that Diamond gift..😃.Dutta just fulfilled his mother's wish..😊.. biggest precious gift is waiting for Naku....Loved your deep analysis about the episode & gift❤️....Its such a treat to read.....Enjoyed it..Thank you so much for your fabulous update.🤗.Eagerly waiting for the next update...tra' Twinky.🤗

PS: Yesterday our IF founder Vijay sir's birthday.🥳..Did Anyone notice the Birthday thread???😳😳


Edited by twinkle-star - 10 years ago
sona89 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi Hamlet
awesome UD...thanxs😊
-bharti- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi hammie 😊

Episode 38
Wow, a mother in law feeding a would be daughter in law.. Hmm soothing to eyes n ears lol..  But hammie AS i dont think while narrating the family story meant it to be a veiled threat but nevertheless it sends the signal of the family,s importance to their clan,s prestige n history of rage n bloodshed.  Ofcourse it only aggravates supriya,s worries.  
But liked dutta,s curt behaviour n attitude towards supriya, he never minces his words, ever straight to the point n brutally honest, aww miss DSP.   
Roops stupid comments add some much needed humour amidst the evil minds n the thickening mystery of supriya,s strange behaviour. 
Liked how you described kala, "kala like a snake looks at supriya" lol.. But its intriguing how kala fails everytime lol..  Oh NO, i hated reading supriya wearing the family jewellery.  
Naku meanwhile doin good n babi satisfied.  

Episode 39
Kala beaten in her own game by some unknown forces.  Its interesting to note the content of the letter which says not to harm sups yet things would be taken care of  ??  much speculation n mystery about someone more dangerous than kala.  Dutta as always clueless ?  Faceoff between kala n kishore first time reveals the fatherly instincts of kishore, yet he dares to show resistance.  
Then ofcourse the mindblowing (teeth breaking) entry of sudarshan lol..  Gosh! the mother daughter duo just pounce upon anything n anyone remotely suspicious...   Baji having a field day at the cost of suds.  It also reveals suds untrustworthy character, stealing, ok eating on the sly and the friction between him n baji is also evident. 

Episode 40
Sudarshan does prove that he is a leech afterall, sucking upto bhao,s wealth n backstabbing him.  His loyalty is limited just to people who abets him in his endeavour.  He is worse than kala really.  As you mentioned hammie leela is not a puppet entirely in the hands of kala.  So overall there is a competition in the house to backstab dutta.  
Naku continues to seek bhao n her heart refuses to see reason nor reality despite babi,s frequent chides.  But atleast she,s one who along with baji looks for bhao,s welfare day n nite.  Her limited convos with him are cute.  
Supriya,s odd behaviour continues n she looks more guilty than scared.  She,s only inviting the wrath of dutta soon by her silly behaviour.  
The prominent dining table at PN is witness to many conversations of the family, some fun some serious n some adorable..  Nothing misses your sha eyes hammie, you were quick to point naku,s feeling of bhao,s hands when serving lol.. 
Kishore quoting shakespeare, "something,s rotten in the state of Denmark"should have in a way alerted sharp minds but baji n bhao are too blind to their own family,s masked faces.  Very sad

Episode 41
All is not well with the evil trio,  roops is too dumb, leela is at loggerheads with kala, kala too smart.  AS has failed totally as a mother to the three i feel.  
I had almost brushed aside naku n sups meeting as significant but for your analysis of the same hammie.. Even thou the two women faced diametrically opposite situations, both were in hapless position unable to speak up for themselves.  Naku also fails to guage sups dilema, anyway she hardly has time for others except her saab, lol. 
A rattled Kala meticulously looking for suspects n not sparing anyone...  Gosh the the bandar Sudarshan is a womaniser too, sic!  Now which female would have fallen for his charms..  But kala,s eyes n ears misses none.  It was amusing how she twisted his arms to get his handwriting specimen.  
Baji is a tuff nut to crack for kala,  
Dutta has been too soft with his family members for his own good n strangely lax with the so many lapses in security.

Episode 42
It was hilarious to see baji taking the teddy so seriously when more serious lapses/incidents were allowed to hapoen without a whimper as such.  Atlast some light moments at PN,  naku giggling, baji jesting, bhao floundering lol...  Bhao doin the unthinkable ordering a gift for his fiancee n it was a huge teddy lol..  Im chuckling at his choice.   How i wish he had gifted it to sups lol..  But instead gives it away to naku, in a way one can say naku was destined to receive his gift.  Strangely dutta didnt take his favourite sisters help for the gift, why was that? 
Kala,s overly dominating ways does not go well with leela but she has no choice except to abide by her bossy ways. 
Ok, the famous chunni n the drooling naku,  more reason for her to carry on dreaming.  Dutta has never failed to help naku in distress, omnipresent atleast in her case lol...  N naku fell for his chivalrous ways.  
Wow hammie, you are turning out to be the forum naku with your bhashans lol. but honestly your take on gifts was cool. 

Hammie even thou its unfair for me to expect you to go through these lengthy gibberish comments i do it for my own satisfaction.  Just ignore it 😉
But Thank you hammie for such meticulous detailed narration, n more importantly for your untiring efforts.  Its a pleasure trult n  As Alex pointed, your take on the varied aspects of the episodes are mindblowing, infact its equally exciting to read.   

FIZK6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Yeah the bodyguard, ugh  🤢 
Cant wait to see RaDhi in NB. You probably can tell i'm overexcited and cant wait. They're both so hot together and so is their chemistry
RaQesh surprised her on her birthday about them taking part. after Savitri ended. In the past he always refused the offers they used to get since he's not too keen on dancing so Ridhi left it to him this year and voila they're taking part. Wish them all the best.
Edited by FIZK6 - 10 years ago