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kyph03 thumbnail
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Posted: 18 years ago

Director's actor
It has been learnt that Akshay put in lot of hard work to portray the supernatural character. Quizzing him about what all classes he did for the role, he said, 'to be my character in the film, I had to put in lot of effort especially for my looks. For seven months I underwent physical training, so that I can successfully sketch my character in a correct manner.' Laughing loud, he further said, 'I've even shaved off my head and eyebrows, in order to look completely ALAG. But overall I enjoyed carrying my new and very unique personality for my film.'

ALAG - lived life through books
Letting us know more on his role he said, 'I play a role of a man who lived his life through books and posses some special powers. His entire life for ballpark of past 20years has been enormously absorbed in reading books about human civilization and he never interacted with the outside world. Finally, when he happens to interact with the outside world, the views presented in the books and the real worlds both contradict each other. In the end, his action reflects the bitter facts of society as an unbiased mirror. You can say that I portray an absolute ALAG role.'

'I was nervous while working with Diya'
Besides being Subi's production and its special effects by EFX, the film also features Former Miss Asia-Pacific Diya Mirza as Akshay's love interest in the film. Sharing his experience on working with one of the most beautiful actresses, he said, 'At the beginning I was nervous while working with Diya as she is quite known for her flawless beauty as well for her acting. But she made me very comfortable, which further helped me to improvise my acting finesses.'
'They didn't say cut'
Seeping out some of the concealed jinks, Akshay said, 'basically I'm very health conscious, I don't intake much of carbohydrates and dal-chawal are a big no for meal. Since, there was a sequence where I had to eat few morsels of dal-chawal. I had to eat the meal (dal-chawal), knowing the fact that I usually don't eat that; my team played a prank on me. They didn't say 'cut' unless I finished the whole bowl full of it, till then I was busy gulping down dal-chawal. When I asked them about it they said that I overheard the word 'cut'. Anyways it was fun gulping whole meal, which I don't like.'

Rhymes in chimes
Music - a key element for any first-rate movie, appreciating the musical notes of the film, he said, ' music, is life for this film as it appears as a character for the film. Music composer Adesh Shrivastav has scored amazing music.'

Broken leg
On music he further discusses about his favourite song, letting us know more about his broken knee, he spills, 'For dance, the best song is 'Tanha si' as it was choreographed by Remo. He made me do all arduous steps, which further trailed a knee problem for me. But eventually I enjoyed dancing on music scored by Aadesh Shrivastav.'

USP of the film
Letting us know more about the film's USP, he said, 'the script of the film is very strong as it has blend of emotional sensitivities as well sci-fi punch with latest hi-tech by EFX. On the whole, viewers will definitely rush in theatre for this unusual combination.'

What's next?
Quizzing him more on his upcoming projects he said, 'nothing much on cards but I'm doing one more film with Subi and Aashu. Yes it is different than ALAG. But the female lead is not decided.'

'I don't have any godfather,'
Grilling him about being selective for doing movies, he conceitedly replied, 'no, it's not being selective but I'm being more heedful as far as script is considered. As I don't have any godfather in the industry so I have to be careful enough to make my mark in the industry. For which at any given chance I have to exhibit best my skills.'

His confidence over his upcoming film it seems that Akshay Kapoor will undoubtedly make his stance in the film industry, that too without any godfather. Galmsham.com wishes Akshay Kapoor and the team 'All the best' for the forthcoming ventures.

kyph03 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 18 years ago

Akshay goes totally hairless

When Akshay Kapoor took up the challenge of as Tejas Rastogi in Ashu Trikha's (produced by photographer Subi Samuel), he didn't know what he was letting himself in for.

Akshay went completely hairless for the film.

During its making, he shut himself off from the rest of the world for 45 days - didn't date his , and got heat from his mom doing such a role.

The reaction

When I was first narrated the role, my reaction was one of shock. But the real hero in Alag is the script, and when I realised how powerful it is, I decided to take up the challenge. Initially, when I would go to places like Linking Road, people and children would stare at my shaved eyebrows and hairless look and ask, 'Kya hua?'


Tejas had spent 20 years in isolation, so for seven days, I shut myself inside my house and locked out the rest of the world. For seven months, I immersed myself into the world of Tejas Rastogi. I even had the switched off.

The first three days were highly difficult, as I had to find my inner self. Tejas is a highly intellectual guy, a prodigy and a bookworm, with a photographic memory. I would read books like The Life of Pi and William Goldwin's Lord of The Flies - books that dealt with isolation and adolescent life.

My family

My parents live in USA and didn't know I had gone completely hairless in the film.

Though my dad was very chilled-out about it, my mom hated my look. She is very sensitive about me and kept asking why I had to shave my hair off for the role. I told her it was what the script demanded.

My girlfriend

This role played havoc with my social life. I didn't mingle with my for 45 days. The only two people I was close to, were Subi and Ashu. My mom hated my look, but my girlfriend accepted it.

She's not from films and doesn't understand the world of acting. It's very difficult having a in the film industry. I won't mention her name as she won't like it, but she was extremely supportive when I told her I couldn't go out for some time.

She accepts me for what I am and is not bothered about the way I look. But she hadn't seen me till the time shooting started. Now the promos are out and she has seen them.

Training at a gym

Tejas had to be physically fit, so till shooting started, I pumped iron and did cardio six days a week for 45 minutes, under a trainer. Since I didn't want to expose my look, I would go to the gym at 11 pm, work out and come home. That's the time the gym is shut.



kyph03 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 18 years ago

Akshay Kapoor in a different mode...

By Nidhi Pathak, Bollywood Trade News Network

Akshay Kapoor, was first spotted by the producer Pritish Nandy and also featured in his movie POPCORN KHAO MAST HO JAO. After a long hiatus, the actor has now decided to do 'something different'. Now he'll be soon portraying a role of a supernatural being in Subi Samuel's movie ALAG. As its name suggests the concept is quite different as it is a sci-fi film with an emotional bend. To know more about the film, Glamsham.com grills the actor Akshay Kapoor and finds out what's different in the film ALAG.

We started our conversation with a very casual note at Subi Samuel's studio. On meeting Akshay at this point of time, one will surely find him 'unique' as far as appearance is considered. His make-over is completely unusual, which further underlines the statement ALAG.

Perfect debut

Reading few of the publications we came across, which stated that the film ALAG is said to be perfect debut for Akshay Kapoor. On asking the same, he said, "I cannot mark it as perfect debut for me, but of course perfect break for any struggling actor. My first film was PKMHJ, which belonged to romantic-comedy genre where I featured doing take-away acting. But by doing this film I got a chance to explore and enrich my acting skills."

ALAG - a special movie for me

On asking him about how special this movie is for him, he said, "its very special movie for me as I've been honoured by being cast for this particular role. I'm grateful to Mr. Aashu Trikha and Subi Samuel who has faith on my caliber and found me apt for this role. This movie is very important for me; as it has given me a chance to broaden my horizons in acting. I must say that I am blessed to work with them as they were very supportive for me and they extracted the best out of me."

Director's actor

It has been learnt that Akshay put in lot of hard work to portray the supernatural character. Quizzing him about what all classes he did for the role, he said, "to be my character in the film, I had to put in lot of effort especially for my looks. For seven months I underwent physical training, so that I can successfully sketch my character in a correct manner." Laughing loud, he further said, "I've even shaved off my head and eyebrows, in order to look completely ALAG. But overall I enjoyed carrying my new and very unique personality for my film."

ALAG - lived life through books

Letting us know more on his role he said, "I play a role of a man who lived his life through books and posses some special powers. His entire life for ballpark of past 20years has been enormously absorbed in reading books about human civilization and he never interacted with the outside world. Finally, when he happens to interact with the outside world, the views presented in the books and the real worlds both contradict each other. In the end, his action reflects the bitter facts of society as an unbiased mirror. You can say that I portray an absolute ALAG role."

"I was nervous while working with Diya"

Besides being Subi's production and its special effects by EFX, the film also features Former Miss Asia-Pacific Diya Mirza as Akshay's love interest in the film. Sharing his experience on working with one of the most beautiful actresses, he said, "At the beginning I was nervous while working with Diya as she is quite known for her flawless beauty as well for her acting. But she made me very comfortable, which further helped me to improvise my acting finesses."

"They didn't say cut"

Seeping out some of the concealed jinks, Akshay said, "basically I'm very health conscious, I don't intake much of carbohydrates and dal-chawal are a big no for meal. Since, there was a sequence where I had to eat few morsels of dal-chawal. I had to eat the meal (dal-chawal), knowing the fact that I usually don't eat that; my team played a prank on me. They didn't say 'cut' unless I finished the whole bowl full of it, till then I was busy gulping down dal-chawal. When I asked them about it they said that I overheard the word 'cut'. Anyways it was fun gulping whole meal, which I don't like."

Rhymes in chimes

Music - a key element for any first-rate movie, appreciating the musical notes of the film, he said, " music, is life for this film as it appears as a character for the film. Music composer Adesh Shrivastav has scored amazing music."

Broken leg

On music he further discusses about his favourite song, letting us know more about his broken knee, he spills, "For dance, the best song is 'Tanha si' as it was choreographed by Remo. He made me do all arduous steps, which further trailed a knee problem for me. But eventually I enjoyed dancing on music scored by Aadesh Shrivastav."

USP of the film

Letting us know more about the film's USP, he said, "the script of the film is very strong as it has blend of emotional sensitivities as well sci-fi punch with latest hi-tech by EFX. On the whole, viewers will definitely rush in theatre for this unusual combination."

What's next?

Quizzing him more on his upcoming projects he said, "nothing much on cards but I'm doing one more film with Subi and Aashu. Yes it is different than ALAG. But the female lead is not decided."

"I don't have any godfather,"

Grilling him about being selective for doing movies, he conceitedly replied, "no, it's not being selective but I'm being more heedful as far as script is considered. As I don't have any godfather in the industry so I have to be careful enough to make my mark in the industry. For which at any given chance I have to exhibit best my skills."

His confidence over his upcoming film it seems that Akshay Kapoor will undoubtedly make his stance in the film industry, that too without any godfather. Galmsham.com wishes Akshay Kapoor and the team 'All the best' for the forthcoming ventures.

kyph03 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 18 years ago
I isolated for a week from everything: Akshay Kapoor

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

From a flamboyant debut in the campus caper Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jao, to a completely deglamorized look with no strand of hair on his body in his second film, Akshay Kapoor has made a radical transition. Let's check how Alag Akshay Kapoor is...

Tell us about your character in the film Alag.
The character I am playing in this movie is quiet unusual and unconventional. My character in this film, Tejas, has no hair on his head, no eyebrows, not even eyelashes. But the strangest part of all is that he possesses special powers. He has remained in isolation for nearly 20 yrs, away from the society, away from people. However, the story of the film begins from the point when he comes out in the open. He wants to start living his life like a normal person and wants to understand the society. But then there is this saying that goes 'first impression is the last impression' which applies to all of us. We as people have the habit of judging others instantly without even knowing them well. Similarly in this film, people start judging Tejas on his appearances, on the way he looks, rather than understanding his heart and his inner soul. We generally judge people on their looks, material possessions, but Tejas is not like that and he tries to change this view of the people. Whether he becomes successful in it or not is to be seen.

What kind of preparations did you do for the role of Tejas?
There was lot of preparation process involved for me to get into the skin of the character. I read two books - The Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Life a Pie by Ted Martin. Both these books revolve around the concept of isolation. I tried to study the characters in these books and understand their behavior, their thinking and what they did in isolation. Besides, for one whole week, I locked myself in my apartment, disconnected the television, switched off my cell phone and stayed all alone without meeting anyone, just to understand how it feels to stay in isolation.

In this process, I also started writing a personal diary upon the life of Tejas. What he did when he was 5, when he was 6, 10 and so on. Also, what his trials and tribulations were at those points of his life. Once I had these details written down, it became a little simpler for me to adapt to this character.

What do you look out for before signing a film?
Whenever I sign a film, I see how strong the script is. For me the hero of the film is the script itself. It is something that I strongly believe in and that is what I have learned in this industry. Besides the fact is that I am just like two films old and I don't know anyone here, so it is big learning process for me. Therefore, every step I take I am going to fall and rise up again into the occasion.

How did you bag this role?
The producers called me for a screen test. They handed me the part and I gave my audition. Somehow I found the part very interesting. Therefore, after returning home I started working on the character. Through my understanding of the character I tried to work on things like how he will walk, talk and behave. I then gave a call to the makers of the film again, and showed them what I had worked on - the different qualities of the character, his behavior, etc. It was only then that the whole script was narrated to me and I was told that the character has neither hair nor eyebrows. For me as a newcomer, it is not a risk; I rather take it as challenge. Because, this is like the first time such character is brought in front of Indian audiences and I have to justify it to them. So I feel it is a big burden on my shoulders but that's the name of the game.

How was it working with Dia Mirza?
Working with Dia Mirza was a very nice experience. Dia is a very down to earth and humble person. As a person, she is a gem. Throughout the making of the film I called her my 'safety net'; she really was my safety net, supportive all the time.

Any favourite scene in the film? There was a scene when Tejas goes to college for the first time and the boys in the college start ragging him. That is when he takes a spoon and just rubs it. While shooting that scene I don't know what happened to me. Maybe it was one of those days when you just want to be yourself and I thought that I will do the shot all by myself. Anyways after that, when I saw the scene while dubbing, I was amazed. Because the scene was shot in such a brilliant manner that it took my performance to a whole new level completely. It was mind-blowing.

Tell us something about the music of the film.
Aadesh Shrivastav's music is brilliant in the film. My favorite song is the title track called Sabse Alag Hai. It is picturized on number of big Bollywood stars. The video shows the journey of my character in the film, how he goes out in open, how people react to him and how his life goes on. And these big stars come turn by turn like angels and narrate lines about him. It is very neatly done.

What do you think will be the audiences' reaction to the film?
It makes me a little nervous. But at the same time, I am so sure that the audiences will love the film. In fact I would request the audiences to go to theatres and watch the film, take your family along, your kids along, because it is the kind of film which all can enjoy together.

indiandoll89 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 18 years ago
ooo can I join this club!! I think he's totally hot!! Specially cuz he's from New Jersey!!!
preity*zinta thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 18 years ago

Sorry, But theres already one opened here http://www.india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=341906&K W=Akshay+Kapoor

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