FF: Serendipity Concluded Epilogue/Pg 20 - Page 10


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srishti_jain thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Wonderful chapter! NK definitely is very serious about work! NK has transformed due to Maya's love and he wants to do everything that a prospective life partner for Maya is supposed to do! It was nice to see him become dedicated and committed to his work! And what a pleasant surprise it was for both NK and Maya! I loved their ride! Maya's confession was so beautiful and touching! I hope both of them unite as soon as possible! They are soulmates! The kiss, the beautiful surroundings and their love for each other was amazing! A fantastic update! Great job! Thank you for the PM! Please update soon! ðŸ˜Š ðŸ˜Š
Cute6 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
All i can say is beautiful..
Howrah bridge is one of d most romantic nd 1 of my fav places in india..
Nd d confesion der was simply ausum..:)
it feels so ausum to see nk working hard nd becoming so serious abt his career nd glad dat maya confesed it early..
Vaiting for next part..Edited by Cute6 - 11 years ago
RizArshi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Beautiful chapter. NK becoming all serious about life so that he can answer Maya's father's question, his meeting Maya, Maya's confession, their kiss all were written beautifully. U give wonderful description of the places and background. I felt like I was visiting Kolkata myself. I enjoyed it. Thanks for the pm :)
Nidsubh007 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
Wonderful update! NK & Maya's journey has been so beautiful. Love the meet, confession & kiss. Maya has given direction his life and now he wants to make her his in every way possible. 

Looking forward to the next part!!
SPMom thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Its so beautiful and romantic Indu. Loved the bit about Maya expressing her feelings in her mother tongue first..Can't wait to see how NK's project will turn out.
Drkk thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
wow. I cn c a hpy endng. Atlast both r ready 2 accept. Wondrful update. Beautifuly written
ForLoveofBarun thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Note to Readers:  As usual, great to read all your comments. Muchas Gracias(Many Thanks!) Let us see what else is in store for our NK in  Kolkota, shall we?
Since this part has no Hindi Dialogs there is no separate English translation.


Part 9

'One kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I'm after a prize to-night, 
But I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light; 
Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day, 
Then look for me by moonlight, 
Watch for me by moonlight, 
I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way.'

~ The Highway Man by Alfred Noyes

                The day of the wedding dawned.  Shambavi Roy's wedding was a grand affair.  NK was thrilled with the color and pomp of a traditional Bengali wedding and as usual got some magnificent shots.  

Iyer uncle was happy to see NK.  He introduced him as a computer wizard to his friends and beamed at him.  Maya looked enchanting in her saree worn in Bengali style.  NK's fingers itched to touch her and his heart longed to kiss her, but with the teeming crowd, he had no luck getting her alone to himself all day. His eyes followed her every move, her every expression all day as if he were bound by a spell.  

Finally, towards afternoon he spied her walking towards the store room where they had all the sweet meats and other items, which were to be sent with the bride and her entourage at the time of 'Bidai'(farewell), stored.

                Maya gasped and her scream stuck in her throat as a pair of strong arms pulled her into the store room and clasped a firm hand over her mouth cutting off any sound that she would make.  Her heart pounded with fear, as she tried to turn around and see clearly in the dark store room.  

"Shhh, it's me.  Don't shout, I am going to take my hand off your mouth" whispered NK in her ears setting off a trail of goose bumps on her neck.  

Maya turned and pouted in mock anger.  "Nandu, tum bilkul shaitan ho samje? (You are the devil incarnate), I almost had a heart attack when you grabbed me".  

"I had no other choice Maya.  Here you are looking absolutely gorgeous in this outfit.  You have been sashaying around all day egging me on with your soulful doe eyes and now you complain as if you had no part in enticing me.  A guy has to get his due" wheedled NK reaching to curl her hair around his finger.  Maya shivered in delight and her heart beat quickened.  

"Nandu, anyone can walk in on us" she said breathlessly as he drew her closer, without tearing his eyes away from her's.  His male smell enveloped her senses crowding out all sane thought from her head.  

"Well, that will just give us a chance to come out in the open and declare our love to all, what say my love?" NK crooned nuzzling her cheek and nipping at her ears. His palm stroking her bare midriff, set off a million electric pulses across her skin.

Maya sighed and lovingly fingered the cleft on his chin "this cleft chin of yours has been driving me crazy in my dreams" she confessed as her eyes glazed in desire and she planted a soft kiss on the object of her insomnia.  

A throaty growl escaped NK, his eyes darkened to coals and his gut tightened.  He drew her to him roughly and his mouth descended to nip at her bare shoulder.  Maya grasped his shoulders as a thrill shot through her frame.  NK continued to rain kisses along her conch shaped neck and savored the sensitive texture of her skin at the base of her throat.  Liquid heat coursed through his veins and seeped into Maya, setting her senses on fire. 

As she surrendered to his insistent lips, an unmistakable moan of pleasure broke out of her throat,  that sent NK's pulses hammering.  Suddenly, the kiss deepened taking on a sense of urgency.  A hunger that he never knew existed pierced through his body, as he plundered her mouth. 

Maya's slender form bent to accommodate NK's every demand.  She raised her trembling fingers to graze his cheek and neck before tangling them in his hair as she whispered his name shakily.  Something about the shake in her voice made it through to NK's mind, rising above the thundering beat of his pulse and roar of blood in his head.  She was trembling, he realized.  

Appalled at himself, he slowly pulled back and looked into her face. He had almost swallowed her whole he thought. Her face was flushed, her eyes glazed, lips swollen and trembling like a leaf in the wind.  NK, pressed a soft kiss on her lips and whispered, "I am sorry I scared you." 

"Scared me?" she replied in breathless surprise.  "You dazzled me Nandu, you staggered me, but you did not scare me".  

NK hugged her tight and held her a moment longer breathing in her smell, his nose buried in her bountiful curls, giving them both a chance to calm down and cool off.

Much later that night NK made his way down the hallway towards the balcony where he knew Iyer uncle would be lounging.  He needed to talk to him tonight, for he was returning back to Delhi early next morning.  

NK was on cloud nine, he was in love with the girl of his dreams and she returned it in equal measure; His concept of a business plan had received positive feedback from his buddy as well as his cousin Nannav.  Nannav's word was gospel for him although he had never accepted it openly, choosing instead to irk him with his hare-brained comments.  For the first time in his life he had a feeling that he knew what direction he wanted to take his life forward in; Now, if only this streak of luck held out and Iyer uncle blessed their relationship, his path ahead would be strewn with roses, he mused.

                As he reached closer to the balcony, NK halted in his tracks; He had just heard Maya's stricken voice saying, "Appa!  I thought you liked him!"  

NK's heart crashed to his stomach and his feet turned into lead. He stood rooted to the spot staring at Maya and her dad who were lost in conversation, unaware that they had a spectator in him.  

"Maya, chellam (my dear), I think Nandu is a very nice boy, educated, rich, and kind.  All of these are traits he was born with or into.  His dad must indeed be an amazing man to have had the will to grow from rags to riches and provide wealth for his son.  However, my child, every man needs to have a fire within him, to build and achieve a goal in life.  It does not matter how big or small a goal it is. The important thing is that he has the attitude to forge ahead and make something of himself.  I want to see that in Nandu before I can make up my mind.  It would crush me if you ended up married to an aimless wanderer who cannot choose which direction he wanted to take in life.  I cannot bear to see you undergo what your amma (Mom) went through, he said wiping a tear.  

Maya wrung her hands in anguish, unshed tears in her eyes blinding her as she turned.  "Nandu" she gasped rushing forward to hug him, her face shattering at his stunned expression and motionless stance.  

NK felt as if he were facing his worst fear in the face.  This was the name less dread that had been haunting him.  Iyer uncle had not only seen it but voiced it- 'the fear that he would remain an aimless wanderer all his life'.  He squeezed Maya's arm briefly and disengaging himself turned on the spot to return to his room.

                The rosy visions he had painted in his head came crashing down, as NK paced the floor of his room.  He could not even shed tears at the unbelievable heart wrenching agony he felt.  The sad part was he agreed with Iyer uncle.  Yes, his ego had hurt to hear the truth so bluntly from another's lips but, it was the truth.  That was the image he had created for himself; the irony was it was being thrown at his face when at last he had found his dream and had a concrete plan to pursue and achieve it.  

Maya's stricken face flashed to his mind, His own dad's face full of unspoken concerns swam in front of his eyes and Nannav's words echoed in his ears.  Finally, worn out by his own exertions he slumped on his knees on to the floor, his head hung in desperation.

                "Nandu, my boy" called a gentle voice touching his head lightly.  NK lifted his head wearily to see Iyer uncle bending over him. "Come let's take a stroll" he said leading NK out.  

"I am sorry you had to hear my words the way you did, but I would have told you the same under any circumstances.  Don't get me wrong, I like you a lot.  But first I have to tell you a story, my story.  

I prided myself in being a versatile generalist, a fast learner of anything I set my mind to.  I was born into a well to do family and so could indulge in whatever I wanted to do, without having to worry about reaching any conclusive goal. 

Maya's mom, my dear wife Sumitra was a very patient woman and never spoke of her fears and insecurities aloud, but I was aware of them and did nothing about them.  When she was pregnant with Maya, she finally voiced her concerns.  Sumitra wanted our offspring to have a role model in his/her father, and had implored me to settle down and build a career, a life, and put down roots.  I agreed to please her but put no real effort into it.  That was the last thing she had ever asked of me, for she passed away bringing forth my Maya into this world.  I had found my direction for the sake of Maya, but alas too late for my Sumi to rejoice."  

Iyer uncle was overcome by emotion and choked on the last part.  NK's soft heart melted and tears flowed down his cheeks unbidden.  "My Maya is in love with you.  I'll not stand between the two of you, at the same time I'll not lie by saying I did not mean what I said about wanting to see you build something.  The rest is up to the two of you." He finished.

                NK was stunned.  He stood motionless as he absorbed everything.  His heart was overcome with fondness for the man, a father whose heart ached for his daughter and wished her happiness, who stood thus baring his heart in front of him.  He hugged the elderly man who had just delivered a message of steel wrapped in silk; something his own dad could not get across to him in all his years of parenting.  

"Uncle, I had already set in motion some ideas and plans.  I cannot dream of building a future with Maya knowing that I am hurting her existing loving relationship with you.  Give me six months, and I'll seek your permission to marry her, having achieved what I have resolved in my mind to attain" swore NK with renewed energy and earnestness.  Iyer uncle's face lit up like the sun and he returned NK's hug, blessing him wholeheartedly.

                NK bid a painful farewell to Maya early next morning.  She had slipped into his room in the wee hours of dawn.  He filled her in on his conversation and the promise he had made to her father.  

"Nandu" she said her lips quivering and a tear rolling down her cheek.  NK swooped down to kiss the tear drop.  She looked like a vulnerable little creature, ready to break into pieces at the slightest blow.  Maya's long delicate fingers stroked his cheek and the cleft on his chin her eyes taking on a lost look.  

NK kissed her lips in a silent outpouring of love, while Maya melted and molded herself into his masculine form shuddering at the thought of the impending separation. 

Slowly recovering himself and pulling apart NK said, "Maya, I would need to focus all my energy and attention on this project I have in mind.  That means we cannot meet for the next five or six months.  I am doing this for us, and need your support.  We can stay in touch via phone calls and internet.  Will you do this for me?"  

She hugged him, fiercely nodding.  

"Trust me.  Wait for me.  I'll accomplish what I have set out to do, come hell or high water.  Just remember that.  Well before the six months are out, you will be with me, and united by the blessings of your appa and my parents, we will dance by the light of the moon.  But now Maya I have to leave; If I kiss you again, heaven help me, I will lose my will to do so" said NK as he gently  broke their embrace and with a parting smile strode out of his room, towards the taxi bound for the airport without a backward glance.


Edited by ForLoveofBarun - 10 years ago
Nidsubh007 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
That was so sad. I could feel NK's pain yet resolve to set things right. I can not wait to see how he comes to get her in 6 months. I love Maya's father!!
Cute6 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
It was so emotional update..
Bt i luved d way mr iyer made nk understand everythng..
Dat was my fav part..:)
beautiful update
missing arshi
Drkk thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
wondrful update. Iyer uncle is a perfect dad. Lovd it. 6 months. WaitngEdited by Drkk - 11 years ago