|FF|Wicked Wedding Planner| - DISCONTINUED./ Restarting it..ish| pg.55 - Page 2


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Surish thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
..CountingStars thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: rutu83

congrats on the new thread 😃

umm could you give link to your blog- i never got around to reading your maaneet but i guess now i can't 😭

Thank You =D
I'm still sorting out my Blog, I've managed to remove one of the on-going story so far, the rest are still on IF But They'll be gone soon; will PM You my Blog link once I'm done editing and stuff. 😳

If anyone wants the link to my Blog, I'll be more than happy to give it :)
Kesha_H. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
new thread and no new updates hmmm
KS1000 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
congratulation for the new thread
but i'm really new to this tread so now i'm going to go through 1st thread 😳
ksfan2 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
i love ur story sadiie..especially the funny dialogs aarthi gives..waiting for ur next update...
rutu83 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: ..Sadiie..

Thank You =D
I'm still sorting out my Blog, I've managed to remove one of the on-going story so far, the rest are still on IF But They'll be gone soon; will PM You my Blog link once I'm done editing and stuff. 😳

If anyone wants the link to my Blog, I'll be more than happy to give it :)

ooh yes -that would be great 😃
sunitha02 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
i'm a new comer to this thread. loved ur prologue. congratz for ur 2nd thread. loved the way u said duty is important and no worries abt likes/comments.
..CountingStars thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago


"I am never, ever going to a night club with Aarpita ever again. Never!" she vowed to herself.

She lay down gently and closed her eyes.

"What a day" she mumbled before dozing off.




"WHAT THE---Mmhmmm" she mumbled against the palm covering her mouth.

No surprises it was her living nightmare leaning right above her like last time.

'How the hell did he manage to barge inside my room?!' she thought.

"You think it's all over huh?" he whispered.


"I'm not done with you yet!" he continued, his dark eyes boring into hers.

"Mmm" she mumbled, slapping his hand repeatedly.

He moved his hand away, slowly, eyeing her not to make a sound.

"What do you think you're doing here, in my room?!" she whispered, sitting up on the bed.

"I can come here whenever I want!" he retorted, settling himself in front of her on the bed.

"What do you mean?! You know what, get out of here right now!" she ordered, folding her arms across her chest.

"You don't mean that" he muttered, stretching his arms above his head.

She sighed, tilting her head back against the head rest and closing her eyes.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

He grabbed her arms and pulled her towards himself as she landed on top of him.

"Get off me!" she grunted, tugging at her caged arms.


"Correction; you're on top of me" he smirked wickedly.


'Arghhh Insufferable man!' she groaned.

"To answer your question, for the umpteenth time, I'm here because I'm not done with you yet!" he growled.

"What do you mean?!" she squeaked, continuing her futile struggles to free herself.

He flipped over taking her with him, surprising her as she landed just beneath him.

"I told you not to wear that dress yet you did!" he hissed, tightening his hold on her wrists.

She gasped, the hell was wrong with him!

"Get off me! Who are you to tell me what I can wear and what I can't wear?!" she grunted.

He leaned in dangerously closer much to her surprise as she looked away instantly while tugging at her wrists.

"Bata Doon?" he whispered against her ear.

She closed her eyes, feeling a chill glide across her body with his mere voice.

'Nooo get off me!!' she screamed inwardly.

"Aarti open the door man!"

Her eyes snapped open instantly as fear gripped her small heart.

"SHIT!" she squeaked.

Her head turned to the side and she saw him, staring back at her with intense eyes; darn those eyes.

"Let go!" she squeaked, tugging at her wrists.

"No" he replied, not letting her move away.

He flipped over once again as now she was on top of him, struggling with her bound wrists.

"Let go of me Mr.Yash Sindhiya!" she hissed, looking back into his eyes angrily.

"Aarti open the door man! What are you doing?!" Aarpita yelled from the other side.

"Wow, wouldn't it be awesome if she sees me here?" Yash grinned wickedly.

'WHAAAT?! Okay he's totally nuts today'

"No! Leave from here Right now!" she squeaked, now starting to panic.

"Aarti you alright?"

"Ahh aarpita! Wait I'm coming!" Aarti blurted out.

'Ah CRAP!'

She bit her tongue, darn it!

"Oh Wow, You're opening the door so Aarpita can see me" he chuckled lightly.

'Arghhh stupid moron!'

"Just go from here!" she panicked, wriggling helplessly.

"I'm afraid I can't leave.." he murmured.

"Then hide somewhere!" hissed Aarti, anger starting to build up already.

"Get off me first, then I'll hide" he winked.


'Aarghhh! Devil!'

"Let go of my hands then I'll 'get off you'!" she grumbled.


He gave a lopsided smile, slowly loosening his grip on her wrists as she wriggled away instantly and stood up.

"I'm not gonna bite you, why'd you jump 6 feet away from me like a frog?" he complained, placing his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.


"Get up and frikin hide or even better, leave!" Aarti whispered, pointing towards the balcony.

"I'll choose the first option, I'm no Bandar to leave from some Balconies" he said proudly, standing up.


She rolled her eyes at him.

'Yeah right'


"AAARRTTTIII what are you doing inside man?! I'm waiting here for SO Long!" Aarpita's voice startled Aarti as she began to panic once again.


"Quick! Hide somewhere Mr.Yash Sindhiya!" she squeaked, holding his arm and dragging him.

"Hide here!" she dragged him towards the curtains as he followed her.

"No no that's too obvious, Argh!" she groaned, slapping her forehead.

"Wait! Hide inside the bathroom, Quick!" she dragged him towards the bathroom again.


He paused and looked back at her, for a long time.

"WHAT?!" she spoke impatiently.

He leaned in towards her, as she leaned back slightly.

"You touched my hand" he grinned, before heading inside.


"Whaaa?!" her mouth hung open as she stared at the bathroom door.



"AHH" Aarti jumped, hearing Aarpita's voice.

She ran towards the door and opened it instantly before Aarpita broke the frikin door.

"Finally!" Aarpita said, placing her hands on her heart dramatically.

"Sorry, was in the bathroom" Aarti lied nervously as Aarpita walked inside.

"Okay leave all that. We're all going to the Dargah today." Aarpita announced.


"Weren't we supposed to go there tomorrow?" Aarti asked.

"Yeah but the plan's changed since we couldn't go to the party last night cuz of dad" Aarpita pouted.

"No party then" Aarti murmured.

"EXCATLY! It's so not fair!" Aarpita whined.

"You talk as though you never got to party" Aarti replied, rolling her eyes.

"All because of you! If you didn't get into trouble last night then I would have been partying till I dropped!" Aarpita accused, folding her arms across her chest.


"Oh hello! I never told your brother to come and find us, he stalked us there Samjhi!" Aarpita fought back, crossing her arms too.


"Waise, I'm still wondering how he knew where we were…how come he knew you were in trouble..?" Aarpita murmured.

'I'm also wondering the same….Sigh..'


"Okay anyway, let's leave all that for now. Get ready Jaldi Jaldi! We're leaving in an hour and the journey is for a good few hours. So be prepared Missy" Aarpita told her, before walking away.


Aarti heaved a massive sigh of relief, but just then Aarpita turned around and walked back towards her.

"I don't know why I feel someone else has been in this room before I arrived here" she spoke, looking around slowly.



"Umm..No. What.. m..makes you say that?" Aarti stammered.


"Look" Aarpita pointed towards the balcony door, which was left open!



'Arghhh Devil Sindhiya!' she cussed inwardly.

"Woh, I opened that actually! Just wanted some fresh air…" Aarti laughed nervously, looking here and there.


"Okay, my bad then" Aarpita grinned before heading out.


"ARGHH! These two siblings are doing my Head in!" Aarti groaned, slumping back on her bed.



Past ~


"Go out with me.." he repeated, leaning in closer.

'Oh No..what's wrong with him today?' she thought, looking into his eyes.

"Umm…" she looked away.

'Uff…what's wrong with my voice!'

"Take your time; I'll be waiting for your answer. But don't take too long, I want an answer by tonight" he said in a formal tone, like he was setting a deal with her.



"Now go, you've studied enough for today" he murmured, stepping back.


"Aarti" he warned.


"Okie" she squeaked, and literally ran from there.


He smiled, watching her retreating form.

~ - ~ - ~

"Aarti…what happened?" Aarpita asked for the nth time.

For the last ten minutes, Aarti was sitting down on her bed like a statue, not making a single sound.


Go out with me


His words rang inside her head like an alarm clock.

'He wants to go out with me? Why me?! I thought he disliked me…that's why he'd call me strawberry and make fun of me all the time. Why did he ask me to go out with him?'


"AARTI! What Happened?!" Aarpita screamed, losing her patience.


"He asked me out!" Aarti blurted out.

'Ah Crap…'

"WHAT?!! WHO?!!!" Aarpita asked, holding Aarti by the shoulders.

"Umm…N..noth…nothing.." Aarti stammered, looking away nervously.


'How do I tell her that her own stupid brother has asked me out…Urghh!' she whined inwardly.


"Okay you're confusing me now, what's happened Aarti?" Aarpita asked.

"I Said na, nothing…umm it's late, I'm going to sleep" Aarti mumbled, and quickly covered herself with the duvet.


"Kay..whatever, you need a mental check-up missy. Get changed and then go to sleep, Idiot" Aarpita said, before heading out towards her own room.


"Darn it" Aarti cursed.

~ Late at night

"Man, I can't get any sleep and it's like what? 12AM! Urghh what do I say what do I say what…do I say…." Aarti talked to herself as she walked back and forth in her room.

"Just say yes, what else"


"No I'm thinking about n WHAAA" she almost screamed as she collided against him.

"God you are so clumsy Aarti" he muttered, steadying her by holding her by the waist.


Her hands rested on his chest as she tried to keep her balance steady.

"How'd you get in here?!" She squeaked, her eyes going huge as she spoke.


"Balcony you see. Plus, I told you I wanted your answer by tonight so; here I am, holding you in my arms" he smirked at her.


"Oh." She looked down and realized he was still holding her.


She pulled away only to have his arms tighten around her.

"So, what's the decision Aarti?" he asked.

"Umm.." she mumbled, looking here and there.

"Is that a yes?" he asked, grinning.


"I don't know…" she confessed.

He loosened his hold on her and touched her chin, pulling her face up slightly.

"What do you mean you don't know?" he asked, looking into her eyes.


"I don't know if you're playing a prank on me or you really like me…" Aarti murmured, looking away.


Next moment, she felt herself being pushed away rudely as she stumbled right back against the wall.

"You think I'm playing a prank on you?!" he hissed, his eyes going red in fury.


She looked down on the ground, that's what was bothering her the whole time.

He brushed his hair back in frustration, taking a deep breath.

He walked towards her and gently held her by the shoulders, pulling her towards himself.

"I really like you Aarti, I'm not playing a prank on you; trust me" he spoke, his eyes showing so many emotions she was yet unaware of.  

"But..you're always making fun of me..and teasing me.." she said innocently.

"That's cuz I.." he paused, unsure of whether he should carry on or not. She was yet naive; he didn't want to rush anything, not for now.

"I'm sorry for all that but, you're too cute; I can't help it when you're around me" he said, smiling slightly.

She felt the heat back on her face as he finished off.

"I really like you, please go out with me" he murmured.

"Umm..okay.." she replied, after a long, long; long time.


"Great! See you tomorrow, Strawberry" he grinned, placing a quick peck on her reddened cheek.


She froze, as he casually walked away and headed towards his room.


After what seemed like years, she touched her cheek and then looked at the balcony where he'd left from.

"He…Kissed me…" she murmured, her mouth forming an 'O' and her eyes going humongous.



He placed the duppatta on her head gently and leaned in towards her ear.

"You may admit it or not but it's true; we are meant to be, Aarti" he whispered.



Uff! Hope the length was satisfying for you all, and I'm hoping there was 'enough' AarYa…😆

As I have said on the first page, No PMs from me anymore; but I have a reduced buddy list at the moment, mostly PVians I think..so Imma PM the few people in my buddy list so they're aware of this.

Also, If I get new readers adding me to their buddy list for PMs on this story, then I might start PMing again. But for now, No PMs after this update 😊

-Will Send Out PMs Tomorrow & Ignore Spelling Errors Ji =D

Sadiie x

KS1000 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
great update dear👏👏👏
actually i spent my whole the night to read all the updates from the beginning, now it's 5.07 a.m. here😆
your writing style is something very different😆 i mean it's great ⭐️
special like for those notes😆
if i can i'll hit the like button for thousand times but what to do it aloud me only one 😡
hope you update soon😳

..Comrade4eva.. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
AWESOME! Worth the wait but dude,  I want longer one next time!👏⭐️😡