20 Nov WU-Sanchi critical, Radha/Sada's game up! - Page 2


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suki11 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Thanks for the excellent update!

Darn like button isn't working for me though!

Haven't watched the epi, yet, but it sounds good. But I have no idea why TCM is having a hissy fit at Indu. Firstly like Namak said he knows that Indu was not behind the CD kand, staved himself due to worrying over Sanchi, and ultimately disowned his own family for cursing her.

Then comes the obvious fact that when it comes to the Ranjith track, Indu is no way to be blamed! Indu never invited, Ranjith's wrath into INSA's lives; Sanchi did that by publicy slapping the man. She further ignored all Ranjith's death threats, and Indus warnings not to get involved in his affairs, due to her overblown ego.

Finally she ignored Indu's repeated offer of aide, and refused to heed him, when he warned her not to leave the house. Instead our sherni like a mad woman continued to prowl the dangerous streets of Banaras in the middle of the night!

She got herself kidnapped by stupidly exposing herself to Ranjith, believing oddly that her mere presence would thwart his evil ploys. Then when Indu is forced to rush to her rescue, and gets beaten in the process, he finds himself in mortal danger when the vile Ranjith points a gun at him.

And although I love and respect the fact that Sanchi risked her life for Indu, by jumping in front of him, a small part still thinks that she was a fool for doing so. I mean why didn't she try and grab the gun from Ranjith instead?

Still risky I know, but it meant there was less chance of INSA getting shot!

At any rate I have no idea why TCM was yelling at Indu. Someone needs to ask him, where the hell was he when his daughter was wandering around in the middle of the night! And more to the point, why he even let his child step foot out the door by herself when he knew dangerous gangster were baying for her blood?!

Lol on a side note I'm watching my uncle on TV who's having a debate with the MLA of Jalander Punjab! Rofl maybe I should call him and ask him to hook Indu up with a job!

lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
loool Suki... and I totally agree with you... I know they're trying to preach about 'Naari Shakti' and 'bravery' and 'fight for justice' in RJN...but I do not think Sanchi's way is the way to go about it... I am not supporting Indu's means, but Sanchi's ways are equally ridiculous too...I mentioned this before as well... she should be counting her lucky stars that Ranjith was somewhat of a decent gunda to just tie her up and point a gun to her head... If capable, he could have done a LOT MORE... all we need to do is switch on NDTV imagine and let the news run for half an hour to learn of the dire possibilities 😕

Sanchi's decision to investigate the ongoings at the hostel at 9 pm is the silliest thing for a lone girl to do unless she was a ninja or a lethal assassin like 'the bride' from Kill Bill... 
even investigative journalists don't take such risks...
Edited by lashy - 11 years ago
suki11 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Lol Shradda I agree, and I really hope no naive young girls follow Sanchi's actions and decide to deal with thugs like Ranjith by themselves.

Even when Sanchi was battling Indu back in the day, I thought she was half-mad with the way she behaved! Geez all those slaps, threats, taunts and public acts of humiliations! If Indu was your standard gunda, she would have been long dead, and drifting in the Ganges!

BTW I'm not saying Indu gave her an easy ride, nor that he was right, but we all know that he could have been so much worse...

Actually I've just had an epiphany! TCM is right Indu; is to be blamed for Sanchi's condition! Lol as if Indu hadn't given Sanchi such a false representation of a gunda, she would have never underestimated Ranjith!

lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: suki11

Actually I've just had an epiphany! TCM is right Indu; is to be blamed for Sanchi's condition! Lol as if Indu hadn't given Sanchi such a false representation of a gunda, she would have never underestimated Ranjith!

True 😆 However, Indu is to be blamed 

Just as much as TCM is to be blamed for relentlessly nudging his daughter to fight against evil without ever weighing the circumstances in hand...


Just as much as Sanchi herself is to be blamed for always following her stubborn heart/mind/ego without ever listening to the advice of others - be it Veena, Mehek or Indu!

Edited by lashy - 11 years ago
namak902 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
what I don't understand is that he's NEVER acknowledged even once that whatever Indu is or not...he is loyal to his daughter... I mean, even I was pissed off with Indu when he had that drunken escapade in the hall the other day... but I wouldn't be dealing with my grief by tightening the noose on another's neck... 

I completely agree! That was just totally unfair to Indu! Anyone in their right mind could see how broken he was! How could and why would he be faking it?! urgh TCM really made me mad today!

Shouldn't Sanchi's sibling be also at the hospital as possibly she might die...where's the love or are they bitter as Sanchi's daddies favourite 

Loool, it's true that they could have at least mentioned them and found some sort of justification for them not being there!

Also, @lashy and suki, I agree with the fact Sanchi acted pretty stupid..and actually, although Indu can be blamed for many things, Indu blaming himself in this case doesn't make much sense to me as it was actually his gunda ways that saved her in the first place..
Edited by namak902 - 11 years ago
namak902 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Sorry, don't know what happened to my post, it won't let me quote properly!Edited by namak902 - 11 years ago
fahi91 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Good episode. Sad that its coming to an end so soon but it makes me wonder after reading the spoilers that in just the last few days they have so much to pack in such as Sanchi's recovery, Indu's transformation, Sada-Radha repentance amongst many other points. However, Sanchi is still in the operation theatre with no signs of regaining consciousness in even tomorrow's episode so it looks as if everything is going to be crammed into the last episode. (Assuming we have that 2hr epi.. Is that confirmed? AD tweeted to watch till Friday so I'm confused. 😕) not sure if I like that idea because they are just going to show things in fast ffwd and with a leap..

Anyways moving on to the episode... Disgusted with the terrible Tiwari duo; how a person can stoop so low is beyond my thinking. 🤢 The wanting to obtain the Mathur house is an old issue but rejoicing Sanchi's situation and regretting not thinking of that idea before was disgusting. Shame on them. 🤢

But thank god the shaitaani thoughts isn't a Tiwari family trait and Sushil-Anita are finally coming into their own and making their own decisions and supporting what's right. 👍🏼

Veena's slap to Radha was well and truly welcome and not before time. But an even bigger slap on the face to Radha was the comment about her having no children. Now usually I would be against such remarks but this time I think Radha deserved to hear it and well done because by the look on her face I think realisation and remorse is starting to dawn her.
And Sada.. What a disgusting, despicable excuse of a relative. It's people like him that destroy happy families. 🤢 I liked Indu's reaction.. You could tell he was worn out from the blood loss and the situation in general because he wasn't as aggressive and loud as he would usually be. After learning of such betrayal, Indu would normally lash out and how but today he simply rebuked them and told them to leave..

AD is really showcasing a whole load of talent and emotions with the current track. (From the day Sanchi taunted him in front of everyone and he got drunk.. I mean) For the first time we are seeing him in this situation and state and he is doing a fabulous job of it. 👏 The way he was so lost and started backing away slowly with that look in his eyes was done fabulously and the flashbacks and Indu's blurred vision just enhanced the overall affect of that scene so well. He was like a little bambi.

As for TCM, I am so annoyed at him. I know I said yesterday that i think his taunts on hooliganism and Sanchi's situation would jolt Indu into realisation but it was just too much. Firstly, he kept mute when he saw the true face of Tiwaris; i was waiting for him to taana maaro on Sada but he stood in silence. then took out all his frustration on bechara Indu? How on earth can he blame Indu for this? And the comment about Indu's grief being a dikaava was just appalling. I think he needs to get his chashma ka number checked.. Could he not see Indu? Indu was in pieces, a lot more so than TCM himself was. And then pushing him to the ground.. Seriously made me angry, just wanted to reach into the screen and throttle TCM. 😡 He needs to reflect on the facts properly. Indu had nothing whatsoever to do with Ranjith's arrival and threats. Indu was trying to protect his wife but Mrs Dabangg and her ego had other ideas despite hubby's several attempts to keep her away from it all. If he should blame anyone then it is Sanchi for thinking she is invincible and doing whatever comes to mind and it is himself for always supporting her in her crusade against all things bad.
Now TCM better not take advantage of Indu's current state of weakness and guilt and stop him from seeing Sanchi. I feel like he will say go and prove yourself and only then will I let you see my daughter.. And helpless Indu will have no other choice but to go..

All in all, a well done emotionally charged episode but I hope there is more progression tomorrow because from the precap it looks like most of the episode will be spent like todays... Crying over Sanchi's haalat and accusations flying about..
roshaeldsouza91 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Thanks for the update dear