The Summer Returns:An Indu& KittyaS.S Part14 08/19 - Page 50


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..Pankhudi.. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
fantastic update the humorous lines in between !!
thanks for PM .
Kittya_Cullen thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago


As Aarti stared at her smirking husband, she muttered under her breath, "Lady Kesha...I don't know whether to choke the living daylights out of you or myself. Urrgh!"

"Oh shutup, Aarti. None of this would have happened if you would have allowed me to skewer him on a danged steel rod and turn him into a kabab-mein- haddi. Gosh! Why did you even marry this shishkabab fellow in the first place?!"

"SHUTUP! Both of you! Can't you see me standing here being devilishly handsome?"


"I meant evil. Now get back in that carriage before I become the one wrapping people in cabbage leaves and burying them in dirt naps with the worms for company. 

Now before I retie that nuisance sitting next to you, Aarti, are you really the last Princess of Aaryanburg? Bear in mind that if you lie, I will go back to Conland and bring Ansh to this godforsaken land of Bua-Noncona...and we all know how torturous that will be for a male when he is grown."

"My God, Aarti! Even his rant is annoying! Steuuups! How did you live with this kabab fellow?"

Lady Kesha's words had finally gotten to the already-irritated Prashant. Not only had he been forced to listen to Aarti's nonsense about the whole "Pareshan-T" business, but he had been forced to enter the most awful kingdom in the whole Antiquities. He had had enough. Grabbing, the still muttering Lady Kesha, he yanked her out of the carriage. Little did he realise what a mess he had called upon himself.

"You asp! Let go of my arm! I'm not, Aarti! Thinking you can drag me hither, thither and all about! And I'm still covered in mud in this stupid, stuffy dress! Man-bat look!" With that and an intricate tap of her toes, she undid the hidden spikes in her con-heel shoes. 

"Oh Dear Lord up in Conland! I mean heaven! What do you think you're doing Kesh! Don't maim the man for life!"

"Aarti...if the bat is living in Bua-Noncona, he won't have to worry about me maiming him."

Prashant stared in horror as his eyes fell on the glinting steel glittering under the sunlight. "What in the name of good God?!"

He barely side-stepped the initial swing of the spiky shoes, once again dropping the young woman into a muddy goop. Con-heels were no laughing matter. They were the most dangerous shoes in all of the DCian Antiquities, having been patented by the MyLady herself. 

"Oh Lord! Aarti, look he did it again! His backside dropped me in mud. Again!"

Bristling with anger, Lady Kesha undid one of the bows of her con-heels, now swinging the loose shoe around and around. The shoe made a strange whistling sound as it flew through the air in its circle, picking up speed. Hissing slightly, it boomeranged toward him, shaving off a patch of Prashant's thick hair. 

"What the rumplefunk?! Aarti, I'm your husband. Do you want that girl to make you a bloody widow? Stop her!"

"In case you're forgetting, I've already lived four years of my life as a widow, darling Pareshan-T...but you're right. I can't let her dirty herself with your blood. You are unfortunately Ansh's father, and I'd rather not see you die. It's against my nature. Kesha, please...let him alone. Don't do anything more."

"Aarti, I am not leaving this man until he becomes the manure to those cabbage leaves. He wants me to take a nap with the worms, eh? I'll scrape him up like the dung that he is, after I've throttled him with my heels. And when I'm done, I'll spread him to dry, and bury his pieces in all the fields of Conland and have a plough rip the ground apart every second of every minute of every hour of every day until he has paid for all the hours of discomfort I've had in the last twenty- four hours. Now let me show him his "devilishly handsome" reflection in the glow of my con-heel."

The shoe flipped through the air, just missing its mark as it stole the cheap blue scarf from around Prashant's neck. 

Aarti grabbed the angry Lady Kesha by the arm, dragging her back into the carriage. "Give me the other shoe, and do not move. As soon as you hear him screaming, turn the carriage around and head straight for the gates. Leave the horses, and do what you can with the fancy air-horse powered carriage. I'm sure the new-fangled machine can work without the horses."

"What? Woman, you want me to make a carriage work without horses?!"

"Kesha. Make. It. Happen."


She turned toward Prashant, catching the shoe as Lady Kesha scrambled to find the hidden buttons in the carriage. Aarti had no intentions of doing anything to him. Lord forbid she should ever stoop to his level, but if Lady Kesha had made use of the remaining shoe, the Lord only knew what might have happened to Pareshan-T. It was bad enough that Aarti had the blood of every man, woman and child of Aaryanburg on her shoulders. Even worse that her own family's death was on her. If she had simply given into that Slyendra's son, none of this would have needed to happen. 

She couldn't think like that now, it would be a disgrace to her family's death to surrender her honor in her thoughts to a low-life like that septic tank of King Slyendra's son. Goodness, she wouldn't be surprised if Pareshan-T and Maya were actually some long-lost relatives of Slyendra. That would be too coincidental, but they surely didn't make wickedness like this in so many portions. They were like a suit of cards; instead of Hearts, Spades, Clubs, and Diamonds, they would have been Pitchfork, Spear, Crossbow, and Coal, with an extra special one called Cannon. That deck would probably have been filled with Devils, Demons, Ravans, and Lord knows what else.

"Aarti, put the shoe down and come here to me. How dare you stand by and watch that girl almost permanently damage me?!"

Seizing the momentary lapse, Prashant rushed at Aarti, pulling her toward him roughly. In the ensuing struggle, the nifty secret lever of the con-heel was released, and a half-choked scream escaped Prashant's mouth. As the pain began to register, his strangled cries became full-fledged screams. Unsure of what had occurred, Aarti jumped back from his weakened grasp. Little steaming holes were showing up in the sunlight.

"Oh. My. Lord. I mean God'.. Con-heels have chambers of acid?" She couldn't decide whether to laugh at the situation or rush over to help the screaming Pareshan-T. He seemed to be grabbing a lot of areas in agony. Poor fellow. Before her decision could be made, the sound of some sort of roar filled the air. Aarti stared in wonder at the carriage. 

The horses broke into a gallop, fleeing the area as the noise level increased. Aarti knew that if the wails of Prashant hadn't disturbed the residents of Bua-Noncona--apparently screaming men were a norm?--the noise of the expensive carriage would. As the thought was about to leave the tip of her tongue, she saw the dreary guards of Bua-Noncona approaching on their dismal-looking horses. She didn't want to leave Prashant in this place to suffer. There was no love lost between them, but she wouldn't have wished a Bua-Noncona life on even her worst enemy, namely Maya. 

Running to grab the errant con-heels first--Lord forbid the people of Bua-Noncona learnt of its unrealistic abilities--she pulled Prashant up by his coat.

"God Pareshan-T. Stop screaming and come! You don't want to be trapped in this place for the rest of your life. An unpure soul like you would be far better off burning to death in the sacred flames than living here. You're lucky us women don't send our husbands to the pools of Agnipariksha." 

The crying, incoherent Prashant let up a blood curdling wail at the thought. He hustled after Aarti into the carriage.

"Aarti, I don't know what my cousin Yash sees in you. You are so stupid. You should have left the man. Goody-goody never works out for nice people like you. Now why are you giving me such a nice smile? It's not fair I tell ya...appealing to my nicer senses just when I am at my most vicious, intelligent best. OK, OK...stop it. I get it why he likes you."

Aarti's smile got wider, as she visualized herself running into her Yash's arms and being embraced by him. She was brought out of her reverie by the groaning man who was once her husband. She looked at him pitifully, her mind absolutely clear regarding what she had to do about him. If there was any doubt earlier at his sudden appearance, there was only clarity now.


Yash and Sir P were nearing the edge of Bua-Concona borders when they heard sounds of hooves coming closer. They reined in their horses as they saw a rider emerge from beyond the hillock, coming from the direction of the kingdom.  Both drew out their swords, which they pointed down as soon as they saw the white flag being held up by the rider.

"Greetings gentlemen!! I come in peace. Yes, yes I know, strange as that might seem. There are a few of us still mushrooming around here who believe in the white dove. Are you by any chance Lord Yash and Sir P?"

"Yes, we art. Mayest we be made to comprehend who thou might be and who art we fortunate to be addressing as our ally in this nefarious land?"


"Yash! How many times should I tell you to tone down the formalities of the language?" Sir P chided his friend affectionately, and then turned toward the stranger, "Apologies dear dove, my friend here meant to say, "Who are you?" "

"Ah...oh...I am Knight Cas-sonSky. You may comprehend that and just call me Sky, just as Kinshuk does."

"Kinshuk? You mean Baron Kinshuk?"

"Yes, my Lord. He is my mentor. We are also good friends. He sent me to you with a message."

"And what, pray, the communication connotes in its expression?



"Oh, my apologies, Sky. What does the message say?"

"Oho...I am to guide you to a hidden camp just ahead. There are soldiers all over the town, ever since a monstrous carriage with strange noise was spotted. It's not safe for you to enter the city before sundown."

"That's not to beloved is in there somewhere. I have to reach her as early as possible."

"Oh, is that so? But Kinshuk didn't tell me what should I tell you if you tell me what you told me just now."


"What he means to say Sir P is that Kinshuk didn't provide him with an alternative scenario." Yash was getting agitated now. He wanted to get Aarti and Kesha out at the earliest, but he understood the wisdom behind Kinshuk's message. It wouldn't do any good if they got themselves captured.

"Err...yes...exactly. So please wait in the camp...and I shall go and inform my mentor."

Reluctantly Yash and Sir P followed Sky to the camp to cool their heels till the night set in. Sky rode off toward the palace. Just as he neared the gates, he saw a bizarre-looking carriage minus the horses tumbling down the path from the direction of the forest, hit a boulder, and crash to a stop. In the very next moment an angry female voice rang out, "What in the name of burning furies of hell!!! Look what this fork-tongued asp did by wriggling all over the place. Couldn't you have held him still, Aarti?"

"But he was hurting at all the wrong places, Kesha."

"Yeah sure. I have half a mind to use my con-heels again and make a few more holes in the rear."

Sky almost fell off his horse as a man's voice shrieked in pure terror.


                                                                                                                                         Part Twelve

Authors: Indu Di


Authors' Note:

Please note that Didi and I may have different individuals on our PM list. That means that if you're not on our both of our lists, depending on who posts the update, you may not get a P.M. Therefore, please be sure to be on our Buddy Lists.😳

Edited by Kittya_Cullen - 10 years ago
Kittya_Cullen thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: pankhudi11

fantastic update the humorous lines in between !!

thanks for PM .

So sorry for not responding before! Thank you for the compliments and I do hope you enjoy the new update.
Deepti1808 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
OMG After what seems like ages you guys update again and that too with another great addition to your unique story.

Yes I do. Is there anything that it can't do???

Loved this bit

They were like a suit of cards; instead of Hearts, Spades, Clubs, and Diamonds, they would have been Pitchfork, Spear, Crossbow, and Coal, with an extra special one called Cannon. That deck would probably have been filled with Devils, Demons, Ravans, and Lord knows what else.

And then you got Sky enter the story πŸ‘πŸ‘

"Ah'oh...I am Knight Cas-sonSky. You may comprehend that and just call me Sky, just as Kinshuk does."

Cas-sonSky OMG how true and how FUNNY.

Edited by Deepti1808 - 11 years ago
Kesha_H. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
K I'm sure I kicked Prashant's ass but I've got to study so just pm me next week friday nd I'll read it
kdsubs thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Kadeen and Indu - you brought unadulterated joy and satisfaction to my heart!! Lady Kesha - take a bow - way to go!! And was she the My Lady who patented the CON-heels?? AWESOME!! Like Deepti, I want those too.

Loved the update - totally forgive you for getting Arti kidnapped. Lady K rules. I knew she had something special in her - that's my girl.

And to Kesha-girl -  you didn't quite get to kick butt, but boy did you burn some acidic holes in it πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

Oh and Sky - my my, dumb guy. But i like this Sky better than Akash - and most of all, i like his name πŸ˜†
saf24 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Indu and Kadeen this was a fantastic update. Could not stop laughing and I could actually picture Kesha saying some of those lines. You both are too good. Superbly written.
Kittya_Cullen thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Deepti1808

OMG After what seems like ages you guys update again and that too with another great addition to your unique story.It's actually been almost a month😲. We've just been super busy but thank you for staying through with us DiπŸ€—

Yes I do. Is there anything that it can't do??? Believe me, we want a pair too. Lord only knows what other tricks those shoes have hidden in them.πŸ˜†

Loved this bit

They were like a suit of cards; instead of Hearts, Spades, Clubs, and Diamonds, they would have been Pitchfork, Spear, Crossbow, and Coal, with an extra special one called Cannon. That deck would probably have been filled with Devils, Demons, Ravans, and Lord knows what else.

Glad you enjoyed it. Perhaps Aarti can actually create a new game called "We Evil Three" using Sly, P and Maya. I'm sure if Lady Kesh does all the actual designing it might turn out to be one hell of a game.πŸ˜•

And then you got Sky enter the story πŸ‘πŸ‘

LOL, it was about time the fellow made his appearance. 

"Ah'oh...I am Knight Cas-sonSky. You may comprehend that and just call me Sky, just as Kinshuk does."

Cas-sonSky OMG how true and how FUNNY. Would you believe me when I say that I've been giggling and smiling a fool over this particular name all day? I think the people on the train thought I had lost my mind.πŸ˜•

Thank you for reading and enjoying Deep Di! πŸ˜ƒ
Kittya_Cullen thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: swaggerchick16

K I'm sure I kicked Prashant's ass but I've got to study so just pm me next week friday nd I'll read it

Will do! Good luck on those exams. Can't believe it's already mid- March, soon it'll be C.X.C. timeπŸ˜•
..Comrade4eva.. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Kittya_Cullen

Will do! Good luck on those exams. Can't believe it's already mid- March, soon it'll be C.X.C. timeπŸ˜•

Replying here...and I will be waiting for Kesha's results to either kick/kill her or tell her to take 2 shots of tequila and party like there is no tomorrow!