* Love Story 2012 * - Page 19


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virmanvirikarhi thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Cutecookie a.k.a Gunjan...Thanks for facebooking me and telling me about this contest...I red all the love stories...My favorite writer among all of them is Kushalkidewaani...I red her first story and started crying due to joy and now after reading her second story I cried due to the pain she faced...and then in the end cried tears of joy again...I loveee this chik...WE should try finding her on fb...I loveee her stories especially Game Of Destiny :D
Transference thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

enchanted23 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Let's Enjoy Spring -Beautiful OS Piyu:) Edited by enchanted23 - 11 years ago
EXOL thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Love Couple India Season 2 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago

wow what a wonderful opening.breathtaking...i just loved this one..
very intense and passionate

am tho dead for saahil...loved his madness..

this is the best of the lot ๐Ÿ‘ so my vote goes to

 Let's enjoy spring...!!!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
Edited by nneeiill - 11 years ago
Keithuu thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
best story up till now ๐Ÿ‘
minizz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Piu๐Ÿค—This was awesome.Everything from the presentation to characters and story was beautiful.Sahil's character just blew me away.My vote goes to your story absolutely๐Ÿ˜ƒ
EXOL thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Love Couple India Season 2 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago

am just reading it again and again..it is just wow...and the title is so perfect..

krs-ff thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Love Hidden In Drizzles

The sky poured down heavily, giving respite from the heat of july. Everything in Mussoorie seemed to attain life as the water droplets touched their anatomy. The grey roads livened up, with small crowds crawling under the colorful umbrellas. The trees covered with shiny drizzles appeared like the magical foliage of a fairyland. The world seemed much more serene and transparent after being washed off.

Leaning next to the railings in her balcony, Manvi's eyes covered the area as far as her sight led her. She let the scenic beauty import in the depths of her heart. The snow flowed off the mountains, leaving a trail behind it. A few birds wriggled around playfully, while the others took shelter on the leafy trees, peeking out to see when they would be spared from the downpour. The myriad of clouds lay curled up in the unusually clear cerulean sky, refusing to thwart the rain. Giving the stubborn clouds a last reproachful look, her eyes shifted downwards, where everyone was enjoying with people they loved. Some were relishing on ice-creams, corn-cobs, and the roadside stalls, while the others were just walking together, love visible in the air.

A sudden touch brought her back from her reverie, the sudden-ness creeping her a bit, and she turned to face her elder sister.

"God! Ritika!!! You could have called. There wasn't the need to creep me out like that", she accused.

"Oh! My poor Vi got scared now, did she?", Ritika snuggled her arm across Maanvi.

"It's Maan-vi... M A A N V I ... Maanvi, and not Vi", Maanvi pouted.

"Then you should call me Ri, as in R I, Ri, and i'll call you by your name", Ritika chortled.

"Alright Ri, my bad that i like Ritika better", Ritika put out her tongue, and the duo smiled, "Anyways! Did you want to say something?"

"Yep my dear little sister. I'm off to a party with my friends. Just tell mom i'll be a little late", Ritika left Maanvi, and twirled around to show the black dress she'd adorned.

"But Ri, it's raining cats and dogs since morning. Do you have to go today?", there was a lingering sadness in Maanvi's voice.

Ritika took Maanvi's face in her palms, and gazed in her eyes.

"Baby! I know you do not like rains, but you can't always keep brooding over the past. You need to move on Maanvi'", she said in a solemn voice, and turned to leave. When she was near the door, Maanvi's words stopped her.

"You too don't like the rains Ri, you're just ashamed to admit that. Isn't this why you're off to a party, to distract yourself from the painful thoughts?"

  Maanvi saw her sister stiffen up, but she did not turn. Instead she left the room, closing the door with a bang behind her.

Cursing the situation, she walked inside her room. Rains always made her feel lonely, and she couldn't just help it. Many a times she wanted to distract herself like Ri, but she knew things didn't change. Ri, who was hiding her turmoil beneath her tough exterior, also suffered as much. She thought maybe if Ri spent some time with her, and they talked over it, life would become easier. But Ri had her own plans, and she had never catered to the one-on-one plans that Maanvi devised.

  Maanvi walked towards the bed, and sat cross-legged, her back supported by the plush sofas that lay there, as she took over the work she'd left abruptly, to witness the scenery.

Snip. Snip. Snip.

Maanvi's hands moved smoothly over the printed paper, as a colored image fell down. Throwing away the bits in her hand, she reached out for the piece that lay on the floor. Smiling mysteriously at the image on the paper, Maanvi felt she would be turned over to the asylum some day.

The man in the picture had a perfectly chiseled face, with an enigmatic aura around him. But what always trapped Maanvi, were the pair of blue eyes. It was this set of eyes that she'd fallen for, eyes that enchanted her, made her feel out of the world. Clutching the picture, she hopped off to the study, and grabbing a folder, placed the paper meticulously in it. Lifting her head, her heart leapt in joy, as she turned around, only to find the same pair of eyes watching her from each direction. Innumerous pictures lay strewn on the walls, thanks to her hardwork, determination and passion, ignoring the mockery she received to no ends.

Her heart swelling in pride of her achievement, she glanced at the clock. Knowing it was time to make a move, she picked up her handbag. As she was closing the sliding glass that led to her balcony, her eyes spotted something unusual. Along with the heavy rain, faraway, somewhere behind the mountains, soft sunlight made way through the array of water and formed a faint rainbow around itself. Nia was mesmerized by nature's beauty, and a positivity arose in her, making her feel something good could happen today. She walked out of the room, smiling to herself.


It didn't take long, as the driver slid the car through the roads, and Maanvi observed the things around her keenly. She stepped down the car when the driver informed her that they'd reached Maria's Cafe.

The door to the cafe opened, and the warmth of the dark ambience hit her nostrils. The wooden structure had a musky scent, while the air was made up of the aroma of cakes, muffins, brownies and pastries. She inhaled it all, and immediately, a craving arose within her making her feel dizzy. It was all very nostalgic to her, bringing back beautiful memories. She felt the dizziness take over, so much so that she didn't notice the guy running towards the door. Consequently, he collided into her and she hit the wall. When she managed to pull herself back from the shock, she cursed him, giving him a dirty glare.


He'd almost passed through the door, but perhaps he'd heard her, and that stopped him. Turning his head slightly, he muttered in a tone that didn't please her.


With this, he went away, but not before leaving Maanvi in a trance.

Just when the guy had turned for a moment, Maanvi could swear she'd seen those blue pair of eyes that haunted her dreams. She was unable to see his face, given the dark atmosphere of the cafe, and the lack of lights in this particular section, but the more she thought of it, the more haywire her mind went. Finally thinking it off as one of her mysterious dreams, she let it go.

Entering the cafe's inner section, Maanvi spotted the group of her 'supposed-friends' laughing wildly at something she was sure she didn't want to hear. She stood there, taking some time to think why did she still hang out with them. Looking from a distance, the thought of those bunch of crazy people being her friends diminished from her mind, and she travelled through the lane of past.

  Maanvi Chaudhary had always been a rich princess, in contradiction to her 2 years older sister Ritika Chaudhary, who's modesty and down to earth nature was praised widely. Their parents, Nitesh Chaudhary and Riya Chaudhary were proud parents, because despite her arrogant nature, Maanvi had never crossed over to the wrong side. She was lively, and lived her life to the fullest. Clubbing, partying, travelling, shopping, all of this filled her schedule. Her friends were the kids of the other rich socialites, who were unfortunately much wilder compared to Maanvi. She'd known since day one that these people hung with her only because of her status, but she couldn't change things. Her father insisted she should have friends at par of their background, unlike Ritika, who'd revolted in deciding her own friends, and people who stood by her till date. Maanvi just could never disappoint her father.

  Maanvi hadn't bothered so much about her own friends, until things changed, bringing drastic changes in her life as well. In the past 4 years, she felt like she'd lived all the worst experiences that could happen to anyone. She didn't feel the chirpiness of being 22 anymore. The burden of the whole world seemed to be placed on her. She'd lost her smile, and couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed heartily. The worst was that her friends were totally insensitive to her woes, expecting her to forget everything in a fraction, and move on.

"Maanvi! My child! How are you? It's been so long since i last saw you", Maria, the owner of the cafe came and hugged her.

"I'm good Maria. It's been raining since a few days, and i didn't feel like coming out...", her voice trailed off, as Maria's small hands caressed her face, consoling her. Maria was one person who'd always understood Maanvi, and been there for her.

"Maanvi! What are you doing here? Everyone's waiting for you, c'mon. Maria, would you mind not making us wait for our orders?", Raj, her friend, came and pulled her towards the table where the others sat. Maanvi gave an apologetic look to Maria for Raj's rudeness, and she could see it in Maria's eyes, asking her to leave these people.

  Maanvi settled down, along with Raj, Shaina, Neha, Kunal, Tia, and Varun. They all bombarded her with questions about her birthday and the party, which was in the coming week. They didn't let her speak a word, making their own assumption on what all they were expecting. When she couldn't take it any longer, her voice rose through the whole cafe.

"Stop it!", Maanvi banged the table as she stood up. Everything went silent and the people around looked at her, like she was some alien, "Sorry Maria! And the rest of you, please go back to your own issues", Maria smiled warmly, and the group warned each other through their eyes, to remain calm.

"If it's only about my birthday party, then i don't think we've much to talk about", she moved to leave, but Neha pulled her back.

"Relax Maanvi! We were just having fun. Why do you have to tense up at every small thing? Where is the older Maanvi that we knew, who lived life at her own terms?"

  Maanvi sat down, but she replied back nevertheless.

"Things have changed Neha. It would be better if you shifted attention from yourself and started noticing things around you", Maanvi added, not making an effort to control the bitterness in her voice.

"Maanvi darling, just chill out, will you? Guys, i told you she's in a desperate need of a boyfriend. And unfortunately, we couldn't arrange your blue eyed Viv to admire you not from the pictures alone, but in real life as well. So just before you came, there was this guy, whom we thought could be set up for you. But guess what, he saw your picture, and made an early exit", Shaina said in a menacing tone.

"You guys didn't seriously show him my picture, did you", she asked, mortified when they avoided her eye, to which Varun replied.

"Just messing around Vi..."

"Don't.You.Dare.Call.Me.Vi", angry tears seemed to pour down at any second, the burning sensation pinching her inner self, "Only my sister and friends can call me that", emphasizing on the word friends, she left the place in a hurry. Unable to control anymore, she let out the hot briming tears run away, as she cried out her woes through the unstoppable sobs.


After spending time with herself in a park, Maanvi finally decided to return home. The driver pulled the car in the driveway, and stepping down, an unknown car greeted Maanvi. Biting her tongue, she recalled that her mother had asked her to be ready for tonight, as they were expecting some guests. Scared of her mother's wrath, Maanvi tip-toed inside the house unaware how luck wasn't gonna favour her today.

"Maanvi!", her mother called in a warning tone, and immediately, she turned on her heels.

Everyone sat in the main hall itself, dressed in their best. Maanvi gave a look to her casual jeans and top, and mentally cursed herself.

"You forgot Maanvi?", Maanvi knew it was better not to answer the rhetorical question her mother had put forward.

"It's ok Riya! You shouldn't be too hard with her", Nitesh Chaudhary interrupted his wife's wrath, and she rolled her eyes, "Maanvi beta, go change and come down asap", he hinted for her to make an escape. Maanvi didn't miss the twinkle in his eyes, as she ran upstairs.

15 minutes later, Maanvi descended the stairs wearing a full length white anarkali, studded with silver stones. The stones reflected the lights all around, giving her an ethereal look. Her parents smiled at her, while Ritika winked, and a blush formed on Maanvi's face. She saw that the back of the guests faced her, and she sighed, knowing that now she was supposed to go and sweet talk with them. She went and sat next to Ritika, who nudged her purposefully. Maanvi ignored her tantrums, as she was introduced to Kartik Mallik, and Vandana Mallik. Mannvi's breath hitched in her throat, as she realized that Mr and Mrs Mallik were actually her family friends. She felt an excruciating pain as Ritika nudged her way too hard in the ribs. She looked at her accusingly, to which Ritika pointed in the opposite direction, and Maanvi's eyes followed her lead.

From the gate that led to the garden, entered two men, and Maanvi knew she'd forgotten to breathe in that particular moment. Both of them came, and settled on the seats opposite to Maanvi and Ritika.

"Girls, meet my sons Vivian Mallik, and Karan Mallik", Mr Mallik introduced.

Both the Mallik boys looked way too different in their appearance. While Vivian, the younger one was dressed up in black jeans, a white t-shirt along with a black jacket, Karan had chosen a white jacket paired with blue jeans. Their frames carved to perfection, they looked all set to kill the female population.

"Boys, this is Ritika, and this is Maanvi", while Karan just spared them a nod, Vivian, on the other hand smiled at them. Maanvi studied the two from the corner of her eyes, and she saw a seriousness flooded on Karan's face, complete with the pair of specs he sported. She could bet if he widened his lips even a little, there would be deep dents on both the sides.. Vivian on the other hand, didn't mind flaunting off his dimples, as he introduced himself.

"Vivian, you don't need to say anything about yourself", Ritika chortled, and while Vivian looked at her confused, Maanvi glared at sister, asking her to shut up.

"Vi is the biggest fan you'll meet around. She totally loves your singing, and your songs. Trust me when i say this, she literally stalks you, your articles, pictures, interviews, everything. She's made my life hell by talking about you constantly, i mean..."

"Really? I didn't think i would be so popular", Vivian said in an amused tone, and Maanvi knew he was pulling her leg.

"It's just that...", she started, but Ritika didn't let her complete.

"Come on Vi, speak up. You can say whatever you want, Vivian won't mind, right?", Ritika chortled, and Maanvi thought she would die of embarassment. She felt the color rise up her cheek, and she wanted to flee off right then and there.

"Mom! Dad! Is it okay if we all can go and see Vi's crazy collection, please", Ritika pleaded, to which the elders agreed happily. Karan frowned at this, which didn't go unnoticed by Maanvi. Wondering why was she worried about the snob Mallik, when she had the man of her dreams in front of her, she moved away with Ritika.

The two reached Maanvi's room before the guys, and Maanvi admonished Ritika for her childishness. Just when Ritika was about to defend herself, Vivian and Karan's arrival interrupted them, and Maanvi was forced to go and get the folder from her study room. Vivian really seemed amazed to see the collection, placed carefully in not one or two, but 5 folders. The images dated back from when he'd stepped into the singing profession, and until today.

"Wow Vi! You really are one crazy woman. I mean i'm sure even i don't have this big collection of my stuff. I really am so handsome, ain't i?", he chuckled.

"Manvi, it's Maanvi, and not Vi", she said abruptly, and feeling embarassed, she continued, "I like your songs a lot, there's a hidden meaning to them, and somehow, i feel i can associate myself with them. Moreover, Ri forgot to mention, but you were my subject for most of my assignments in business studies. I really admired the innovations you'd put down in the corporate world. That's how i'd actually started liking your work", Maanvi finished, and Vivian simply nodded and turned to talk to Ritika. It felt as if he was trying to avoid talking to her. Feeling an intense gaze on her, Maanvi turned to see Karan looking at her with an expression she couldn't fathom. She raised her eyebrows, to which he just shrugged off. She wanted to decipher his intentions, but unfortunately, his specs didn't allow her to make out anything, as they hid his eyes.

"Do you really know enough about business, to place Vivian on that high pedestal?", Karan asked, sarcasm audible in his voice.

"I don't have to prove my brilliance to you Mr Mallik. One day, when i'll manage my father's empire, then you shall see for yourself", she replied in determination.

"Hey Vi! Come here with us", Vivian called out, as the duo had just opened the door to the balcony. The three moved out, and talked endlessly, both the sisters excited about Vivian's life.

The glass doors had opened, letting in a whoosh of cold breeze. The slightly ajar door to Maanvi's study now opened completely, the faint light inside tempting him to go there. His feet moved on their own accord, and Karan entered Maanvi's world. He stood mesmerized by the eyes that stared at him. Unable to believe what he was seeing, his hands stretched out, to touch the pictures, but a voice stopped him mid-way.

"You shouldn't sneak into other's room without permission Mr Mallik. It would be kind of you if you could leave", she asked bitterly, the ettiquetes not allowing her to be rude. Karan left without saying a word. Ritika and Vivian had already gone downstairs. Maanvi sat in the study, waiting for the storm in herself to settle down. Karan Mallik had triggered a set of emotions she couldn't place in her life. When she'd seen him caught up in the enchantment of the pictures in her study, for a slight moment, she'd felt it was too ethereal to be true. She didn't want to intervene, it somehow felt he belonged there. But coming out of her reverie, she managed to spoil the moment, until it created a mess in her head. Unable to understand anything, she too moved out of her room.


"Maanvi! Karan wants to marry you. What do you think about this?"

Her mother's words bombarded back and forth in her mind, as she gulped down a bottle of chilled water. Apparently, when she was upstairs, Karan had put forth this proposal. When Maanvi was in the kitchen, instructing the staff regarding the dinner, her mother had come in and dropped this bombshell on her. She'd asked Maanvi to think about it, as they were supposed to give back some answer that night itself.

Millions of questions rang in her mind, as she thought about it. Had it been Vivian who'd proposed, she couldv've said yes. But Karan wanting to marry her, where did that come from? She decided to go and talk to Ri about it. Taking silent steps, she moved towards the hall, she was pulled back by a strong force. Her back hit a hard form, and a strong grip clutched her. Her mouth was covered, as she wriggled under the hold. When she realized that she was being led towards the garden, she stopped protesting. As soon as the grip loosened, she turned around.

"Mr Mallik! You!", she screamed, and immediately, her mouth was covered again. She tried hitting him on the chest, to which he tied her hands behind her back, and pulled her closer.

"Shhh! Do you mind not creating a scene. I want to talk to you", Karan whispered in a soft voice in her ear. The hot breath touched her, mingled with his husky voice and dazzling scent. Maanvi closed her eyes in response, trapped in the situation. Feeling her relax, Karan let her go, and she was brought back to reality.

"Look Mr Mallik! Whatever happened inside was a bad dream. I can't marry you, never. I like your brother, infact i love him. I've loved him way too much since i've known about him. I just can't think of anyone else, can you understand that..."

"Shhh", Karan placed his finger on her lips, and leaned towards her.

"Your parents said you've forgotten how to talk. I wonder if they've seen you like this"

  Maanvi didn't miss the smile on his face, also because the dimples she'd bet about were right there, deeped than any pair she'd ever seen. Irritated by the direction her thoughts were taking, she again formed an irate stance, as she removed his finger.

"Please Mr Mallik! Why can't you understand? I don't like you, i love your brother. He is the person i admire and..."

She was attuned to silence, as she felt her cheeks burning at the place where his lips had just touched her. She felt a tingling sensation, her toes curling, butterflies dancing in her stomach.

"You like the songs he writes, not his voice. You like the depth of his words, not his looks. You like the way he manages between his music and business, not his attitude. You love him for something he isn't really Maanvi!", her name turned magical when he spoke it. She noticed he'd called her Maanvi, unlike Vivian who had some fondness for Vi, despite her warning.

"What do you mean?", she asked, hesitantly.

"What would you do Maanvi, if i told you that all those songs were written by me, for my brother? What would you say, if i confess that i didn't want to be commercialized for my innovations, so i let Viv take the credit. What if all the things that make you love Viv, are not actually his, but mine?", he ended softly, a plea in his voice.

"Mr Mallik, i... i can't believe what you've just said", her whole body trembling, Maanvi turned to leave.

"You didn't like the 5th song Maanvi, because you felt that i was wrong. I should've expressed my love, instead of letting her go. The 9th song is your favourite, because it filled you with a sense of optimism. You've got an assignment coming up, and you'll be needing some answers from me related to it"

  Maanvi stopped dead in her tracks, as she heard what he'd said, and turned to face him.

"How... how do you know all these things? I'd... i'd...", she neared him, and felt her knees wobbling.

"You'd sent them to me Maanvi, on my personal id. I tried answering all your queries through the interviews i gave to the media. Your mails meant a lot more to me, than you can think of", he saw her weaken up, and held her shoulders. Her hands stretched to pull the obstacle between them, his specs.

The sight that greeted her, was one she could never forget. Crystal blue orbs stared back in her hazel ones, mesmerizing her to no limits. Her hands encircled his waist, as she closed the distance between them, their breath intermingled with each other. Everything around ceased to exist.

"Your eyes... These are the reason i fell in love... I feel they want to say so much, but just confine it to themselves. I'm deeply in love Karan, i've fallen bad", unable to break the trance, she muttered.

"So does that mean you'll...", Karan started.

"No! I cannot give any answer right now. It's an important decision, i need time", she replied, and didn't miss the pain that shone in his eyes. Taking back his specs, he covered his eyes, gaining a blank composure.

"Take as much time as you want Maanvi. I'll wait for your answer", with this, he left, leaving Maanvi with countless thoughts.


A fortnight passed by, but Maanvi didn't make any efforts to get in touch with Karan. Her birthday came and went as just another day. He, on the other hand, kept regular contact with Ritika, hoping he'd someday hear the voice he was so badly waiting for. The Chaudhary's saw Maanvi curl up in a shell, lost in her own thoughts, and thought it better to let her make her own decision.


  Maanvi had avoided Karan to the best of her abilities, but she failed in her attempt, when he was surprisingly invited to the cafe's 15th anniversary by Maria. They met casually, the strain visible in their relation. When Karan couldn't handle it anymore, he went to the terrace, admiring the lightened up Mussoorie's vivid beauty.

"What are you doing here?", a soft voice broke his solitude.

"Maria invited me, i'm her recent most friend", he replied without turning. She came and stood next to her.

"Since how long have you known her?", she pried.

"Since 15 something days i guess", he contemplated.

"Before or after you met me?"

"Before i met you, i'd come here to talk to Maria about you. When i was here, a bunch of hooligans showed me your picture, speaking non-sense. Maria told me they were your friends. I immediately rushed off, to tell you somehow to stay away from them, and that was when i banged into you"

  Maanvi recalled that day at the cafe, and felt her cheeks redden up.

"You knew about me, even before we'd met?", she asked, surprised.

"I'd fallen for you since long Maanvi, it's just that you were a little tough to chase", he smiled, trying to lighten things up. Maanvi fell silent, gazing at the stars, lost in her thoughts, when she felt a warm touch on her hand.

"What is stopping you from saying yes Maanvi ? Won't you tell me?", he cupped her face, and looked into her eyes. The hesitation was still there. A few water droplets fell from above, and Karan left her. Water descended at a faster speed, as he walked away from her. Suddenly, he felt her arms around himself.

"Don't leave me alone Karan! I can't fight off the rain by myself"

He turned to see her clutching him for her dear life. The tears from her eyes mixed with the rain water.

"I won't leave Maanvi, but you'll have to trust me", he said softly.

"4 years ago, on one such rainy night, i wanted to have ice-cream badly. No one was ready to come with me, except for my dearest brother, Nikhil, whom i fondly called Nick. He was the eldest amongst us three, and had finished his education, all set to help dad at business. He was really very excited to be joining dad, it was like his forever dream. That night, i coaxed and cajoled Nick to take me out for an ice-cream. If that wasn't enough, i wanted to drive, knowing that i wasn't too accomplished. He let me drive, and in my carelessness, and partly because of the heavy rain, our car met with an accident. I survived, but Nick was lost, forever", she cried hysterically, "I was the reason we lost Nick, and it feels so bad i just cannot explain. I took away his life, his dream, his ambition. There's not a single day when i've not missed him. And being with you, feels like i'm moving away from him, moving on in life. Isn't it unfair Karan, i have no right to live happily, when i'm the cause of his unhappiness", and she hugged him tightly.

"Yes! You are causing him immense pain and unhappiness, by blaming yourself for something that isn't your fault. Destiny has it's own plans Maanvi, and you cannot do anything to change them. Why do you think it's raining tonight? Nick is expressiong his sadness over the dull life you live. Along with Nick, you've killed the Maanvi who was Nick's life, the reason of his smile. These rain drops are Nick's tears, who's trying to say so much, but you run away from him Maanvi. Let these drops touch you, and tell me, can't you feel Nick trying to reach out to you? Can't you?"

He released her, as she opened her arms wide, receiving the shower. A slow smile appeared on her face, as she looked towards the sky.

"I'm sorry Nick, i'm really sorry for whatever happened. I've realized you would've wanted me to move on, and not cry over the past. But i promise, now, i'll ammend my ways. I'll make you a proud brother Nick. I'll go and help dad just like you'd wanted to. I'll fulfil your dream Nick, i won't let you go away forever, you'll live in me", she hugged herself. After a while, Maanvi opened her eyes to see Karan staring at her lovingly. Despite the rain, she could make out the tears that flowed off his face.

"Thank you Karan, you've made me realize what Nick would've wanted. I now know that i was just hurting him, and nothing else. I love you Karan, can you forget the past, and acccept me?", she asked in a broken voice. He pulled her in a hug.

"I love you too Maanvi, it's just that... i wish you were a little taller", he giggled, and received a slap at his arms, "Just kidding baby! I love you just like you are, understand?", she nodded excitedly, "Today i shall also make a promise, to Nick", he looked upwards, "I promise you Nick, that i won't ever let Maanvi feel alone, especially in the rains. I'll be a constant reminder to her that the rains are your way of being with her, and that she now has us both, in whatever she has to face", with that, he kissed her forehead, as the stars smiled above them, their happiness increased by the water droplets that fell along.


The End

Written by - Pooja
Edited by krs-ff - 11 years ago
enchanted23 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Let's Enjoy Spring -Piyu,this is truly an awesome story,what I liked about it is you have kept the characters entirely realistic and believable,Sahil just so adorable and sweet ,boy next door character vs Vishal another completely non-assuming closer to reality character,My vote goes to your story hands down...๐Ÿ‘ Edited by enchanted23 - 11 years ago
Incense thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
lovely work piu ...the OS was amazing to start with i loved the name u gave to the protogonist ghazal such a sweet name and then sahil is such a brat person coming in the wedding in rugged jeans and then loved how easily he confessed what he feels..and kudos to ghazal to reciprocate phew she is not damsel in distress...she undestood making her happy .is the best thing to avoid the mess and confusion and yes i m feeling for the other guy but its matter of heart...one lose one win and what to say about the poster its awesome.all n all paisa vasool OS...๐Ÿ‘ 

p.s. i love the choice of actors ...cant be better ๐Ÿ˜‰

My vote goes to OS- Spring
Edited by arti07 - 11 years ago