Antagonists and Protagonists

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Posted: 12 years ago
We all know how since the MAINS exam preparations, Bihari has been sabotaging Krishn's chances at becoming the BDO. He connives with Swati's yet to be in-laws and shows them they can have Krishna as their daughter-in-law. What a proposal he gives!!
Who saves Krishna then ? Vidya, Babloo being the masterminds and executor being our Mighty Pinto. The plan would have failed had it not been for him.

Then this interview-fixing - Bihari has left nothing unturned. We will know when results come out what they will be. I am not sure what will happen.
About the interview being postponed even by few slots, I will give total credit ONLY to our PINTO SINGH. He is the one who clinched the deal for Krishna. I must say both Krishna and Pinto used their presence of mind and they were in together for the Mains interview. This can be understood only by two souls themselves, no chances of a third person entering their space.

So as I was thinking... I felt like thinking about the POSTER and how it will play out, all filmy style for the story until Krishna becomes the BDO or Pinto doesn't end up marrying Pinky.

Let's take Krishna.
Her foremost ANTAGONIST is BIHARI - Pure Evil mind. He will never stop hurting her to the end to the serial, being a blood relative. So far he has been the one to stack up all hurdles for Krishna. He has allies in his wife DIHATI and his daughter PINKY. And recently he won another ally in the form of TUN TUN Singh.
But what is the ANTAGONISM here ? JEALOUS RAGE
Question: Does Krishna even know what her uncle is doing ? So She does not deserve to be the PROTAGONIST. She can just remain as the BACK-DROP...everyone's goal is to have her become BDO. Even the audience in this case is a protagonist against the Bihari and his ally party.
Does Krishna know what Tuntun is doing ? Not much. She just knows that Tuntun framed her father in the DC bribery case. So she has him as her antagonist. But again does she know that Tuntun does not want her to become BDO or she only thinks he was after her father ?
Okay let me promote her to be in the making...

Now let's take Babloo.
His foremost ANTAGONIST is his father TUN TUN Singh. I need not even start on ideolgical differences. The ANTAGONISM here is ideolgical differences masked in non compliance to parental demands.
CLEAR PROTAGONIST and ANTAGONIST - Deserves better screen space.

Coming to Pinto. Until today there was no one. Now Pinto has marked his fatherv TUN TUN Singh as his ANTAGONIST. its still in the making...but lot of potential. Tun Tun blackmails Pinto on his principles of Filial regards. What is the ANTAGONISM here ? DISREGARD from a father for his son's standing in any manner.
CLEAR PROTAGONIST and ANTAGONIST - Deserves better screen space. And this we will see in future track.

Vidyapati Raj: His Antagonist is his poverty and society's thinking that Education does not mean much. Who portrays it ? His wife and his son. This was a battle which he won recently against the two. So drama was finished in one month.

As AngelDark said, if we want an interesting drama ahead we need to build up KRISHNA into being the PROTAGONIST. She needs to know who her opponents are:
She needs to know what Bihari did.
She needs to know how her interview has been fixed by Tuntun.
She needs to start working on having her father freed from the bribery charges.

Her agenda of becoming the BDO and getting her father freed from the bribery charges, if it is successfully achieved without her knowing who was behind that, then there is no drama of a certain calibre, it will be an endless twisted story like a suspense drama that we will have to watch every day.

End Result:
***My poster did not play out as I wanted ***

Edited by shridevigaddam - 12 years ago


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moniluvskinshuk thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago
Very very Beautiful post Shri once again . 👏 . Would just want 2 say tht We surely will see Krishna coming to know abt all those whch u pointed n On Other Side Pintu too  surely gonna come 2 know abt d Truth of TTS .But I feel We have 2 waitt for it , it will not happen so soon . 
Samanalyse thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago
Ok here I have to give my two in defense of Krishna and the story (I feel like I am there spokesperson, but I promise this is just my honest opinion 😆).

I agree that Krishna has not met her true antagonists in their true forms yet, though they lurk around her in disguise constantly. However, she is meeting the sub-antagonists that are instigated by these main antagonists. This is a typical her-quest a la Greek mythology and you never meet your arch nemesis head on right at the beginning! You have to conquer several obstacles, usually put forth by said arch nemesis, before you reach them.

At this point, Krishna is not really the equal of TTS and not ready to face him head on yet. So in her quest she is meeting the smaller obstacles the subsidiary antagonists that will each be a stepping stone to her finally facing her nemesis (TTS) after defeating his right hand man (Bihari). She is slowly gaining strength through her quest and the obstacles she faces along the way, including her sister's marriage (ANGAGONIST: dowry-demanding FIL), her jailed father (ANTAGONIST: corrupt police officer) and her stolen bag (ANTAGONIST: bag thief). In each of these scenarios she learns more and more to be the equal of her rivals and those who take advantage of her weaknesses.

In addition, she is also gathering support through which she can finally reach the main antagonist. So for me the story is building up from Krishna being sheltered and naive to her climbing towards her ultimate confrontation with TTS. For this she will have to rise to being his equal, which she is not yet, neither by the standards of society, nor in her own mind. This will take time, and is what I believe forms the crux of the story.

So Krishna is certainly a clear protagonist and the story is her journey towards becoming a HEROINE. ⭐️
AngeloScuro thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago
Interesting discussion.
@ Sam
The Greek mythology references directly reminded me of Labors of Hercules.

I agree Krishna will not come to know who her real antagonist is that soon.
But as I said she needs to become a protagonist whereby she does things that also jeopardizes her.

It's that she is just there and everything is coming left right and center for her for wanting to become a BDO.

She need to rise to that challenges and put forth some challenges of her own.

Coming back to the point of ultimately reveal of her main antagonist TTS will make her relationships all the more complicated.

We are not yet sure If Pinto will be married to Krishna by that time. Either ways it could lead to many interesting tracks.

I'll leave at that because I don't want to do blind speculation.

@ Shridevi

I agree on these points

She needs to know what Bihari did.

She needs to start working on having her father freed from the bribery charges.

and ultimately come to  know how her interview has been fixed by Tuntun.

But this raises many questions unanswered why is TTS against her?

Why is Bihari against her?

I hope in that their is suspense already why is everyone so set against her becoming a BDO?

As a viewer we also would want to know why it is so?  Why are the antagonist(s) so afraid of her becoming a BDO?

Is it because she will become stronger and challenge their authority and standing in society or is it something else?

I know that is a lot of questions, but that is how I feel right now after watching almost 2 and a half months of this show!

( please forgive for typos coz I had to answer to this very fast as soon as I saw the discussion.)
Edited by AngelDark - 12 years ago
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Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: Samanalyse

At this point, Krishna is not really the equal of TTS and not ready to face him head on yet. So in her quest she is meeting the smaller obstacles the subsidiary antagonists that will each be a stepping stone to her finally facing her nemesis (TTS) after defeating his right hand man (Bihari). She is slowly gaining strength through her quest and the obstacles she faces along the way, including her sister's marriage (ANGAGONIST: dowry-demanding FIL), her jailed father (ANTAGONIST: corrupt police officer) and her stolen bag (ANTAGONIST: bag thief). In each of these scenarios she learns more and more to be the equal of her rivals and those who take advantage of her weaknesses.

Just that when I look at the three antagonists that you suggested, my poster does not have an impact in terms of public memory/recapitulatuion to remember them.
Krishna did not have any dialogue with Swati's FIL.
The police officer came in for two episodes
The thief came in for one episode.

These are just ideas  - and that too not full fledged. The ANTI DOWRY STANCE was not populist in nature, and was not played out for long enough to beat that into my memory. The Satyagrah against the police officer for providing bail to her father...okay its notable. But it was not about anti-corruption, it was about her rightful request to be honoured. Okay let's take him to the poster, but then now he will fall under the supporters list, as he was won over by her determination. And the thief ..stealing is a petty evil present since centuries. Cannot make an antagonism out of it. Everyone accepts stealing is bad.

Subject was Antagonists in terms of a person. That was what the original argument between myself and Angel. I too said, we can have plenty of drama in the form of mental opposition thrown in.  However we agreed that we needed persons who can dramatize antagonism against the protagonists. And while I identified the protagonists in making, I wanted to acknowledge that it won't be a good  poster if Krishna doesn't know her opponents.

Have  you see Na Aana Is Des Laado. In the July to September 2010 period, the poster they had was just awesome. Sia and Ammaji in the centre as two deserving opponents to each other with everyone else sided on each side of the protagonist and antagonist. It was so good with poor Raghav stuck and yet decided between the two on whose side he stands. It was such a high drama in those days 😆
Edited by shridevigaddam - 12 years ago
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Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: AngelDark

Interesting discussion.

But as I said she needs to become a protagonist whereby she does things that also jeopardizes her.

She need to rise to that challenges and put forth some challenges of her own.

But this raises many questions unanswered why is TTS against her?

Why is Bihari against her?

I hope in that their is suspense already why is everyone so set against her becoming a BDO?

As a viewer we also would want to know why it is so?  Why are the antagonist(s) so afraid of her becoming a BDO?

Is it because she will become stronger and challenge their authority and standing in society or is it something else?

I know that is a lot of questions, but that is how I feel right now after watching almost 2 and a half months of this show!

The above lines really matter to me in the sense I "extremely" like them from your post. 😃

Now why Bihari is against her: It is his being caring for his daughter who is just a volcano of JEALOUS RAGE. We got plenty of proof of that now with this suicide drama. He cannot afford to let Krishna become BDO because of his daughter.

As for Tun Tun being against Krishna: I could not make heads and tails so far. It was like creatives ne bas chep diya, him as the negative character for name sake. 😆 He has been unconvincing as the antagonist so far and so made him ally to Bihari who is far more convincing as why he is doing it.

AngeloScuro thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago
Thanks Shridevi

Yes Bhiahri's point of view and actions are understood but does he

have another reason as to why he is set against Krishna being a

BDO. I'm saying this because we are given to think by the CV's that

Bihari does have job but we have never been shown what it is?( Is it

like Chandlers job in Friends series 😆 Nobody is sure what his line

of work is.)

Can I simplify this and say it's like selecting a team when you want to

play football.

You have 20 guys and lets say  A and B are the captains the teams

are protagonists vs antagonists.

So A and B have to choose each individual based on the knowledge

they have of them how good they can be for the team.

But nothing in life is black and white!
A knows what A's strengths are upto some point, B knows some of

A's weakness and strengths
and their is also the unknown of situations whereby A and B don't

know how A or B will react and vice versa.

Krishna needs to know who are with her and who are against her
there by where to go for help in her future challenges with this life she is given in this world.
Edited by AngelDark - 12 years ago
Samanalyse thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Ok I think I understand better what you are saying now. The way they are writing TTS and Bihari is very srtong as far as antagonists go. However, in Krishna's case they are taking the "pro" out of protagonist as we don't see her really acting of her own volition but rather things happening to her and her reacting to them. So far all she has done of her own motivation is to study, as well as the question bank episode where she took the action of getting it. And let's face it, that was ages and ages ago.

So we want more pro-active Krishna rather than reactive Krishna, yes?
0-SD-0 thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: Samanalyse

Ok I think I understand better what you are saying now. The way they are writing TTS and Bihari is very srtong as far as antagonists go. However, in Krishna's case they are taking the "pro" out of protagonist as we don't see her really acting of her own volition but rather things happening to her and her reacting to them. So far all she has done of her own motivation is to study, as well as the question bank episode where she took the action of getting it. And let's face it, that was ages and ages ago.

So we want more pro-active Krishna rather than reactive Krishna, yes?

yes 😊 
who will dry tun tun crazy looking in the eye 😉

Samanalyse thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

I am totally with you on that then. That is to say I have not found anything lacking in Krishna's reactions but I too would like to see her do something. Hopefully this will start happening after she becomes a BDO. The convincing way in which her interview questions were asked and answered (I loved her answer about Bihar with all the historical references!) makes me believe that there is someone on the team who is doing research so I hope the same continues when she is a BDO, hopefully soon now.

Actually it is good that I caught you. Ursh and I were thinking of starting a daily discussion thread about the episode where each of us writes a general overview of our opinion on it, and then we discuss as the spirit moves us. From my experience of doing this on other forums I would say it is nice for just making genreal or specific comments for which you don't feel justified creating a whole new post.

What say? You in? I am thinking of starting from today's episode. 😊