The Gangster's Mistress UPD! Ch 17 & 18 Pg 105&113

JayaBachan thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Welcome welcome welcome! Behold the second thread of my Fan Fiction 'The Gangster's Mistress'. Ooh la la !! I heartily thank my fellow spammers for posting fabulous drool worthy photographs and comments that made me buckle onto the ground howling with laughter. Shame on you humans! Do not upload such photos when I'm fasting. It almost broke. I had to convince myself upon staring at Imran Abbas and Maan that they were my brothers. Hell! I was about to tie a rakhi or something around the screen to emphasize on my pure pure thoughts 🤣.

So did you miss me? Did you? I said Did you!? Alright let me complain a bit. Two days ago at uni, some random guy stood before me and asked whether the fellow humans around me were my boyfriends. Aghast at such a horrifying question, I said no. Then he smiled and said, 'then let me tell you that I think your pretty'. I basically wanted to die in humiliation. I kid you not, I was trying to find a spot in the ground whereby I could bury myself and make company with the tectonic plates. Men these days are so bloody arrogant, cocky and confident! Where the hell did they get it all from!? Point is, I think he did the whole 'buri nazar' thing. Which explains why today I had been lying down perfectly at ease. Only to feel a burning sensation around my eyelid as it grew heavier. I look in the mirror and BAM! Swollen, red, puffy, wrinkly and super sorely infected eyelid says HELLO.

Hence the fact that I wrote a chapter and a long one at that, regardless of my one eyed condition - means that you must write me nice long welcoming comments. So help me god if someone complains about the length of this chapter. I will scream! Oh and I apologize if the story seems a bit slow to you or whatever. I can't rush my stories because it will lose it's essence. So either bear with me or simply read another FF that suits your pace.

I'm going to shut up now! Read my little darlings read! 🤣

P.S. Link to the previous thread:

Press the like button and comment!

Regards Sammy


~ Chapter Index ~

Chapter 12 & 13 - Page 31

Chapter 14 - Page  43

Chapter 15 - Page 55

Chapter 16 - Page 63

Chapter 17 - Page 105

Chapter 18 - Page 112
Edited by _SiinnceMaan_ - 12 years ago


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JayaBachan thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

The Gangster's Mistress

~ Chapter Eleven ~

Blood. The mere mention of the word was enough to evoke a shudder from her, so do imagine her reaction when the actual 'thing' was dripping down his already bloodied forearms. The world began to spin, threatening to topple her over onto the ground in a dead faint. Like a fish trapped by a hook, Geet opened and closed her mouth, unable to conjure up a single syllable. Instead of simply screaming her fear, cry out her anguish and run from this ill mannered maniac. Geet stood her ground - Hah as if. Her 200 year old baa legs returned to it's usual shaking, rocking her back and forth as she felt her knees drooping onto the ground, begging for mercy.

When she had been young and foolish, Geet had fantasized about her dream man. However it was clear enough with her hallucinations, that her mother had fallen onto her stomach whence she was still stuck, bored to death in her mothers womb. There was no other possible explanation as to why she was such a weirdo! Normal little girls would picture their prince charming, riding a horse and acting like the typical gentleman. Alas no amount of doctors nor specialists could prescribe a reason as to why little Geet Handa used to think differently from the common norm. Embarrassingly, Geet had been the only girl crying for Sharukh Khan when he was killed in both movies; Darr and Anjaam. The moment her mother had seen her little daughter sob over the unfairness of Sharukh Khans cruel death, she began to worry, profoundly. Why was sweet little Geet supporting a cold blooded murderer? Why did sweet angelic little Geet hate on the good guys and fall in love with the negative characters? WHY!?

No conclusions were made or justified. She was a freak. Geet mentally advised herself to consult a psychiatrist the moment she was allowed to go home. Wait scratch that. The moment she actually found a place to sleep, eat and grow fat in. There was absolutely no reasoning's that could explain why she was still standing before a cold blooded murderer, feeling the pain of his wounds rather than escaping from such insanity. Feeling the trickle of tears beginning to well within her eyes, Geet desperately tried to blink them away. She had no right to question his morality when it was palpable enough that he was simply acting according to his profession. She knew and had always known that he was a gangster, but why did the notion bother her now? He had shot her, shot at the goons, then why did she attack him mentally and verbally for killing another criminal?

Her way-warding thoughts returned back to the current situation as she horrifically took note of the dripping blood sliding down his forearm. He did not flinch, shudder nor hesitate. Instead his penetrating gaze was fastened upon her, daring her to defy him once again. 'Stop it!' she screamed, paling at the gruesome image before her. Smirking at her response, Maan's hands tightened around the blade drawing out more blood to shed. Unaware of what to do, Geet covered her face with her hands, screaming into her palm. 'Please stop it Maan!' she cried out, begging him to cease his monstrous actions. To her dismay, his ego and arrogance refused to allow him to back down from the opportunity to punish her. Knowing that she had to take the matter into her own hands, Geet's body trembled at the horrendous thought of what he had compelled her to do. 'Dear lord give me the strength' she shouted whilst taking a threatening step towards him. 'I have no mint you son of a bas***d' she insulted, 'so bare with me'. That being said, Geet placed her hand around the nape of his neck and pulled his face down for a kiss.


                                                         * * * * * * *

The first girlish thought that crossed through her mind was the nagging fact that she had forgotten to brush her teeth in preparation for this unexpected kiss. However she placed the entire blame upon Maan of course. Had he not heartlessly kicked her out of his house in the first place; mayhap she would have had the opportunity to rinse out her mouth. And if he had been a tad nicer, she would have had the privilege of chewing on some mint. Alas, he had most definitely pushed her out of his house, caused her to wonder on the streets alone, hence almost leading her to getting raped, mauled and killed by two losers named Bob and Jerry. So in conclusion to her breath story, he deserved all the foul, bile and smelly scent he got.

Good on you Geet, she sarcastically congratulated herself. Not only was she currently experiencing her second kiss with the very same man, she was also quite unaware of how to coax him to respond. Well forgive her for trying to kiss a man (closed mouth) whence there is a blade in between both bodies. It certainly makes the encounter a trifle awkward. Geet had thought that by kissing him, Maan would forget about his suicidal actions and somehow would be distracted by her intoxicating lips. But it felt like she was practicing her kissing abilities with a pillow - there was no bliming response! Her cheeks flamed in shame at the embarrassment of knowing that she did not know how to kiss.

Trying to picture herself as Bipasha Basu in Jism; Geet closed her eyes and cupped his face with her hands, leaning dangerously closer. Their chests touched as she recalled Bipasha and John Abraham's sloppy attempt at French kisses. Unconsciously aware of the blade still gripped in his hands, Geet's endeavor to seduce him into distraction became almost desperate. It was time the s**t within her emerged into surface. Whimpering in humiliation due to her next upcoming move, Geet coaxed Maan's lips to open a bit so she could access his lips more intimately. With a harsh moan, Maan felt her tongue hesitantly touching the tip of his own - causing him to lose all self control.

Dropping the blade carelessly onto the ground, Maan wrapped his arm around her waist and slammed her body roughly towards his own. Taking the lead, Maan attacked her mouth with his fiery kisses, frightening her with it's intensity. Lost in the pleasurable moment, Geet beautified this memory by mentally adding the song 'Jaadu ki naasha hai' into the background.His fingers caressed her back, her cheek, her neck, sending shivering sensations down her spine. Raising herself onto her tiptoes, Geet draped her arms in abandonment around his neck, responding shamelessly to his seducing touch. 'Oh John' she whispered into his mouth, preparing herself to worship his chiseled Dostana abs. She felt him stiffen upon hearing her words.

'John?' he whispered harshly.

Geet's eyes snapped open as she stared frighteningly at Maan's darkened menacing features. Opening her mouth to utter something, Geet squeaked in astonishment as she felt his hand tighten around the back of her neck. 'John?' he repeated again, his eyes blazed in fury. Oh good god he was downright pissed! Biting her lips, Geet tried to think of a reasonable excuse to satisfy his injured ego. Brushing the tendrils of hair away from her face, Geet's fingers encountered something sticky. Confused and completely ignoring Maan's hulk like glares, Geet stared at her fingertips. Blood! Grimacing in pure revulsion, Geet realized that Maan's injured hands had caressed her face whilst they were both immersed in their passionate lip lock.

'Who is John!?' he asked, turning a blind eye to her horrified expression. Geet snapped her head towards him in anger, 'John John John! Is that all you can think about?' she complained, staring at the blood on her fingers. Losing patience with her attitude, Maan gripped her chin roughly and pulled her head up to face him. 'I do not like to repeat myself' he stated coldly, 'this is the last time I am going to ask you Geet. WHO IS JOHN!?' he almost shouted the question. 'HE-IS-MY-DOG!' she snapped back in response.

Blanching and surprised at her answer, Maan took a step back. 'Is it a common habit for you to be imagining your dog whilst kissing someone?' Geet raised her chin in pride, 'I only imagine John when I'm kissing humans that resemble my dog'. BOOYEAH! Geet almost fist pumped the air in triumph with her extraordinary comeback. Seriously! Who the hell writes her brain's dialogues? Those blood cells or brain cells deserved an IIFA award. 'So I assume your lack of experience is due to your failed attempts of practicing your kissing skills on your dog' he retorted with a slight chuckle.

'At least I don't practice my moves on men' Geet replied, laughing at the concept of him being a homosexual Gangster. 'Inhi logon ne,chen chen! Inhi MARDO ne,chen chen! Inhi Mardo Ne leela dupatta mera!' Singing that song was so hilarious, Geet doubled over, picturing Maan in a traditional tawaif outfit, dancing and twirling around in the presence of drunk men. 'GEET!' he shouted, bursting her dream into pieces. Jumping out of her hallucinate session, Geet forgot that she was standing in the presence of a cold blooded murderer. Geet felt her initial anger returning again in remembrance of his evil deed. However, before she could say anything, her eyes rested on his injured hand.

Feeling a wave of sympathy, Geet clutched his hand and examined the open wound. 'The wound needs to be bandaged as soon as possible' she mused aloud in severe concentration. Racking her brain for a quick solution, Geet tried to recall all the past movies and drama's she had watched in her lifetime. What would the beautiful heroines do in such a case? As she contemplated her medical resolutions, Geet reluctantly eyed her pretty dupatta. There was no way in hell she was going to rip that fabulous material for it to be soaked and wrapped in blood. What a waste! Sighing, Geet knelt down and clutched the discarded blade, retrieving it from the ground. She tried to avoid looking at the blood as she grabbed a handful of Maan's shirt. Before he anticipated her next move, Geet tore his shirt apart.

'What are you doing!?' he asked startled. 'Making a bandage for you' she replied innocently as she wrapped his white shirt around his injured palm. 'Please do not think that you actually expected me to tear my dupaata for you?' she asked in disbelief. 'It's your injury, your blood, your own fault, so why should my dupaata suffer?'

Maan's eyes narrowed, 'you are a stingy woman Geet Handa'.

'Indeed I am' she remarked proudly as she finally tied the material firmly in place.

Maan shook his head in concealed amusement; amazed at her lack of shame and self pride. He had never encountered a girl as weird, spontaneous and kind spirited like her before. 'Stay with me' he found himself blurting without reservation. Geet's eyebrows shot up at his command. Clearing his throat, 'I mean until you find a safe place to reside in, it would be best if you stayed within my protection'.

'Why would I need to seek your protection?' she asked in confusion, 'and why the sudden change of heart? Only hours before you were content with kicking me out of your house regardless of my situation'. Maan shook his head, 'that was a different matter Geet. You do not understand how much your life is in danger now' he stated. 'You blurted out that you are my mistress and therefore is associated with me. The gang that is after me will now try to pursue you, thinking that you are my weakness'.

Geet's mouth was rendered dry as the truth dawned onto her. What a stupid foolish mistake she had made! 'B-but how will the leader of your opposing gang find out about everything?' she asked stammering, 'didn't you k-k-kill t-that m-man?'. Maan was about to reply when he suddenly realized the massive blunder he had made. Stiffening in shock, Maan twirled around and ran towards the direction of the dead body. The other injured man was missing. Geet ran after him and also looked down onto the empty ground where her sprayed victim had been lying only moments ago. 'His gone' she whispered in daunting fear.

Maan turned his head towards her and examined her pale features. 'If he survives long enough to report back to his gang. You will officially be known to the world as the Gangsters mistress' he stated, confirming her fears. Her fate was sealed. Looking up at his concerned expression, Geet's lips trembled. The question that was tearing into her insides had to be asked.

She could not longer hide her queries and concerns in the dark. 'Maan' she whimpered in anguish, capturing his attention. 'Do I have to pay rent?'

Please say no, please say no.

Edited by _SiinnceMaan_ - 12 years ago
Posted: 12 years ago
Ur officially back ! Forget about u, do u know how much i missed ur updates!🤣😭
U don't even read ur scraps anymore.. !😔
and the guy who told u, ur pretty is such a phlirt! Must say, love the way he phlirted!☺️
see now go run to him, u don't need Maan Phurana! Do u?
coming to the update..
i looved, i mean absouloutly loved the KISS😳
i mean i started laughing when geet said OHH JOHN ! 🤣 and my sister started staring at me as if im a creature from a different planet!😆
now i know where the title came from😳 so she is becoming a ganster's mistreesss😲
i'm lovin it!😉
LOL! at the worst time, she asks if she has to pay rent!😆
I love the way you write and elaborate things, specially Geet's thoughts and the kisses☺️
they are just worth reading...! i read em again and again!😳
so update sooon and read ur scraps!
Edited by _Jess_ - 12 years ago
Posted: 12 years ago
Congrats the new thread you little fish pie! Yes, I just called you a fish pie =) Well get ready for another post of incessant ramblings the hardly make sense. 

Oh and I didn't miss you. Hahaha. I'm evil like that. I can just imagine a guy asking you out and you sinking to ground LOL (Well technically I imagined Imran Abbas in a female a body (a well waxed one if I may add lmao). I've notcied you have an interest in the Earth's plates. Why? So sad a perve casted a buri nazar on you. I'll kiss your eye better *Faria kisses Sammy's eye* Eww! You eye tastes like infection. And not the nice kind o.o Okay before I start one the chapter, I'd like to give this little gift to you because I'm a lovely little girl. HAHAHAHA. Seriously, here is your real gift

Now that is all over and done with, let's get cracking on the chapter shall we. Well get ready and prepare for the journey of your dreams. What? Where did that come from?

Well what can I say the update was damn hilarious, do I even have to say it again? Sammy you are brilliant. You truly do deserve an IIFA award you little brain cell! (because in the chapter you mentioned the brain cell writes her dialogues o.o) 

The first paragraph, in the very first paragraph you mentioned Baa. Have you ever though about going to a doctor or therapist to help you admit and get over your ever obsession with Kekta kapoor? Even I'm willing to help. See I'm so kind. 

I just realised I'm not a normal kid :( I've never once imagined in my life that a prince will come sweep me off my feet on a white horse. Nope. When I was a kid, I wanted a dark mysterious warlock to come and get me on a broom stick. I was cool like that (mind you, I still am cool haha) But now, I want something else. When I turn 20 I will meet a gay dude in my university who will become my best friend and he will have an arrogant, angry, hot older brother who will fall for my charms 🤣 (Oh and they are rich) 
You may of guessed from my display pictures but I have a peculiar interest in blood and gore. Something about murders, internal organs being chopped to pieces and other dark stuff fascinate me.  As a kid I used to bite people and make'em bleed MWHAHAHA. I even used to like vamps but then these stupid authors turned the deadliest creatures alive (dead?) to sparkly disco balls :|


Why didn't Geet brush her teeth? I swear he kicked her out after she showered o_o Unless she didn't brush whilst in the bathroom. WHY?! Why didn't she just pick up a brush and scrub her teeth. While what's done is done. Can you elebarate on what her breath smelled like? Fish pickle? Fish bunions. Fish pickle with bunions. OK bunions are some abnormal thing with your toe but it sounds funny 🤣

The kiss was hot and all but all I could think about was the bad breath -_-  Did Maan's taste bud's go numb? Or is he just plain desperate LOL 

Oh God I cracked up when she said John was her dog, I guess she was implying the actor but lied? I don't know but it was funny. And boy did Maan get jealous :\ 🤣

Oh and I can just imagine Maan dancing in a traditional outfit dancing 🤣 This is the second time in this story where Geet is imagining him to be dressed as a woman. 

The moment Geet ripped his shirt to use as a bandage, I fell in love with her all over again! Why don't these stupid heroines have her logic; His blood so why should they ruin their own duppatta. Sammy you are too good, you deserve a big pappi and a bigger jhappi for that!

And ooh la la, the Gangster is falling for the lil' lady, he wants her in his house 😳

I just love how Geet's mind works 'Do I have to pay the rent' that would be the last thing on anybodies mind in the circumstance she's in. I'd crack up if he says yes. He should tell her to be his personal assistant to make up for the rent 😳

A brilliant chapter as always Sam it made me get goose bums,
Hate you loads, 

P.S I'll let you be my mistress if you keep up these long updates 😉
P.P.S Take care of your eye! See I am considerate at times. 
Edited by Boogleton.Schiz - 12 years ago
keenu_kk thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
ossum part dear
i know he ll say no for her
hope that ll be his answer dear
allibr thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
😊congrats for the new thread😊
👏awesome part👏
loved it❤️
continue soon😍
-afsha- thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
U really deserve an IIFA award as u write Geet's lines😆😆😆😆
Man while kissing she was thnking of her braeth
John is her dog n kya kya
Now achanak se she is reminded of rent
Maan paka got a ful tym entertainment for himself
RishbalaAsyaMG thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
Pay rent omg that was hilarious and comparing Maan to a dog loool I could not stop laughing
And stingy with thE dupatta between u and I...I would do the same I love my scarves n dupata I would do exactly what Geet did

But wonderful update lol my dads been wondering why I'm laughing n half smiling lol

X x z
bhanu_rekhag thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
congrats 4 new thread
-BlushaLicious- thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Congrts for da new thread =D
Aweessoomme update :D
Wat a kiss :)
I thought maan will burst any moment :P john John JOHN nd den bbbooommm:P
Update sooon :)