A very serious question crossing the limits - Page 6


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Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: bheegi

I haven't read all the replies, but here is my view on your question.

I think it depends on the two people involved in the relationship, whether it's a marriage or a love relationship. As long as the two people are happy and not guilty or regretful about what step they take, it should be okay whether the society approves of it or not. The moment one party is guilty or unhappy with the step they are about to take, it is not legitimate.

I know Ridz well and she will NEVER cross her limits as long as she has the tag of marriage attached to her. In other words, she will never commit infidelity even if she is not committed to her husband by heart or soul yet.Similarly, Armaan would never do that because he knows Ridz well.

The day, AR take the plunge willingly, without any guilt attached to it, then it will be legit. It's not a question of pure or impure love, it's a question of two mutually consenting adults who know exactly what they are doing and ARE comfortable with their decision.


A very twisted way of presenting an answer, indeed.


1) I fail to realize how it's okay to commit infidelity if you are 'happy' with it, and are already in a sacred bond or a contract depending on how ever you want to view it. Trust or the contract is breached no matter what, and that possibly no where can be okay. Riddhima and Armaan may be satisfied with their act later on as well, but that doesn't make their act legitimate or one party doesn't necessarily have to feel guilty to make the wrong, a wrong.


2) I give Riddhima the benefit of the doubt here, but Armaan is making advances at her or at least that's how I see it so I don't bother to give him the benefit of doubt. He is aware of it all, yet is fancying a married woman - It'd be still ok for him to fancy her because she's in a broken relationship at the moment and was his love once, but above all there should be control on one's nerves and desires which he's in no mood of doing. In many cases, such distasteful acts only happen when one is provoked and Armaan time and time is taking advantage of that and is attempting to rekindle the old flame back.


3) Willingly or unwillingly, the act will be known as infidelity and they will be known for committing adultery because their intentions were impure. Love can be pure, but if the intentions related to it are low, then the act is not justifiable.


-- So to the regards of the topic and many refuting here, a sentiment shouldn't be labeled because it's subjective, but your intentions and actions regarding it definitely can be. So maybe A-R and their love is right, but the moment they indulge in such an act due to their polluted intention, consequences follow.


-- On to the topic itself - Love is love, but if we get into the discussion of incest, homosexuality, or animal loving, then I am not to judge how right or wrong it is. The love or the subjective emotion still involved there may be justifiable but then the society has imposed certain rules and forunately or unfortunately (however you want to see it) some acts are considered social taboo. Again even the intentions may be harmless in such cases, but the consequences that may follow later on may be not...erm...medically speaking maybe? Certain lines when crossed will always be condemned because we are a part of society with man made laws where anarchy doesn't prevail.  Now many may be in favor of anarchy here just so that A-R are able to unite and have children happily, but that's another debate we should carry on in the Debate Mansion. In my view anarchy is simply death and destruction and if it were to work, then we wouldn't have government withstanding for so long.

-- Lol, Riddhima better be cursing the man made hilarious mud pool when she sights Siddhanth and wish for it to be rather quick sand. No matter how right or wrong you may be, it's just humiliating to get caught by your husband in another man's arm while showing no signs of hesitancy.
-- If A-R are to be happy with their act which makes it legit () according to many, then I expect Siddhanth to recieve a huge sum of alimony money by the court. 🤔
Edited by zainab25 - 14 years ago
maggie131984 thumbnail
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Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: _angel_

creative seen a man on top of another man's wife is so wrong and it's absolutely disgusting, whatever message u all trying to send out to us younger generation is wrong because we all....pause.....well must of us here know that a married woman and her Ex on top of each other is so disgusting and unthinkable thing to see and watch.

well not that I am watching it anyway but reading it disgust me.

the pic in the profile shows u might be following the vampire movie. In the next coming film"Eclipse", there is a very well known fact: Bella loves Jacob and Edward, but her love for Edward is stronger than Jacob. This part talks abt choice. Jacob helped Bella once Edward left her. he became her support system, but who do we see in the end? Because Bella follows what her heart says.. if she used her mind, she would have chosen jacob with wom she doesnt have to convert to a vampire and who saved her from the other dangerous vampire.

here can she say edward u left me, so i am not going to go with u..?? yes bella is not married, but she has to choose and she chooses by heart as love happens through heart and nor mind. if u love by mind, its a calculative love
Cookies01 thumbnail
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Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: maggie131984

the pic in the profile shows u might be following the vampire movie. In the next coming film"Eclipse", there is a very well known fact: Bella loves Jacob and Edward, but her love for Edward is stronger than Jacob. This part talks abt choice. Jacob helped Bella once Edward left her. he became her support system, but who do we see in the end? Because Bella follows what her heart says.. if she used her mind, she would have chosen jacob with wom she doesnt have to convert to a vampire and who saved her from the other dangerous vampire.

here can she say edward u left me, so i am not going to go with u..?? yes bella is not married, but she has to choose and she chooses by heart as love happens through heart and nor mind. if u love by mind, its a calculative love

Angel didn't say anything about choice. Read her post again and she only expressed her disgust at the CV's for showing a married woman and her ex together in what she considers a disgusting scenario.

You are talking about choice. And I agree with you that Riddhima has the right to choose between her husband and ex. However, I THINK (strictly my interpretation) that most people are upset at the CVs for showing what is deemed to be inappropriate proximity between two former lovers when one of them is married.   

Personally, I think it's nothing more than a way to please AR fans, create more misunderstandings between Sid n Riddhima, and fuel chaos, confusion, and frustration on the forum, as if there isn't enough already.

I'm pretty sure nothing more happened than that Riddhima sprained her ankle or something and Armaan carries her back to the orphanage. Boo-hoo  *rolls eyes* 😆


Cookies01 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: bheegi

I haven't read all the replies, but here is my view on your question.

I think it depends on the two people involved in the relationship, whether it's a marriage or a love relationship. As long as the two people are happy and not guilty or regretful about what step they take, it should be okay whether the society approves of it or not. The moment one party is guilty or unhappy with the step they are about to take, it is not legitimate.

I know Ridz well and she will NEVER cross her limits as long as she has the tag of marriage attached to her. In other words, she will never commit infidelity even if she is not committed to her husband by heart or soul yet.Similarly, Armaan would never do that because he knows Ridz well.

The day, AR take the plunge willingly, without any guilt attached to it, then it will be legit. It's not a question of pure or impure love, it's a question of two mutually consenting adults who know exactly what they are doing and ARE comfortable with their decision.

Two wrongs don't make a right. I prefer whatever AR want to do, they do after the divorce. If you're ok with infidelity, it speaks volumes about your character.


.Angel thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: maggie131984

the pic in the profile shows u might be following the vampire movie. In the next coming film"Eclipse", there is a very well known fact: Bella loves Jacob and Edward, but her love for Edward is stronger than Jacob. This part talks abt choice. Jacob helped Bella once Edward left her. he became her support system, but who do we see in the end? Because Bella follows what her heart says.. if she used her mind, she would have chosen jacob with wom she doesnt have to convert to a vampire and who saved her from the other dangerous vampire.

here can she say edward u left me, so i am not going to go with u..?? yes bella is not married, but she has to choose and she chooses by heart as love happens through heart and nor mind. if u love by mind, its a calculative love

please do not quote me if u do not understands what I am saying or talking abt because I hate fighting with ppl, that's why u hardly see my post around but now that u have quoted me I'm gonna answer u back and that is  to say that  I feel exactly for the person whom u think is the next Jacob Black just abt  the same way I felt for Jacob while reading the books and still feeling watching the Saga and those feeling that I have for both of dem is nothing but disgust, they both disgust me.

in fact Jacob Black is way better than the one u are stalking my profile for anyday because even tho he kept hoping for her Bella to come back to him in the books he still kept his distance from her and only come running to her when she is in danger and don't even get me started on how poll apart the difference between Bella and Riddhima is because I don't see anyone creating an army of vampires for to kill Riddhima for an Ex to be running after her knowing that she is married now. 
---ayesha--- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
I personally feel that majority of people who are chanting abt AR's "true love" and "pure love"  and demanding for a love making scene are hormone driven teenagers who don't know the meaning of love and marraige in the first place.I can't believe that people are supporting adultry and finding the scenes between them hot and sizzling.I have nothing against AR and they can show as many romantic scenes they want but atleast get SR divorced first.The way some people are rooting for romantic AR scenes is very suprising and kind of upsetting too.Its a indian show after all and in some way it reflects indian culture.So I don't think they should promote adultry(I would have said this even if a married guy was romancing another woman) and people shouldnot support these kinds of things.I am just saying that if they want to show AR as a couple they should atleast get AR divorced.No offense to anyone.
Posted: 14 years ago
I dont know what pure love is ...but the love they are showing falling on each other is defo not PURE love.
Ex-lover and a married woman , i dont know ??????? if the LOVE IS SOO PURE then I suggest the lady in question should tell her husband she want 2 go to her ex. I dont think the husband is stopping her?????? This show is run on nos.,  petitions............polls anything but LOGIC!!!!!!!!

first off, the human mind is a strange place and you never know the course it might take....Riddhima is fresh from her seperation with Armaan and her married with Sid, and hence at THIS juncture, it is impossible to say that she has forgotten Armaan and his love completely. No, rather at this juncture she is battling her way thorugh the conflicting emotions of her love for Armaan and her nascent affections for Sid.
so at this juncture, im not surprised that she gets feelings when she is with BOTH...and , if you understand the psychological circumstances here, then there is NOTHING wrong with it.
coming to the mud-lifting scene, Riddhima did not trip in the mud herseelf, and nor did she ask Armaan to fall on her. and even if she got lost in his eyes for a moment, it is out of impulse. you have to remember that Armaan was her die-hard lover who she has been seperated for only two months or less....so here you cannot blame her for being HUMAN...and neither is she "immoral" or "disgusting" since she did not do anything PURPOSEFULLY......i dont get why people are being blind to this.
thats all about my beleif. Thank you.😊
ka7eela thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: maggie131984

the pic in the profile shows u might be following the vampire movie. In the next coming film"Eclipse", there is a very well known fact: Bella loves Jacob and Edward, but her love for Edward is stronger than Jacob. This part talks abt choice. Jacob helped Bella once Edward left her. he became her support system, but who do we see in the end? Because Bella follows what her heart says.. if she used her mind, she would have chosen jacob with wom she doesnt have to convert to a vampire and who saved her from the other dangerous vampire.

here can she say edward u left me, so i am not going to go with u..?? yes bella is not married, but she has to choose and she chooses by heart as love happens through heart and nor mind. if u love by mind, its a calculative love

so now you using some other fictional characters to justify DMG nonsense characters acts!..hmm very interesting!..but hey in twilight saga Bella is still a teenager not a grown up MD like Rids!! and Bella didn't marry Jakob! did she?..Nor Arman is irresistible vampire!..what i am saying you cant compare between totally different characters!..

but you seem you missing the whole point!.. if she wants to be with Arman fine!!..then she shouldn't be romancing with him while she is still married to Sid period!..she should be single first then she can be with Arman or Babu or whomever she wants to..but to behave in this shameful manner while she is till married is unacceptable!!
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: ka7eela

so now you using some other fictional characters to justify DMG nonsense characters acts!..hmm very interesting!..but hey in twilight saga Bella is still a teenager not a grown up MD like Rids!! and Bella didn't marry Jakob! did she?..Nor Arman is irresistible vampire!..what i am saying you cant compare between totally different characters!..

but you seem you missing the whole point!.. if she wants to be with Arman fine!!..then she shouldn't be romancing with him while she is still married to Sid period!..she should be single first then she can be with Arman or Babu or whomever she wants to..but to behave in this shameful manner while she is till married is unacceptable!!

@ how people made the comparison between Twilight and DMG 🤣🤣. I think Kaheela summed it up for you guys how totally different the characters are and not to mention one is based on supernatural events in the world of vampires and the other has to do with hospital and doctor's love stories. Totally agree with you there Kaheela. 👏
Nadz_YuNalover thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Nice topic, i dnt check most of the topics on the forum as tehya re always too depressing or jst bashing and bashing but i agree with you.

Im a AR fan and i reli want them to end up but i wud never want them to make love or anything while she is married etc it wud seem too cheap, hope soon the CVs make there decision and end this triangle, they've ruined all teh characters on the show, there sowing sid getting angry again when he was teh one who told her to go now he wants her back, what are they thinking?? they shud jst make one decision so we ahve a peaceful forum and a decent show to watch but there mixing everything up so much urgghh im hating DMG to the core...

Actually now i dnt even care who gets teh girl, jst get over and done with it!!!! lol

nice topic, i think pure love cant be described and PURE means PURE so no making love or tooo intimate scenes before marriage, pure love is by heart not by bodies, they dnt have to meet to love eachother, its visisble in there eyes when they stare at eachother and get lost, its in there heart which is why they cant be apart even if there far away, thats pure love and i gus AR describe that! sumhow!

hope i didnt hurt anyone lol!
Edited by nadz_J - 14 years ago