Dec28-Jan 1 - updates on 1st pg w/ discussion

atina thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago

Monday,December 28th, Episode 147

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As Senthil and Mugunthan discussing about auto carrying her stops in front of the house. S & M are shocked to see her getting out of that auto. Gayu walks slowly towards them, stops and stares at them and then she moves inside.
Everyone welcomes here and Gayu asks AZ," maama nalla irukareengala" then she turns to Ranjani and tells," Anni I bought a new dress for your baby...indaanga"
Seeing all this from far Senthil and Mugunthan gets worried. AZ tells," amma Gayatri soon get back to krishnana and give us a pethi for our peran" Ranjani smiles and tells that soon it will happen. Gayu tells Ranjani that she wants to talk to her in private. Ranjani takes her to her room. Seeing this S & M gets so scared.
Gayu tells," I am so anni....for making you get scoldings from athai...Just  because I wanted to see your baby ...all that happened...In fact I wanted to fight with you...but after seeing this baby's  ind I changed mind......I came to know about that motta kadudaasi that it was written by Muvgunthan and not by my husband....then why didnt you tell me this before anni....?"
Ranjani replies," inga pparu Gayatri...there will be ups and downs in a family....if we find anything wrong with the men in the family we have to handle that carefully amma...if we act wisely we can change them slowly"
Gayu tells that she would like to talk to CHitra too. Ranjani comes out and notices S & M are standing there anxiously...she simply stares at them and then goes to Chitra and tells her to go to her room as Gayu wants to talk to her.
Chitra goes inside and again S & M get tensed. Senthil tells Mugunthan," Maapilleh...iva sollaama poga maatah...pesaameh oodi poidunga"😛😃 Gayu and Chitra are talking ( mute dialogue) while S & M stand out and muzhichify.....In between Gayu and CHitra morachufy S & M too. Gayu comes out and stares at Mugunthan while Mugunthan gets so nervous.
As soon Gayu leaves from there Mugunthan goes inside and calls Chitra. Chitra is very angry and turns to him and asks," hyow many times I should tell you? you will never change...and I never thought you will be this selfish...and I am sure you will never change in this jenmam" Telling this she storms out.
Gayu is in her room. She calls Mugunthan's cell
look here I do not like to talk to you at all 
 sari then keep the phone
sari  sollu what is the matter? what did you tell yesterday to chitra?
After my visit there I guess you are so worried?
Gayatri do not play with my life
You played with my life and made our lives so miserable like this
ayo Gayatri look here..I did all that because of my love for chitra
in the name of my love for Krishna...I am planning to take revenge on you
ayo gayatri do not play like this...if at all Chitra leaves me and go..I will not be able to live anymore ...SETHU POIDUVEN
after the separation from Krishna I am dying every single day again and again...where can I go and tell this?
why are you torturing me like this? then I will become a beast...I tell you
If you are a manushan you would not have written that letter...right now I am going to meet your wife and I am going to tell her the truth which I did not tell her yesterday....
Gayatri smiles and cuts the line
 Mugunthan rushes home and finds Chitra who is busy folding some washed clothes. He tells her in a hurry," CHitra get ready...kelambu....we are going out" Chitra asks where...Mugs tells," ayo....we are going to the beach...park...cinema...podumaa...kelambu seekiram" Chitra changes and come and tells that athai will come back soon but Mugs insists that they have to leave right away and they can lock the house and give the keys to the neighbour. As he locks the door he asks CHitra," why did you talk to like that yesterday Chitra?" Chitra replies," Oh aduvaa....pinneh enna...after so long Gayatri had come to our house and you never even bothered to talk to her a few wordfs...that is why I screamed at you like that"
Chitra and Mugs are in a temple and Mugs tells," Chitra I discussed with a josiyar and he told  that we both have to come to this temple and do some prayers..and that too immiately we have to do....he told..that is why I took you in a hurry like this"
At this point Mug's cell phone rings and he takes it and tells wrong number and cuts the line...since the call is from Gayu. After a couple of seconds again his cell rings and Mugs refuses to take but Chitra forces him to take that call.
Mugs asks<' what so you want now?" From the other end Gayu makes fun of him and Mug gets furious and shouts,"ayo we are outside the house Gayatri" Hearing gayu's name Chitra grabs the phone and they start talking," Gayatri sollu...we have come to a temple in Sethpat....why dont you come home in the evening Gayatri.....mmmm it? Inda maadiri drohi ye ellam summaaveh vida koodaathu Gayatri"
Hearing these wrods Mug feels like someone slapped on his face.

Tuesday,December 29th, Episode 148  

Chitra and Mugs are in the temple. Gayu and Chitra's phone conversation continues. As Chitra says," appadiyaa...inda maathi droham seiyaravangalai ellam summa vida koodaathu" Hearing this Mugs gets panic.
Finally the muted conversation gets over and Chitra ends the call after inviting Gayu to come to the house in the evening.
Mugs worriedly asks Chitra about their conversation and Chitra says," Oh aduvaa...she was telling some thing about some other family...she is coming to see me to our house to see me" Immeidately Mugs asks," did you tell her not to come...?? I mean I am planning to take you out to restaurant, beach and then a cinema too.....that is why.." Chitra replies,"what is wrong with you...ava varaanga..then how can we go to cinema...?"
 Mugs says that they are going to cinema and Gayu no need to visit them that day.
In Krish's new house ( rented) everyone seems to be very happy and busy. Gowri is in the kitchen paal kachaling going on. Kanakku Pillai ( KP) and Parvathy are in the hall. Krish and Devi are in the pooja room getting ready for the poojas.
After the prayers..Krishna brings Aarthi to every rooms and even outside....and then he gives prasaadam to every one. Meanwhile Gowri pours milk in the glasses and come out and they all pray.
KP tells that the house looks so mangala garam and Krish will defenitely reach all his goals. Parvathy tells," ofcourse ..I am determined to see Krish reaches top levels in his life...I want to see that before I die" Kp tells that with her blessings defenitely Krish get everything inlife.
Kp takes leave and Krish tells him to have lunch as it is going to be very special that day. KP tells that he is starting his new job as a KP in a hardware he would like to go there and then he will come during lunch hour. Krish tells that it is wrong on his part leaving the rice mill as AZ appa will be struggling all alone. Hearing this Kp tells," ada neenga onnunga thambi.....nowadays in that rice mill Senthil's rajyam is going Senthil & Mugunthan stopped AZ aya fromgoing to the mill....and even that rice smuggler Rajendran who was chased my our AM aya also has stepped into the is difficult to save that rice mill from them anymore thambi"
Krish is shocked to hear this and he worriedly takes his cell phone ans satrts calling tell him about this Rajendran. But Parvathy stops him," dei....what are you doing now? you have nothing to do with that rice mill anymore...just concentrate on your work and focus on the marriages of your two sisters..ok?" Kirsh agrees with her and keeps the phone in his pocket.
It is night usual Senthil is enjoying his drinks sitting in the terrace ..singing a song.
"kaasethaan kadavulappa...
anda Kadavulukkum ithu therum appaa"
Mugs comes there and Senthil tells him that he is very happy while Mugs replies to him that he is not happy and he is very tensed due to Gayu. He starts telling about Gayu's tortures to him. Finally he tells," avaloda torture thaanga mudiayllai maama...please give me some idea" Senthils blabbers," maapileh...your situation has become like a government officer who was kidnapped by the go and sleep I will come up with some idea tomorrow morning"
Ranjani is sitting with her baby and AZ comes there and konjifies his peran. Ranjani tells that she wants to discuss something with him. She tells, " appa..I want to have per sootum function for my son soon...and I want to keep AnnaMalai appa's name for him...and the function should be conducted in a temple only"
But Az and Visalam suggests that it is better to have the function in the house as they have such a big house. At this point Senthil comes and joins them. He refuses first with the whole idea and then he agrees to it.
Ranjani tells," I want to have this in a temple because I want to invite Parvathy amma and the whole family...if we have it here they will not come" Senthil again tells that Parvathy will come and curse usual ....and Visalama also tells that Parvathy is still angry with them. But some how Ranjani is able to convince them.
Ranjani comes to krish's house with her baby and as usual she is not welcomed by parvathy who starts screaming seeing her. Krish, Devim and Gowri come out hearing this noise. Krish asks his mom not to talk to akka like that. Ranjani asks," why amma when  ever i come here you are thowing fire on me?" Parvathy replies,"aamaandi my hatredness comes out as fire...I asked you not to come here then are you here?"
Ranjani cries so bitterly and tells," amma..ok you can hate me nbut what has this baby done to you amma? you know very well that I tried my best to kill this baby even before he was born...but because of you and appa only I was forced to stop all and delivered this baby...ammma...this baby is appa...ammma appa has come and bron as this baby amma...this is appa's uyir...if you ignore him it is like disrespecting appa....
If you think this baby is the reason for appa's death..then you have to blamme that GOD and not me......if you think so much is caused by Mugunthan...then you have to punish him and not I did not do any thing at all...then why are treating me like this amma? Please think one more time amma"
Parvathy replies," I have nothing to think about it in this matter..please go away from here" Ranjani gets so sad and cries and tells," amma...if you do not want this baby then I do not want him he is...I am leaving him here at your feet...if you think he is the sole reason for every thing then you kill him with your hands or do whatever you want to do....I was bron of Visalam Amma but I was seeing you only as my mother...mind it" telling this Ranjani cries and runs out.
Every one including Parvathy stands tongue tied.....

Wednesday,December 30th, Episode 149  

Credits to
Ranjani leaves her baby on the floor at Parvathy's feet and tells," If you think this baby is the cause of all of sorrows then kill him or do whatever you want...I do not need that baby" She storms out leaving others stunned. Krish runs behind her and stops her and tels," Akka...what is this can you leave that baby just like he a toy or something?"
 Ranjani is still sad and tells," You do not know krishna...amma is thinking that my baby is the sole reason for appa's death so ler her do whatever she feels likes with my baby....but one thing I am telling you Krishna...AM appa's soul and aathma are within that try and make amma understand this fact please" She starts walking away from him while Krish stands there and watches her going worriedly.
 Ranjani reaches home and Visalam asks her about the baby. Senthil and AZ are also there. Ranjani tells that she left her baby with parvathy amma. Hearing this AZ felt happy and tells," ada...ivlothaana vizhayam...we were worried thinking some thing is ok...that mean Akka's anger has gone? after seeing your baby's face she changed her mind?" Visalam asks," since they are ok with have left your baby there? how dare you are to do such a thing? "
Ranjani replies," No they are still not ok with me...she is still angry with she thinks my baby is the reason for all these mishappenings in the I told her whatever she wants to do with my baby...let her do...and more over..for me Parvathy amma is more important  than my own baby" Senthil comes to her and screams and he was  about to hit her. AZ and Visalam stop him. Ranjani tells," I have not left my baby in that temple where my Parvathy amma you all do not worry about my baby" AZ supports her and tells," mapilleh ...Ranjani has done this with a good intention only...please do not scold her"
But Senthil still screams at Ranjani and tells AZ," what is this are supporting her like this...? yei...vaadi let us go and bring back my baby...if anything happens to him then I will not be a manushan...." He drags Ranjani along and starts walking towards the door while AZ and Visalam watch them worriedly.
 In Krish house...the baby is crying ..non stop. everyone feels bad and Parvathy gets worried too. Suddenly Parvathy goes to the baby and carries him. Seeing this Krish, Gwri and Devi become so happy. Parvathy starts konjifying the baby and tells," Devi and Gowri go and bring some milk...he must be very hungry...Krishna you go to our neighbour and get a paal sangu da..."
 Parvathy feed him some milk and she happily konjifying the baby.Just then Senthil and Ranjani reach there. Ranjani is so happy to see this.
 But Senthil becomes very angry. He shouts," what is happening here? said Parvathy athai was angry but right now what I see is...she is konjifying your baby...? " Parvathy replies," if she leaves her abby you think we are not human beings not to feed the baby some milk?..more over who asked you to come here...?"
 Senthil tells," oh....theriyudhu...theriyudu...Ranjani will pretend leaving the baby here...and you will pretend that you take care of the baby.....why all this drama? this is all to make more confussion in our family right?" Hearing this Parvathy becomes furious and tells,"kutharkammaa pesarathum...making confussion in the family...are your tricks...not have made Mugunthan to take away all our properties and you...even stole our last resource of our advance money....and talking like this here? better leave from here"
 Krish also politely asks him to leave . Ranjani screams at him and tells," you better stop talking like this......for me my baby is not important...only parvathy amma is better leave from here." Hearing this Parvathy becomes very emotional.....finally Senthil screams at his wife and leaves.
 Krish, Gowri and Devi are konjifying the baby   while Ranjani happily watches this scene while Parvathy comes to Ranjani and gives a cup of coffee to her and tells," amma Ranjani....have this coffee and leave with your baby...your husband might go and tell wrong things to your parents......" Ranjani aks ...." amma after so long today only I am so happy and you all are asking me to leave like this..." But Krish also makes her understand and takes Ranjani out.
 Senthil comes home and tells AZ and Visalam and tells," what Ranjani thought...has happened...already...when I went there...athai was konjifying ny baby..." AZ happily tells," oh...that means akka has changed her mind right?"
 Senthil replies," ayo mamaa...all that are drama...Parvathy athai went out from here on her own....telling AM mamaa;s name...but now she is making up all this drama just to separate us one by one from our family"
Hearing this Visalam becomes shocked.

Thursday,December 31st, Episode 150 

Senthil keeps adding hatredness into Visalam and Az's mind by telling all kinds of nonsense about Parvathy's behaviour when he went there with Ranjani to take the baby back. He keeps telling that the ultimate plan for Parvathy is to separate the family members one after another.He tells that he talked to Parvathy very politely but he was only insulted by her. Ranjani gives so much importance to Parvathy amma and not to you all.
 Mugs come out of his room and joins the conversation. He scolds his parents for giving this much of freedom to Ranjani and not stopping her from doing all this. AZ supports Ranjani and talks," Ranjani paasathukku kattupattavadaa....this adikaaram and merattal and all can never stop her paasam daa" Visalam tells," Parvathy akka has no right to scream at our maapillai"
 enthil adds on," all this because of my wife only....she will start living with them in that house only and she may not ever return to our all. Hearing this Visalam gets worried. At this point an auto stops in front of the house. They all walk to the door to see who is coming. Krish and Ranjani get out of that auto. Senthil sarcastically talks," vaanga pondaatee....I thought you will never come back here...for you that Parvathy ammal is more important then your own husband right?" Krish politely tells," maama...what did was wrong and she is here to ask sorry to you maama"
Senthil starts again," oh...ithukku peruthaan...pullaiyum killi vittu thotilaiyum aa mother talked too much to me...and now how dare you are to tell like this?"  AZ interepts and tells," mapillai...please be careful when you talk...we will get respect from others from the way we talk only"
 Krish tells," Maama please leave this matter with have also talked in a harsh manner to amma and told that she is putting up drama etc...and what Ranjani akka did was also she was too emotional...and amma also should not have talked like that...maama please pardon me if at all I told anything wrong " Senthil is still angry and screams and Reanjani stops him by telling," podum ...just stop there...I have brought back my baby right? what else you want now?...what....? unga vayiru yeriyuthaa...ok..then go and jump into some kulam or not make me tell some more by irritating me ok?"
 Vislam once more tells that it was so wrong to insult their maapillai and Mugs starts his lecture," Ranjani dfo not talk in this way to hurt others feelings.....periyamma should advise you and guide you but instead she did the opposite...this is not good" Ranjani screams at Mugs," dei nee pesaadadaa....I am elder than you with more experience in life too...yes..for me Parvathy amma is more important than anyone else in this family..mind it" All this is being watched by Chitra from inside and she calls Ranjani," Anni..please come inside and continue your talks"
 Krish tells her to go inside and Az also tells her to go in. FInally the whole crowd moves in leaving very emotional AZ and Krish there. AZ tells krish," have so much porumai like annaa...nee nalla is a big deal that anni accepted you go appa...everything will be alright soon" AZ stands there at stares at Krishna as he leaves from there.
 Gayu calls Ranjani and talks. Ranjani tells," Gayu thank you so much for giving me the idea of leaving my baby with Parvathy amma.....and it worked..amma has accepted me and husband was jumping up and down but it doesnt matter to me...right now he is sitting in the terrace and taking his drinks" Gayu fells very happy that Ranjani is accepted by her athai.
 Ranjani goes to terrace to call Senthil for dinner. Senthil starts screaming at her and tells the same thing...again and again.." my baby...why did you leave him with her...ore avamaanam..I do not want dinner...let me die drinking like this" Ranjani gets furious and walks away from him. Chitra notices all this and she goes to Senthil to the terrace.
 Chitra tells Senthil," anneh..after all anni left your baby with athai only know...? why are you complaining so much for this anna? how happy she would be to take and konjify this baby...I am sure soon we all will start living together again....ok now you come with me for dinner" She takes him down to the dinning table and then she goes to ranjani and tells," anni please come to the dinning room...anna is waiting for you"
 Ranjani goes to the dinning table and starts serving food for Senthil while Senthil makes a big fuss for that. Chitra tells not to fight and she asks Ranjani to sit andshe starts serrving food for them. Senthil  turs back and sits with an idiotic expression on his face...and Ranjani shows her kadu kadu face. Seeing this Chitra has a good laugh.
 Chitra is in her room folding some clothes. Mugs comes there and ask whether she need any help. Chitra says to fold the clothes then. He vazhinjufies and tells," Chitra everything ok...but one thing is bothering please stop being very close with this Gayatri...she is very see that day she called when we are in the temple asking too many questions....?I do not like it actually...she is not a nice person" Chitra tells," I don't think about Gayatri that way"
 Mugs again tells," no she is not a nice please keep away from her Chitra" Suddenly they hear someone clapping hands...and it is Gayu.

Edited by aisha_muka1984 - 14 years ago


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Meena.IF thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago

Thanks Atina ma for the kalakkal updates for a kalakkal episode....

Gayu semmaya meratura.. But don't do the same thing again and again.. Then it will become puli varudhu kadai.. Also, u should not let this out as this is the only hold now...  And talk to chitra and Ranjani and make them talk to their respective hubby darlings.. Atleast Mugs keep away from Senthil and change a bit... Senthil has no sign of changing...
amara_50 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
@ atina
Enna intha vaaram muzhuvathum neengalthaan update pannap poagireergalaa?  Matravargalukkellaam ennavaayitru?  Roja roja ridela aeri oor sutra poayvittaargalaa?
Rojaavukku ethiraa oru katchi aarambikkap poagiren.  Kolgai Parappuch  Cheyalaalar  padhavi gaaliyaay irukkiradhu.  Varugireergalaa? 
Meena.IF thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
@Amarasigamani sir,
Oru nalla vishaythuku katchi arambichu nalla kolgaiyai parapunga.. Naanum varen... Roja akkavum varuvanga... Kolgaiya super a parapuvanga... 
rojapoooo thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
thanks Atina - well must be a fun episode - wanted to watch
but had to go out !!! Meenu, u are right - puli varathu story aa
aagitta kashtam. Ranji, super advice ma - aana enge, namma
Gayu "dhaam dhoom kudiyal" specialist - reaction first, analysis
next than avanga dogma !!!
newt2007 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 years ago
thanks atina.
Gaya is the correct person to give Mugundan tension.
waitnig for more fights between Gaya and Mugu.
amara_50 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
@ Arjun_Meena
Naan aen antha "ORUVARAI" mattum vambukku izhuththuk konde irukkiren?
Veettil oru kuzhanthai irundhaal athai seendip paarppathil oru chinna santhosham.  Athu bathilukku sinunguvathum sellamaay kobiththuk kolvathum en aathmaavai varudum.
Kannile enna undu kangalaa ariyum
kallile earam undu kangaldhaan ariyum
enmanam ennavenru ennaiyanri
yaarukkuth theriyum.
rojapoooo thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
007, ippO puriyuthu -

Katchi yellam namakkethukku??
Kaalathin kaigalil athu irukku 😉
EnnamO thittam irukkaa???
Meena.IF thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Oh apadiya pogudhu sangadhi,, Nan vera madhiri ila nenachen...
Rendu kozhandainga veetal irundha, adhunga rendayum chellama sanda poda seendi vittu, in roja akka's slang, kombu seevitu, adhunga sanda podradha vedika paatuh rasikaradhu nu nenachen...
Rendu kozhandainga dhan Roja akkavum AM ayyavum....
atina thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: amara_50

@ atina

Enna intha vaaram muzhuvathum neengalthaan update pannap poagireergalaa?  Matravargalukkellaam ennavaayitru?  Roja roja ridela aeri oor sutra poayvittaargalaa?
Rojaavukku ethiraa oru katchi aarambikkap poagiren.  Kolgai Parappuch  Cheyalaalar  padhavi gaaliyaay irukkiradhu.  Varugireergalaa? 

Yes Amaran Sir...this whole week this uravugal is going to be one man (woman) show......since all the others are on vacation. That is the reason there is not much traffic here.....
How ever a Very Happy New Year to you and to your Family Sir.
Regarding that new Katchi.......I am in for anything you want to do against that maddddddd Roja......I am in...I am in......let us start the campaign soon.....😉