New FF:Legend of the Seeker Chap 21 Page 73(01/09) - Page 56


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asyasahil928 thumbnail
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Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Kamal_23


Thanx 4 the pm

Update soon


thanks dear...will update soon...😊
asyasahil928 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: crystall

Awesome update !
Loved it !
Waiting for next !
Update soon !
Thnx for pm !

thank you...will update soon...😊
asyasahil928 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: PremHeer_Chahat

awesome update
loved it
aww loved the last dialouge by prem...:))
contniue asap
thanks for the pm
pm me

thanks for the lovely comments...will update soon...😃
asyasahil928 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: shininggal2008

Teacher.... hugs

omgsh this chapter scared me for a minute.. i was like really thats all a dream LOL (stupid me i knw) well awww it was such a cute ending. well as always no matter wht premeer's love can never be questioned. Tht was indeed a very interesting part. Do update as time permits.
Love you <3

haha...thanks for reading and the lovely comments...will update soon...😃
asyasahil928 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: NIMMY

loved it

i was so afraid tht prem would tell everthing to her.........Nupur
Thank god heers love brought him back

thanks dear...will continue soon..😊

asyasahil928 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: heer193


i really liked this part alot
loved it when heer was confessing her love
this was one of ur best written parts

awww....thanks dear...😃

asyasahil928 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: -Jyo-


Awesome part
ow radhe is dead.................poor amoli
Dharam has brother, glad to know that
Smbody is trying to kill heer y?????????????
Wonderfull update with so many twist & turns
loved scenes b/w dharam & ram
So Dipeish is culprit behind all these
starting i was really confused wts happening
slowly understood that prem is under magic
finaaly heer confessed that she loves prem
Heer s love bring back prem from spell of magic
Totally love this pat
     Sorry for commenting so late................I dint get any pms, i thought u dint update it, Anyways continue soon..............................

sorry for not sending you PM...I dont know how i missed you..I am really sorry. thanks for the amazing comments...😊

asyasahil928 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: ...Nikhita...

wow.....fabulous update!

this rishabh is really crooked.....
glad Prem was able to get away at the right time........continue soon!

thanks dear...will continue soon...😊
asyasahil928 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

thanks for pressing the like button...😊
asyasahil928 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Hey guys

I had decided to discontinue the ff but some of my readers wanted me to finish the story I have started so I have decided to finish this FF in 3 or 4 more chapters by wrapping up the story soon. So guys…this is for all my friends who pmed me and made me continue!



New characters for this chapter:

Mayang: He is a soldier in the resistance army and heer knows him from before.

Balwant: He is a soldier in the daharan army but he now wants to stop rishab from his dirty doings.

Kiran: He is balwant's nephew and also a soldier. He came to edron because balwant called him there.

Hansraj is a wizard who works for rishab, but used to work for the confessors before.

Chapter 21

Dharam, heer, and prem had traveled to the crypt of traverang and decided that it was not a safe place to hide the box. They were on the way back when they saw a black cloud following them.

Prem: "what is that?"

Dharam: "powerful magic. It's a tracer cloud."

Heer: "rishab is tracking us."

Dharam: "I don't think he is behind us, it's the box of orden."

Prem: "we have to get it somewhere safe."

Dharam: "not we…I," he said.

Prem: "you cant just go off on your own."

"once I hide the box somewhere safe…I will join you two," dharam said.

Heer: "but, where will you hide it?"

Dharam: "I think its better if only I know it."

He came forward and hugged them, "I don't need to tell you, but be safe," he said as they smiled and left from there.

Prem: "I don't like it when dharam goes on his own."

Heer: "he is willing to take the risk for your quest."

She placed her hand on his shoulder, "don't worry…he will be fine," she told him as they left from there.

A couple days passed. It was a rainy morning when someone, a shadow, cloaked in the dark forest was running from a daharan troop trying to save his life.

Prem and heer were walking in the forest and seeing prem awfully quiet.

"he will be fine," heer told him.

Prem: "what?"

Heer: "dharam will be fine and he will return soon," she said as they walked through the forest.

Prem: "you know where he went?" he asked as she stopped and turned around to look at him.

Prem: "you know. I can't believe that he would tell you and not me," he complained like a kid.

Heer smiled looking at him, "I have no idea where dharam went," she said as she giggled.

Prem: "you enjoyed that…didn't you?" he asked looking at her as she smiled.

Right then, they heard someone coming or at least that someone was close to them.

"come," prem said as he took her hand and they both slowly walked towards the direction where the noise was coming from.

Seeing the cloaked person, "stop!" prem yelled.

Prem: "who are you?" he asked as the person removed his cloak and turned around.

"preet!" both prem and heer said surprised.

Prem smiled seeing his old friend after so long and moved forward to engulf him in a hug.

Prem: "what are you doing here in the midlands?" he asked coming of the hug.

"I will tell you everything, but we have to get out of here…there is a daharan troop behind me," preet said and they all left from there.

After getting far that they thought they will be safe, prem asked preet again.

Preet: "I came here looking for my family."

Prem and heer looked at each other. "what happened to your family? Where are they?" prem asked.

Preet: "the daharans have taken them somewhere in an underground keep in the midlands."

Heer: "do you know where it is?"

Preet: "it's called the keep of edron."

Heer: "The keep of edron is towards the west. I have a friend there who is in the resistance. If we find him then maybe he can help."

Prem: "I think we should leave now so we can reach there and find your family," he said looking at preet.

The trio left from there and started their journey.

Far in the midlands, stood rishab and his most trusted viceroy.
"Why havent we still be able to locate the 3rd box of orden," rishab questioned as he touched the two boxes that he kept lay in a safe room in his castle.
Man: "My lord, the tracer cloud has been unsuccessful in finding the wizard or the box, but my lord look at all you have achieved even without the box. You have already conquered three territories and the resistance army is going to be crushed," he said proudly stating his master's achievements.
RIshab: "I do not want to crush them. I just want to make them realize that I am not doing them any harm like the seeker has poisoned their minds to believe. I just want to bring them piece."
Man: "yes, my lord. We shall soon succeed in finding the third box."

Saying that, he bowed and walked out as rishab stood there thinking what to do next to find prem and finish him since he thought that killing the seeker would bury his values and the cause he was fighting for.

Prem, heer, and preet reached a town close to where they thought the the keep of edron was located and found heer's friend, Mayang. Meeting prem, "its an honor to meet the seeker," he said.
Prem: "thank you know anything about the keep of edron? Can you take us there?"
Mayang: "People would do anything to avoid a place like that."
Heer: "Well, we dont have that luxury."
Preet: "My family was abducted in hartland and send there as prisoners."
Mayang: "I am sorry to hear that."
Prem: "dont worry...they wont be prisoners much longer."
Heer: "Mayang...please dont tell anyone that we are here. I am sure we can believe you."
Mayang: "of course, anything for the seeker," he said smiling at them.

Soon, they all reached the keep of edron. Hiding near the bushes close to the edron they tried to figured out how they can get inside and save preet's family and the other prisoners as well. As they sat there planning, they saw a daharan patrol walking to the keep.
Mayang: "It wont be easy to get in."
Preet: "It wont be easy to keep me out. We can take that patrol and break in."
Prem: "preet...calm down. We cant just break in. We have really find the situation inside before we go in," he told his anxious friend.
"What exactly goes on in there?" prem asked mayang.
"No one really knows," mayang replied.

Inside the keep, two doors opened to a room where a tall man stood near a table where different types of needles, potions, etc. were kept.
"chain her!" he ordered his men and they did as told.
"please leave me," the lady pleaded but the man didnt listen.
He took a needle from the table and walked towards the lady. After that, all you could hear were screams. There were soldiers, mord-siths, and other prisoners who stood there numb, ignoring what was happening in front of them.
Few minutes later, the screams died and the lady's life ended. Two of the soldiers walked out the room without the tall man noticing.
"Now you know why I had you assigned here Kiran," the elderly soldier said to the younger one.
Kiran: "I really hoped that your observations were exaggerated uncle balwant. what happened to that woman...," he said when balwant interrupted him, "she was one of the lucky least she died," he said.
Balwant: "The more rishab pushes hansraj for results...the more twisted his experiments become. I have stood too long with rishab and his false promises of peace. I cant see innocent woman and children being butchered."
Kiran: "Rishab must have his reasons."
Balwant: "If hansraj succeeds, then rishab wont need the third box of orden to control us all. We all will be slaves!"

Right then, "Major Balwant," someone said and they both turned to see hansraj walking out of the room where that woman had just died.
"Send word to Lord rampal that we are making progress even though we had some failures today," hansraj said.
Balwant: "yes wizard," he said as he bowed in front of hansraj.
Both kiran and balwant went to the room where the journey book was kept.
Balwant: "we are running out of place to bury hansraj's disappointments," he said as he wrote in the journey book.
Kiran: "Ok. you are right. This is madness, but to try to find rishab...thats insane," he said as he kept an eye at the entrance to make sure no one came or listened to their words.
Balwant: "We have to act soon. Pretty soon, it will no longer be an option," he said finishing the message to rishab.

"My lord...we have a message from the keep," rishab's man informed.
Rishab: "what does it say?"
Man: "Wizard Hansraj has been making progress, but he hasnt succeeded yet."
Rishab: "Perhaps, if he had the right motivation, he might do something. Send a reply," he ordered and his man started writing.

Balwant read the reply and he didnt know whether to be happy or sad.
Kiran: "what happened uncle?"
Balwant: "When the constellation of primera appears, rishab is coming here to the keep to oversee hansraj's work and when he does, we will kill him!" he said as kiran looked at him shocked.

In the forest, prem and the group saw a group of soldiers coming of the keep and coming towards them. They all hid behind trees waiting for the right time to attack. Attacking the group, they killed all the soldiers except one who heer confessed.
"command me confessor," the soldier said.
Heer started to ask him about the prisoners and what happens inside the keep.
Soldier: "The prisoners are kept in the dungeon below the keep."
Preet: "Is my family among them? Are they alright?" he asked concerned.
Soldier: "I dont know. The only time I see the prisoners is when their bodies are carried out."
Hearing that, preet felt his heart sink. "If anything has happened to them...," he said when prem intervened, "they are alive and we are going to get them out" prem told preet confidently.
Mayang: "A few days ago, my men in the resistance intercepted a daharan army and found daharan breaths. May be we can use them to blast our way through the keep."
Prem: "No, we could end up killing the prisoners."
Mayang: "Then, how? The keep doesnt even have any windows."
Prem: "Without windows, how is it lit?" he asked the soldier.
Soldier: "Oil lamps feed through oil from pumps connected from the ground."
Prem: "So, if we cut off the flow of oil, we can go in and get the prisoners. They cant stop us from doing it if they cant see us."

So, the plan was set.

They all waited till sun down as they couldnt get close to the keep with soldiers around. As soon as the sun set, prem, heer, preet, and mayang got their bows and arrows and struck the soldiers outside. And as planned, the soldier confessed by heer broke the main pipe that brings oil to all the lamps in the keep. Before going in, "you stay here along with mayang and guard the entrance," prem said to heer and went in with preet.

Inside the keep, balwant and kiran were planning how to kill rishab when he came to the keep.
Balwant: "Some of my men are ready to do it, but they will never be able to get close enough to do it. You grew up with rishab. He trusts you and when he comes here, he will give you a private audience."
Kiran: "no uncle, he wont let anyone get too close."
Balwant: "He will let you because he has a space for you in his heart."
Kiran: "rishab has not heart."
Balwant: "But when he embraces will plunge your dagger through him."
Kiran: "Thats suicide. There will be guards all over the place and outside the room."
Balwant: "My men and I will be outside and we will distract the guards and kill them. No one will doubt you. We can blame it on hansraj. Remember, he has pledged his allegiance to the confessors before."
Kiran: "I am not really sure uncle," he said thinking about the consequences if they do get caught.
Balwant: "If you dont do this kiran...may be we will never ever get a chance to destroy rishab. Think about the future...think about your son. Do you want him to be a prey to this brutal war?"
Kiran thought about balwant's words. Never in a million lives, does he wants his children to live the same life under rishab's rule.
Kiran: "ok uncle, I will do it," he said as they both shook hands on the plan.
Right then, all the lamps went out and the whole keep went dark!

Prem and preet lit their own lamps and started to quietly walk to the underground dungeon as quietly as possible.
Reaching there, preet took a deep breath, "meher...kritika," he called out hoping that they would be there.
"preet?" someone said shocked and surprised to see him as well.
Kritika ran up and hugged her brother and gungun ran to her father. Seeing meher walk up to him, he felt his life come back to him. "meher," he said as he engulfed her in his arms.
Prem: "we are going to get you guys out of here...all of you, but, you have to stay very quiet and follow our footsteps exactly."

Hansraj walked up to balwant and the other soldiers, "what happened?" he asked.
Balwant: "The pipe has been broken. we are trying to fix it and lit the lamps soon," he told him.
Hansraj: "Check the dungeon first!"
They all left to check the dungeon, "They are gone...all of them," balwant said.
Hansraj: "Lord Rampal arrives first thing in the morning. I cant delay his visit. Find the prisoners now!"
"The prisoners shouldnt have gone too far," balwant said and he left with kiran and some other soldiers.

Prem and preet took the prisoners as far as possible from the keep, "we can rest here for a minute," prem told all the prisoners.

As the other prisoners moved ahead of them, preet stopped and turned to look at his wife.
"I was afraid that I would never see you all again," preet said as he hugged gungun and kritika. Then he moved forward to meher.
Meher: "I thought I will never see you again," she said with tears in her eyes.
Preet: "Nothing can stop me from finding you," he told her as he wiped away the tears.
He took her hands and felt her touch after months. He would have died if he hadnt found her. Searching for his family for months, he had almost given up hope but seeing the smile on her face gave him strength and now, he knew everything was going to be ok. Wrapping his hands around her hips, he bought her close to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He bent down and touched his lips, kissing her and she responded back telling how much she had missed him. The kiss lasted for a few seconds and they smiled looking at each other as they broke apart.

At that moment, preet felt a jolt through his body and he fell to the ground in pain. "preet!" meher yelled seeing him fall to the ground. Hearing her, everyone ran to preet. "preet...whats happening?" prem asked seeing his friend yell in pain, but preet fell unconscious before he could respond.

Checking his heart beat, "Its weak and he is burning hot, but he is alive," he said.
"Its all that wizard's doing...he performed dark magic on meher and many others." kritika told them.
Meher who was crying on kritika's shoulders stood up, "did I do this to preet?" she asked.
Heer: "I dont know," she said as she walked up to meher.
"This you know his name?" heer asked kritika.
Kritika: "They call him Hansraj."
Hearing the name, prem saw disappointment appear in heer's face.
"you have heard of him?" he asked.
"He used to work for the confessors until he sold his services to rishab," she told him.
Prem: "meher...what did he do to you?"
Meher moved forward towards the fire and moved her sleeve exposing black holes on her arm.
" you know what it is?" prem asked.
Heer: "No, its some kind of magic that I have never seen before."
Meher: "Please help my husband," she said looking at heer and prem, who exchanged glances with each other.
Mayang: "There is a healer...half a day walk to the east," he informed.
Heer: "But, thats heading right back to the daharans."
Prem: "we have to risk it. Without proper treatment, preet could die," he stated sadly looking at his friend.

So, as soon as the sun started at the horizon, the prisoners along with prem and heer started their travel back. At the same time, balwant and kiran were ordering their men to search for the prisoners.
Kiran: "If you are opposed to hansraj's experiments, then why are we trying to find the prisoners back?" he asked confused.
Balwant: "The prisoners are the reason rishab is coming here. If there are no prisoners, then there is no reason for rishab to come here either so we have to find them if we want to succeed in our plain," he explained as kiran stood there not knowing what was going to happen next.

In the forest, as some prisoners carried preet on a wooden cot that they had managed to find, meher tried to keep a wet cloth on his forehead to help his high fever.
Heer: "may be you shouldnt touch him at least not until we find out what hansraj did to you."
Meher: "I prayed to the spirits everyday to meet preet again and now I cant even comfort him."
Heer: "I know how hard this is meher, but hopefully the healer would be able to heal preet."
Meher: "And will he be able to do something for me? Will I ever be able to hold the man I love to kiss him ever again?" she asked to which heer didnt have any answers.
Right then, prem hears some noise in the silent forest. "Stop! we are not alone," he told everyone.
Mayang: "Are you sure?"
Prem: "Yes...take all the prisoners somewhere safe. The daharans are close."

Prem, heer, and the confessed soldier hid through the trees and found the army. They waited for them to go past and attacked from behind. As prem and heer fought, heer fell to the ground and kiran was about to kill her. Seeing this, the soldier ran to save heer and slashed kiran right through the stomach. Now, everyone was dead except balwant. Seeing the sword of truth, "Seeker? We are on your side," he said dropping his sword to the ground.
He turned to see kiran on the floor, "you fools...what have you done? you killed the man that was going to kill rishab," he said as everyone looked confused.

In the palace, rishab's man walked up to him, "my lord, wizard hansraj wishes that you delay your visit. he says he needs more time."
Rishab: "He has had enough time. Send a reply saying that I will arrive as planned," he ordered.

Back in the forest, balwant told prem, heer, and the soldier that rishab was coming to the keep.
Prem: "what? rishab is coming here?"
Balwant: "yes, tonight. When the constellation of primera appears, he will arrive at the keep where my nephew was supposed to welcome him with a dagger."
Heer: "I believe he is telling the truth," she told prem reading balwant's eyes.
Prem: "What is so important happening at the keep that rishab himself is coming?"
Balwant: "Rishab thinks that hansraj is at the verge of success."
Heer: "success at what?"
Balwant: "In creating a confessor," he said as she looked at him shocked.
Realization hit her!
"Thats what he was trying to do with meher! A confessor's power comes from love and when meher kissed preet, she unleashed it." heer said looking at prem.
Prem: "but, she didnt confess preet, she almost killed him."
Balwant: "Thats probably because hansraj hasnt succeed, only abrasions."
Prem: "How is that possible?"
Balwant: "Hansraj has discovered an ancient magic which was used to create the first confessor."
Heer: "The Shakaya?" she asked in disbelieve.
"yes," balwant replied.
Prem: "what is that?"
Heer: "The Shakaya are magical tools with immense power buried in them."
Balwant: "Rishab has been completely impatient. If he cant have the three boxes of orden, he wants the power of the confessor. And he probably will soon."
Heer: "He would be able to bend anyone to his will a single touch."
Balwant: "And his dominion over the world would be complete."
Prem: "No. When rishab arrives, I will be here to kill him."
Heer: "And you would fulfill the prophecy," she said happily.
Prem: "You can get me inside the keep and I will kill him there,"
Balwant: "No. He would be heavily guarded, it wont be possible. The one person close enough to kill him was my nephew. Now, all hopes have died with him," he stated sadly.

Prem knew balwant was right, but this was the one time he knew where rishab was going to be...a exact location and a exact time; He cant just let that go.

Prem: "may be we dont need to get close to rishab," he said.
Balwant: "what do you mean?"
Prem: "Our friends in the resistance have discovered darken breaths. You two can sneak that inside the keep and set them up as soon as rishab arrives. The keep would collapse and rishab will be dead!"
Heer: "We need hansraj alive," she said as everyone looked at her.
"If he did magic on meher, he may be the only one to reverse it back," she said.
Prem: "Then, we can get you inside...close enough to hansraj then may be you can confess him and get him out of the keep to help meher."
Balwant: "But, there is only one problem, hansraj told us not to return without the prisoners."
"Well, if hansraj wants prisoners then we just have to give him some," heer said as they smiled hoping there plan would work.

The sun set bringing in the night sky by the time prem heer balwant and the confessed soldier returned to find mayang and the prisoners. Heer changed into a prisoners dress so balwant can take her back to the keep.
Prem walked up to meher, "while we are gone, take care of preet. mayang will return with a healer soon."
Meher: "I am coming with you. One prisoner wont fool hansraj; you need a prisoner he knows."
"I am coming too," kritika said as he placed a wet cloth on preet's forehead, who was feeling a little better and was able to talk a little.
" cant trust the lives of my family in the hands of that daharan," preet said to his friend.
Prem: "heer will be there to protect them."
"you guys cant go back there," preet said to meher.
Meher walked up to him and took a seat next to him, "you did everything to protect this family, now its our turn!" she said looking into his eyes with confidence.

Hours passed and balwant walked into the keep along with heer, meher, and kritika.
"I found the prisoners," balwant informed hansraj.
Hansraj: "Where are the rest of them?"
Balwant: "scattered like rats, but my men will soon find them."
Looking at heer, "I dont remember this one?" hansraj asked as he walked up to heer.
Balwant stood quiet and heer too stood there with her head down. "whats your name?" hansraj asked lifting heer's face with his finger.
As soon as she faced him, she grabbed him by the neck and released her powers. Her pupils turned black, but nothing happened to hansraj.
As everyone stood there shocked, "your powers wont work on me confessor," hansraj said as he slapped heer and she fell to the floor unconscious.
Balwant pretending that nothing had gone wrong walked up to hansraj, "are you alright wizard?" he asked.
"take him," hansraj ordered.
Balwant: "I am sorry...I didnt know she was a confessor. She must have joined the prisoners; I didnt recognize her."
Hansraj: "Has she confessed you?"
Balwant: "If I were confessed, then I would be fighting for her life right now."

Hansraj smiled, "your incompetency has given me a marvelous opportunity. With a living confessor, there would be no more failed experiments," he stated.
Hansraj ordered his men to place heer on a wooden plank and chained her up to the wall. Minutes passed as heer gained her conscious back. "I couldnt have my creations turning against me, so I devised a potion to protect me against the confessor's touch," hansraj told heer.
"Thats impossible," she said.
Hansraj: "Not with the shkaya," he said pointing to the table where they lay.
"We assumed that they have been lost forever. A shepherd boy found them in the caves of cadic where he chased his flock into. He had discovered the originator of the greatest magic known to human kind. When I heard of this discovery, I thought that I had to get the shkaya to myself. With the shkaya, I have been able to mix magic in ways that I have never even imagined before including creating a potion to protect myself from a confessor's touch. Soon, I will be able to manifest your powers into the shkaya and bestow them upon Lord rishab and after that, confessors shall become a memory," he told her with a wicked smile.
Heer: "You are playing with ancient magic that you dont understand. I have seen your creations...prisoners infected with dark magic."

Hansraj: "That will soon change. Thanks to those daharan butchers, I have only been able to study the bodies of dead confessors. But, with you, I can harness your powers into the shkaya and bestow them over Lord Rampal," he said as heer stood there shocked.

Outside, prem was waiting for his friends to return so they can proceed with the rest of the plan. Balwant somehow managed to seek out of the keep to inform prem. Seeing balwant, "where is heer? where is everyone else?" prem asked walking up to him.
Balwant: "They are as prisoners. The wizard was unaffected by the confessor's touch."
Prem: "What? Thats not impossible!" he said in disbelieve.
Balwant: "I saw it when my own eyes; its more of hansraj's magic. I am sorry, but your friends are as prisoners now."
Prem: "We have to get them out of there."
Balwant: "Its too late. The constellation is almost align, Rishab will be here any minute."
Prem: "which is why we have to get them out of there, now!"
Balwant: "No, there is no time. The charges are being set for the darken breaths. You are the are destined to kill rishab. We wont get an other chance."
Prem: "I am not going to sacrifice my friends to fulfill the prophecy."
Balwant: "I lost my nephew...were their lives any less worthy. The confessor would want you to do this too."
"Get out of my way!" prem said as he pushed balwant aside and left for the keep.

On the other hand, "Its time My Lord," rishab's man informed him as the constellation aligned itself in the sky.
Rishab moved towards the center of the room and recited the magic words. In the keep, hansraj and two of the mord-siths were waiting for him in the main hall. As rishab arrived in the center, they bowed welcoming him.
Hansraj: "Welcome my lord. I have something very special to show you."

In the other end of the keep, prem entered. As soon as the soldiers saw him, they started to attack. One of the soldiers saw prem's face in the light from the lamp, "Its the seeker!" he said as he ran to inform others. Letting him go, prem started to search for heer and the others.
Rishab: "A captured confessor is quite a prize. So you potion works?"
Hansraj: "Her magic had no effect on me."
Rishab: "And your sure that the shkaya can harness her powers?"
Hansraj: "Soon, they shall be yours, My Lord!"
At that moment, a soldier ran up to them, "the seeker is here, inside the keep!" he informed.

In the one of the other rooms, the soldier confessed by heer lit the darken breaths. Seeing prem, "I have lit the fuse, we have to get out of here," he told prem. Prem ran to the corner of the room and put the fuse off using his sword.
Soldier: "What are you doing? Heer told me to lit...," he said as prem's sat on the floor with his back towards the soldier.
Prem: "Heer has been captured. She is still here. We just saved her life!"
"And apparently, you just saved mine!" someone said as they slay the soldier.
Prem turned to see the soldier dead and rishab in front of his eyes. "Rishab!" he said as he stood there surprised. He knew someday he had to face the enemy but seeing him in front of his eyes for the first time kind of took him by surprise. Contrary, Risabh saw prem thinking, "they think he is going to kill me. He is a small boy!"
Rishab: "you have escaped for me twice and I have even heard that your dead, yet, here is you are."
Prem tightened his grip around the sword of truth as it glowed showing his anger and hatred towards the person standing in front of him.
Rishab: "This is quite an honor, its not everyday that I get to meet the seeker!"
"Its not everyday I get a chance to fulfill the prophecy!" he stated angrily as he struck the first, starting the fight.
They fought each other with the same hatred. Neither one was strong nor weak. The perfect enemies...may be...but is prem ready to take on rishab just yet or will rishab win by his experience...only fate was to decide, At one point, rishab cornered prem in the corner near a lamp. Using his leg, prem kicked rishab and regained his position in the fight. Prem started to use more and more force as he wanted to win the fight....for the people...for heer...for dharam...for everyone who had trusted that he could do it and most of all, for doing the right thing! He jumped up in the air and took his last blow causing rishab's sword to fall to the ground. Prem put his sword to rishab's throat as he stood shocked. Seconds passed and prem saw rishab smile. At the same time he felt a sword at his back. He turned to rishab in the back and when turned to the front again, rishab was gone. Before prem could realize that rishab had used magic to double cross him, rishab used the slit of the sword to hit prem on the head and make him fall to the ground. Prem moved on the ground as he tried to get his sword. As he kept his hand on the sword, a mord-sith stepped on it. Prem was attacked by the agil. As he shivered in pain, "it takes more than prophecy to kill me!" rishab announced with a winning smile.

As prem fell unconscious not being able to bear the pain from the agil, rishab ordered his men to drag prem to the same room where heer and the others were. Seeing him being dragged in by the soldiers, she felt someone strike a bow at her heart. "Prem! Prem...wake up!" she called out to him. The soldiers bought prem to the wall adjacent to where heer was in the center and chained him up. She didnt care about what happened to her, but she couldnt let anything happen to him. "Prem!" she yelled trying to wake him up.
Hearing her, prem tried to open his eyes. Coming to consciousness, he saw that he was tied up. "heer!" he said as they both looked at each other, helplessly. They both wanted to save the other, but how? They were both tied up and were so far from each other.
Rishab: "I know how greatly it must pain you both to see the one you love in great misery," he said as prem tried to break away from the chains, but they were too strong for him.
"Almost as painful as sharing an undying love which you can never consummate!" he said looking at them.
Heer: "And what do you know about love? Except, that you would never feel it...from anyone!" she said with disgust.
Rishab: "Its such a pity that you had never had a potion such as this," he said as he drank one of hansraj's potions.
"So that you could feel the soft touch of your lover's caress...may be a passionate embrace," rishab continued as prem still tried to break out. He wanted to save heer before they do anything to her. It was because of him, she was here and he couldnt let anything happen to her in front of her.
Rishab: "Being unable to express your love for each other is unimaginable," he said as prem and heer stood there taken back as how he knew about their love.
"But, when we are finished, your touch will no longer be a threat to anyone," he said as he slightly caressed heer's cheek and she tried to move away.
Prem felt his blood boil. how dare he touch his heer? he wanted to slay rishab right there...but it was unfortunate that he couldnt!
As rishab moved away from heer, hansraj took one of the needles of the shkaya and moved close to heer. "Let her go! Dont you dare touch her!" prem yelled.
Hansraj took one of the needles and inserted the first one on her right arm. "ahhhh!" heer yelled unable to bear the pain. Prem felt the life go out of him. What was the point of being the seeker if he couldnt even save the one he loved the most in this world. He tried again but the chains wouldnt come off.
Rishab: "you have carried the burden of your powers for too long heer. Today, I am going to take that burden off you and over myself."
Heer: "I dont need my powers to see through your lies," she said angrily.
Rishab: "If you could really see the truth, you will see that all I want to do is end my people's suffering," he said as hansraj inserted other one of the shkaya needles in her left arm. "ahhh! ahhhhh!" she yelled again in pain.

Prem felt his heart wrench seeing her in pain. Tears formed in his eyes as he blinked to keep them from coming out. He had to be strong...he couldnt fall weak...He had to stay strong for his heer.
Rishab: "once I have the power of confession, then there would be no more more strife...only harmony."
Hearing her scream in pain, "you wont succeed! I may be dead but an other seeker would rise up and he would destroy you!" prem yelled.
Rishab walked up to prem, "why kill you when I can turn the seeker into a devoted servant," he said as heer turned to look at prem. "When I have my powers, you will be the first I confess," rishab said.
"No!" she yelled. "no...I have to do something. I cant let him hurt prem...I have to do something," heer thought. She forgot all the pain she was going through. All she could think about was that she cant have rishab take prem's soul away...never as long as her heart was beating...for him only him.
It was time for the last shkaya needle. Hansraj took it from the table and placed it at the end of heer's throat. She couldnt even scream anyone, but you could see the tears of pain fall from her eyes. Rishab walked back to where heer was. Hansraj started to recite the words that were going to harness heer's power into the shkaya. "Heer!" prem called out to heer.
As hansraj recited the words, suddenly heer felt a jolt of power run through her body. She started having something similar to a seizer. Her body was banging uncontrollably against the wooden plank that she was tied up against. "heer...are you ok? heer?" prem yelled concerned.
Risabh: "what is it hansraj?"
Hansraj: "I dont know my lord!"
Heer started to pain? in anger? no one knew. Everyone, especially prem, was just shocked at heer's sudden upheaval. She closed her eyes as she yelled feeling the unknown sensation in her body. And, when she opened them, her eyes were blood red.
Seeing that, "oh god! Its the blood my lord!" hansraj said to rishab. At that moment, all the shkaya needles came out of heer and turned back against hansraj. As the shkaya hit him, he lay dead on the floor.
"kill her!" rishab ordered the soldiers and mord-siths standing there.
Heer broke open the straps from her right hand and put it up in their direction. At once, she confessed them all!
"kill him!" she ordered looking at rishab.
They all turned to rishab as he pulled out his sword. As she saw that even the mord-siths were succeeding in killing rishab, she heard prem call out for her. "release the seeker," she ordered and the one of the mord-siths quickly opened prem up.
Hearing heer, rishab ran out of the room and into the hall outside. Standing in the middle, he started to recite the words needed to go back to his castle. Prem ran as fast as he could. Seeing rishab standing there, he jumped up with his sword in his hand, but he could only get as far as rishab's cheek and he disappeared from there. Prem stood there angry and breathless. Once again, he had missed rishab.
He remembered about heer and ran back into the other room to see. He walked in to see standing with her back towards him.
"Heer," he said not sure if she was ok after all that has just happened. When she just stood there, he walked closer, "heer," he said placing his hand on her shoulder.
She turned around with the same anger and red eyes and grabbed him by his neck. "heer...its me prem," he said but nothing happened.
"its me...prem!" he said again. Her eyes turned to normal and she felt dizzy.
As she was about to hit the ground, his arms wrapped around her waist and he made her sit on the floor.
As he held her face in his hands, "are you ok?" he asked worried.
"I think so," she answered unsure if she was.
Prem: "what was that?"
Heer just looked at him without answering, "we should get meher and kritika out of here," she said.
"yeah...come on," he said as he helped her stand up. Prem then went up to meher and kritika and opened their cuffs up, letting them free.
As heer was walking up prem, she saw one of hansraj's potions on the ground. "prem," she said and he walked up to her.
"One of the hansraj's potions. there is only one left," she said seeing the other broken ones on the ground.
Prem: "you realize what we can do with this?" he asked as they both looked at each other.
Heer then turned to see meher and they both realized that some else needed it more than them.

Later, they all left from there. Reaching the forest, prem and heer gave preet, who was better now since he was taken to the healer.
Prem: "we cant undo what was done since hansraj and his magical instruments have been destroyed."
Heer: "but, this potion will help you be with her again. Her touch wont harm you," she said as she gave him the potion bottle.
Preet opened the bottle and drank the potion. He stood up and saw meher who was still in the corner, away from him, scared that she would hurt him again. As he walked towards her, she slowly moved forward. First, they just pecked each other's lips as if testing the potion. Seeing preet was fine, meher deepened the kiss and they both tightened each other in their arms happily. Everyone smiled at the happy couple.

Hours passed and the group decided that it was time that preet and his family head back home. As they were packing, meher gave her bag to kritika and walked up to heer.
Meher: "I cant thank you enough."
Heer: " dont have to. I am just happy to see you all as a family again."
Meher: "I heard what rishab said. I know what you both gave up when you gave that potion to preet. I hope someday you will find a way to be together," she said as heer smiled at her.
Heer: "Have a safe journey," she said as she hugged meher and walked away from there.

On the other hand, preet walked up to prem. "I dont know how to thank you," he said.
Prem: "you should know by now that you dont have to."
Preet: "Rishab will be looking for you now. you are going to need me by your side."
Prem looked at mayang, "no, you go with mayang. The resistance can really use you. And that will give you a chance to be with your family again. If time comes, I will know where to find you," prem said as they both smiled. Preet moved forward and engulfed prem in a brotherly hug.
Next, mayang walked up to him, "It was an honor to fight along with the seeker," he said as he shook hands with prem.
Prem: "The honor is all mine!"
Mayang: "Some friends of mine passed this message to me when I went to get the healer for preet. Message from some one named Vikram Singhania," he said as he gave the letter to prem and left.
"dharam," prem said to heer as they both smiled to hear from their friend who has been for some days now.
They both opened the letter and prem started to read, "The weather has not improved. As soon as it does, I will seek the company of dear friends in the woods tomorrow."
As he finished reading, he looked at heer confused and she looked back at him with the same confusion.

In Rishab's castle, he stood in front of the mirror seeing the wound he has gotten from prem's sword on his cheek.
One of his man walked in, "Our sources inform that the wizard is using an obscurity spell to escape from the tracer could."
"I want no more excuses...Get me the box!" rishab ordered.
"yes, my lord," the man said as he walked out.
"As soon as I find the third box, I will conquer the world and that will happen soon matter what you do; you wont be able to stop me," rishab said looking at his image in the mirror.

After departing from their friends, prem and heer were discussing dharam's letter.
"the weather has not improved...dharam shouldnt have been able to get away from the tracer cloud," prem said.
"oh...that makes sense. And when it does, he will meet his dear friends in the woods tomorrow," heer said.
Prem: "he wants us to meet him in a forest but where? And it must be close if he expects us to join him tomorrow."
Heer: "may be its not when? its where we meet him. the morrow woods."
Prem: "where is that?"
Heer: "In dahara. We have a long journey ahead of us."
Prem: "you know we can stop if you are exhausted. You must be tired after what hansraj did to you," he said as he felt his heart beat rise even thinking about it.
Heer: "I am not sure if it was just hansraj;s magic."
Prem: "what do you mean?" he asked as they both stopped walking.
Heer: "There is an ancient magic possessed only by the most powerful confessor. Its an uncontrollable force known as condour...the blood rage."
Prem: "why did it happen?"
Heer: "may be it was because of something hansraj did to me...or may be...ummm...may be it was because of you prem," she said looking at him.
"I was so afraid that you would become rishab's slave and that your mission would fail...I would never let that happen," she told him.
Prem: "well, whatever you did. whatever it saved us both."
Heer: "If you hadnt tried saving me, rishab rampal would be dead right now. you had the chance, but you gave it up for something that can never be," she said.
As painful it was to face it, it was the the truth and she had to accept it.
Prem: "Rishab was wrong when he said that our fate was unimaginable. The only unimaginable fate is the one without  you," he said as he came forward and engulfed her in his arms. She dropped her bag on the ground and wrapped her arms around his neck. She was so scared that she would lose him, but being here with him, in his arms, was all she wanted because she knew that reality didnt let her wish for anything more.
Standing in each other's embrace, "he was wrong about something else too. I am going to fulfill the prophecy," prem said to her.
"I am going to kill him," he said and moved from the hug to look into her eyes, "And I am going to do it with you by my side," he told her.
She didnt know what to tell him. Every day of their lives was so unpredictable...who could tell what happen the next minute. He pulled her close to him and placed a kiss on her forehead and embraced her again in his arms, feeling alive again.