Staying Single By Choice for women -safe?

datspreets thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 18 years ago


Today in India women are increasingly.. choosign to saty singel by choice...

thsi has been possible due to maily.. job security.. which leads to financial security.. need for freedom.. women becoming more career conscious.. n ofcourse.. due to education and slight change in attitude .. from marriage being a compulsion to marriage.. as not so compulsory..


so do u think it's safe enough for women to stay single?

n is oit viable in India?

will it gain pop\ularity?


Edited by datspreets - 18 years ago


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ME_T thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
i have nithign agaisnt this. it's her choicre. sum women prefer to get married sum don;t so i think it is o.k if she chooses not to
Aparna_BD thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Ya staying single in a city like Delhi is always dangerous . But those who want to do it ,try and stay safe . Carry pepper spray or avoid walking around by them selves once its dark . It certainly isn't easy , but when its important to you , you will do it !!

|iami5o4| thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
I say its a good thing. Now women in india have more of choice wheter to have children or not. India is the country with the most CHILDREN in the world so this new "freedom" for women will definately improve India in many ways I think.

Indian Women should be the ones who decide when to get married or have children not their parents~! Women in india should definately make their own choices in life!

I say its safe to remain single until your ready to share your life with another person.
Naina_Manam thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
It is definitely her choice!!!! And she can do whatever she wants to!
chikoo thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
It's a personal choice but I disagree.

I feel it is against nature's law though exceptions are okay. The moment it comes in practice, we will start to have gay or lesbian marriages, open live-in relationship and all sorts of things that we disapprove.
Pensive thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 18 years ago
Its totally her choice.......if she likes she will do 😊
TiN24 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
In my opinion, you can be married AND STILL continue pursuing a career too. Just because you are married doesn't mean your life stops there. Its just a new chapter in your life and you have every right to live your life the way you choose whether it have a husband on the side or not. I think its totally safe to stay single and its ok to get married too. If you decide to stay single.....what's the big deal? We are in 2005 now and should understand that our generation has different mentality, different goals and different apirations. My vote goes to staying single as being safe. You don't loose anything, but sure can gain alot. 😃
Aparna_BD thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: chikoo

It's a personal choice but I disagree.

I feel it is against nature's law though exceptions are okay. The moment it comes in practice, we will start to have gay or lesbian marriages, open live-in relationship and all sorts of things that we disapprove.

Who wrote the natures law . Man or god !! It seems most things Man decided for his convenience and brought god in to endorse it . And whats wrong with homesexual marrying ?? Its a personal choice . Who are we to judge any one !!!
Misty thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Its personal choice for a women to stay single or get married. Who are we to say anything about it, I am one of them.