Pls bow down to wish~Happy bday Kat~

jia.. thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago

DISCLAIMER: This post is not intended to insult, hurt or offend anyone!! It is just a fun post, watever follows in the script below is purely fictious and only to be taken in a lighter vein.

Some clarifications...........

Nsm- Nj or Naseem or our spln

Nij-Nijal aka missypatel




Hinna-Hinnu Di

Jia-ME!! Haha

Once upon a time''..............

Under the blissfully cool shadows of the huge banyan tree, sat she, the one who was known for her magical persona, her calming effect, her never anything but right advice. They would say she had this characteristic charm and this  unnerving attitude which would make you smile, make you laugh, make you want to live when your low, her words of wisdom would echo years after you sought them from her. Who was she???



"Kat mata ki jai ho"



"Shhh come here"



Jia looked around and saw Hinna frantically waving her and hushing her, indicating her to come and sit close by.



Sitting down next to her, Jia looked around and saw everyone looking feverishly at the Godly figure sitting in front of them perched on the cold stone under the huge shadowy tree while all of them huddled together on the floor behind her.



"Whats going on?"



"Jiaaa you don't know?" Naseem looked at her with eyes wide open.






"Kat mata is expecting some important guests"



"That's no big deal'..all her guests are important. So what?"

"Exactly what i mean" Lakky quipped.



"Jia di these guests are supremely important" Aravi whispered.



"But who are they?" Sonia cut in.



"Hmm even we don't know''.but they are very important"

"Surely mata would know?" Nsm spoke up.



"No even she doesn't know, its some unexpected arrival" Hinna offered.



"So who's betting me today that she will open her eyes?" Nijal suddenly spoke up.



"Nij not today" Hinna warned.



"But why cant we have fun?" Nij grumbled.



"Because we know Mata never opens her eyes, she will give her advice as usual without even seeing her seekers. That's what makes her so unique" a quite voice interrupted.



"Krati? When did you come?" Jia exclaimed.



"Just now, as followers of Mata we are expected to be around right when some important guests are expected?"



"Ok ok girls hush now we don't want to offend mata early morning" Sonia muttered.




"Yea shhhh" Aravi giggled.


"Put a finger on your lips" Lakky joined in.


 "Someone would say we are a bunch of teenagers come for a picnic" Nsm glared around .



"So are we supposed to wait in silence till these VIP guests arrive?" Nijal rolled her eyes.



"Unfortunately yes" Krati elbowed Nij.


An unnerving hush fell over the place, where one could here nothing but the slight rustle of leaves as Katmata continued to meditate oblivious to her background din.



A screeching sound, a thud of doors being shut and a voice



"Singh is King Singh is king Singh is King"



"Huh? Who was that?" Jia whispered



"I know this voice'" Hinna closed her eyes in concentration.



"Oh yes yes''its'....."



"Akshay kumar?" Sonia muttered in disbelief.



"So this was her guest of honour?" Krati looked disgruntled.



"Seems so'" Nij added drily.



All the followers gaze at dark, tall handsome male standing in front of them, giving his trademark grin, showing off his white teeth.



"Show off" Nsm whispered under her breath.



"Shh Kat mata will feel offended" Aravi muttered.



"But why is he grinning so much'..even I have my set of 32 shinning" Nsm countered.



Akki: Pranam mata (bowing down he looks up grinning)


Mata: Jeeto raho (eyes still closed)



"She peeped!!!" Aravi almost shouted.



"Araviiii" Hinna looked warningly.



"Di she opened her eyes and peeped"



"Mata never opens her eyes" Krati spoke in glaring at Aravi.




"But Di I saw'."



"Aravi ''Mata might ask you to get up and go......." Jia butt in warningly.



"But I saw''" Aravi wailed.

"Me too, you know the left eye......." lakky started.



"Aru,lakky shhhh" Jia soothingly whispered.



"Well'..considering its Akshay Kumar, you never know" Hinna whispered giggling.




"I knew it.............isnt it obvious??" Nij spoke up in a bored tone.



 "Meaning?" Sonu looked at her wide eyed.




"Meaning Kata mata would open her eyes someday, now with Akki here lets see" Nij winked.




"Want to bet?" Nij added dangerously.



"I am a game" Nsm winked back.



 "But why is this Akki bhai standing so quietly?"Jia broke into the gaming air.



"I know, lets see when he opens his mouth" Sonu giggled.



 (Back to Akki-Mata)


Akki: Mata I have come to seek your blessings today, it's a very auspicious day today, Mata for my new film, I seek your divine blessings.



Everyone waited with baited breath as he gave his little speech.



Mata: Hmmm your new film has no Katrina Kaif''so will it work?



Her sharp voice filled the air and her followers gazed at her with admiration.



"Finally she speaks" Nij whispered somewhere in the background.



Akki: Mata'.(surprised) but the heroine is good.



Mata: Oh yes she is''no doubt she is great but still, I can see the stars'''.which film are you talking about'..Jumbo?



"She peeped again" roared a delightful Aravi only to have her mouth covered by a skillful Hinna sitting behind her.



Akki: (looking aghast) Mata Jumbo has a heroine? (frowning)



Akki: No Mata I was talking about Chandni Chowk to China.



Mata: Ahhh that one''hmmm cant say much.



Akki: Mata please, tell me whatever you want I will do, but I need it to be a hit.



"Hasnt he got enough hits already" Krati whispered.



"I know'.." Sonu shook her head.



"Shhhh" Hinna warned again. "Listen"



Mata: Hmmm there might be one way'.(thoughtfully eyes still closed)



Akki: Really? Mata I'll do anything.



Mata: it is a difficult path beta (she murmured shaking her head)



Akki: Mata I have come a long way seeking your blessing and specially today'.



"Why does he have to keep specifying today, today''.?" Jia muttered furiously.



"I agree, just when we want to keep it a surprise!!" Krati answered softly.

"He surely doesnt know how to keep a secret" lakky muttered fiercely.



Mata: (waving her hands) Ok putar, get ready'..



Letting out a giggle Hinna furiously tried to stifle her laughter.



"Imagine calling your crash Putar" Hinna explained getting a few raised brows.



"Crush!!!!" Voices cried in union.




"Yes yes, our Akki is our Mata's crush" she winked.



"Hinna, how can you say such stuff about Mata" Jia looked bewildered.




"Oh comeon JJ , everyone needs to have some fun" Nij thumped her back.



"Hushhh" Sonu whispered.



Mata: (in deep concentration) Putar, all you have to do is take my name Kat, in my Shahrukh style'..K'K'.K'.Kat.




 Peals of laughter hushed at the same moment could be heard.




"See I told you all, crushy crush" Hinna whispered pompously.



"Whats that my SRK???" Aravi pondered.


"Another favourite" Nij offered battling her eyelashes.



"Arre yet Kat mata toh chuppi rustum nikli huh" Nsm giggled.



"Have some respect" Hinnu smiled wickedly winking at her.



(Back to Akki, sorry for the interruptions)



Akki: Copy SRK? But''but how'.(stammering)



"Whats so difficult?" Nij scoffed. "Like this toh all the time he is competing with him"



"Maybe he is building it up" Jia joined in.



Mata: Girls''.(holds up her hand) I can very hear your pleasant murmurs, my eyes maybe closed, my ears aren't.



"Even your eyes aren't closed Mata, not with Akki standing there" Hinna muttered only to set Aravi in squeals of laughter.



"Aru" everyone chorused .


Mata: Yes beta, that is the only solution.



Akki: Ok mataaa''K'K'Katmata. Today I cant refuse you and your advise means the world to me.



Mata: So start.............



Akki: K'.K'Kat Mata.



Mata: Naah, not that musical, no passion at all'..


"She opened her eyes again" Aravi whispered leaning close to Jia.



"Ofcourse she will" Jia winked back.



Akki: K'..K'.Kat mata (sounding hopefully, sweating a lot)



Mata: Nope bacha, it just doesn't hold that passion.



"Haila Mata is smiling" Sonia looked around grinning and yet disbelievingly.



"I knew it, yeh toh hona he tha" Nij spoke up amusingly.



"She is enjoying this tease right" Nsm asked quietly.



"Ofcourse she is, you don't have Akki at your feet everyday." Hinna offered.



"Look he is still stammering" Jia exclaimed.


Akki: K'..K'at mata.



Mata: No no''.*Sigh*



A new voice suddenly interrupts the K session going on. All heads turn to see the source of this interruption.



"Its K''K'.K'K'..Kat mata" he quietly spoke, his brilliant sparkling gaze looking at the wide eyed ones. He smiled, a dimple setting in on his left cheek.



"SHAHRUKH!!!!!" Aravi nearly jumped only to be held by a few firm hands.


Mata: That's perfect. (sighing happily)



"I bet she is about to open her eyes any minute" Nsm observed.



"Diiii its SRK!!!!" aravi interrupted.



"Aru relax, though even I can't believe its him" Sonu muttered.



"Exactly Di'." Aru sank down gazing at him.




"Aru relax" Jia patted her back.


 "But Di its SRK!!"

"Jiaaa its SRK!!! I completely agree with Aru................."  lakky chimed.

 "Aru shhh" warned Hinna.



Mata: (Moving her eyelids restlessly) That was perfect, who is it??



"As if she doesn't know" Nsm giggled.



SRK: Mata its me, the original K tone initiator. King himself, Sharukh, not some Singh who is King (eyeing Akki darkly)




Mata: Shahrukh, welcome welcome putra. What can I do for you?



Akki: Mata I thought it was me seeking your advice (in a small voice)



Mata: Yes beta, but I cannot deny others my help can i? this poor soul has come just like you, from far away, just to see me.......... (she smiled)


SRK: exactly my K'.K'K'Katmata



Mata beamed.



Mata: tell me my Shahrukh, I mean my putra, what can I do for you?



"My Srk??? My putra?" Sonu echoed.



"I told you, yaha par dal kali hai" Krati giggled.

"Dal kali hai ya dil??' Lakky giggled


"Dil hamara kala hai" Nij wickedly smiled.

Mata: Girls!!!



Mata: So yeah Shahrukh, bol putra.



SRK: Mata, as you know I am growing old, I need all your blessings now so that I still remain the king'.always............




Akki: (humming) Singh is King'' Singh is King'lalala



 SRK: (glaring) SRK is king'..lalala'



"My Arjun is King" Hinna muttered under her breath.



"Huh?" heads turned towards and she lightly shrugged off.



Mata: Well bacha, your six pack already got you some acclodes, I think you should try for eight pack now.



A murmur of interest rose behind her while Akki burst into laughter.



Akki: Mata, eight pack?? And him?? He is growing old!!



Mata: I would like it if you do not interfere in my matters and clients.



Akki: ok ok Mata, but still'..hahaha



SRK: (looking scandalized.) Mata eight pack??? Mata but''



Mata: It's the only way out Putra, an eight pack''



Akki: I told you king, Singh is king, I wonder though how those eight packs will look, six pack were'..ahem ahem'..



"Exactly" Nijal muttered giggling.






Akki: (continued in the same tone) King bhai you need a body like me for carrying them.



SRK: And who says I don't have a body, I will do exactly as Mata says (he countered Akki in a cool tone)



Akki: You will no doubt, but still you need a built like me to carry abs'..(proudly pointing his chest)



"Says who???" A husky new voice filled the air which was recognized only too well by two followers.



"OMG it cant be him!!!" Jia whispered faintly.



"Its him" Sonu replied in the same tone clutching Jia's hand.


"Girls relax" Hinna warned.



"But Hinni'" Jia wailed audibly.



"Jiaaa'..control" Nsm placed an arm on her shoulder.




"We cant control Nj!!! Its him!!" Sonu whispered fiercely.



 "We know its HIM babes but you need to control!! Don't forget he is married too and is come here just seek Katmata's blessings!!" Krati butt in.



 "Do you have to remind me such unpleasant truths?" Jia breathed.



 "Di control"Aru offered. "Though even I cant take my eyes off him, haiyaaa"



 "But its not possible is it Jiz and Aru??" Sonu grinned.


"Hey count me in.............its HIM!!!" *Faints*  lakky breathed.

 "Exactly" Jia and Aru agree nodding their heads.



"This was expected" Nij giggled, "Afterall its Karan Singh Grover who is come, ohh Mata is surely gonna open her eyes now, who can resist three hunks!!"


"Wish my Arjun was here!!" Hinna sighed.


"Wish my Samuel was here" Krati sighed.



"Samual??" Nsm raised a brow.



 "Never mind" Krati shook her head.



"No I know which Samuel you are talking about!! Talking about characters, wish my Rhett would come" (dreamily)



 "Would you guys keep quite and let us concentrate on Karan" Jia's voice floated.



 "Lucky chick, got what she wanted!!" Nij breathed.



 "How I wish'.my Arjun''." Hinna started.




"Shhhh three fierce whispers from Aru,Sonu and Jia stopped her.



Ksg: Kat mata I am here, Karan Grover (he drawled'.haiiiii)๐Ÿ˜†



Mata:Bolo beta, what have you come to seek???




Akki: Hey what about me??? Singh is King.




Ksg:Oye!! I am a Singh and intend to be a king!!



SRK: There is only one king and that's me!!



KSG: And I will soon be there.



Akki: Just by being compared to him doesn't make you a king.



Mata: Betas, please don't spoil my mood!!



"Sorry Mata"


Mata: Ya'.so'..




"She peeped again" Aru whispered.



"I don't blame her" Jia answered her eyes glued.




"Nor do I" Sonu chimed in.




"Not with your Greek God in front of her" Nsm offered.




Mata: Karan putra what do want bta???



KSG: Mata I have come to seek your blessings to have a happy married life and have a successful career in films and tellywood.



"What a blessing to ask for??? Happy married life??" Jia couldn't help but mutter.



"Sorry honey, no chance in this birth" Nij whispered comfortingly.



"I know'" Sonu sighed.



"Poor us" Aru joined.


"I swear" lakky echoed ruefully.


Mata: Aww Beta I will surely grant you those blessings, and give you a list of a few great fashion studios too!!



KSG: (confused) fashion studios??? Why??



Mata: Beta for future references??  For you and your wife'..errrm family and as you progress you might need''..



KSG: (Looking doubtful) Ok Mata, as you say''



Akki: Arre yaar, you cant just become a hero you know'.



KSG: Why re??? Bol??? I have looks, body, charm everything!!!



"Exactly!!" Jia and Sonu breathed.



"He indeed has it'." Aru whispered in a daze.



"They indeed have it badly" Nsm whispered looking at three dazed faces next to her.



"I know''." Nij muttered.



Akki: Arre Looks-vooks is fine, you should know how to act!! (he pompously looked around)



SRK: And you think you can act???



Akki: Who said I cant??? And SRK bhai you please don't interfere, you cant even carry six packs properly.



SRK: Mind your tongue Akki. I act 100 times better then you!!



KSG: Cut it, bottom line'..I have a body, a six pack and I can act!! Which means''




Akki: Which means nothing!! Want to see who's body is better!!



KSG: Yea sure ( begins to remove his shirt)



SRK: Arre Akki comeon take of yours too (in an amusing tone)



Mata" Guys guys, betas!!! What are you doing,I have young ladies sitting behind me!!



KSG: So what I am sure they wont have any issues!! Will you ladies?? (Winking)



"OMG he winked" Jia faintly whispered.



"I know'." Sonu sighed.



"Haha lets see for how long Mata keeps her eyes closed" Nij muttered gleefully.



"She resisted till now is a great achievement itself" Hinna observed



(Cut too our boys, now shirtless, *Sigh*)


SRK: Wow, you guys!! Amazing body huh, wish my friends Karan Johar and Saif were here, we would have had a great time!! Though you both did Salman Khan proud today!!



KSG: Karan Johar??? Why you want him to make another Dostana with us???




Mata: Gosh, guys stop this!!  (Fluttering her eyelids dangerously.)




Mata: Do you want me to banish you all from seeking me never again?? (She continued in a warning note)




"Exactly what a way to present yourselves in front of mata!!" a new voice floated yet again, causing necks to strain and a faint whisper.



"OMG I cant believe its him!!" Hinna faintly murmured!!



"A dream come true???" Nsm whispered holding Hinna.




"I cant believe this!!" Hinna muttered , eyes wide ready to pop out any minute!!



"Him???" Jia and Sonu looked at each other in disbelief!!



"Whats he doing here?" Aru asked rolling hereyes.



"I thought we had only handsome hunks here!!"Jia muttered.



"Shutup" Hinna spoke up.



"He is handsome JJ" Nij comfortingly drawled.



"My Samuel'..wish he was here'" Krati sighed.



"And my Rhett!!" Nsm joined.



"Looks like our wishes would remain unfulfilled!!" Krati spoke drily.



"Girls just watch him move" Hinna's voice cut in.



"Yea yea"Sonu looked away.



"Who wants to see an uncle??" Jia muttered darkly.



"Just what did you say?" Hinna furiously challenged.



"Nothing nothing" Aru hastily covered up.



"My Arjun, way to go!!!'." Hinna breathed.



In an elegant stride, a few long locks combed up carelessly he walked past them, giving the two semi-clothed guys a dark look and a flashing smile to SRK.



Mata: Can I gather its Arjun Rampal? Listening to My follower Hinna's mild gushing??




Arjun: Mataa (bowing down) yes its me''please forgive my fellowmen for their shameless behavior, we came here for a cause'..(giving darklooks to other three)



KSG: just look at him, no muscle no charm and speaking for us'.



Akki: I know dude'.. (nodding his head darkly)




SRK: Guys chill''.we don't want to annoy Mata.




Arjun: Mata I have come here for a cause'.and so have the others'..




"That's my Arjun" Hinna whispered proudly.



"We all know the others were buying time till your Arjun darling arrived" Jia shot back fiercely.




"Ok Ok no point fighting, lets see what they do!!" Nij warned.



Arjun: So guys shall we??



SRK: Oh yes'.



KSG: Bring it on buddy.



Akki: Just what we have been waiting for!!



Out came a box and all four spoke in chorus.



"We came here to wish you a VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"



Her eyes flew open and "OMG" flew from her mouth.



She looked around and saw the dazzling smiles of her followers and the cake right in front of her!!


The young ladies got up and joined the guys and we all gather here today to...............


Here arrives the 16th of december

A special date to cherish and remember
A day to celebrate with pomp and splendor
A day to make a wish so tender
Here cums the 16th of december
Emotions can't alwas be put in words
Today on ur special day
We geninely and sincerely pray
You always remain happy ang gay
As we just wanted to convey

Authors: Sonia and Jia
Editor: Aravi
Poem courtesy: Aravi

A special thanks to all my hunks for gracing their presence here today on this special occassion.๐Ÿ˜†

And lastly a very big thankyou to my nutters whom i have shamelessly brought into the picture!! Thanku ladies, Hinna, Krats,Nij,Nsm,Lakky!!! Love you guys!!

Edited by jia.. - 15 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

dmg_sonia thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago

It's your birthday, but we got the gift...

a gentle, sweet, beautiful daughter
who is always a pleasure to be with.
You glow with sensitivity and compassion
generated from the depths
of your warm heart and and kind soul.
A loving mom, a peacemaker,
a woman full of the joy of life,
that's you.
Anyone who spends time with you
is privileged to know
such an extraordinary person.
You are a great joy in our lives.
We love you and cherish you and treasure you
and wish that every one of your birthdays
will be the happiest yet.

A very very happy birthday Kat!! May you be blessed with the choicest of the blessings and may not only this day but the many many years to come ahead be filled only with pure joy and happiness!! Truly its a privilage to have some one like you, to know someone like you!! Many many happy returns of the day yet again!! Love u!!

Because you're very special
Hope your Birthday holds in store
Happy hours that overflow
With all you're wishing for,
And hope the days that follow it
Make up a year that brings
Everything that you deserve
A million happy things.
hey di wish u a very very HAPPY HAPPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! have a blasting n rocking day di it's celebration time!!!!!!๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—
Because today's your birthday,
And because you're extra nice,
One wish is not enough for you
And so here's wishing twice'
Hoping your Birthday's wonderful
In every single way
And next year brings happiness
For you day after day



loads of luv, aravi

Hey Kat๐Ÿค—

When god made you he was having a good day i guess kat because your soul is one of the most beautiful soul, it shows as your so kindhearted , that its difficult 2 tell in words ...have a wonderful day on your birthday

Many many happy returns of the day๐Ÿฅณ, may you have a gr8 gr8 day...You have been busy last few days so i guess you should just pamper yourself today dear...Have a blast Kat

I really think i am glad to know you, your one of the most wonderful person i have meet on IF...thanks for everything, your one gr8 gal i have ever meet

I just hope in soft gleaming night of stars all your dreams, may every star of every night bring love and joy to message is very simple but i hope u liked it...i dont know what excatly one should write...i am very bad at all this....anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again๐Ÿค—

loads of love, sonu

Happy birthday Kat!
Many happy returns of the day!
Here's your present:
love from Saira

hey di
here's wishing u a very happy birthday
may lord bestow upon u all the happiness u deserve
all the best for the year ahead
hope u have a pleasant b'day
prerna ( prernawaghray)

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Kat
Happy Birthday to You ๐Ÿฅณ

Happy Birthday Kat!
Hope you have a great fun-filled day and hope this birthday is one of your bests!๐Ÿ˜ณ
I'm so lucky to have met you on IF...You are such a brilliant writer and if it weren't for your fabulous fics, I don't know what I would be doing...LOL...You are such a nice, friendly person! I hope your work stressload finishes ASAP so you can join us again and become more active when the New Year comes...I really appreciate the fact that you try so hard to update your fics for us...but take your time! We understand! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Well wishing you a greatttttt birthday and hope all your wishes come true and may you achieve success, good health, and propsperity in everything you do!

Love, Anita

Hike across green Ireland;
Bike the USA;
Backpack through New Zealand,
But don't call it a day'

Do yoga in lovely Paris;
Jump rope in Katmandu;
Avoid Italian pasta,
(Well, maybe taste, but don't you chew!)

Climb atop Mt. Everest;
Do aerobics on China's Wall;
Lift weights on Mexican Beaches;
And honey, that's not all'

Shake your booty with native dances
In Fiji and Bora Bora;
Move your body and exercise
Like you've never done befora.

Okay; that's good; you're finished;
Now you can take a break;
You've finally burned enough calories
To have your birthday cake!
happy b'day kat diiiiiiiiiii

- lakky meow23


May your special day be filled with memories and flowers, friendship and happy hours.....
once again Happy Birthday Kat di!!!!!!!!!

love u


Hey katty di..๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—...
Many Mnay Happy returns of the day...๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ
Hope u enjoy this day loadsss...๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ƒ...i truly love ur FFs...and wish that you keep ritting some more lovely stories and have a gr8 year ahed..
Loads of love,
Riddhima..๐Ÿ˜ณ (ksdbstjodi)

"It's your birthday, sing aloud,
You will surely make us proud.
If your voice, cracks in half,
We shall all, have a laugh.

Don't be shy, pick a song,
Just make sure, it's not too long.
Old or new, all the same,
Aging; we should never shame.

If you choose, something old,
My blue suede shoes, prepare to behold.
Let us dance up, a wild storm,
Until our spirits, are joyful and warm."

Hey Kat
Wishing you a perfect day with loved ones and lots of surprises
Happy Birthday honey and may u have loads more
it has been wonderful knowing u and i wish our bond grows with time
u r an awesome friend indeed
a terrific writer and a great person
thanx for all u do
Have a fab day Kat
lots of love

p.s: hope u get a break from your workload atleast today
take care yar

Happy Birthday to one of the most enterprising members of our forum. May God grant you all your wishes and have a wonderful birthday!


Dear Kat,
        Wow I can't believe it's your birthday again!  Meowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.    I love your sense of humor, style and most of all your big heart for all of the people in your life.  Keep writing your amazing fanfics, hilarious posts, and always keep a smile on your face because that's what you do for all of us who love you.  Having you in my life has given me a new sense of strength, joy, and peace and I wish you get all that you dream of this year.  Hope the coming year makes all of your wishes come true, you deserve it sis.   ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—
        Love you to bits,

Hey Kat, first of all happy birthday, may god give u happy life.
And secondly u keep entertaining us by ur witting skills as u r one of the best writer, u have always something new in ur brain.
Wish u many happy returns of the days and yes ur friend will be always there for support and count me as a friend too.




Ok heres a poem for Kat Di !!

A little poem i thought i should write,
Im not too good... But its the message so bright
The love to give... but the verses s light..
For the special friend... i thought i just might !

Your Birthday today .. exceptionally mystical
Its the one special say... Just plain wonderful !!
Todays Ur day .... amazingly Magical !!!
Dont hide that smile... be dreadfully cheerful !!

I expect you to celebrate... Yes thats an order
ignore my message? Dont even bother!!
We'll get down to ur town ! Yup thats right !!
and we'll make u party !!
We're not going w/o a fight !!!

Oh but most of all.... please dont forget
and yes we know you well...
We know that u  bake..
so im expecting a courier....
Thats right.. i want my CAKE !!!!

Lol !!! I Hope that brought some humour to ur special day !!?? I hope you liked the poem... im not too good with the verses.. so i think it gets mixed up some places... but all in all Kat Di.... I want to wish you a Very Very Very Happy Birthday !!! Hope you have a blast.. and im not kidding about the cake !!! Lol !!

Love vini

Have A Pretty Pompous Year     Be It Rocking Thunderous Happening Delighful And Yay!
 A very Happy Birthday KAT!
 Hope you have a blast this day and the year that follows..

 Lov nijaL

Kat Saadi da birthday aaya

Aajao khushi manayieh

Saare mil ke saare ral ke

Happy Birthday gayieh!

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to You!

Happy Birthday Manno Billi!!!!!!!
 Tis the time to celebrate
 you were born today!
 since it was your entry in to the world
 you have to treat us hurray hurray hurray!๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
 Happy Birthday Kat, I hope your birthday is filled with fun and happiness (though it is hard with all the deadlines) So um what are you like 50 now๐Ÿ˜† am just joking๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†
 Lots of Love and good wishes

๐Ÿฅณ* Happy Birthday Kat! *๐Ÿฅณ
A friendship like ours...
gives life a sweet sense of continuity.
Our relationship combines
the past and future
in a way that is natural,
And while other friends,
new friends,
 see the me that I've become,
you know the me
I've always been,
just as I know the craze that we grew from,
the stories that shaped you.
In this forum of FanFiction imagination,
its a rare thing,
a precious thing,  
to know and be known so well.
A friendship like ours
is something to cherish.
And I want you to know
I do.
Happy Birthday, Dear Friend
Best Wishes <3<3

Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings,
As your birthday nears.
Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who've enriched your life
Just by being there.
Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.
Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
"Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!"

Happy Birthday Kat
I know we arnt very close and dont know alot about each other but i hope we do very soon.

Heres your cake. I tried to find a CatWoman cake but couldnt find one. Atleast this ones black and is a cat ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Have a great day and dont forget to spoil yourself rotten๐Ÿ˜‰.
Party all night long until you cant dance anymore.

Karan says Happy Birthday aswell. But ive said this before and im gonna say it again you only get a maximum of 2 mins to send wiiv him then he comes back to me ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‰.

x...Aneesa...x (prachi&neev)

Just like fine wine, you grow better with the years.

May this year be your best ever.

Have a wonderful day and fabulous year.

Hope your birthday is just the beginning of a year full of happiness.

Hoping your wishes come true year after year.

Wishing you all the best in the year to come. May your days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors. And may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come.

May today be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love.

Happy Birthday to someone who is forever young.

Happy Birthday to someone who deserves a truly happy day.

You think you're special because its your birthday today. That's complete nonsense... you're special every day.

Hope you have the greatest Birthday ever!

May all your dreams and wishes come true!

love chandni ( armaanridz )

Edited by dmg_sonia - 15 years ago
Suvarna.... thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Happy Birthday To U!!!

Happy Birthday To U!!!

Happy Birthday Dear Kat

Happy Birthday To U!!!

Edited by suv.patki - 15 years ago
simran1285 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
 Manno Billi here's wishing you a very very happy birthday with many more to come! ๐ŸฅณMay your life be blessed with nothing but happiness and good health (of course with lots of wealth as well๐Ÿ˜‰) I hope you have a great 50th๐Ÿ˜† enjoy it dear as it's your golden year and golden years only come once! So are you throwing a party-sharty with some bhangra??? I still haven't received an invitation๐Ÿคฌ "hunn teri saadi bas ve"๐Ÿ˜† 
Jia, Nj, Nij, Aru, Kratz, Sonu, KSG, Akki, SRK & Arjun thank you for entertaining us with your banter, may the true Singh(Lion) be King!๐Ÿ‘
P.S.- girls where is Mata ji's ashram? I need to come seek blessings and ask for the potential of finding a Singh๐Ÿ˜†
Manno Billi as everyone else said KAT MATA KI JAI!!!!๐Ÿค—
In punjab daughters are always called puttar and I am sure Kat when you were born your mother would have been extremely thrilled and must have sang in joy so here's a little piece from my favorite song hopefully describing your mothers feelings
"challa nau nau kheve
  ve puttar mithde mehve
  oh allah sab nu dehve
   kanvan ve manwaan thandiaan shavan"

Edited by simran1285 - 15 years ago
music.doll thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Heyyy Katz Doll!!
Wishing u a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY even though its still the 15th for me llloll. I hope u hav a super rockin b'day!! May all ur wishes cum true hun!!
Keepp rockin as a writer!!
Loads of LU(V=UK)
Robin_M thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
WOW its kats birthday!!!!!!! PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wishing you a very very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY kat di!
its such a special day, because todays the day the world was blessed with such a awsome person and amazing writter! we are so lucky to have u amongst us! this place would not be the same without you, you bring the fun and creativity! your not just a wonderful writter, your a great person and friend! im so glad that i know a person like you!
so giving you a big hug on your special day! i know your swamped with work, but do take the time out and enjoy this day! you deserve it!
wish you all the happiness in the world and may god bless you!
have a fab day ;)

luv, robin
~sweet_4_U~ thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
happy bday to u!!! may all ur wishes come true!!!
hinz thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 15 years ago
Sonu and Jia u guys rocked it yar
awww all the hotties wishg the b'day girl

Kat mata ki jai ho!

Have a great day Kat
lots of love and good wishes for a fab b'day

p.s: what did ya get from batty ji? do pm me lolz

meow23 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
kat dii.. grace d occasion...
jia n d gang of gurls.. awesum job....
i stil imagine myself fainting after seeng KSG..
wer r d nutters.. hinzz cum soonnn.....c who as cum 2 meet u...
brilliant act... luvd ittt.............
meow23 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
kat ji........ parcel sum goodies 2 mee...............