FF:One Lie-UpdtPt32(pg60)Fear of Losing the child

DMG_farwa thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Okay you guys...this is my first time writing in india forums.. I have been a silent reader ad have read some great FF's from talented writers..i am giving it a try so please comment and criticize honestly! The characters have a total different personality than our usual Prem and Heer!
Part 1-6            Page 1
Part    7            Page 2
Part 8 -9           Page 3 
Part 10             Page 4
Part 11             Page 6
Part 12             Page 8
part 12 (cont)    Page 9
Part 13             Page 10
Part 14             Page 12
Part 15             Page 13
Part 16             Page 14
Part 17             Page 15
Part 18             Page 17
Part 19             Page 18
Part 20             Page 19
Part 21             Page 20
Part 22             Page 22
Part 23             Page 26
Part 24             Page 29
Part 25             Page 32
Part 26             Page 35
Part 27             Page 39
Part 28             Page 42
Part 29             Page 47
Part 30             Page 51
Part 31             Page 56
Part 32             Page 60
Part 1

As the birds sang their beautiful songs, the run rose up to a wondrous blue sky and its rays hit the beautiful valleys of Ludhiana. The streets that were once gloomy due to the dark were now filled with cheer and joy as everyone prepared for work. The smell of fresh parathas, samosas, and Jalebis were coming from many houses as the women prepared breakfast for the men. This was the usual morning haggle in each house in the city of Ludhiana and one of the houses which practiced this most often were of the Maan's. Their house was opened to a stunning garden consisting of nothing but bushes of roses which varied in colors. The grass was astonishingly green and the trees were very healthy. The exterior of the house was blessfully decorated with flowers on the creamy wall paint with a symbol of "Baba". The interior of the house was painted in beige and the structure of the house itself was quiet large. The cream colored sofas, the light brown carpet, the wonderful paintings, the glass dining table and the marvelous curtains were all very eye captivation. The stairs in the house led to the rooms of the family members who were Heer (eldest daughter), Meher (younger daughter), Teji (mother), and Pandey (Heer's grandfather). Heer's room was marvelously decorated with a beautiful bed, a olive green shady lamp, a computer table, and the painting of the wall was yellow with green polkadots (yes it may sound tacky but it was a very joyful room). At the side, there was a table which possessed a picture with a flower garland. This picture was of Balraj, Heer's dad, who died 4 years ago leaving the family with some riches to be able to fend without him. The Maans were traditionally from Punjab and had lived in Ludhiana for most of their life.


This morning, as Heer was running on the treadmill, she heard Shahrukh's voice on the radio and came running down to her mom.


" Maa..Maaaaa?Maaamaa", screamed Heer


"What happened honey, where is the fire?" said her overprotective mother as she rushed upstairs from her busy household work


"Nothing is on fire mamma, but your son in law is on the radio, o I love the way he talks, his dimples, his eyes, his ..his?." said Heer with a twinkle in her eye


"His wonderful habit of smoking, drinking, and acting with many women who aren't his wife" said the mother with an unhappy look in her eye as her daughter was so boy crazed

"No mamma, Shahrukh is very handsome, he'll take wonderful care of di and she'll be very amazed when he acts with many women and has no time for di?yup he is definitely a keeper" rudely remarked Meher


"Shut up fatty, what you know, there are more things in this world than food okay" mentioned Heer pensively


It took their mom about 10 minutes to get the girls to stop fighting and that's also when their grandpa stepped in and brought 10 photographs

"Hello dadaji, how was your morning walk" asked Meher wondering if Dada ji had brought steaming Jalebis from the store.


"Nothing beta, Heer, I have brought some pictures of 10 wonderful Punjabi guys for you. They are from a decent family and they are all well cultured" said Dadaji excitedly


"NAHIIIIII ?Dadaji I cant marry them. One guy looks like an elephant, one like a horse, and one like?like..like a monkey. If I marry them ill be marrying an animal. I don't want to create a zoo in my house" stated Heer as she ran to her room and packed her bags


Her mom followed her up the stairs and asked Heer why she was packing her belongings to which Heer replied I am going Bombay. I am going to start a new life with a new career.


Heer and her mom argued much over heer's decision but heer was adamant.


"Heer, ill let you go if you in one condition. I am giving you 10 months. Go to Bombay, find a job, find a good boy whom I approve and I will let you stay. But if in these ten months, you are not able to attain a job and find me a good son in law, youll come back and marry my choice", Teji said with a obstinate look on her face


This condition shocked Heer but she was a stubborn person and she agreed to take up that challenge.


Tell me what you think...ill post up more!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜›

Edited by DMG_farwa - 15 years ago


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Pyari_Zahra thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago
Great first part- very good for your first FF!! For a second I thought Heer was actually married, lol!! The sisterly fight between Meher and Heer made me laugh- especially the 'shut up fatty' bit 🀣 Can't wait for your next part, hopefully Heer's lucky choice will be Prem!!! xx
DMG_farwa thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
πŸ˜‰Aww thanx zahra hope every one appreciates it as much as you do....you encouraged me!
Here is more for u..


 Part 2:

Five months had passed by and Heer was still wandering around searching for a job. She was very frustrated and didn't know what to do. She was renting an apartment near a radio station which she found to be a trouble as everyone would rush in and out annoying her precious sleep.


"Ahhh?tameez nahin hai (no manners).. these ill mannered people have nothing better to do than to create so much fiasco at 10 am in the morning. I AM TRYING TO SLEEP DO YOU UNDERSTAND. NOW SHOOO ALL OF YOU SHOO" Heer screamed out her window as she took a vase and threw it.


Everyone outside stared at her and wondered which planet she has dropped from. Without realizing, Heer had dropped the vase on some man's car and it broke the window. The man got really angry.


Heer found an odd newspaper lying on the floor while listening to pappu cant dance sala. She picked up the paper and scanned through the job ads and apparently found one. She got dressed and left for the job. She was wearing a wonderful blazer with beautiful jeans which had sparkly sequins on the side. She walked in the station and saw the man whose car she had destroyed. He was wearing a nice sports jacket and was very cute looking. She knew he was easy to fool.

Dismayed by the loss of his car, Tushar,  came with a ranting look, and whined about how she killed his car, his baby, his life, his beautiful Benz.

Finding the scene funny, heer replied " So, cant get a new one? What is it with you men and cars now shut up and take me to the managers office you stupid stupid peon" shouted Heer


"Huh", confused by her so-called speech he said " Are you mad, what is wrong with you?first off it was a Mercedes Benz and?.


"So wasn't worth more than you salary, or job, and for sure its not worth more than me" she interrupted


"Ahhh shut up I AM THE MANAGERS SON..AND ITS WORTH MORE THAN YOU DEFINITLY?" said an outraged Tushar.


This shocked Heer and she fainted?


Part 3


Tushar asked maam are you okay?Heer got up and winked at him and chuckled nervously and said "um oh you totally look like boss type?I love what you have done with the place"


Sounding as fake as she probably could,she was able to convince the humble and gullable Tushar.


Popping his collar he replied, "really, it was all my idea..i wanted to become and interior desi?This is not the point..the point is why are you here?"


"For a job silly, I want to work with professionals" replied Heer


"I don't hire women like you, you all seem so?rude and offensive", replied Tushar


"I am not like that..infact?I am different..i am married" said Heer


What had she done..she told him she was married?now what?


"Oh",said tushar.."okay lets see your resume and make sure from tomorrow start wearing a mangalsutra and dress properly as a cultured wife, we don't want people to think you are single. "


"Kyun", questioned heer wondering why he had a problem with her dressing a certain way


But she was deperate?now she had to go find a mangalsutra. She went to the wedding store and got one. On the way back, she was extremely excited that her long wait was over and she was actually a working women. She was running around flabergastedly when she ran into a sturdy, handsome man. Purposefully, she pretended to melt and fell into his arms. She looked at him wearing a black suit wearing a purple shirt with a stripy tie. She saw his scrumptious lips and his brown eyes and his vivid lashes which drained her heart out of her. His hair looked like he had been playing with it and the sun made his face glow. She wanted to melt?


As soon as she ran into him, he grabbed her from her waist preventing her from falling. Her magenta chiffon sari flowed with the wind revealing just a bit of her waist which he was holding on to keep her still. Her waist felt warm against his cold fingers and her big grey eyes looked astonishing in the light of the sun. Her hair was flowing back and forth and strands were blocking him to achieve a proper look at her. He wanted to melt?




All of a sudden, he noticed the neckless, the mangulsutra and got her up on her feet. He walked away. That day she didn't know who he was, what she had done to make him go away, and the feeling that had just touched her soul.


Part 4: 

Lost in the deep thoughts of her "prince charming" she hopped down the street and forgot all her surroundings. It was a lovable scene as she played with the birds, whistled at the naked men taking showers in the dirty waters, imitated girls on their cells phones, pulled down hats and much more. She had a big smile on her face, which kind of looked goofy but was pursued cute by many people around her. When she arrived home, she took her pillow, softened it up and went to bed dreaming about the wonderful moments that had been spent today.


Next morning, by the bell of the phone, Heer woke up.


"Hello di, am I a sister in law or what", a voice came from the other end of the phone


"Yaar, I cam from Ludhiana just so I didn't have to hear you, but EVERYDAY  you call. Cant you leave me alone for one second?" said an irritated Heer


"I do di, do I call you when I am eating? Do you know Mamma made samosas today?.mmmm they are so good?.Hello?Hello?" Meher spoke


By the time Meher had just begun talking about her food, Heer had kept the phone as she wasn't interested. She wore her blue sari with matching bangles, matching jwellery and matching shoes. She wore Sindoor (vermillion) and left for work. When she arrived, Tushar was on the desk with her uncle.


He made up an accent like Hitler


"So you got married? To who?" he inquired


"Beta, you married without telling me? Don't tell me you have a son too" asked her Amir uncle


"Kya..Noo.. I am not married" blurted Heer


"You aren't?" asked Tushar


"I am" said Heer


"You are?" asked Amir uncle shockingly


"No..Yes..Maybe..I don't know..STOP?"


She couldn't take it anymore?she felt as if the world was coming to an end..as if the sky was falling as if she were a fizz pop and someone was shaking her to an extent where her cap (head) would blow off?


Her face turned red and she broke down in tears?fake tears that is?


"Oh stop you drama, we know you were faking" said Tushar


"Ah Maza Aaya rite" asked Amir uncle


A raging Heer stomped towards tushar about to strangle him and said


"You knew..I am going to kill you today. Youll wish you never messed with me Tushar..i am going to make mash potatoes out of you and feed it to dogs"


And they ran around the office playing Tom and Jerry?Heer being tom ofcourse


Part 5:


By the end of the month, another job had been offered to Heer but she didn't want it as she was doing fine at the radio station. Tushar and her had become the best of friends. But Tushar wanted Heer to go to the interview because it was a better job, so she went. When she arrived, Tushar called her and said that the President of the company like married women as they are proper and nice. Sh*t she thought and again, got into her married women get up. She went into the office which was professionally designed in an "L" shape with a table which was under a lap top. She came in and sat down


"Get up", said the man on the chair. "have I asked you to sit"


"Sorry," replied Heer, " I am a little nervous to meet such royalty like you. I have heard amazing things about Gayatri and Corp.


"I am joking..just joking. I am not the man of this company?my mom is" said Preet Juneja with a smirk


Heer wanted to kill him at that second? she hated to praise people, she hated people who played jokes and she was about to say something when Gayatri walked in


"Hello" said gayatri " show me your resume and we'll continue"


After 2 hours, Heer finally came out of the building with a big smile as she had gotten the job. She was still wondering why as she already had one when all of a sudden, the same hunk bumped into her.


"Sorry, but I think you have an eye sight problem. Why do we always bump" said the hunk


Hum dil de chuke sanam started playing and Heer started to dance to the tune while humming it


"Okay then, I am Prem?Prem Juneja. And you are?" inquired Prem


"Heer..Heer Juneja" replied heer still in his thoughts


"WHAT" said prem shockingly


"Sorry, Maan..Heer Maan" said Heer


At the radio station, Tushar was feeling uneasy. He kept looking at Heer's pictures and the wonderful times that she and him had spent.


"what is wrong with me? Why am I feeling so..so close to her?" he wondered


He kept thinking of her twinkling smile, her creamy fair skin, her amazingly dazzling eyes, her dazzling hair and her witful yet sweet talks. He was in love?


At that moment, Heer walked in and came running and said I LOVE YOU TUSHAR? I LOVE YOU? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.


His heart skipped beats and his mouth dropped. His eyes opened and he had the biggest smile on his face. Just when he was about to say I love you too


Heer said "because of you  I have met the love of my life?I love you"


At that second, a tear fell down from Tushar's eyes and his world came crashing down?


Edited by DMG_farwa - 15 years ago
-Garima- thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
wonderful part!! it was great!!! loved all the descriptions...btw i'm shahrukh crazy also like heer in ur fanfic...i've seen like all his movies...lolz πŸ˜†..so yeah keep up the great work and continue soon...looking forward to the next part!! πŸ˜ƒ
kimmu thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Oooh sounds nice! Interesting concept, i see how the 'one lie' comes in.  Reminds me of "Kareena Kareena" its an old drama that used to come on Ztv, it started out just like that. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
-Garima- thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
hey just read ur part 2 and 3...there awesome!!! cant wait till the next one!!
DMG_farwa thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
awww thanxx guys....i am really happy you guyz all like it...i am mixing up all the shows i have watched into this...Thankks a lot.

Part 6:


Heer went and told Prem that she was not married and to this Prem was very relieved as he was not able to handle nor talk to married women. Heer and Prem had started to spend a lot of time together which was getting to tushar. He didn't like the love that Heer felt for Prem.


"Prem, do you know Heer lies a lot?" said Tushar jealously on the phone


"So, I think its cute", replied prem


"really? Because she cant cook nor dress and she is a loud mouth. Her sister is nice though, I think you and her sister would make a good couple"


This made prem laugh and he kept the phone


The next day, heer came fuming in the radio station and inquired for tushar. At the point of finding him, she grabbed him by the neck and placed him on the floor and sat on top of him.


"KYUN KIYA" asked heer


"KIYA KIYA" wondered tushar


"Why did you tell prem to marry my sister? now he keeps asking me," said heer


"So, sharing is caring..share him with your sister" laughed tushar




" I am sorry ..before I become all the animals in the zoo..i am sorry.." said tushar apologetically


" There is another problem, i am pregnant" said Heer


"WHAT", said tushar angirliy


"Not really yaar, as a joke. Gayatri maam thinks a women with kids is a humble one, so I am pregnant" said heer


"Thats why you are having mood swings and getting fatter..i was wondering what was wrong" replied Tushar jokingly


Heer grabbed both of his arms and held him like a police inspector and said "GET OUT"


"Umm this is my office AND YOU ARE HOLDING ME" said tushar


"Fine ill leave goodbye Tushar" replied heer


"Ooey, dont get mad?its not good for the child" said tushar jokingly


After she had left, tushar's face became gloomy once again as he remember what he had felt when she told him she was pregnant. He was consistently feeling closer to her. He wanted her. He craved her. He needed her.


Heer met with Prem at a dhabha and told him about her pregnancy. Prem choked on water and jumped. She stated her reasoning once again. And he said who is the father?


Now she was confused. She didn't know who the father of the child was. Prem said don't worry we will tell ma and pa that he is out of town. Heer was lost in prem's thought once again..


"What smarts?What hieght, What looks, What a hunk ?" said the inner soul of Heer


She wondered if Prem liked her too. At that moment, her grandpa came by the dhaba and saw heer in a sari and Mangulsutra and Screamed " HEEEER BETA"?.

Edited by DMG_farwa - 15 years ago
P.Kamaljit.Sean thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago
just read part 1 2 3
awesum update
very nice
can't wait...
sweta2005 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 15 years ago
awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeee too good very nice part waitingggggggggg for next asap.
sonali09 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Hey i just read all the updates right now and they were awesome!!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ luv the concept....heer and meher fight in 1st part was too funnyπŸ˜†....luv how premeer are getting closer😳....feel sorry for tushar!😭 plz continue soon and keep up the gr8 work!πŸ˜ƒ
luv sonali
Edited by sonali09 - 15 years ago