2 sep: big things, little things

PurplePantsuit thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
i discovered one way of watching this show with my mom today - when she is knocked out with sedatives!  πŸ˜† doctor has told her she must get rest. so she gets sedatives.  plus, i took great glee  in playing the hindi-tv-channel 'cause i knew they would be sure to bore her to sleep.  worked like a charm.  i'm good! πŸ˜†  the only problem was i couldn't really play the sound too high. so probably missed on a lot of the conversations. given the amount laluchacha got to talk today, was that just plain luck for me??  πŸ˜†

* little thing: didn't watch monday's show. but read triv's pattshala.  so veera broke her engagement by confessing she loves someone else. did she say it was ratpal?  is heer the villain of the piece or the hero?  don't remember what triv said, so i was confused about this. 

* little thing: er.. who else thought that the woman playing ratpal's mom is a perfect match for him?  they suit each other in some strange and weird way.  no?  hmmm....

* little thing: i figured that everyone knows that veera was in love with ratpal as the total easy way in which ratpal and his mom came  into the house... right?  i mean, it can't be that they're hearing ratpal's veera's lover for the first time!  they were all so casual and accepting of his presence!

* little thing:  eeks. ratpal comes to veera's side and calls her "stooopid girl", "crazy girl".  gee, what a wonderful lover!  πŸ˜†

* little thing: man, is the actor playing ratpal a lousy actor or what??  almost as lousy as the one playing veera (who keeps looking like she is dying one second and totally revived to shout at ratpal in the next second!)  in fact, the ratpal actor is so bad that he could take lessons from the harman actor who has vastly improved under melissa's training. πŸ˜†  (mel, d'you feel like taking on one more case?  or is this one impossible to do anything with?)

* big thing: oooooh, but ratpal has created a totally evil situation for heer when he said "she came to me and started abusing our relationship.  so to shut her up, i said all that nonsense".  poor prem's face at that point went from seriously simmering with anger at ratpal to sudden confusion.  you could just see him thinking -- "heer? he's talking about heer coming to meet him?  wha...?"

and that he is evil was fully shown when he played "you are in love yourself" card with prem!  oooooh, that was really smart and totally nasty of him! 

* um, prem thing 1: er... prem's got a hair cut?  didn't he start this party with much more hair??  i could only think of two ways to explain this sudden loss of hair.  either he's got a little barber that fits in his pocket and comes out to snip a little here and snip a little there.  or this party has been really stressful for prem and he has shed all that hair 'cause of it!!!!!  🀣  d'you think that laluchacha's in his present ... um .... hair-deprived state 'cause he has had to tolerate all of veera's tensions all this time?  πŸ˜†

* prem thing 2: i remember when ratpal first came into the show, there was a discussion on who was taller - prem or ratpal?  i hope everyone's happy now - in his bare feet, prem's a little taller than ratpal in his shoes.
 πŸ˜†πŸ˜†  (hey!  i couldn't hear the dialogue properly - so i had to focus on something else instead! πŸ˜†)

* little thing: each and every one of the brothers stand united in wanting to throw ratpal out for being a rat to their sister.  so sweet.  but i must admit: i was disappointed when prem shouted "get out!" instead of "you cheat!"  πŸ˜†

* big thing: man, but was i glad when heer shouted and focussed everyone on the real problem at hand -- ie, veera dying!!!  c'mon people!  that was the most absurd thing i've seen on this show so far!  seriously!  i've just spent the last weekend dealing with a health crisis.  the one thing that i know is to get medical attention asap!!  and here, everyone was instead acting like cave-men over territorial rights and what love is! 😑

* big thing: i despise balaji telefilms for treating the real world parts of their shows with such contempt. they don't even bother finding out that when you pump the stomach of someone who's swallowed drugs or poison, you do not do it like you are a masseuse in a massage parlour!  what the heck!  my eyes went red at that!   it is a serious, dirty job.  that "doctor" looked like she was rolling out rotis!  stooooopid creatives and directors and all the people who created that scene. a pox on the lot of you.  i hope you all fall ill and have only the local vetinarian hospital to go get treated in.  you bunch of .... loser goats!  😑

* little thing: need to take a deep breath.  i detest this level of disdain these show have for such important things.  creeps.  deep breath 1.  deep breath 2.  testing smile, 1, 2, 3.  work to remember prem's jawline that you can actually see now,  after his recent hair loss.... imagine prem in laluchacha's state after one more month of this veera-ratpal drama.  πŸ˜† okay, i'm back on track.  (although, i think prem'd make for a sexy baldie. those eyes! those eyebrows!  those cheekbones!  that jawline!  all prominently up front and in your face! hmmmm... 🀣)

* little thing: ratpal's mom calls him her "chaaand"???  in public??!   er... ooo-kay.  no wonder he's taken so much trouble to keep her happy and hidden out of sight till now!  🀣🀣🀣

* big thing: prem - who'd said to heer that he would die first rather than let her marry muckmeet if he discovered "a single flaw, a single piece of dirt" about muckmeet -  is now willing to "give ratpal a second chance"???!!!  wha...??!    i mean, he says it: i know ratpal's a dirtbag.  but if he's willing to change, and come to our door to ask for veera's hand, we should consider him as son-in-law material. at the time, all i could think was:  man, is he desparate to be rid of veera or what?  stoopid! who asked you to act all noble and say you'd get married after veera? 

somehow, i didn't understand this of prem.  maybe prem was totally taken aback when ratpal pointed to him and said "you're in love, you are about to be married,  you should understand what it's like for veera and me".  is he  feeling guilty about allowing a business enemity from becoming a block for his sister's happiness?  even though he knows that ratpal is a scum-business-bag?   πŸ˜•

is the prem-brain beginning to fall apart under the stress of this guilt?  is this the same stress that is making him shed his hair? 🀣

on a more serious note, i was taken aback at the role-reversal between father and son: usually, after a life-and-death moment like this, i've seen parents become very calm and accept all kinds of compromises.  while the younger generation get even more angry and resentful.  here, they're showing it as exactly the opposite -- laluchacha is holding firm to his instincts about not wanting a despicable non-human ("yey, insaan bhi nahi hain!") as the future companion for his daughter.  while prem is all ready to compromise on his own beliefs of never letting one he loves deeply suffer even for a moment in the future, by being forever with someone who might be even a little less than perfect.  all because he can't stand to see "dard" in his sister's eyes?  prem, isn't that pain just now?  what about pain for the rest of her life with a horrible person like ratpal?

very very strange. i do wonder where they're going with this. 

* little thing: oooh, beeji finally gets her own dialogue!  and that was also interesting. she asks laluchacha to think how guilty he would've felt if prem-heer had not gotten together after that storm.  it's telling us that she is feeling tremendous guilt for what she had done to nihaal's theif-mom during the storm. she has been responsible for someone else losing their life. and she is probably feeling the guilt of her act all the time. 

at some level, i felt sorry for her.  but  i've always disliked laluchacha constantly dumping his own responsibility  on his sons (like making sure prem will marry into balraj's family. or making sure harman becomes a lawyer to satisfy his own father's wishes, while he himself chose to become a businessman).  just like that, i really dislike beeji trying to remove some of her own feelings of guilt, by making sure that laluchacha doesn't repeat (what she thinks is) her mistake. 

* big thing: so everyone's forgotten that veera - who had the choice several times - had conveniently not told them about being in love with someone else, let alone ratpal??  wow, that's a neat way to get out of trouble, donchya think???  distraction by attempted suicide.  brilliant.  especially if you don't die! hmmm. sigh.  pity.  it would've been such a neat way to get rid of the (imho, boring) veera-angle.  double sigh.  i'd much rather have ratpal and dirtchachi get together to fight against the juneja's. triple sigh.

oh well, i guess we continue to wait and watch?  πŸ˜†

highlight of the episode:  hmmm.  nothing.  unless i missed out on some really cool dialogue.  everyone was quite weird today.  liked the story development but nothing really stood out as 😍  not like this (for instance):

(credits: nandini90,
http://www.india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=879394&TPN=16 πŸ˜†)

edit add
henceforth, mr. rampal will be referred to as ratpal.  'cause... well, 'cause it fits him better!  if you look carefully, doesn't he look quite ... ratty??!  πŸ˜†
edit end

Edited by estee - 15 years ago


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Howlarious thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: estee

* little thing: er.. who else thought that the woman playing rrampal's mom is a perfect match for him?  they suit each other in some strange and weird way.  no?  hmmm....

I did, both were creeps..πŸ₯±πŸ˜†..putting a face of fakeness on for the entire episode..*sigh*

Originally posted by: estee

* little thing: i figured that everyone knows that veera was in love with rrampal as the total easy way in which rrampal and his mom came  into the house... right?  i mean, it can't be that they're hearing rrampal's veera's lover for the first time!  they were all so casual and accepting of his presence!

they're at ease with everything though...they were at ease when Veera was drinkin that poison like it was some orange juice and they all let her do it πŸ˜²πŸ˜†

Originally posted by: estee

* little thing:  eeks. rrampal comes to veera's side and calls her "stooopid girl", "crazy girl".  gee, what a wonderful lover!  πŸ˜†

stoooopid girl one made me laff πŸ˜†πŸ˜†..he was emphasising the stoooopid a lot πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Originally posted by: estee

* um, prem thing 1: er... prem's got a hair cut?  didn't he start this party with much more hair??  i could only think of two ways to explain this sudden loss of hair.  either he's got a little barber that fits in his pocket and comes out to snip a little here and snip a little there.  or this party has been really stressful for prem and he has shed all that hair 'cause of it!!!!!  🀣  d'you think that laluchacha's in his present ... um .... hair-deprived state 'cause he has had to tolerate all of veera's tensions all this time?  πŸ˜†

i'd go with the stressful party one 🀣🀣🀣

Originally posted by: estee

* little thing: each and every one of the brothers stand united in wanting to throw rrampal out for being a rat to their sister.  so sweet.  but i must admit: i was disappointed when prem shouted "get out!" instead of "you cheat!"  πŸ˜†

yeah its "united we stand" πŸ˜†πŸ˜†..but why did they stand there when Veera was drinking that poison πŸ₯±πŸ₯±

Originally posted by: estee

* big thing: man, but was i glad when heer shouted and focussed everyone on the real problem at hand -- ie, veera dying!!!  c'mon people!  that was the most absurd thing i've seen on this show so far!  seriously!  i've just spent the last weekend dealing with a health crisis.  the one thing that i know is to get medical attention asap!!  and here, everyone was instead acting like cave-men over territorial rights and what love is! 😑

I knowww...hmmm they didn;t they think to call the doctor earlier..πŸ˜• they let that lady [RR's mum I think] do some talking and then it takes someone else for them to realise the real problem πŸ˜•πŸ₯±

Originally posted by: estee

* big thing: i despise balaji telefilms for treating the real world parts of their shows with such contempt. they don't even bother finding out that when you pump the stomach of someone who's swallowed drugs or poison, you do not do it like you are a masseuse in a massage parlour!  what the heck!  my eyes went red at that!   it is a serious, dirty job.  that "doctor" looked like she was rolling out rotis!  stooooopid creatives and directors and all the people who created that scene. a pox on the lot of you.  i hope you all fall ill and have only the local vetinarian hospital to go get treated in.  you bunch of .... loser goats!  😑

rolling out rotis..🀣 ...but yep I see your point, its balaji afterall..they gota have their own "unique" ways of showing this crapppppppppppp

Originally posted by: estee

* little thing: rrampal's mom calls him her "chaaand"???  in public??!   er... ooo-kay.  no wonder he's taken so much trouble to keep her happy and hidden out of sight till now!  🀣🀣🀣

^^ LMAO πŸ˜†
dekho chaaaand aaya...RR nazar aaya πŸ˜†

Originally posted by: estee

* big thing: so everyone's forgotten that veera - who had the choice several times - had conveniently not told them about being in love with someone else, let alone rrampal??  wow, that's a neat way to get out of trouble, donchya think???  distraction by attempted suicide.  brilliant.  especially if you don't die! hmmm. sigh.  pity.  it would've been such a neat way to get rid of the (imho, boring) veera-angle.  double sigh.  i'd much rather have rrampal and dirtchachi get together to fight against the juneja's. triple sigh.

yep it would be royal rumble #89565 πŸ˜†πŸ˜†..that wud kill it..πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† and it was kinda obvious that Veera wasn't gona die..they just unnecessarily dragged it πŸ₯±πŸ˜•
step by step demonstration in how to try and commit suicide and fail πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
Edited by *VaVaVoom14* - 15 years ago
devashree_h thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Lovely post estee. But since you have not watched monday's episode i would urge you to watch the video.Total disbelief and confusion on my part.Why...hear this
Veera takes out a bottle of poison and drinks it.And all this while her family just looks at her in disbelief.It occurs to no one that they should go ahead and stop her.Like they have been frozen in their place.OK then she drinks poison and falls down and actually has strength to tell her doomed love saga.And people are listening to her like she is giving some pravachan.Blood is coming out of her mouth and nobody thinks of calling a doctor.Prem proves that he the only intelligent person in this mad-house and tries calling a doctor although belatedly.
And no the craziness doesnt stop on monday but continues well into tuesday which you have already discussed.
This Veera-Rishabh drama is totally trying my patience.
I have a strong feeling Veera staged thi poison drinking drama so that her family will be ready for her and ratpal's marriage.
Edited by devashree_h - 15 years ago
PurplePantsuit thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: *VaVaVoom14*

they're at ease with everything though...they were at ease when Veera was drinkin that poison like it was some orange juice and they all let her do it πŸ˜²πŸ˜†

*sigh* why do i get the feeling that it was a good thing to have missed monday's episode?  how have the juneja's made as much money as they seem to have despite being this slow??

Originally posted by: *VaVaVoom14*

i'd go with the stressful party one 🀣🀣🀣

🀣  you think, huh?  pity. given the rate at which my hair grows,  i'd love to get one of those little barbers myself! 

Originally posted by: *VaVaVoom14*

yeah its "united we stand" ..but why did they stand there when Veera was drinking that poison

'cause  if they moved, they'd be "divided" and then "they'd fall"??  and then how would they catch veera???  ('cause triv's pattshala says they needed three whole men to catch veera even though she is soo thin! πŸ˜†)

Originally posted by: *VaVaVoom14*

step by step demonstration in how to try and commit suicide and fail πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


"how to commit suicide for dummies" published by balaji telefilms! wonder if it'd ever make it to the bestseller lists...

(as always, your emoticons are brilliant. you and triv come up with the most amazing and apt set! )

PurplePantsuit thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: devashree_h

Veera takes out a bottle of poison and drinks it.And all this while her family just looks at her in disbelief.It occurs to no one that they should go ahead and stop her.Like they have been frozen in their place.OK then she drinks poison and falls down and actually has strength to tell her doomed love saga.And people are listening to her like she is giving some pravachan.Blood is coming out of her mouth and nobody thinks of calling a doctor.Prem proves that he the only intelligent person in this mad-house and tries calling a doctor although belatedly.

that sounds rather hilarious!  πŸ˜†  i'll try to catch the episode -- it can't have been as absurd at this!  wait a minute!  today (tuesday) they were actually standing around and shouting at each other instead of getting veera medical assistance!

or maybe!  if veera actually did talk that much after falling to the ground, maybe the juneja's were all convinced that nothing could kill her, and that veera could wait for a little while longer, while they shouted at ratpal??  πŸ˜†

This Veera-Rishabh drama is totally trying my patience.
I have a strong feeling Veera staged thi poison drinking drama so that her family will be ready for her and ratpal's marriage.

  at first, me too thought the same.   but .. somehow .. drinking poison is a very dangerous step, no?  unless she knew it wouldn't actually kill her?   is that even possible??  argh! 

sigh.  i guess wait and watch is the best policy?  πŸ€”

Smile1290 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†that was gr8!!
n i love the name Ratpal!!..totally suits him!
and i kinda think Prem's powers were all in his long hair....the longer it was the more sense he madeπŸ˜† so i guess someone needs to give him his old hair back!