*Completed* Arhi Collab: Dire Consequences Epilogue pg76 5/12 - Page 9


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Nidsubh007 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 10 years ago


Chapter 11

Arnav changed gears of his SUV with controlled anger. He could not get the words Sheetal had said to him out of his mind. 

"All she cares about is the profit his success will make" 

How dare she! How dare she come into our lives and try to discredit my wife in front of me. Khushi has done so much for her and Aarav and this is what she thinks of her!

Feeling the red hot rage shimmer through his veins once again his grip on the steering wheel increased ten folds. 

Before he could continue his deadly train of thoughts he heard his cell phone ring, without looking at the caller ID he activated his blue tooth. 

"ASR" growled Arnav. 

"Arnav?" came the melodically voice on the other end. 

Instantly Arnav's foot eased off the gas pedal and his fingers loosened around the steering wheel. 

How can a grown married woman carry so much innocence in her voice? How can one word from her make him want to protect her from the Sheetal's of the world? 

She had been right on their wedding night,  this world was very strange and complicated. 

Khushi was his only saving grace, someone he wanted to coexist with in their "choti si duniya". 

"Arnav are you there? Hello?"

Snapping out of his thoughts he pulled the SUV over to an opening on side of the road. 

"Khushi I'm here. Sorry was driving and thinking of something else". 

After a short silence Khushi asked "App theek hain?"

Taking a deep breath Arnav closed his eyes and let his head sink back into the soft leather of the headrest. 

"Hmmm I'm fine. Why did you call?"

Khushi sat on the edge of her bed, her eyes falling onto the copies that she had made earlier of the papers found in Sheetal's room. Squeezing her mobile tightly in her palm, she tried to control her anger at the implications of her findings. 

"I just wanted to know if you were on your way home. It's past 9" said Khushi in a soothing voice.  

Arnav may not express his thoughts easily or quickly but she could sense the change in his tone from the conversations earlier in the day. 

Was this defeated tone due to the failed business meeting ? But he had seemed fine during their date last night and at breakfast this morning. 

"On my way Khushi. I've already had a light dinner, can we just spend some time together when I get home?"

After all these months of loving each other, his simple request brought a lump to Khushi's throat. 

"Absolutely. I'll be waiting" said Khushi before disconnecting the call. 

Khushi got up from the bed and paced around the room. She needed to discuss this matter with Arnav right away, before Sheetal discovered that Khushi had seen the papers in her room or that she had spoken with Simran. 

Arnav seemed in a melancholy mood, so she would have to shift his comfort zone first. 

Immediately an idea popped into her head, quickly rushing out of her room she went to prepare for her evening with her husband. Once he found out what she had to say, there was no telling what his temper would provoke him to do!

Arnav pulled back into traffic and made his way home. Khushi's phone call had eased the tension building inside of him, but it also brought into the fore front another reason why Sheetal's words had disturbed him so much. 

She had sounded just like him. 

Hearing someone demean his wife had angered him so much, how must've Khushi felt every time he had pointed out her middle class status to her ? 

How must her family had felt every time her honesty or loyalty had been questioned in front of him?

One particular incident came into his mind, there was a puja being done at Shantivan and Khushi had been hired to train Lavanya to teach her the significance of that day. 

At that time Lavanya had found Khushi's interference insulting and had called the police to investigate her. In front of his family and hers. 

Arnav to this day remembers seeing her silently cry at the humiliation that she had to face that day. 

"Dammit!" murmured Arnav as he banged his hand against the steering wheel. 

How was everything he had done intentionally or unintentionally any different then what Sheetal thought of Khushi?

Pessimistic people like them found it difficult, in fact near impossible to believe that someone could be as genuine as Khushi. 

"Never again" whispered Arnav, "Never again will I allow anyone, including myself, to treat you in that manner Khushi. You will always be addressed with the utmost respect, not because your Mrs Raizada in spite of it!"  


As Arnav walked into Shantivan he was so relieved to find the family room and dining room empty.  He was in no mood for small talk with family members. 

The one highlight of the evening had been Aman's phone call 5 minutes ago. He had confirmed that Sheetal had finally selected one of the apartments he had found for her. She would be moving out within the next 48 hours. 

If it hadn't been for Aarav he wouldn't have allowed her to even spend tonight within the walls of Shantivan. 

Arnav faltered in his steps, "Aarav". 

The last two days had been so blissful for him, Khushi finally coming back to him that he had pushed aside the paternity issue. 

Now more then ever he needed answers. He needed the truth. 

From the beginning his gut had told him that something was off. No matter how much Aarav looked and behaved like him, his heart just couldn't connect with him as a father. 

Shouldn't he know or feel like Aarav's father if that we're the case?

Great, now he was starting to sound like Khushi! 

No he needed to think like Arnav Singh Raizada. 

A little boy's future was at stake, he deserved to know the truth. 

If Aarav is his son there was no way he would let him go. He would give him his rightful place, beside him, beside Khushi. He would be known as Aarav Singh Raizada. 

But... If Sheetal is lying then she won't know what hit her, not even Khushi's Devi Maiya will be able to protect her!!

Khushi was just lighting some outside candles and pouring the coffee to go along with her tea and specialty pakoras, when she heard the bedroom door open. 

Walking back into the room she quietly watched Arnav start his nighttime ritual. 

He placed his jacket on the recliner, loosened his tie, sat on the edge of the recliner to removed his shoes and socks, finally placing his mobile on the table in front of him. 

Finally deciding to move towards him she watched him jerk up and his eyes connected with hers.  

Taking in her simple peach suit he gave her a warm smile. 

"Have I ever told you how much I love the sound of your payal?" said Arnav as he extended out his hand towards her. 

Walking a bit faster, Khushi placed her palm into his and allowed him to tug her down to his lap. 

"No you've never told me that" said Khushi as she brushed her fingers over his scar below his eyebrow. 

Taking a deep breath Arnav looked into his wife's beautiful hazel eyes, he saw her love for him, but more importantly he sensed her need to take care of him, allowing him to lean on her. 

"Arnav is everything ok at the office?  With all that happened yesterday ----"

Arnav stopped her worrying speech by placing a finger across her lips. 

Both their eyes fell to his touch. Arnav rubbed her bottom lip a little roughly. As his love for her overwhelmed him. 

"Khushi this morning you asked me why I love you. The answer to that is so clear, anyone in our family could've told you the millions of reasons. But the true mystery is,  why do you love me? After ---", Arnav swallowed the shame he felt at his actions, "After everything I've ever ----"

This time it was Khushi who silenced him, choosing to use her lips as an accomplice. 

Arnav was surprised by Khushi's gentle kiss, as much as he wished to pull her closer and dive in deeper, he allowed Khushi to set the pace and rhythm of this moment. 

After all hadn't he always tried to take the lead/control in this relationship? It was important to let Khushi feel she was an equal in this marriage, in this love story. 

Khushi continued to kiss him, hoping to convey her feelings by actions rather then words. For once their roles had reversed in this relationship. 

This morning Arnav had spoken his heart when questioned about his love for her. 

Now Khushi hoped to express her love for her husband, therefore answering his question. 

Pulling away from his firm lips she continued to brush her lips against his cheek and trailing down to his jawline. 

Putting some distance between them Khushi cupped his face and rubbed her thumb against his stubble, "Hum aapse bahut pyar karte hain". 

Arnav felt a wave of gratitude at the woman before him. Through it all she had never given up on him, on them. 

Everything she ever did was out of her love for him. He could finally see that. He understood the message her heart tried to SOS him. 

Before he could reply to her heartfelt emotions she said something he least expected. 

"Arnav do you trust me?"

He responded immediately, "More then myself".

"Will you stand by me?" 

"Hamesha" he replied by holding her hand firmly in his.

"Arnav I think I know what went wrong with your meeting yesterday and who's behind it". 

A/N:  I truly apologize for the delay with this update.  Life has been very busy for me, and as much as I like to be on schedule, things haven't worked that way.

I hope you enjoy the update and I look forward to your feedback!

Thanks for your support DC Team!!

Edited by Nidsubh007 - 10 years ago
A_BA thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago


Sorry for the late res.

Nidhi, as always, you have a great way of storytelling that leaves me with wanting more!

I love how you portray Arnav. He reminds me of a little boy who just wants some reassurance and love. The way that he asks Khushi why she loves him was so endearing. And I love Khushi's response. She doesn't need to tell him words; through her actions and her support, she is able to convey a lot. And now Khushi needs Arnav to trust him with the truth. I am thankful that he has changed so much that he won't lash out on Khushi immediately and will hopefully listen to what she has to say.

Great chapter😊 Really enjoyed reading it!
Edited by A_BA - 10 years ago
--MISHTEE-- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Loved d update
OMG she is gonna tell him 😲
can't wait to read more 😊
pls update soon
Thanx for pm 😊😃
Edited by --MISHTEE-- - 10 years ago
mbbsrocks thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Chapter 10
waaaooo they are finally understanding eachother,s worth that they cant live without eachother..
superb update..
Sheetal deserves worse !!

Ok i got a good place for Chapter 11 too.
and honestly telling you 
Edited by mbbsrocks - 10 years ago
Hawa1997 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Amazing chapter 10!!

Finally we have our Khushi back!

Loved how Arnav got her jalaebis even though he doesn't like these unhygienic foods, he just did it for his wife..

Loved how Arnav defended his wife without any doubt in his mind and gave Sheetal a piece of his mind! She really got what she deserved..

Khushi was really close to knowing the truth about the file and now she has her proof as what what transpired..

Brilliantly written, Anjani!!
Loved how you expressed the feeling...

Thanks for the pm...
Hawa1997 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
For chapter 11

Can't wait...


Wonderful update!!!

Arnav realized that he had left no stone unturned in the amount of insulting he had done before to Khushi. Now he will make sure that no one ever does it again.

Love how Khushi voice soothes Arnav right away and  releases his stress instantly.

Love how you expressed Arnav feeling here...

Finally she will tell him what she has found out about Sheetal... Such a cliff hanger...

Hope you re doing well, Nidhi, beautifully written...

Thanks for the pm...

Eagerly waitng for next...

Edited by Hawa1997 - 10 years ago
dumas thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
loved the update loved arnav realizing how may time he had insulted khushi the same way that shital had done and even worse loved how it and it true even if you don't see a child and it yours no matter what there is always a connection glad he is using his brain and is going to have shital investigated and glad she will be moving out well hope the leech really does leave but knowing she will try something loved that khushi knew he needed her loved how he gave her control to show him how she feel and can't wait for their conversation about what went wrong awesome update thanks for the pm
Edited by dumas - 10 years ago
tachyon thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
good one!!! eagerly waiting for the next chapter... continue  soon...
spsharmila thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Absolutely wonderful chapter...loved it 🤗
pinkly thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Nice to have you back Nidhi. Hope you and your little ones are doing fine.


Very nice update. Arnav's resolve to not to let anyone insult Khushi is very well written. You have written the exact same incident I was thinking while reading the first half of this update (Lavanya calling police to Shantivan). I liked it when Arnav thought Khushi should also take control in their relationship.


That was a very bad place to stop the update :-). Now eagerly waiting for next chapter when Khushi reveals Sheetal's fraud.