Tumhari Disha - 04th January, 2005

disha77 thumbnail
Posted: 19 years ago
The episode begins with Disha reaching the Bhosale house to see off Azuba but unfortunately she misses on him and Suhas as usual gives her a dressing down. But this time Disha refuses to listen to her and says that Suhas has no idea of all the problems that Disha is undergoing and she cannot further give any explanations to her. Disha leaves the Bhosale house for the Police Station to free Dev and remembers Azuba in a flashback. A young Disha is shown getting late for her College Exams when Azuba blesses her and tells her to do well. Disha's eyes well up with tears and she prays to God that may he forgive her for not being able to meet Azuba. Just then Ranu calls up but Disha is unable to speak to her as she is feeling very depressed and holds back her tears with a lot of effort.

Disha goes to the Police Station and cheerfully tells the Inspector that he can release Dev since DK has signed the land documents and given it to the Progressive Woman's Front. The Inspector is extremely impressed and tells Disha that only a Diamond can cut a Diamond and that she has achieved something, which no one could have dared to. Disha smiles quietly and refrains from commenting on it. Dev is released and looks miserable as he tells Disha that he cannot go back to Kanaka House as he has betrayed DK and that he will never be able to face up to him. Disha convinces Dev that what he did was correct and that he has no need to be ashamed or afraid of and more importantly she needs his support to continue living with DK in his house. Dev is not at all convinced by Disha's rationalization but anyway goes home with her.

As Disha and Dev enter the house, Gargi stops them and tells Disha sharply that Dev will not live in this house anymore as he had tried to poison DK. Disha just gives a cold, hard stare at Gargi and says that she is very well aware of the truth and that even Gargi knows well enough that Dev never did any such thing. Gargi is furious with Disha's impertinence and tells her that DK will blow up if he knows that Dev came back home. Disha says that she will deal with him, and that Gargi has no need to be concerned. Gargi realizes that Disha is too strong to be cowed down by anyone and that Gargi would be foolish to openly fight with Disha and immediately changes her tone by saying that she has no problem with Dev coming back, its DK who had instructed her to do so. Dev gives a cold look at Gargi understanding that the woman is a big liar and Disha does not offer any reaction. Gargi meanwhile calls up DK and tells him in an exaggerated manner that Disha has brought Dev home and has openly challenged DK's authority. Gargi says, "DK, Tumhari Disha ab such main Tumhari Disha badal nain waali hai" (Your Disha is definitely going to change your way of life now) to which a infuriated DK replies that no ordinary girl can command or change his Disha ever.

In the next scene, a rampant and raging DK comes back home and shouts for Dev, who is fear struck at the thought of facing DK. In a beautiful, emotional scene, DK gives a betrayed, intense look in his eyes and asks in a livid yet controlled voice why did Dev betray DK like this? Dev is not able to bear the pain in DK's voice and breaks down crying and suddenly DK's lovely, honey colored eyes fill with tears. In an incensed yet poignant voice DK says that Dev had taken his Father's place and loved him like his own son and that DK has duly repaid Dev's loyalty & always treated him with due reverence and fondness, then why did Dev stand in the way of DK today, and that too for an outsider. Dev is unable to bear the ache and treachery that shows in DK's voice and sobbing pitifully replies back to DK that he has cared and cherished DK like his own son and hence could not see him going on a wrong path, which he was by entrapping Disha in a crime that she had not even committed. DK holds back his tears and says in a terse, iced up and livid voice that he no longer requires the services of Dev and that he can leave this house immediately. Dev gets a pleading look in his eyes and begs to DK not to throw him out, but DK refuses to budge from his stance. Just then Disha comes and tells Dev that he has no need to go anywhere and that he will continue living in this house as before. DK looks at Disha with extreme anger and tells her that she has no authority to tell him who should live in his house and who should go out. Disha does not react to DK but in a strong, authoritative voice tells Dev that he will continue living here, as this house is as much hers as it is DK's. DK just gives Disha a vicious, intent look and stomps off to his room. Gargi overlooks the entire scene and is enraged at Disha's brazenness to DK and wonders to herself that no one till date has ever looked at DK in his eyes and Disha has the gumption to openly defy him. Gargi thinks that the time has come to play her Trump Card as Disha has thrown all her plans into a dither and that if she does not ensure Disha's ouster from the Sehgal Family, the time won't be far when she will be controlling the Kanaka Empire.
Disha is shown sitting alone in the Terrace and thinks about Dev and tells herself that she has been finally able to overcome her Father's death after such a long time and does not hold DK as being responsible for it now. And that Dev has now taken her Father's place, in the sense that he has protected her like her own Father would have and that she has to ensure that he remains in the Kanaka House, for she does not want to lose Dev the way she lost Vijendra.

In the next scene, a covered with sweat & stinking (J) Gargi is working out in her room, after which she makes a call to some dude in the US and refers to him in a very seductive manner as Sweety and tells him that the time has come when he has to fly down to India and help her out. The voice on the other end (very irritating and pretentious) tells her that he will be there in two days.
At the Bhosale house, Suhas is very depressed over the fact that Azuba has left for Kolahpur and that she is all alone now, and that Anil and Sukanya will put further pressure on her, but she resolves in her mind that she will never be bogged down by anyone now. Sukanya and Gargi have a bitchy session on the phone and Gargi instigates Sukanya to pressurize Suhas into handing over all her jewellery and her share in the Business and Property to Anil as Suhas is all alone now and won't be able to withstand the pressure of both Anil and Sukanya.
Sukanya tries to cajole Suhas into selling off her jewellery and handing over her share of the property to her, but Suhas gives a fitting reply to Sukanya and says that she had been putting up with Anil and Sukanya for Azuba's sake, now that he is no longer in this house, she will teach them both a lesson they will never forget. Sukanya is too shocked to react!

In the next scene, a guy is shown entering an Office building and all the people around him stay back to stare at him. Initially the Camera pans on the guys legs and shoes and then on his back pose etc. and all in all the viewers infer that the new character is some hot dude (what a major let down!) The Camera then zooms on this face and he speaks in a silly, false accented voice introducing himself as "Vedant" to some PYT who is zapped at seeing him. He then behaves in the most incredulous manner with the lady and flirts outrageously with her, but she gives a tight reply & snubs him real time! Then suddenly he changes his mannerisms much to the lady's surprise and tells her that she should give a call to her home and tell them that she will be late tonight as he is going to give her plenty of work to do. He then gets into a serious mode and tells her to send all the relevant files and documents in his Cabin. He then enters his Cabin and in the same, stupid, fake American Accent says "My, My, Nice Cabin, Nice People………..I love this Country"! (And I was like Pluheezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

Seriously, amongst the entire cast of Tumhari Disha, its only DK, Suhas, Azuba and Dev who impress with their acting prowess. Earlier, Vijendra used to be really impressive! Considering that the Actors playing Suhas, Azuba, Dev and Vijendra are all pro's and have a solid background in acting, Ashish/DK is awesome as a relative Newcomer and with the kind of complex character that he has to portray, he has done a rock-solid job! Chhavi/Disha is impressive only at times & in certain type of scenes (she is pretty good in emotional scenes). I feel that she is more concerned about her appearance on the screen rather than concentrating on her acting.

Ranu and Inder are totally lousy but strangely are hilarious together! Taj, Sanya, Sukanya are very typical and tend to act in the same manner, not that their roles give them much scope to do anything else! Hrishikesh and Gautam are hardly there………….and the less said about Gargi, the better. She has to get rid of the stupid colored streak in her hair (one to match the color of her sari every day!) and do some serious brushing up of her acting skills! And don't even get me started on the new Chap "Vedant"............height of irritation & stupidity, according to me!

Edited by disha77 - 19 years ago


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Frequent Posters

jingle thumbnail
Posted: 19 years ago
 i strongly feel that this guy vedanth has been brought to bring about misunderstanding b/n dk and disha but mostly later he might fall in love with disha and help her to fight back
lilly thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 19 years ago
As always your update was very good, but now I feel they are trying to drag the serial, with introduction of this Vedant character, whom I agree will be likely Gargi's son and will cause some misunderstanding between DK and Disha
shahidlover24 thumbnail
Posted: 19 years ago
Thx for the awesum update!

rabeeak2003 thumbnail
Posted: 19 years ago
thanks disha! awesome episode and awesome update!
Minnie thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 19 years ago
😆😆 nice analysis and nicer update.