Dil Jaanta Hai - Thread 2: Ch 21 (Pg 134) - Page 82


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Posted: 11 years ago

Dedicated to Deepti (Deepti_1808)  - 'coz you wanted it lady 😊!! Enjoy πŸ˜†.

Chapter - 20


Arti carried Ansh inside while Yash shut the front door. They had just seen the rest of the family off. Vidhi and Pankaj had left for a much-needed, long postponed family vacation with Payal taking advantage of her summer break, while Gayatri and Suraj were going on a tirth yatra to Dwarka.


"Waise Artiji" Yash said as he caught up with them, "I don't understand why you told the servants to take time-off. This is such a big house, how are you going to take care of everything along with Ansh?"


Arti shrugged, "Why? Don't you think they deserve a vacation too, Yashji?"


"Of course they do. And they get one every year, just not all together."


"There really won't be a lot to do with just the three of us. I can manage. And I am sure you will help, right?" and she cocked an eyebrow at him.


"Well, of course! But still..." .


Seeing the frown he still had, Arti handed Ansh off to Yash and said, "I am fully capable of looking after the three of us Yashji. I have never had servants before - I know how to manage."


Yash flushed and said quickly, "I know Artiji. That's not what I meant. I don't want you taking on too much on yourself."


"Don't worry about it Yashji. It will be fine." And Arti walked off to the kitchen to cook dinner.


Later that night as Arti tried to get Ansh ready for bed, unusually for him he gave her a lot of trouble. Yash watched for a while and then came to help, holding on to Ansh as Arti tried to put on his t-shirt. Ansh yelled and screamed, pushing the clothes away. Finally getting frustrated, Arti sat back on the bed, the clothes in hand.


"What's up little fellow? Why are you so mad?" Yash asked conversationally as he twisted Ansh around to face him. Exhausted from his tantrum, Ansh just yawned in reply.


On a hunch, Arti got a front-button down shirt instead of the pull-on t-shirt and slid the sleepy baby's arms into the shirt. He reached out to her and taking him in her arms, she rocked him to sleep. As he snuggled in her arms, Arti quietly said, "I think the t-shirt was too tight. He is growing - he needs larger clothes."


Yash said as he got off the bed, "We will go shopping tomorrow morning."





Arti was surprised as she got out of the car - they were in front of an exclusive boutique. She turned to question Yash but he was already holding Ansh's arm, walking towards the store. As she looked at them, Yash turned to her and said, "Come on Artiji".  


Yash chose a few sets of baby clothes and then, remembering Arti, turned to get her opinion. "What do you think of these?"


Arti looked at the clothes and their price tag and going up to him, said in a furious whisper, "Are you crazy?"


"What do you mean?" it was Yash's turn to be surprised.


"You are buying such expensive clothes from an exclusive boutique... for a one-year old?" Arti still could not believe it.


"My son deserves the best!" Yash exclaimed annoyed.


"No one is denying that. But a one-year old outgrows clothes in three months or less..." Arti started to explain.


Yash shrugged and indicated the pile of clothes to the attendant. As they walked out of the store, Arti took out the bill and couldn't stop the gasp.


Not even trying to curb his annoyance now, Yash said, "We can afford it Artiji. My son will wear the best."


Blithely ignoring his comment Arti said lightly, "And what a wonderful lesson you just gave on waste. Too bad he is too young to understand it."


Yash's face reddened and he raised his eyebrows at her. Choosing to interpret that as a question, Arti looked him in the eye and said, "The amount you paid for this pile would have bought clothes for all 25 kids in the orphanage in Delhi. Including formals."


The flush deepened and Yash said, "What's wrong in wanting to give your child the best?"


"Nothing! I just think its better to use money sensibly to give them the best in things that really matter. A good education, healthy food, good clothes for everyday wear". They got in the car and Yash started to drive.


After a few minutes of brooding silence, Yash said, "We weren't always rich you know. I remember wearing Bhaiyya's hand-me-downs through my teens. We got new clothes only on our birthdays, and sometimes on Diwali."


Arti turned to face him, holding on to Ansh in her lap, waiting silently for him to continue.


"We re-used everything - clothes, books, even pencils" Yash smiled to himself.  


When he didn't say anything more, Arti asked, "Did that bother you?"


"Hmmm? No... no, it never bothered me... not then" Yash said as he continued driving.


"But now it does?" Arti probed.


After a long pause Yash shook his head. "No. What happened in the past does not bother me. I just don't want to repeat that for my child."


"And you don't need to, do you? Ansh will not be wearing hand-me-downs and he will have his own books and even pencils. But does he really need a silk shirt worth Rs. 10,000 at this age? One shirt?"


Yash turned to look at her, a crooked smile on his face, "No. He doesn't". Turning to look at the road again, he continued, "Should we return some?"


A small smile playing on her lips now, Arti teased, "You think so?"


He chuckled at that. "All right Masterniji!" and turned the car around. They returned most of the clothes and then went to a regular store and bought more comfortable, cotton ones.




The next morning Yash was getting ready to leave for work when he heard a loud crash. It had come from the living room and he ran there, his heart in his mouth, suddenly afraid for Ansh.


He skidded to a stop to find Ansh sitting on his rump with Arti sprawled face-down on the floor next to him.


"Ansh? Artiji? Kya hua?" a trace of the panic he felt seeped through his voice.


Ansh looked up at his father and gurgled. There was no response from Arti.


Yash went to her and touched her on the shoulder - no response. He tried turning her face towards him and saw a big bump on her head. Her eyes were closed - she was out cold. He quickly checked Ansh to make sure he was ok and then picked Arti up in his arms. She felt surprisingly light in his arms and he looked back at Ansh, urging him to follow them as he carried her to the bedroom.




The doctor had come and gone.


Arti was conscious now, sitting up in bed, a rueful look on her face. She had sprained her ankle, badly enough that she would need to rest it completely for at least one week. The doctor had been firm about that, "No standing, walking, running at all" he had said giving her a grim look. On top of that, she had a concussion from the bump on her head and the doctor had cautioned Yash that she may get a headache, vomit or have another fainting spell. She needed constant supervision for the next 24 hours. And there was no one but them at home!


"We should just get a nurse for one week Yashji, it will be easier" Arti said.


Yash shook his head, what would a nurse do? She wasn't that sick. "No, its ok, Artiji. Its no big deal. We will manage."




"I'll take some time off. There are no major events lined up anyway, I can work on the ones that we have from home as needed. The staff will take care of the rest" Yash explained.


"What about Ansh? What about food?" Arti asked, amazed at the man's lack of perception.


"What about Ansh? He will be with you - and me." Arti shook her head at that, He had no idea what it took to keep Ansh engaged the whole day!


"As for food, we can always order from outside." As he saw Arti's head shake become more vehement, he held up his hand to stop her. "Don't do that, you will hurt yourself. Ok, I will cook."


"You? You can cook?" Arti asked unable to keep the surprise out of her voice.


"Well...only toast...and Maggi. But I can make a mean Maggi" Yash rushed to explain.


"You are going to feed Ansh, and us, Maggi... for one whole week." Arti said, unsure if she should laugh or cry.


"You are worrying unnecessarily Artiji, it will be fine. You will see" Yash said as he pulled out his phone and started making calls. He quickly explained the situation to his staff and instructed them for the near-term events. As Arti listened, she marveled at his attention to detail at work but complete lack of comprehension about the house and its needs.


Yash hung up the phone and turned to her, a triumphant look on his face. "There! Everything is taken care of. I am completely at your service. Now, tell me what to do."


Arti rolled her eyes and slipped down on the bed. She was going to take a nap instead.


Yash took care of Ansh that day. Arti was tired and in pain. And her concussion made her sleep through most of the day and night. They had leftovers from the day before and Yash felt very pleased with himself as he put Ansh to sleep that night. He was right! There was nothing to this.


The next morning he awoke to a furious tugging at his arms. He opened bleary eyes and didn't see anyone. He was turning around to go back to sleep when he felt a sharp pull and then a loud whisper, "Yashji!".


He snapped awake and turned to look at Arti who was sitting up in bed, leaning over Ansh to push at him. "Yashji! I need to go to the bathroom."


He was about to make a snarky comment when he remembered her accident and the fact that she was not allowed to stand, let alone walk. Sighing to himself, he got up and went around to her side. He picked her up and took her to the bathroom. He shut the door from outside and leant on it, his tiredness from the previous night making him sleepy again.


He nearly fell inside as Arti opened the door. "Artiji! You are not allowed to stand. Why didn't you call me?"


She ignored the question, "Can you help me back to bed please Yashji?" Her face was white and he could see the pain reflected in her eyes. Exclaiming to himself, he quickly scooped her up and took her back to bed. He settled her down and brought a cushion to place under her foot. Her ankle was swollen and he could see the red-purple bruise extend past her bandage. As he touched her ankle, she flinched.


"You need to have your pain medicine" he said. She did not reply, just closed her eyes and leaned back on the bed-rest. He looked at her a moment and then went out of the room.


Arti had dozed off when she felt a gentle shake on her shoulder. She opened pain-filled eyes and saw Yash standing with a tray.


As soon as she opened her eyes, Yash busied himself. "I can't make chai Artiji but here is some of my world-famous coffee. And some biscuits. You must have at least three so you can have your medicines. I am making my world-famous breakfast ' toast with butter and jam. Ready in a jiffy after your coffee." He spoke non-stop, in a rush, as he handed her a cup, then a plate and put the tray down and took a cup himself.


Arti blinked. Where had this man come from? Cautiously, she blew on the rim of the cup and took a hesitant sip. Eyes widening in surprise, she took another and then looked up at Yash who was smirking at her.


"It is good. Really good" Arti said in a wondering voice. Then she shook her head, "No, it's actually the best coffee I have ever had."


He laughed at that. "And so says a woman who never drinks coffee!" He grinned as she smiled at his words. "So - did I convert you?"


"Convert? Ummm no, I don't think so. I still prefer my chai - but now I know who to ask when I am really tired and want coffee" and she smiled at him sweetly.


"Done!" he exclaimed. "Your chai every morning and my coffee every evening. Deal?"


It was her turn to laugh now, "Deal!" she said and they high-fived each other. Ansh stirred at the sound and sat up rubbing his eyes. Yash picked up his son and gave him a hug, "Good Morning young man. You want some coffee too?"


Ansh repeated "Coppeee?" and his parents exchanged delighted looks. "Come on buddy boy, time to brush" Yash picked him up and took him to the bathroom.

Contd in the next post...

(And for the uninitiated - Maggi is a very popular "instant noodles" in India, and most Indians outside India too).

Edited by kdsubs - 11 years ago
kdsubs thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Chapter - 20 (contd).

Later after breakfast, Yash took a bath and bathed Ansh as well. After he came out and had dressed Ansh, Arti said hesitantly, "Yashji. I want to take a bath."


Yash had been combing his hair and stopped instantly, his hand half-way to his head. He turned to look at Arti and she blushed a furious red. He quickly finished his grooming without uttering a word. His brain was racing, He hadn't thought of that. Bath! No wonder she had wanted a nurse. How was she going to take a bath?


He put Ansh into his playpen and told Arti, "Wait a minute, I think I know" and he walked out. He was back soon enough with a chair in hand, which he took inside the bathroom. Then he came and carried Arti inside. Arti ssaw he had placed the chair in the centre of the bathtub with a bucket full of water and a mug within easy reach.


"How will I get in?" Arti wailed. In the middle of summer in Bhopal's heat there was no way she could stay without a bath. She had to take one, but the logistics of it baffled her – how could she bathe and still retain some modicum of decency in front of Yash?


"I will put you in the chair, and then I will leave and you can take your clothes off and bathe" Yash explained, as if to a child.


"And then? How do I come out Yashji?" Arti asked a sob in her voice.


"I will be outside the door. Call me and I will come get you" Yash said.


"You will get me! You will get me! How? I will be..." And she could not finish.


Yash flushed, realizing and put her on the chair. He then took his bathrobe from behind the door and put it within her reach. "It's a bit damp, but do you think you can wear that once you are done?"


She nodded resolutely. He nodded back at her and walked out, closing the door softly.


Arti slowly exhaled, the tension ebbing out of her. Taking the saree and blouse off was simple enough and though the petticoat posed a challenge, she managed. Once undressed, she took a quick bath with the deliciously cool water. She was tempted to stay longer, run some more water over herself, but knew she would need Yash's help and Ansh was waiting. Struggling into the bathrobe, she called out to Yash.

Yash came into the bathroom immediately and found a wet, bedraggled figure awaiting him. Avoiding her eyes, he picked her up and took her into the bedroom. Carefully he put her on the bed and walked away to Ansh's playpen letting her dress. A few minutes later he heard a frustrated exclamation from Arti and turned to see her clutching his bathrobe tightly around herself.


"I can't wear this" she said irritably, holding up the saree she had asked him to put out for her. Seeing the quizzical expression on his face, she explained, "I can't wear a saree while I am sitting. I have to stand."


"So, wear something else" he said reasonably. He watched in surprise as tears pooled in her eyes.


Arti felt so helpless. Even after her accident she had not felt this helpless. She hated being dependant on anyone and now she had to depend on Yashji of all people!


Confused he came to her and asked, "Why Artiji? Kya hua? Why are you crying? Don't you have anything else? Ok, let me go check in Bhabhi's cupboard, I am sure she won't mind. I will tell..." He stopped as Arti shook her head.


Sniffing she said, "I have some salwar kurtas in the cupboard. Can you get me one please?"


He nodded and almost ran to the cupboard. Opening it, he couldn't see any salwar kurtas but Arti directed him where to look. "Which one do you want?" he asked.


"Anyone will do" she said and added softly "I don't care."


Yash's sharp ears picked up that soft understatement and for some inexplicable reason, he felt hurt. He looked through the clothes - they all looked old and faded. He picked the least faded one and brought it to her. "Thank you" she muttered and took the dress.


He turned around and she pulled on the kurta. As he walked back towards the playpen, he passed the dressing table and saw a reflection of Arti struggling to get her hurt right leg into the salwar.


That evening Yash walked into their bedroom carrying boxes and packages. He dumped everything on the bed and Ansh jumped on the packets whooping at the crinkling sound.


"What's all this Yashji?" Arti asked.


"Clothes. I hope they fit" Yash said and stood, folding his arms across his chest, obviously waiting.


Not understanding, Arti opened the first package she could reach and took out a long skirt and a contrasting kurti. All the packages contained clothes for her – long skirts, kurtis as well as salwar kurtas. They were in bright, vibrant colours….colours that Arti had not worn in a long time but knew they looked good on her. And at a first glance, she knew the clothes would fit her too.


"Why?" she asked in surprise.


He shrugged. "You can't wear sarees or salwar kurtas in this condition. And I know you used to wear skirts, I have seen Bhabhi's college photos. Skirts would be easier to wear, no?". She nodded, bemused.


Yash continued, "Your salwar kurtas are faded. So I thought of getting a few new ones. You can always buy more once you get better, but I just wanted you to have some. So..." he trailed off.


Arti looked through the clothes, fingering the light materials, absorbing the cheerful, vibrant hues. A small smile played on her lips. Truth to tell, she had never had so many new clothes at the same time, not even during her marriage. It felt...special. She felt special.


She looked at Yash and he was gratified to see the smile and twinkle in her eyes. "Thank you Yashji." He shook his head at that.


"Waise how did you manage this? You didn't leave the house. So how..." Arti asked curiously.


"I browsed the web, picked a few samples and sent them to one of my assistants. Told her to select similar items and gave her your size. She did the rest. And don't worry, not all are from designer stores" Yash added cheekily.


"How did you know my size?" Arti was genuinely puzzled now.


Yash smiled at that, "Artiji. I am a designer and an artist. I am used to measuring things just by looking at them. It wasn't difficult".


Arti blushed red and was forever grateful to Ansh who jumped up and launched himself at Yash right at that instant. Yash caught up his son and twirled him in the air. And then the two men left Arti alone for a few minutes while she changed into a peacock green skirt and white kurti with peacock green embroidery.


Yash came in with Ansh and whistled at Arti, making her blush even more. He put the packages away and then carried her to the mirror. The man in blue jeans and white shirt, carrying the woman in green-and-white, with her hair falling undone over his arms. They made a pretty picture and Ansh came around and sat in front of them, completing the family portrait.

Edited by kdsubs - 11 years ago
rutu83 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
πŸ˜ƒ2 reserves?! do do updates honge kya?πŸ₯³
kdsubs thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: rutu83

πŸ˜ƒ2 reserves?! do do updates honge kya?πŸ₯³

πŸ˜‰ - trying to figure that out. This next update is really long - debating whether i should split into two posts, and if yes, then where. It will be up shortly... if work emergencies stop for a moment. I tell ya...
rutu83 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
a long update  enough to prob need two posts
oh boy oh boy πŸ˜ƒ
ah work- the necessary evil πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†
RA17 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
kya baat hai Kat i even dint stated by 17 longest chapter  i mena part 1 no you have reserved fior ch 20
n i am loving itπŸ€—
kdsubs thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: rutu83

a long update  enough to prob need two posts

oh boy oh boy πŸ˜ƒ
ah work- the necessary evil πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†

Up there now. And now go comment away πŸ˜‰.
kdsubs thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: RA17

kya baat hai Kat i even dint stated by 17 longest chapter  i mena part 1 no you have reserved fior ch 20

n i am loving itπŸ€—

Hehehe, take your time Ria.
rutu83 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

before commenting on anything else- maggiii πŸ€—  i would have starved to death during college if not for the genius invention called maggiπŸ˜†  yash-- maggi for a week?!! i bow to you master  i didn't have to imagine the expressions on aarti's face- i've been on receiving end of those.  multiple times. πŸ˜ƒ

btw, totally agree about the baby clothes!  and those tiny pastel things are expensive! unbelievably so🀒  did yash really buy a silk shirt for 10,000?
did aarti just trip?  yash "asked" ansh to follow.  so ansh can walk? or is he still crawling?
i love it when doctor has to specify no running after telling the patient no walking πŸ˜†
i feel for aarti-  being dependent for every little thing sucks.  and for aarti - doubly so.  and it's not a major injury but it hurts. even moving a little hurts.
but it's building that trust with yash soπŸ‘πŸΌ
wow! written so much 😳i was going to write more about the completed family image at the end and how yash remembered aarti's choice of clothes from pics of his bhabhi's college days but will stop😳
Edited by rutu83 - 11 years ago
Zetter thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Wonderful updates Kat πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘...awww I loved that AarYa and Ansh are getting took spend some family time alone while the rest of the family went on a well deserved vacay πŸ˜‰ πŸ‘πŸΌ

Aarti telling Yash abt the amount of money he spent on baby clothes was a natural wife and husband disagreement so happy that he returned the clothes and that he is taking care of her while she has to stay off her feet πŸ˜³ πŸ˜³ πŸ˜³

hehe Yash is so attractive to Aarti and vice versa this alone time is gonna make them grow closer and when the family returns they will see a new dynamic between them, I can't wait for what comes next πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by Zetter - 11 years ago