[MG-SS] If it wasn't for The Night [Epilogue-p 89] - Page 54


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maneet-laksh thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
lovely one even if its saddy😭
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: maneet-laksh

lovely one even if its saddy😭

Eh? It is a happy ending na *scratches head*
maneet-laksh thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
i've never come across such deep emotions..👏
maneet-laksh thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
its been an amazing story..😛
drtamanna77 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
what a nice ss, i just finished it at a go, u r a brilliant writer, love ur writing how much i cant express in ward.

rashi_jain thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Its just awesome!!!!!

such a sweet story of childhood love...n read it during Valentine's week only!!!😳

gosh...i hd goosebumps reading it😉😳
u r just amazing👏

Posted: 11 years ago
Anyone up for epilogue bacha log? 😆
Loquacious_Aash thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: TheBrat

Anyone up for epilogue bacha log? 😆

Posted: 11 years ago

This update is dedicated to that one girl who was worried, and got pissed off just few hours back. This is to say that hey girl, I love you and I would break your legs if you say sorry for getting mad on me. You know who you are, don't you?


Two years later…

14th of February

The early morning rays peeked slowly into the room filling the room with orange and red, lighting it up with a mystic glow.

She pulled the comforter closer to her and turned to her side, a ghost of smile playing on her lips, which meant that she was lost in a sweet dream, like every day.

The smile on her face got pronounced as she was again living through her life in the past two years in the form of dream. Every morning she would laze around a bit more on the bed not wanting to wake up soon, and keep repeating the scenes from the recent past… She would grin stupidly at the dreamlike sequence and wakes up every day with a huge grin on her face to another day in her life, which is no less than a fairytale. She buried her head in her pillow as she saw his face even with her closed eyes. Maan.


It was not awkward as she had thought it would be…

Instead it was everything one could only dream of. He was something one could only wish for. Her friends were true after all, he really was a prince deported from novels. She smiled as she thought about him. Maan.

Every gesture of his, every step he took to make her feel comfortable made her heart swell with love for the man.

Be it a simple gesture of pulling out a chair for her at dinners, be it the care and concern that would shine in his brown eyes every time she as much as catches a cold…

Every passing day, she fell inevitably for him, for his nature, for the golden heart he has. The new feelings overpowered her and made her lose track of her words mid way when she was blabbering something when he as much as glances at her. She felt her throat go dry at one look he shot her way, and that made her gulp uncomfortably. It wasn't his fault if she was shy; it wasn't his fault if her heart did a little somersault at his one look. Is it?

Days passed…and weeks rolled on… their relationship slowly turned stronger. While initially it was based on an inevitable attraction for her, as the time passed, she also felt comfortable in sharing everything and anything with him. Customary walks in the garden that joined their mansions had become a habit both of them couldn't leave.

Sometimes the walks were full with her chatter, sometimes it was with her asking questions and he answering them patiently, and sometimes it was both of them walking in silence, standing side by side, just enjoying the magic of night.

She felt his palm graze hers accidentally now and then and she used to look at him from her lashes, only to know that it was an accidental touch, not something she was expecting…

And for reasons unknown, she felt her face fall at that.

* * *

Days rolled on again and soon enough it was a year to their courtship.

It was a year to the fateful Valentine's day when they'd found each other truly. And it was two years to that Valentine's Day when she'd found the card that changed her life… and it almost seemed perfect for her to reveal to him what she felt for him. So she simply picked up a pen and wrote in few short but meaningful lines of what she felt about him.

What love is,.. I always wondered

Till I met you...

What love is,..I always wondered

Till I knew you...


Those extra few minutes, when your gaze lingers on my face..

Pink hew that touches my cheeks, tells me what love is…


That special curve of your lips, when you give me that smile..

One missed beat of my heart, tells me what love is...


Those lines of worry between your eyebrows, when I sneeze

warmth overwhelming my soul, tells me what love is...


That feel of your skin on my arm, during those accidental touches...

tingling and yearning senses of mine, tells me what love is...


They say seeing someone with closed eyes is love..

When I close my lids intentionally, just to see your face

tells me, what love is...


What love is, I always wondered

till I got you...

What love is, I always wondered

till I loved you..


She smiled at what she wrote and slowly slipped it in Chopra's project file, which she remembered was an important project which needed his immediate attention, and which she was sure, he would definitely read the very day.

She sneaked out of the room stealthily crossing her fingers, and waiting for an evening which eventually would change their relationship, taking it a step forward.

* * *

It was 7 Pm already and she sat in the swing in the garden of Khurana Mansion, waiting for his arrival. They were supposed to go to the Valentine's ball and Rehan-Ihina had said they'd meet them there directly. While she sat there waiting for him, she felt a strange nervousness creep into her. Though the Maan she got to know in the past year had been a pillar of support, a shoulder she could lean on, a person whom she could trust with her deepest of secrets and a person who'd guide her through the toughest of times, and though the Maan she got to know made her a different person altogether, there still was a Geet in her, that very Geet who right now was waiting anxiously for his reaction to her confession. She knew she was being silly for he always loved her. But that very issue scared her that he loved her from afar. After knowing her from close, she wondered will he still love her? She remembered all the times they spent together this past year. Not even once had he bought the topic of love nor had he touched even her little finger. While that increased the respect she had for him, a small part of her was scared. Scared that, he might love her like little Geet that she was before his eyes, and that she couldn't be the woman who could make his heart skip a bit like the way he does to her…

She hunched her shoulders and shook her head as if throwing the thoughts away from her little head.

Her thoughts were interrupted at the entry of the BMW, which indicated that Maan was home.

She stood up in reflex as he got down the car and asked the Driver to park the car. She felt her heart beat rise audibly as he saw her and walked towards her. The evening sun touched his complexion, giving his tanned skin a glow, the smile on his lips bought a small smile on her face too.

 "Geet" his tired voice bought her out of her reverie.

"Maan, what happened" she said slowly reaching out to touch his face "You OK?"

She was too concerned to notice her actions and what they are doing to him.

"I am fine" he said touching her hand that was on his cheek "Just tired"

"Sit down first" Geet practically ordered him and taking out his coat and laptop from his hands, pushed him down on the swing.

Taken aback by his bossy Mishti, but still enjoying her concern, he replied "How can I sit here?"

Upon her confused expression, he added "I believe this is your favorite place and you wouldn't tolerate anyone sitting here"

"You aren't anyone" the words casually slipped from her mouth making him raise his eyes to look at her.

She realized what she said and felt a deep blush creep upon her cheeks. "Anyway" she fumbled trying to change the topic as soon as possible "How was your day?" she asked casually.

If he was surprised, he didn't show. He rather moved a little and patted beside him asking her to sit, and when she did, he slowly moved the swing with his feet and leaned back, his head against the cushions.

"Tiring" he replied.

She felt an anxiety build up in her and wondered why he wasn't yet bringing up the letter topic yet.

"You…you'd meeting with the Chopra's today na, how was it?" she asked crossing her fingers.

She felt the swing stop the moment and looked up to see his face.

"Don't remind me of it"


"Why because—"

She waited with a bated breath as he ran a hand through his hair "Why because the entire day was ruined by the biggest circus that had happened in office"

Upon her confused expression he explained how Ms. Sasha of Chopra Industries had raised a hue and cry of finding a love note on her project file and complained on Khurana Construction's head architect Rahul, who on the other hand justified that the file was passed to him by his secretary Meera. The circle went on and finally stopped at Adi who'd stammered the words out that the file was given today morning by Maan himself.

He then told how the entire office went silent after Adi's words but soon enough scuttled to do their respective works at his one glare.

He gave a light chuckle as he finished recalling the entire episode and his head fell back against the cushion. "On a lighter note it was a good poem but I don't understand how—"

His words trailed off as he heard light sniffs from beside. He opened his eyes only to find Geet wiping her tears away but failing miserably as more of the precious pearls began running through the corner of her eyes.

He moved closer, cupping her face in his palms.

"Geet" he whispered, not understanding her sudden outburst.

"What happened?"

"I—I am s-s-sorry" she said between her sobs.

"Why are you sorry—"

"Because it was me who'd written the letter" she cried "for you" she added.

She felt the grip of his hands against her cheeks slip away in shock so she'd closed her eyes and blabbered nonstop "I know I was stupid to put it there, I am sorry for causing you that trouble and making a tamasha but I—I—" she sniffed "I thought it would be right to confess what I feel for you on this day, and in a way which united us. So much for trying to be romantic"

She was surprised so much when she heard his laugh that she stopped her sobbing in between. She raised her eyes to find him chuckling, his brown irises lighting up with mirth, his eyes crinkling at the edges.

Her countenance changed from shock to hurt to anger as she stood up and walked away, as she felt a fresh bout of tears on her cheeks. She felt a grip on her wrist that stopped her. She hadn't turned, but simply tried to wriggle her hand out of the vice like grip. She felt a pull and before she knew, she was locked in his embrace. She felt her eyes downcast as she felt embarrassed to face him, after making a mockery out of her feelings before him. However, she was surprised when she heard his husky voice now, calling out her name in that special way of his which always left her breathless. "Geet"

She remained silent, partly stubborn and partly miffed. She didn't want to look into his eyes for she knew she can't take it if she saw him amused at her expression of love for him. Granted, she behaved stupid but it hurt if she time and again proved that she wasn't the right match for him. It really hurt.

"What love is Geet?" she heard his voice, stir her soul, which made her close her eyes.

"What love is..

I came to know, when you came to my life..."


She heard his husky voice whisper near her ears.



What love is..

I came to know, when you gave me your "precious" smile..!!!!


She felt his mumbled whisper touch her temple as she felt his hands that were around her waist pull her even closer, till there was hardly any space left between them.



An innocent doll, hidden behind the flower vase..

Her hazels peering at me with a scared face...

"Pain" that my heart felt, told me for the first time..What love is..!!!!

She raised her eyes to look into his, and what she found there only made her heart skip a beat. She had seen his intense gaze locked with hers, his face held a small smile as he looked at her with all the love in the world.


A moment captured in my camera and heart..

Where our "reflections" meet, my tracing fingers halt..

"Longing "that my heart felt, told me ..What love is..!!!!


 She had not noticed a stray tear which was stuck to her lashes until she felt his hand move towards the corner of her eyes to wipe the wetness.



A beautiful princess, swaying in my arms..

Her blabbers, Her musings, Her innocent qualms..

My words brought a smile on her lips

" Peace" that my heart felt, told me..What love is...!!!


His hands moved to cup her face and his dexterous fingers moved the strands of her face aside, and she never noticed when her hands came to rest on his shoulders.


A long forgotten poem I hear and my heart flips..

Words get back their meaning as they touch  her lips..

"Bitter sweet" happiness my heart felt, told me..What love is...!!!


She felt her lips pull into a smile even though she still had wet eyes. She saw him rest his forehead against hers and close his eyes in a moment of bliss and all her self doubt had vanished when his words touched her lips now.


What love is,

I came to know, when you came to my life..

What love is..

I came to know, when you added me to your life...!!!!!


 As he uttered those last words he leaned forward to catch the petal like lips that had teased him ever since he was in love with the woman before him.

At first when she felt his lips touch hers, she haven't felt short circuits like she read in books. Rather, she felt her eyes close at the feather light touch and the world around her slipped into oblivion. Everything blurred and she felt her own hands move into his hair, with a brain of their own.

His touch was soft, his hands that cupped her cheek touched her lightly, his right thumb moving in circles on her cheek, his lips moving on hers in slow pattern, made her weak in her knees.

The kiss was something she would remember till her last breath. There was no urgency rather there was gentleness in every stroke, every nip, every caress, there was reverence in his hold, love in his orbs when he parted and rested his forehead against hers.

* * *

She buried her face deeper in the pillow as she thought about that day. It was a day where she had known what a fairy tale really is. It's been a year to that day still she couldn't forget the moment when his lips touched hers. Everything was so clearly imprinted in her memory. The orange sun rays that touched them and that blinded her when he parted away from her, the soft glow she saw in his eyes, the texture of his lips against hers, every contour of his face as she traced her palms against his jaw, everything was so deeply imprinted in her memory.

She smiled in her semi sleep state, not wanting to wake up, or let go off the memories that she loved. It was her favorite past time these days and a ritual she loved to follow religiously.

While she was at reminiscing, she felt a feather soft touch on her cheek, which, at first she ignored, but which she felt repeatedly moving on her cheek to her lips. Was it a bug? When that thought crossed her mind, she sat with a jerk, screaming, only to find a hand against her mouth silencing her and she being pushed back on the bed, which followed one after another.

She mumbled incoherently trying to push off the hands madly until she heard a voice, his voice. "Geet" it said which made her stop her moments as she opened her eyes only to come face to face with him, smiling at her.

She blinked her eyes as she saw his face so close to her, that smile on his lips, that very smile which took her breath away. She could see the rose that was tucked between his fingers and she knew what bug it was which touched her cheeks moments ago. She felt herself smile as she saw his wet hairs that almost teased her. He might be just out of his shower, that explains the way his body glowed, and his hair shined with the wet drops, and that explains why he was wearing a vest. Wait, he is wearing a vest and was on her bed?

When he was sure that she wouldn't scream anymore, he removed his hand from her mouth. He then dropped on her bed with his hands behind his head with closed eyes.

"Look around you" he said still with closed eyes and that's when she look around her room, only to have her jaw drop to her knees. As she pushed her covers off and jumped off her bed, she felt she was locked in a garden instead of her room. All around her there were many flowers, from roses of all colors to orchids, daisies, gardenias, and lilacs, which filled her nostrils with their sweet scent. She walked towards the large flower bouquet comprising red roses that were placed on the table opposite her bed. As she took the huge bouquet in her hands, which almost covered her when she took in hands, she took a deep breath to lock its fragrance in her memory and slowly opened her eyes to find him now look at her with his head resting on her popped elbow.

She passed her hands through the velvety soft petals of the roses in her hand as she looked at him through her lashes while she saw him come towards her and stand before her now.

Like many times before, she felt she lost the sense of speech for a moment when he bent to reach to her level and looked into her eyes.

"Like them?" she heard him ask, and she prayed vehemently that her cheeks must not turn bright red.

"Love them" she said slowly but as soon as her eyes fell on him, she asked the question that popped in her mind.

"What are you doing here…" she paused and added "…in vest?"

He grinned at her before answering that. Taking the bouquet out of her hands and placing it on the table and leading her towards the bed, making her sit on it, he pulled a daisy and gave it to her, while he went on his knees. "You know what today is?" he asked and realization flooded while she remembered that not only was it second anniversary to their courtship and first anniversary to the day when she confessed her love to him, it was also Valentines' day.

She nodded her head, lowering her gaze.

"Today is that day when someone would follow a tradition of looking out of the window and the first person they would see would be their valentine. Since I didn't want to lose the opportunity, I rushed here, half dressed." He said pointing out his vest.

While she was mortified and embarrassed, he tried hard not to laugh, watching at the expression on his Mishti's face.

 "Who told you about that?"

"Who told me about what?"

"That—" she said suddenly feeling stupid. So yes she believed in some silly superstitions but he need not have got that and make her feel silly.

However once her eyes fell on his face, her expression turned serious as she'd put her hands on her hips.

"You are amused"

"No I don't"

"Yes you are" she cried turning him so that he can face her. "You are smiling" she said pointing an accused finger at him.

"Do I?" he said looking at himself at the mirror and passing a hand on his jaw.

"I can't see any smile"

Standing beside him facing the mirror, meeting his eyes in the mirror she said "Your eyes have that glint, see"

"Which glint Geet?"

"The very glint which you have every time you look at me, every time we walk in the garden, every time you touch me, and every time you kis—" she stopped mid way as she placed a hand against her motor mouth.

"Complete your sentence Mishti" she heard his husky voice, hugging her from behind, his cheek brushing against hers.

Turning towards him and pushing him, she stomped away to her bed.

"I hate you" she said throwing a pillow at him.

Ducking it in time, he replied "You don't"


"That I am"

She picked up the first thing to throw at him, watching his teasing smile, but was stopped by his voice.

"Easy Mishti don't throw Butterscotch at me, Chocolate will feel bad"

She looked at the teddy with golden brown fur, which he gifted her, and thought better of it before throwing it at him with much force.

He caught it of course and the room was filled with his rich laughter, while she sat on her bed sulking, for being teased early in the morning. She might have boxed his ears if not for the loud knock at her door.

The knock suddenly bought her out of her muttering self, making her look at the disheveled state of her bed, and Maan who was standing with his vest and tracks, and herself who was in her bed hair. Certainly not an expected scene to whosoever was waiting opposite that door.

She rushed to him, pulling him with her before looking at every possible place to hide him.

"You hide behind curtains—no not there, your feet would be visible, go into washroom, no that's not safe either, you know what, get under the bed" she babbled non stop, dragging him everywhere in the room and finally making up her mind, pushing him towards the bed.

"Geet listen—"

"No, get under the bed. Now"

"But listen to me—"

"Please" her quivering voice did it to him as he gave into her demands and got under the bed as he was asked.

Once pulling the duvet to a side so that it would cover his presence, she fixed her hair and went to open her door only to find Ihina standing there with a bowl of cereal, and a surprised look on her face.

"Took you too less a time to open the door"

"I was er sleeping"

"And laughing at the same time?"

"That was TV"

"Umm hmm" she said relishing her cereal. "I would buy that though it is lame" Ihina said nodding her head, digging into her bowl. "Because you are at least attempting to cover up" she said brightly making her go red.

"So anyway" she said clearing her throat "If you guys are done, Maan come out of the bed or should I say from under the bed," she grinned looking at her and continued "Anyway the coast is clear. There's no one at the backyard stair case" she announced and turning towards her, she said "And Geet, try something smarter next time" With a pat on her cheek, she went away making her close her eyes in embarrassment.

The moment she closed the door, she felt him behind her and poked him in chest, clearly miffed.

"You, this is all because of you. How am I to show my face again? And—wait a minute how does Ihina knows that you're under the bed?"

He shrugged "How am I to know?"

She nodded. How is he to know anyway?

"Maybe I think I know. Next time you barge into her room do check under her bed. Might find Rehan there, who knows?"

She pushed at him as she tried to control her blush. "I hate you"

"You don't"


"That I am"

He suddenly pulled her in his arms and rested his forehead against hers. "I have to go now but there's something I want to give before I go" he said pulling her towards the table at her window and took a package which was gift wrapped and placed it in her hands.

"Don't open until I go" he whispered near her lips.

Giving her a lingering kiss on her cheek, he walked out of the balcony, towards the backward stairs through which he had come.

She opened the package and found a letter fall on her feet, which she picked up, and a gift box which was yet to be unraveled.

"I wish to see you in this tonight when you would walk down the staircase and would be announced as mine before the world. I want you to see in this when you would be in my arms today, swaying to the music. I would want to see the dream I saw two years back turn into reality. Will you wear this for me Geet?"

She smiled as she opened the gift box only to find a black mask with an overlay of lace to both sides and soft feathers sticking to its one side increasing its charm. She smiled as she took the mask in her hand and looked through it to find her man walking towards Khurana Mansion, which was now being decorated for their engagement which was due tonight.

She couldn't help the smile that touched her cheeks as she saw Maan giving Nakul orders about the decoration. He was at every step to make their engagement fairy tale like and that is why he had told it would be a masquerade ball. She smiled as she passed her hands through the mask, and wondered what life would have been if it wasn't for the night…


* * *


Both the beautiful poems are written by our very own Palindrome. And trust me I wouldn't be able to write this, if it weren't for her poems, which breathed life into this part.



Edited by TheBrat - 11 years ago
Padfoot_Prongs thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
jazz phir se baaji maar gayi..
hamesha jazz ka first res hota hai..

she haven't felt short circuits like she read in books.

loved the update..
no long comment..
i failed today..
really down..😭😭😭😭😭😭
Edited by mannubhardwaj - 11 years ago