Set fire to the rain (Thread 2 announcement) - Page 25


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DonnaHarvey thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: sonnal_17

awesome update dear...two opposite planets...but they have an amazing chemistry

Thank you. Who is the charming lad in your dp?
Essence.. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Awesome update! Love it. 
I am in a rush thats why commenting short, I will edit later when I am reading all.
DonnaHarvey thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
K so, here is the deal. I wish to go on a season break i.e. this FF does not end here. I will come back whenever I feel like it. I know you know that I never follow deadlines. If I say one month, you may see me come back next week. All depends on my mood. I have written up quite a bit to keep you satisfied. Plus, Exotic is still around as well as Coffee notes and Things I'll never say. 
BTW, I came across Nautanki Times today. I didn't know my FFs (both Exotic and Set fire to the rain) were listed on there more than one week. I am very grateful. Thanks a bunch. 

I will post all the parts now😃 Have fun.

Recap: A million questions crossed my mind as I entered his bar, a world full of glamour and bright lights.

"Rishhhabhhh", I made a screeching sound with the heels as he introduced me to the socialites.

"Quit whining", he muttered under his breath as he passed smiles to the many fake personas that surrounded us.

"Go join a conversation or something. What do nerds do in a bar anyway?"

"Nerds have their own bars. Mostly Star Wars themed but, this will do. Get me a virgin drink".

"Don't tell me you don't", Rishabh had a full on stink eye.  "Cause you were up with Empire State the day we wed".

"That was an exception", I was caught red as a beet. "FYI, I did not drink, I". Did he just lawyer me?

"You did what?"

"Do not blur out our wedding ceremony to any of your friends. Never mind about the drink, I will get it myself". I walked away as fast my heels allowed.

"You are changing the topic", I heard his voice fade behind me. I had to maintain composure and think of an excuse to get out of this one. If I told him I knew people, people who sold weed, he would be'..Uh, that's the thing, I don't know what he would do. I know he drinks but, this is illegal territory. Plus, its all in the past, gone along with Louie.


Speaking of, Louie approached me that night.

"Look, I was a jerk".

Yeah, jerk is the clean version of what you were. You *********************************** Still not enough beeps to describe your audacity. But, I am listening.

"I shouldn't have done what I did. After fifteen years of togetherness, you had every right".

"What do you want?"

"I want to apologize".

"Apology not accepted. Anything else?"

"Take me back, please. As a friend, as a family member, anything. I want to be a part of your life. I don't want to lose you".

You lost me the day you started lying.

"I'll take you back. Only as family and a strictly distant relationship".

"Really", he opened his arms for a hug. I backed away.

"Rishabh and I are dating. He should not know about this. Understood?"

"Understood. I will see you soon". I couldn't tell if his regret was genuine or if he feigned gratitude. Didn't matter, I had zero trust left in that individual.

"What happened with Louie?"

"Nothing. I have the situation under control".

"What is the substance in question that caused your hallucinations that night?"

"Do I really have to answer that?"

"I will not let you off the hook with the drinks unless you have valid reason. Considering you have been a hot mess before, what's the harm in doing it again?"

"If you do not deny  A. the wrong projection of your personality to the world when drunk and B. the risks alcohol poses on your body then, why are you asking me to engage in a cultural ritual that I want no part of?"

"Not a mock trail biwi. Did you do drugs?"

"Fine, I smoked weed. Only a couple of times, you can count em on your finger tips. All in the past, I have buried the hatchet".

"Cool. You are fun. Care for some shooters?"


"Hypocrite", he moonwalked his way to the dance floor with the drinks still in his hands. Letting me off this easy? He was not going to question my decency based on my recreational choices? My man was not a chauvinist, not in this aspect. Hallelujah, praise the lord. I was grateful.

"Rishabh, I will do one thing, other than drinking, at your request. This is a rare occasion. Use discretion".

"Kiss me".

"Are you positive?"

"I am positive. Kiss me". And, I did. I combed his hair with my fingers and gave him a kiss full of force and passion. He pulled away only to deepen the lip lock. We were caught in embrace until the DJ changed the song to a slow dance.

"Too sappy?" He enquired.

"Too sappy", I agreed.

"Let's go home". We passed through a wave of familiar faces, all clapping and cheering us on. My reign as Rishabh's girlfriend (who is actually his wife) had been officiated.

"This never happened". I added in the last word before we called it a night. I spotted Louie in a lone corner. Our reconciliation didn't make me a two timer, right?

Edited by iiDona - 11 years ago
DonnaHarvey thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

"Why aren't you wearing red? I thought I made that clear. Don't get in the limo. Wait"

We were summoned by papa Kundra to meet him in his den.

"Oh, I am wearing red alright. You just can't see it".

"Would you stop playing dirty? You on my last nerve here. Someday, I will have my way with you".

"Have your way all you want", his jaw dropped to the floor. "In another lifetime". I might have flattened his tires. "Rajeev, drive away". The driver bit his lip to suppress the laughter and Rishabh put on a sore loser face.

"This isn't over you two", he kicked Rajeev's seat.

"Rajeev pull the flap down". I unbuttoned my shirt and I could see his lust.

"Changed your mind?"

"I like where this is going", he was closing in.

"I love you". I spit out something to halt his actions.

"I knew that".

"You are the only person I trust. Honey, don't ever leave me".

"Are you stoned again?"

"We are here, young master". Rajeev opened the partition.

"We will continue this later". I buttoned up my shirt and my husband let out a sigh. "That was out of character. What's going on?" He interrogated me on the elevator flight up to Kundra  Inc.

"They are on to us. I don't know who or why but, Rajeev was recording our conversation".

"You can't be serious. What reason does anyone have to follow me around?"
"You are heir to the throne. You don't think that is reason enough?"

"You have been watching too much CSI".

"Don't believe me, ask for Rajeev's pen. A fancy catch for a driver. See for yourself".

"Hey Rajeev, buddy. Come upstairs for me", he rung up our driver and looked at me. "I don't like your conspiracy theories. Go say hello to mum".

"Right, I am the test dummy every time".

"Come out alive general", Rishabh cheered on his unsung warrior as she prepared for battle.


Mother in law dearest was sipping on a glass of 40's Pinot noir as entered the Kundra conference room.

"You are not wearing Valentino like I asked".

"I do not believe in animal sacrifices in the name of fashion".

"I did not say you or your morals had a choice".

"I assumed ma. Ma, may I call you that?"
"Yes you may as long as you hire a stylist".

"As you wish. Shall we see sasurji now?"
"He will be here when he gets here. What's taking your plus one so long?"
"He will be here when he gets here", I served her cold taunt back to her.


"No, thank you. I prefer...Rishabh. We were just talking about you".

"You were right. He threw it in the gutter as soon as I asked", he spun my chair around ignoring the other figure in the room.

"Who threw what in the where?" Mama Kundra was irked by our nearness.

"Ghetto talk, ma. I will tell him to be more formal since we are no longer in high school".

"Ma, I like it", he patted my head. "Here comes the papa bear".

"Ladies, Rishabh, you are in company of the Mohan Kundra. Can the usuals leave so our bahu and I can have some chit chat in harmony?" His wife and son followed the orders.


"How did you know about the marriage deal?"

"I didn't".

"I am supposed to believe that your wedding date coinciding with Rishabh's roka is all destiny's plan?"
"Rishabh had a roka?"

"Don't try to fool me. Malik sent you here. The school surveillance footage has you with Secretary Kim". My father in law was the spy? What was going on?

"Sir, I have no idea what you are referring to. Rishabh and I got married the night he proposed. Nothing was planned".

"Why'd you try to sabotage his relationship with Deepali?"

"I didn't. They had a fallout long before I was ever in the picture".

"I have my eye on you". Believe me, I know.

"I assure you my feelings for Rishabh are genuine. I want no part of your fortune, I can give that to you in writing".

"I will have a nuptial agreement as soon as you two hooligans can LEGALLY marry". He turned a table upside down. "I am not done with you. If I find one loophole in your story, and I goddamn know I will, you". He spit on the million dollar carpet. "Evaporated. Rishabh can't save you".

"Pleased to meet you as well".

Rishabh was visibly upset reading his father's body language. He barged in.

"You will not insult her under my watch". My husband roared at his father.

"Rishabh, I only want what's best for you. She must learn the ways of the elite. I have accepted her, for now".

"Oh yeah, well, I have accepted her for life. Sleep on that. Madhu, pack up. We're out of here".

A good wife knows when to shut up and follow her husband. But, when have I ever been the good wife?

"RK, I can handle a little tough love. Let's go ahead with the evening as planned".

"I am starting to like her. Dinner is this way". Papa Kundra curled his moustache. I like a man with a moustache. Too bad he is an ass.

RK pulled me to a corner. "You don't need to show him a spec of respect. If he messes with you, shred him like its your job".

"You are nothing like your father". I  straightened his bow tie.

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me". He caressed my cheek causing a faint blush to appear on my sun deprived face. The last thing I wanted Rishabh to notice was a flushing bride.

"Don't push it RK", I jerked him away as he closed in.

We walked into a dining hall full of three piece suits, hour glass models and booze. The Kundras were hosting an engagement party for Rishabh and I's prospect legal union  scheduled on his twenty first birthday.

"Easy on the alcohol please", I pulled on my husband's blazer as drooled at the sight of Macallan Scotch.

"Are you worried?"


"I won't leave you a widow if you'.."

"I am worried about dealing with a hungover bum".

"And..", he was taking complete advantage of the public space to get as close to me as possible.

"And, the fact that someone might learn about our arrangement".

"Rishabh Kundra only follows through a full proof plan. There is no trail, no contract, no accomplices. A simple word of mouth between you, me and my parents. The pundit is long gone. You have nothing to fear. I must say, you are very talented when comes to change the subject".

"I neither accept nor deny your claim".

"Charming, I know you care", he smirked. Why was I smiling back? Possibly the effect of close proximity. I excused myself to use the ladies' room. He followed.

"What? You think only girls pee?" He entered the men's washroom before I could respond.

I noticed a long lineup outside the washroom so, I detoured to the family room. I hung my clutch on the door knob and turned around, I bumped into a hard rib cage. I opened my mouth to scream and he stopped me with his hands.

"Pehchaan kaun?"
"Rishabh, what the? Family room is for families".

"We are a family now aren't we?"
"I swear I am going to..."

"Smart girls check the washroom door lock, smarter girls knock first".

"My apologies. Do your business", I respectfully took my leave.

He pressed my palm to hold me back, "I had no other business, only to irritate you".

I gulped down my rage and abruptly closed the door.

"Slam all the doors in the world, you are mine to keep".

What do you take me for? I have a sense of self. I do not begin or end with another person. I belong to no one.

The night was still young and a sober Rishabh was assigned the task to tackle his drunk mother. Moham Kundra's eccentric brain decided upon dealing with the new girl before he took on partying in full force.

"No press, no scandals, no nude pictures, no other boyfriends, no business butt-in's, no children. If you follow through these conditions then, I will consider marrying RK off to you".

"I have no problem complying, under one condition".

He raised an eyebrow at my unexpected response.

"No bugs in my husband or my surroundings".

"How did you?"

"Enjoy the party".

I walked away as sasurji picked his jaw up from the floor.

"It was dad, wasn't it?"

We seemed to have communicated telepathically. Rishabh insisted we leave the party immediately. He wrapped me in his tight embrace protecting me from the steaming heat of the crowd. All eyes and quiet a few tech flashes were pointed at us. Oh gosh, he looked like a movie star. I may have been swayed by him this one time. Won't happen again. 

The Rajeev scene is inspired from How I met your mother. Not all of it just the limo part where the driver eavesdrops on their conversation. The rest is my intellectual property.

Edited by iiDona - 11 years ago
DonnaHarvey thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

"Rishabh, hand me that Grand Cru you bought", I picked up a wine glass.

"For a girl who doesn't drink you know a heck lot about alcohol".

"She owned a vineyard".

"You are going to drink that?"

"Hmm. I will leave some for you, don't worry". I snatched away the bottled and pulled the cork off. "What I really need is to get stoned but, I have to make do".

"This is unlike you. What's troubling my biwi?"

I poured volumes of wine down my throat. For a first time drinker, I was sure to lose my senses in a bit. "Now that I am tipsy, you can't hold me accountable for what I reveal".

"That's your plan for being vulnerable?"

"I am not weak, I am human".

"Thanks for the reminder. I was starting to think of you as a robot programmed to process sarcastic remarks. Let's put this away before we end up in the emergency again". He strategically took away my drug.

"I want grilled cheese". He walked me over to kitchen and asked for instructions. "Get a pan and oil it good".

"Do you comprehend the meaning of the phonemes you utter?"

"You find dirt in everything".

"I can't help it. You look so stunning when you are baked".

"Cheese, a grilled cheese needs cheese".

I pulled the strings of melted yellow as flipped the sandwich on the pan. "Such a child", he moved like a bobble head.

"You sound like her".

"Where is this her you refer to?"

"My mum cut herself, fifteen years today", I snorted.  "Didn't want me to see her live through cancer".

"I am so sorry".

"Don't be".

"We", he scratched his head trying to find an appropriate manner to react to my words. Seemed as though he had never faced such a situation before. The sheltered prince was facing the real world. "We graduate tomorrow and I don't want you to miss it. Go to sleep".

I woke up to the sound of horrendous pop music. Rishabh was dressed in a crisp white shirt. His trousers threaded to elongate the best of features. I admired the quality fabric and the man wearing it, he caught me eyeing him.

"Would you turn down this nonsense? Sounds like you have never heard good music".

"And you have?"

"My extensive collection of jazz will dwarf your autotuned favourites".

"Lived a lot for our age, haven't we grandma?"

"I take pride in'...what is this fancy number?"

"Your graduation dress".

"I told you, I do not endorse corporate culture that feeds on the impoverished".

"I knew you would play that card. Which is why I bought a hand made gown. I paid twenty local women, reasonable wages to make this for you. No middle men, no child labour and employment opportunity for the underprivileged ladies. You would have to be heartless to say no. Note the fact that I paid double the amount they earn per month".

"Well played Kundra". I nodded my head to recognize his efforts.

"My pleasure biwi".

"Thank you for last night".

"I have been dying to hear those words from your mouth. But, now is not the time. Thank me when I give you a reason", he winked hoping he made his point.

"Dream on, sucker".

"It's about to get real, biwi. Dig deep and you find the significance of today. The day I declare to the world that you are my balika vadhu".

"I am eighteen so, that makes you my balik beendh".

He laughed like I had cracked the funniest joke. "Unfair that girls get to marry early, don't you think?"

"If only they listened to what I think".


"Madhu Bala?", the MC was irritating the crap out of me.

"No, Madubala, one word".

"Then, what is your last name?" He gave me the dumbest look I have ever seen.

"None of your business asshole".

"I am so sorry. She is drunk", Rishabh quickly went into damage control. "I will take it from here", he pushed me on stage to receive my diploma.

"Why'd you do that? I was about to teach that rude brain a lesson."

"I weighed the stakes and chose to not get us kicked out of own graduation when I have something important to declare". He was no doubt the mature one in this situation.

"I am sorry for drinking".

"Apology accepted".

When the pathetic excuse for an anchor was done calling people on stage, Rishabh proceeded with his valedictorian speech. Can you believe the guy who barely went to class was picked valedictorian? Some serious benefits of being the rich jock.

"As we all leave high school today, we step into a new chapter of our lives. I was generous when I said we cause let's face it, my life is way more important than all of yours combined". The crowd applauded at the insult directed at them. Have they no pride? "And, my new chapter begins with marriage. That's right Deepali. I have love. Everyone, meet Madhubala, my wife".

The entire school gasped in horror. How could riff raff bag the Kundra boy? He took me by surprise as he clutched my waist and kissed me. The cameras went up to capture the moment. I noticed Louie on his knees, frozen in disbelief. I enjoyed every second of his misery. I laughed and waved at the crowd like a royal. In that moment, I was selfish, mean, cruel but, happy.

My wait had paid off. When I came back home with Rishabh, Louie stood in the corridor. "Why'd you do it Madhu?"

"Louie, remember when I was little girl and you tied that rope around me? You called it my umbilical cord, a symbol that you would never let me go. You were my safety net. Guess what? That little girl grew up. I cut the cord long time ago".

"Why did you take me back if you'' I am broken. How did you grow so bitter?"

"You think you had me all figured out. You don't. I am the kind of girl who drops a bomb, watches it explode  and never looks back. I dropped the bomb a month ago when I took you back. I just watched the explosion and the minute I close these doors on you, I will not be looking back. Good luck living your miserable life"

Rishabh squinted his eyes as he absorbed in the shockwave.

"You realize you just lost the only relationship in life". I guess Rishabh wanted me to feel sorry or show remorse for what I did to Louie.

"He deserved every word". I was without empathy, I saw the dualistic nature in me, the id overwhelming my conscience.

"Besides, I thought, I '". I bit my tongue. I thought I had new relationships. I guessed wrong, Rishabh Kundra.I guessed wrong.

"What? Come back. What did you want to say?"

"Oh, I don't know, respect my life decisions?"

I walked away before I lashed out at my husband. 

K I am done. Hopefully, I will return to this baby soon.

Edited by iiDona - 11 years ago
Sonali92 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: iiDona

Thank you. Who is the charming lad in your dp?

my prince charming vidyut jamwal
Tanmaya1 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Awesome Updates Jasleen
Posted: 11 years ago
nyc updateas and a kiss infront of school, ahhan. Yaar such fantastic writings and Madhu kiss was not only to make louie jealous, but also of my love
Hdhd thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Awesome updates.loved every bit of them.
DonnaHarvey thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: deepak148

nyc updateas and a kiss infront of school, ahhan. Yaar such fantastic writings and Madhu kiss was not only to make louie jealous, but also of my love

Wishful thinking much? Love will come eventually. Hopefully Mumbai helps. *HINT HINT*

Thank you.