SS: Near to you: Teaser 22/6 pg 120 - Page 32


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maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Thanks Anu! 😃

Originally posted by: sona-rai

a very painfull but beautifully written update yar loved it a lot

Thanks Sona! 😳

Originally posted by: RaDMG25

absolutely loving their friendship maaneet are soo cute here and understand each other completely loved it...glad maan got geet to try to move on 

Thanks so much for the lovely compliment!😃
maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: mystique_girl

They shared an awesome friendship and ur words have just enhanced that flavor...

Loved how they shared their own space while Vicky was still special..this ritual of bonding over cheesecake and women seems very interesting...

Maan's entreaty to Geet and her accepting just shows how deep their friendship is...just love he relationships you have built for this story...😃

Thanks! 😃
Glad you are liking their friendship!

maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Thank you! 😃

Originally posted by: nats0101

loved d depth of maneet frndship!!

continue soon..

Glad you like their friendship 😃

maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: kptl

that was one stupendous update...
nd I was emotional as well ...
made me cry... luvtheir friendship nd bonding they
all three if them share .. even after getting married ..:)
can't wait for her to start falling for him ...
nd hats off to maans patients ..

Awww glad you enjoyed but sorry it made you sad 😳 will happen 😉
maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Thanks Iqra! 😃

Originally posted by: Luvforever

Amazing ff & lovely story... I jst luv dis one too lyk ur oder ff's... Its beautiful der frndshp as well as luv... Updt soon... Waiting...

Aww thanks hun! 😃😳
Glad you are liking it!
maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: 97531

Superb update,

loving this.

Thanks dear! 😃

Originally posted by: rockin_gal

Aww such a sad begining to this story.. but it is still good.. please update soon..

AWww thanks! 😳

Originally posted by: dreamymishti88

Awesome update

Loved it

Continue soon dear


Soory for late replying as my lappy wasn't working

Thank you! And no need to apologize 😃
maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: dona86

loved the update


Thanks Dona! 😃

Thanks Pooja! 😃
maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: leverne

geet is very lucky to have a friend like maan in her life...

True...she does appreciate him 😃

Originally posted by: mandymore

Nice prt...they both r dealing wid d loss of common person btw them bt as maan. Said geet needs to strt again

Thanks dear! 😃

maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Thanks Disha! 😃

Originally posted by: -dia-

Beautiful SS it

Interesting teaser

Thanks Dia! 😃
maan-ki-sanjana thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

MG SS: Near to you

Chapter three 

Masking emotions

"All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name."
Andre Breton



It was a year since Vicky had passed away but still his memory was fresh in her mind. Yet time would pass and she knew that she had to move on, let life flow on.


It was for that reason she went back to work. It was initially hard as she had taken a long break to look after Vicky and then had waited a few months after his death. But the most jarring thing was to realise that the world hadn't changed and people still carried on as if nothing major had happened.


And it made Geet that much more adamant to hold onto his memories, so that he wouldn't be forgotten. She couldn't bear to think that there would be a day when there would be nothing to remember him by.


"Geet, it's time for your lunch break" Dina, her personal secretary come to her door and basically ordered her to have lunch.


As an senior associate in a Law firm, Thompson and Terry, she had a lot of work to do but it was calming for her to focus on something outside her grief. "Dina, just wait a bit. I have to do something and then I'll be ready to go"


Dina mumbled something, no doubt complaining about her. But only a few moments letter she buzzed Geet on her intercom, "Geet, McHotty is calling"


As always Geet laughed at the comment and took the call, "Hi McHotty"


"Geet!" An exasperated Maan was amused but also annoyed, "Cut that nickname"


"As you very well know it isn't from me but from my co-workers. They all drooled over you the last time you came" She gave her soft laugh, "Oh dear, I should probably start taking bribes from them and say I'll help them get closer to you."


"Shut up you!" Maan mock growled but  he was internally rejoicing at her amusement. There truly wasn't anything he wouldn't give to hear that laugh, even when it was at its softest. "I am calling because we have been summoned before the Khurana ladies. Apparently there is some news"


"Hmmm'.could it be about getting you married" Geet chuckled, "It seems to be the topic of the moment. Every time I call the mansion, it's the only thing they want to talk about"


Maan rolled his eyes, "They keep thrusting pictures of random women at me"


"All willing women no doubt. I am sure the office ladies would like to send their pictures as well." She joked. "Maan, honestly has there been a single woman able to resist your charms? My stud bud!"


"Only you" Maan said in a flippant manner, hiding how much that fact truly affected him. "The one person who can resist my charms"


"True, true" Geet smiled, "Only because as your best friend, you don't have to use your charms, I love you regardless. As your friend I see sides to you that you hide from everyone else."


Maan had a bitter smile on his face but he could only say, "If you say so. Still it's not like I don't have fun with the various women running after me"


Geet sighed, "Maan all those relationships are meaningless. I promise you the day that you meet the one you are meant to be with, everyone else will fade away. Just being with that person will make you happier than any other pleasure with someone else. That moment will supersede all other moments. "


For a moment all those memories of Vicky just hit her, knocking the breath out of her. Every happiness and every pain they faced together just went through her mind.


Every single word she spoke brought paint to Maan as he knew their truth. He felt it every time he was around her but unlike her, he could never vocalise those feelings or acknowledge them. Instead he had to hide it under the guise of being a player.


Maan gave a sardonic chuckle, as he said "Not all of us are blessed with love Geet. Not all of us get our soul mate" But the moment he said the words he regretted them, knowing that they would hurt her, "Oh crap! I am sorry Geet'I didn't mean to hurt you"


"Don't be" Geet whispered, even as she closed her eyes in pain. "Do you think I don't feel blessed. Sure there are days when I feel cursed but days when I feel blessed. Would I trade a single day spent with Vicky? Never."


And that summed everything up, Maan thought without rancour. Everyone has the one person that they would forever hold in their hearts. She was his but unfortunately he couldn't be the one for her.


"I know that Geet" He swallowed the emotions and  got one with the telling the on truth that was worth saying, "You and Vicky were made for each other"



"Just the way we were always meant to be friends" Geet smiled, feeling the warmth in his concern and words. "After all there wouldn't have been a Vicky and Geet if there hadn't been Maan and Geet"




They were in the library, studying together, trapped in a little world of their own. It was soothing to be in the quiet place with no disturbance but the peace wasn't to last.


"Hey bro" Vicky's cheerful voice cut in, breaking their silence, "You do remember that we have plans to watch Dark knight? So let's get out of here!"


"Sure" Maan readily agreed, before turning to Geet and muttering, "Sorry Geet but I have to run off now"


Then Vicky grinned at Geet, who studiously avoided looking at him but the blush on her face gave away her awareness. As always his charming persona got to her.


"Oh, hey beautiful or should I say Mrs Khurana?" Vicky winked and  chuckled while Maan swatted him on the head with his folder, "Ouch! Looks like someone is protective." He grinned at Maan before turning back to Geet, "Anyways Mrs Khurana, come watch the movie with us"


A flustered Geet looked around, not knowing what to say, "Umm..I am kind of busy" She mumbled after a bit.


"Oh come on!" Vicky urged, "It will be fun"


But it was Maan who asked quietly, "You should come Geet"


So with a roll of her eyes and a hesitant smile Geet acquiesced, "Fine, I'll join you two"


So began her relationship with Vicky, with Maan as a bridge between them. She knew that there was something special about this boy, after all he was Maan's brother.




As always, the moment she entered the Khurana Mansion she was embraced in love and warmth. They had truly accepted her into the family and continued to do so despite Vicky's death. Indeed in many ways his death had brought her closer to them.


"Oh look at you" Gauri patted her cheek, "You've lost so much weight. Are you taking care of yourself?" Without waiting for an answer she dragged Geet to the chair and sat her down, "You have look after yourself."


Savitri jumped into the conversation, "Yes Beti. And what is with all this white? You are a young lady, not an old one like us. Dress your age"


Geet just smiled at them, knowing that their concern for her was as genuine as their love for Vicky. "Ma and Dadi, you know how I feel about this. I'.I want to wear white for him. It's my way of remembering him"


"But.." Savitri started but then stopped herself as she saw the look of determination on her face. "Fine but you have to realise that the best way to remember Vicky is to stay happy and healthy. That's what he would want for you"


Geet leaned over to hug both the ladies, "I lucked out in both having Vicky as well as having the greatest in laws"


"Bhabi!" A young voice exclaimed, breaking the hug between the women.


"Annie!" Geet smiled warmly at the younger girl who was walking in with Maan. "How are you?"


Annie was Maan's younger sister but personality wise she was more like Vicky. She was vivacious and outgoing. She also always spoke the truth, something she learnt from her elder brother. She shared a strong bond with Maan, understanding him better than most.


"Doing well" She kissed Geet's cheek jovially but even she had a look of sadness in her face as she recalled Vicky. However she shook off her sadness and said excitedly, "But more importantly I have an announcement to make! I am engaged"


The ensuing chaos took quite a few minutes, hugs and laughs before it died down.


"I am so happy for you" Geet spoke with genuine happiness, "I can only wish you the best! And I am dying to meet the man who snared the elusive Ms Khurana"


Savitri joined in, "It brings me such peace to think my little girl will be settled as well." Turning to Maan she had to add, "But the only thing that I could wish for would be Maan to get married as well"

Gauri smiled at Maan with a glint in her eye, "Yes, Maan you can't avoid this forever"


As always this topic felt like a noose around Maan's neck. He couldn't marry anyone! It had had been decided the moment he fell for Geet that he couldn't be with anyone else and it seemed that fate had decided that he couldn't be with her.


"Chachi and Dadi, please don't talk about this" He spoke sternly, "I am not ready to get married."


"Geet talk to him, after all you are the only one who he listens to" Savitri entreated her.


Geet just stared at Maan for a moment, looking at her friend's guarded face before turning back to Savitri, "Dadi as much as I want Maan to get married, I want him to be happy first. So if feels he isn't ready, I would tell him to wait" She said this because she truly believed that Maan had yet to meet the person who would make him happy and knew that pressuring him would achieve nothing.


For some reason a shadow passed across Annie's face, darkening her mood, "No, I disagree. My brother just needs the right woman. He deserves to be happy" She glanced at her brother, who just sent her a silent message to be quite.


Geet was jolted by Annie's comment, "Annie, I didn't mean it like that. I just want Maan to meet the right girl."


"And how will that happen unless he doesn't let me find some girls" Savitri went back to the topic and continued on with it.


But Annie just stared at her brother who studiously avoided her gaze. She felt the familiar sadness for him and the ache to help him, Bhai you deserve happiness more than anyone.



So hope you all enjoyed 😳

As you can see there is tension that is simmering underneath...

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Edited by maan-ki-sanjana - 11 years ago